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State of Conservation

Properties concerned
States Parties with SOC reports
Site State Party Year Threats* Danger List
aflaj irrigation systems of omanAflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman oman Oman 2009 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
aflaj irrigation systems of omanAflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman oman Oman 2007 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2023 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2021 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2019 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2014 No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2012 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2011 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, No
aapravasi ghatAapravasi Ghat mauritius Mauritius 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, No
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2024 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Lack of engagement with local communities and other stakeholders
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2023 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Encroachments within the property and inappropriate recent constructions; Lack of engagement with local communities and other stakeholders
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2021 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Encroachments within the property and inappropriate recent constructions; Lack of engagement with local communities and other stakeholders
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2019 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2018 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2017 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2016 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2015 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2014 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2013 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2012 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2011 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2010 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (extraction) , Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2008 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2007 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2006 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Lack of consolidation and engineering measures
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2005 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Lack of consolidation and engineering measures
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2004 Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2003 Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Land conversion, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Risk of collapse
abu menaAbu Mena egypt Egypt 1992 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, No
acropolis, athensAcropolis, Athens greece Greece 2004 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, No
acropolis, athensAcropolis, Athens greece Greece 2003 Housing, No
acropolis, athensAcropolis, Athens greece Greece 2002 Housing, No
acropolis, athensAcropolis, Athens greece Greece 2001 Housing, No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2013 No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2011 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2010 Ground transport infrastructure, No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2007 Management systems/ management plan, No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2005 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Threats to monuments’ foundations due to geological instability of riverbank
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2004 Commercial development, Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Worrying state of conservation of Agra Fort
agra fortAgra Fort india India 2003 Commercial development, Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
agra fortAgra Fort india India 1997 Air pollution, No
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2024 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Mining, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2023 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2021 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2019 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2018 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2017 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2016 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2015 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2014 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2013 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2012 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2011 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Other Threats: poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2010 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2009 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2008 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2007 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2006 Civil unrest, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Forestry /wood production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poverty
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2005 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2004 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2003 Financial resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2002 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2001 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 2000 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1999 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1998 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1997 Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Decline in wildlife populations
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1996 Illegal activities, War, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1995 Illegal activities, War, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1994 Illegal activities, War, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1993 War, Yes
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves niger Niger 1992 War, No
ajanta cavesAjanta Caves india India 2002 Management activities,
Other Threats: Fragile mural paintings
ajanta cavesAjanta Caves india India 2001 Management activities,
Other Threats: Fragile mural paintings
ajanta cavesAjanta Caves india India 1997 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, No
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2024 Civil unrest, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3 and Mausoleum Urban encroachment and inappropriate new developments
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2023 Civil unrest, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3 Impact of the recent conflict on cultural heritage in the Tigray region
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2021 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2018 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2016 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2015 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2013 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2012 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Structural instability of Stele 3
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2010 Management systems/ management plan, No
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2008 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of cartography, documentation and equipment
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2006 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of cartography, documentation and equipment
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 2005 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of documentation and equipment
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 1998 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
aksumAksum ethiopia Ethiopia 1996 Management systems/ management plan, No
aldabra atollAldabra Atoll seychelles Seychelles 1986 Air transport infrastructure, Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, No
alejandro de humboldt national parkAlejandro de Humboldt National Park cuba Cuba 2010 Mining, No
alejandro de humboldt national parkAlejandro de Humboldt National Park cuba Cuba 2009 Mining, No
alejandro de humboldt national parkAlejandro de Humboldt National Park cuba Cuba 2008 Mining, No
alejandro de humboldt national parkAlejandro de Humboldt National Park cuba Cuba 2007 Mining, No
alhambra, generalife and albayzin, granadaAlhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada spain Spain 1999 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: State of dilapidation of the Puerta Elvira area
alhambra, generalife and albayzin, granadaAlhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada spain Spain 1998 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
alhambra, generalife and albayzin, granadaAlhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada spain Spain 1997 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
alto douro wine regionAlto Douro Wine Region portugal Portugal 2013 Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
alto douro wine regionAlto Douro Wine Region portugal Portugal 2012 Water infrastructure, No
amiens cathedralAmiens Cathedral france France 2000 Housing, No
amphitheatre of el jemAmphitheatre of El Jem tunisia Tunisia 1992 Commercial development, Housing, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2013 Desertification, Financial resources, Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2012 Desertification, Financial resources, Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2010 Financial resources, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2009 Financial resources, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts, Society's valuing of heritage, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2007 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Desertification, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2006 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Desertification, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2003 Desertification, Governance, Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2002 Desertification, Governance, Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
ancient ksour of ouadane, chinguetti, tichitt and oualataAncient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata mauritania Mauritania 2001 Desertification, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2023 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2021 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2019 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2018 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2017 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2015 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2014 Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient and primeval beech forests of the carpathians and other regions of europeAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe albania,austria,belgium,bosnia and herzegovina,bulgaria,croatia,czechia,france,germany,italy,north macedonia,poland,romania,slovakia,slovenia,spain,switzerland,ukraine Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
2013 Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Localised utilities, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2023 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of clarity regarding components and buffer zone of the property
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2021 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2018 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2016 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2014 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2013 Management activities, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2004 Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 2003 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fire
ancient building complex in the wudang mountainsAncient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains china China 1998 Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2024 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Earthquake, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2023 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2021 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2019 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2017 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2016 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2015 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2014 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of aleppoAncient City of Aleppo syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2013 War, No
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2024 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2023 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2021 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2019 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2017 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2016 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2015 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2014 Housing, Illegal activities, War, Yes
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2013 War, No
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1997 Financial resources, Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2024 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2023 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2021 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2019 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2017 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War,
Other Threats: fire
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2016 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2015 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2014 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2013 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2011 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2010 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: poor state of conservation
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2009 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2008 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2007 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1999 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1998 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1997 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1996 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1994 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1993 Management activities, No
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 1992 Management activities, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2023 Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2021 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2019 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2017 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2013 Housing, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2011 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of nessebarAncient City of Nessebar bulgaria Bulgaria 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Wind, No
ancient city of polonnaruwaAncient City of Polonnaruwa sri lanka Sri Lanka 1998 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of sigiriyaAncient City of Sigiriya sri lanka Sri Lanka 2001 Air transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of sigiriyaAncient City of Sigiriya sri lanka Sri Lanka 1998 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient city of tauric chersonese and its choraAncient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora ukraine Ukraine 2016
Other Threats: Critical state of conservation of the ruins in the city of Tauric Chersonese, some of which are highly dilapidated or even close to collapse
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche mexico Mexico 2024 Governance, Ground transport infrastructure, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche mexico Mexico 2023 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche mexico Mexico 2021 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche mexico Mexico 2018 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche mexico Mexico 2016 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2023 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Natural decay and structural problems Major infrastructure and development projects Uncontrolled urban development
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2021 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Natural decay and structural problems Major infrastructure and development projects Uncontrolled urban development
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2019 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Natural decay and structural problems
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2017 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Adverse effects of bird and bat droppings across the property
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2015 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2013 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2012 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2010 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2008 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2007 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2006 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 2001 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
ancient thebes with its necropolisAncient Thebes with its Necropolis egypt Egypt 1998 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, No
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2024 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Earthquake, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Military training, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2023 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Military training, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2021 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2019 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2017 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2016 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2015 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2014 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2013 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
ancient villages of northern syriaAncient Villages of Northern Syria syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2012 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
andrefana dry forestsAndrefana Dry Forests madagascar Madagascar 1992 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2024 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2023 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2021 Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: • Uncontrolled urban expansion; • Lack of clarity regarding property rights and building codes; • Poor law enforcement;
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2014 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2006 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2004 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Yes
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2003 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2002 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2001 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 2000 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1999 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1998 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1997 Human resources, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1996 Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1995 Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1994 Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
angkorAngkor cambodia Cambodia 1993 Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Urgent problems of conservation
anjarAnjar lebanon Lebanon 1998 Military training, No
antigua guatemalaAntigua Guatemala guatemala Guatemala 2004 Commercial development, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
antigua guatemalaAntigua Guatemala guatemala Guatemala 2003 Commercial development, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
antigua guatemalaAntigua Guatemala guatemala Guatemala 2001 Commercial development, Earthquake, No
antigua guatemalaAntigua Guatemala guatemala Guatemala 1999 Storms, No
antigua guatemalaAntigua Guatemala guatemala Guatemala 1993 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Numerous ruins in the city that in danger of collapse in the event of an earthquake
aphrodisiasAphrodisias turkiye Türkiye 2023 Management systems/ management plan, No
aphrodisiasAphrodisias turkiye Türkiye 2021 Management systems/ management plan, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 2007 Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 2006 Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 2005 Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 2004 Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 2000 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 1999 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Illegal activities, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 1998 Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 1997 Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 1996 Illegal activities, Legal framework, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
arabian oryx sanctuaryArabian Oryx Sanctuary oman Oman 1995 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2024 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2021 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: New buffer zone necessary
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2019 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2017 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Series of structural collapses at the property
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2015 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Series of structural collapses at the property
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2013 Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Series of structural collapses at the property
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2012 Storms,
Other Threats: collapse of walls
archaeological areas of pompei, herculaneum and torre annunziataArchaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata italy Italy 2011 Financial resources, Hyper-abundant species, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: collapse of a wall
archaeological park and ruins of quiriguaArchaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua guatemala Guatemala 1999 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Storms, Water (rain/water table), Wind, No
archaeological park and ruins of quiriguaArchaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua guatemala Guatemala 1998 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Storms, Water (rain/water table), Wind, No
archaeological park and ruins of quiriguaArchaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua guatemala Guatemala 1994 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Water (rain/water table), Wind, No
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 2024 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: deterioration of structures
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 2023 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of structures
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 2011 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: deterioration of structures
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 2007 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of structure
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 2006 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of structures
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 1997 Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Deterioration of the bricks due to salt crystallization and hydration
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 1995 Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Deterioration of the bricks due to salt crystallization and hydration
archaeological ruins at moenjodaroArchaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro pakistan Pakistan 1991 Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Deterioration of the bricks due to salt crystallization and hydration
archaeological site of aniArchaeological Site of Ani turkiye Türkiye 2018 Earthquake, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Inappropriate use of pasture areas and of the rock-cut caves in Bostanlar Creek and Arpaçay Creek within the 1st Degree Archaeological Conservation area
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2023 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2021 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2019 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2018 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2016 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2014 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2012 Governance, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of carthageArchaeological Site of Carthage tunisia Tunisia 2011 Housing, Legal framework, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2024 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2023 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2021 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2019 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2018 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2017 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, War, Yes
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2016 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2015 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2014 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Governance, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2013 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2012 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2011 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2010 Crop production, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Inadequate on-site security and control systems
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Inadequate on-site security and control systems
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2007 Crop production, Housing, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2006 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Lack of maintenance, insufficient guardianship and control system inside and outside the archaeological area
archaeological site of cyreneArchaeological Site of Cyrene libya Libya 2004 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Human resources, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Micro-organisms, Relative humidity, Temperature, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Uncontrolled growth of plants and trees
archaeological site of delphiArchaeological Site of Delphi greece Greece 1993 Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities,
Other Threats: Need to strengthen the protection of the site
archaeological site of delphiArchaeological Site of Delphi greece Greece 1992 Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Other Threats: Need to strengthen the protection of the site
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2024 Desertification, Illegal activities, Localised utilities, Relative humidity, War,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the stone masonry; Sand covering certain areas of the property; Graffiti and fires; Alarming state of conservation of the Hunting Baths; Tidal flooding and continuous sea encroachment on the circus area
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2023 Desertification, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the stone masonry; Sand covering certain areas of the property; Graffiti and fires
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2021 Desertification, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the stone masonry; Sand covering certain areas of the property; Graffiti and fires
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2019 Desertification, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the stone masonry; Discharge of domestic wastewater at the west of the property
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2018 War, Yes
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 2017 War, Yes
archaeological site of leptis magnaArchaeological Site of Leptis Magna libya Libya 1990 Flooding, No
archaeological site of nalanda mahavihara at nalanda, biharArchaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar india India 2021 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of appropriate documentation to establish the authenticity of the property
archaeological site of nalanda mahavihara at nalanda, biharArchaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar india India 2018 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of appropriate documentation to establish the authenticity of the property
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2023 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2021 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings ; Demolition of urban ensembles and buildings
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2019 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings ; Demolition of urban ensembles and buildings ; Visual impact of a maritime viaduct
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2017 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings ; Demolition of urban ensembles and buildings ; Visual impact of a maritime viaduct
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2013 Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threaten the Outstanding Universal Value of the property
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2012 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threaten the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2011 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage,
Other Threats: a) Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threatens the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Governance, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threatens the Outstanding Universal Value of the property
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threatens the Outstanding universal value of the property
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá panama Panama 2008 Financial resources, Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings that threatens the outstanding universal value of the property
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2024 Housing, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, War,
Other Threats: Excessive vegetation growth; Impact of humidity and seawater salt on stone masonry
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2023 Housing, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Relative humidity, War,
Other Threats: Excessive vegetation growth; Impact of humidity and seawater salt on stone masonry
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2021 Housing, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Relative humidity, War,
Other Threats: Excessive vegetation growth; Impact of humidity and seawater salt on stone masonry
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2019 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Relative humidity, War,
Other Threats: Impact of seawater salt on stone masonry
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2018 War, Yes
archaeological site of sabrathaArchaeological Site of Sabratha libya Libya 2017 War, Yes
archaeological site of volubilisArchaeological Site of Volubilis morocco Morocco 2007 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of volubilisArchaeological Site of Volubilis morocco Morocco 2006 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
archaeological site of volubilisArchaeological Site of Volubilis morocco Morocco 2005 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities,
Other Threats: Need to preserve the landscape
archaeological sites of bat, al-khutm and al-aynArchaeological Sites of Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn oman Oman 1996 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Several repairs or preventive measures needed
archaeological sites of the island of meroeArchaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe sudan Sudan 2024 Desertification, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
architectural, residential and cultural complex of the radziwill family at nesvizhArchitectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh belarus Belarus 2011 Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
architectural, residential and cultural complex of the radziwill family at nesvizhArchitectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh belarus Belarus 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Management activities, No
architectural, residential and cultural complex of the radziwill family at nesvizhArchitectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh belarus Belarus 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Management activities, No
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste costa rica Costa Rica 2023 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, Renewable energy facilities, Subsistence hunting, Water (extraction) , Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fires (intentional and accidental)
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste costa rica Costa Rica 2021 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, Renewable energy facilities, Subsistence hunting, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Fires (intentional and accidental)
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste costa rica Costa Rica 2019 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, Renewable energy facilities, Subsistence hunting, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: fire
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste costa rica Costa Rica 2017 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, Renewable energy facilities, Subsistence hunting, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: fire
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste costa rica Costa Rica 2015 Renewable energy facilities, No
arles, roman and romanesque monumentsArles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments france France 1994 Air pollution, No
arles, roman and romanesque monumentsArles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments france France 1992 No
arslantepe moundArslantepe Mound turkiye Türkiye 2024 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Design of the proposed new roof shelter
arslantepe moundArslantepe Mound turkiye Türkiye 2023 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Buildings and Development: Proposed new roof shelters
asante traditional buildingsAsante Traditional Buildings ghana Ghana 1999 Financial resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
asante traditional buildingsAsante Traditional Buildings ghana Ghana 1997 Financial resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
asante traditional buildingsAsante Traditional Buildings ghana Ghana 1996 Human resources, Land conversion, Pests, Water (rain/water table), No
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2024 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2023 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2021 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2019 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2018 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2017 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2016 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2015 Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2014 Flooding, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2013 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2012 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2011 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2010 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2009 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2008 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures;
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2007 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2006 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2005 Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fragile mud brick structures
ashur (qal'at sherqat)Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) iraq Iraq 2004 Human resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Lack of maintenance
asmara: a modernist african cityAsmara: A Modernist African City eritrea Eritrea 2023 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, No
asmara: a modernist african cityAsmara: A Modernist African City eritrea Eritrea 2021 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, No
asmara: a modernist african cityAsmara: A Modernist African City eritrea Eritrea 2019 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow process of consultation with local communities
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow process of consultation with local communities
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2018 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow process of consultation with local communities
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2016 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow process of consultation with local communities.
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2009 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow process of consultation with local communities.
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2008 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow consultation process with local communities
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2007 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Consultation with local communities
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2006 Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2005 Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2004 Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2003 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2002 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2001 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 2000 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 1999 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Issue of the transfer of seven original paintings from the Auschwitz-Birkenau state museum to Mrs. Dina Babbitt, author of the paintings in 1944.
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 1998 Management systems/ management plan, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 1997 Commercial development, Localised utilities, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 1996 Commercial development, Localised utilities, No
auschwitz birkenau german nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945)Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
poland Poland 1993 Commercial development,
Other Threats: Threat to the integrity of the property (not specified - supermarket project?)
australian fossil mammal sites (riversleigh / naracoorte)Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh / Naracoorte) australia Australia 2001 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
baalbekBaalbek lebanon Lebanon 1999 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table), No
baalbekBaalbek lebanon Lebanon 1998 Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table), No
baalbekBaalbek lebanon Lebanon 1996 Ground transport infrastructure, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table), No
babylonBabylon iraq Iraq 2023 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
babylonBabylon iraq Iraq 2021 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
baganBagan myanmar Myanmar 2023 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure,
Other Threats:

bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2018 Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2016 Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2014 Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2012 Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2010 Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2009 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2008 Commercial development, Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort;
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2007 Commercial development, Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2006 Commercial development, Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structures of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2005 Commercial development, Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the earthen structure of the Fort
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2004 Commercial development, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2003 Commercial development, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2002 Commercial development, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2001 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 2000 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1999 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1998 Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1997 Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1996 Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1995 Management activities,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1994 Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1993 Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bahla fortBahla Fort oman Oman 1988
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2015 No
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013 Housing, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2012 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2011 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2009 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2007 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2006 Management systems/ management plan, Yes
bam and its cultural landscapeBam and its Cultural Landscape iran (islamic republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2005 Earthquake, Yes
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2023 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2021 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2018 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2016 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2014 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2013 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2008 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2007 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2006 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2005 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas,
Other Threats: a) Absence of any real ecotourism policy and strategy; b) Poor progress recorded in the improvement of the living conditions of the local populations
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2004 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2003 Ground transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2002 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 2001 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 1997 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
banc d'arguin national parkBanc d'Arguin National Park mauritania Mauritania 1994
Other Threats: Capture operation of the monk seal
baptism site “bethany beyond the jordan” (al-maghtas)Baptism Site “Bethany Beyond the Jordan” (Al-Maghtas) jordan Jordan 2023 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
baptism site “bethany beyond the jordan” (al-maghtas)Baptism Site “Bethany Beyond the Jordan” (Al-Maghtas) jordan Jordan 2021 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Buildings and Development (lack of design and construction guidelines) Preservation of important vistas and sightlines of the property
baptism site “bethany beyond the jordan” (al-maghtas)Baptism Site “Bethany Beyond the Jordan” (Al-Maghtas) jordan Jordan 2019 Management systems/ management plan, No
baptism site “bethany beyond the jordan” (al-maghtas)Baptism Site “Bethany Beyond the Jordan” (Al-Maghtas) jordan Jordan 2017 Management systems/ management plan, No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 2000 Housing, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, Water (rain/water table), No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 1998 Housing, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, Water (rain/water table), No
baroque churches of the philippinesBaroque Churches of the Philippines philippines Philippines 1997
Other Threats: Need to raise public awareness and to ensure proper conservation measures
belfries of belgium and franceBelfries of Belgium and France belgium,france Belgium
2008 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, No
belfries of belgium and franceBelfries of Belgium and France belgium,france Belgium
2007 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, No
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2021 Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2019 Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Oil and gas, No
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2018 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2017 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2016 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2015 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2014 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2013 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2012 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2011 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, Translocated species, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2010 Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Yes
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2009 Forestry /wood production, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System belize Belize 2008 Forestry /wood production, Land conversion, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2024 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Alterations of the hydrological regime; Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2023 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Alterations of the hydrological regime; Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2021 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Alterations of the hydrological regime; Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2019 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Alterations of the hydrological regime; Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2017 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Alterations of the hydrological regime; Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2016 Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2009 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Alterations of the hydrological regime; b) Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2008 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Alterations of the hydrological regime; b) Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2007 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Alterations of the hydrological regime; b) Border fence impeding mammal movements
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2006 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Alterations of the hydrological regime; b) Border fence impeding mammal movement
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2005 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Effect on forest biomes through drainage of agricultural land on the Belarus side and a reservoir on the Polish side; b) Presence of an artificial fence along the international boundary impeding large mammal movement.
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2004 Air pollution, Forestry /wood production, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Temperature change, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Fencing along the international border
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2003 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2001 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
2000 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
1999 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
1998 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
białowieża forestBiałowieża Forest belarus,poland Belarus
1997 Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, No
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2021 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2019 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2018 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2017 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2016 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2015 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Degradation of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2014 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Urgent and necessary consolidation works required (roofing, ...)
birthplace of jesus: church of the nativity and the pilgrimage route, bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem state of palestine State of Palestine 2013 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Urgent and necessary consolidation works required (roofing, ...)
blue and john crow mountainsBlue and John Crow Mountains jamaica Jamaica 2017 Fire (widlfires), Forestry /wood production, Human resources, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Legal framework, Mining,
Other Threats: climate change
bolgar historical and archaeological complexBolgar Historical and Archaeological Complex russian federation Russian Federation 2016 No
bordeaux, port of the moonBordeaux, Port of the Moon france France 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
bordeaux, port of the moonBordeaux, Port of the Moon france France 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Ground transport infrastructure, No
bordeaux, port of the moonBordeaux, Port of the Moon france France 2008 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Ground transport infrastructure, No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2023 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2021 No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2009 Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2007 Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Uncontrolled vendors around the property; b) Poor state of the stone bas-reliefs
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2006 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Uncontrolled vendors around the property
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2005 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Uncontrolled vendors within and around the property
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2004 Commercial development, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 2003 Commercial development, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
borobudur temple compoundsBorobudur Temple Compounds indonesia Indonesia 1995 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
boyana churchBoyana Church bulgaria Bulgaria 1994 Management activities, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2023 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2021 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2019 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2017 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2015 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2013 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2012 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2011 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2009 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2004 Management systems/ management plan, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2003 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2001 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 2000 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
brasiliaBrasilia brazil Brazil 1993 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
bru na boinne - archaeological ensemble of the bend of the boyneBrú na Bóinne - Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne ireland Ireland 2004 Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
bru na boinne - archaeological ensemble of the bend of the boyneBrú na Bóinne - Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne ireland Ireland 2003 Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
bryggenBryggen norway Norway 1994 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Risk of uncontrolled property development
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2024 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage; Inappropriate use of public areas and street amenities
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2023 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2021 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2019 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2017 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2015 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2013 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2011 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, No
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 2008 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of residential housing in the area inscribed as World Heritage
budapest, including the banks of the danube, the buda castle quarter and andrássy avenueBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue hungary Hungary 1992 Housing, No
burgos cathedralBurgos Cathedral spain Spain 1998 Governance, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for restoration works
burgos cathedralBurgos Cathedral spain Spain 1994 Governance, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for restoration works
burgos cathedralBurgos Cathedral spain Spain 1993 Governance, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for restoration works
butrintButrint albania Albania 2024 Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
butrintButrint albania Albania 2009 Housing, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slow progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the joint missions
butrintButrint albania Albania 2007 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) lack of adequate protection management, and conservation of the site b) Poor state of conservation of the propert
butrintButrint albania Albania 2006 Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Lack of adequate protection and conservation of the site b) Poor state of conservation of the property
butrintButrint albania Albania 2005 Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Lack of adequate protection and conservation of the site; b) Poor state of conservation of the property ; c) Insufficient implementation of the recommendations of the joint missions
butrintButrint albania Albania 2004 Housing, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Lack of adequate protection and conservation of the site; b) Serious deterioration of materials resulting in an important loss of cultural significance
butrintButrint albania Albania 2003 Financial resources, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 2002 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 2001 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 2000 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 1999 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 1998 Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 1997 Financial resources,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 1996 Financial resources,
Other Threats: Need for monitoring of the situation at the site
butrintButrint albania Albania 1994 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
bwindi impenetrable national parkBwindi Impenetrable National Park uganda Uganda 2001 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, No
bwindi impenetrable national parkBwindi Impenetrable National Park uganda Uganda 2000 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, No
bwindi impenetrable national parkBwindi Impenetrable National Park uganda Uganda 1999 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, No
bwindi impenetrable national parkBwindi Impenetrable National Park uganda Uganda 1995 Illegal activities, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2023 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2021 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2019 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2018 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2003 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2002 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2001 Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 2000 Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 1999 Management systems/ management plan, No
byblosByblos lebanon Lebanon 1998 Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
camino real de tierra adentroCamino Real de Tierra Adentro mexico Mexico 2013 No
camino real de tierra adentroCamino Real de Tierra Adentro mexico Mexico 2011 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 2006 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Mining, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 2005 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Mining, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1999 Mining, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1998 Forestry /wood production, Mining, Oil and gas, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1997 Forestry /wood production, Mining, Oil and gas, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1996 Mining, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1995 Mining, No
canadian rocky mountain parksCanadian Rocky Mountain Parks canada Canada 1990 Management systems/ management plan, No
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2023 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2021 Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Conflicts between the Pemons communities and the National Guard; Need to finalize the boundaries of the area
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2001 Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Conflicts between the Pemons communities and the National Guard
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Conflicts between the Pemons communities and the National Guard
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1998 Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
canaima national parkCanaima National Park venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1997 Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
canal du midiCanal du Midi france France 1997 Solid waste, No
cape floral region protected areasCape Floral Region Protected Areas south africa South Africa 2021 Financial resources, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts, No
cape floral region protected areasCape Floral Region Protected Areas south africa South Africa 2018 Financial resources, Fire (widlfires), Governance, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts, No
cape floral region protected areasCape Floral Region Protected Areas south africa South Africa 2009 Financial resources, Fire (widlfires), Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
cape floral region protected areasCape Floral Region Protected Areas south africa South Africa 2007 Financial resources, Fire (widlfires), Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
cape floral region protected areasCape Floral Region Protected Areas south africa South Africa 2006 Financial resources, Fire (widlfires), Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: Essential management activities such as the removal of invasive alien species and controlled burning cannot be carried out as required
carolingian westwork and civitas corveyCarolingian Westwork and Civitas Corvey germany Germany 2018 No
carolingian westwork and civitas corveyCarolingian Westwork and Civitas Corvey germany Germany 2016 High impact research / monitoring activities, Management systems/ management plan, Renewable energy facilities, No
cathedral of notre-dame, former abbey of saint-remi and palace of tau, reimsCathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims france France 2000 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
cathedral of notre-dame, former abbey of saint-remi and palace of tau, reimsCathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims france France 1999 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
cathedral of notre-dame, former abbey of saint-remi and palace of tau, reimsCathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims france France 1998 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
cathedral, alcázar and archivo de indias in sevilleCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville spain Spain 2013 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
cathedral, alcázar and archivo de indias in sevilleCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville spain Spain 2012 Housing, No
cathedral, alcázar and archivo de indias in sevilleCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville spain Spain 2011 Housing, No
cathedral, alcázar and archivo de indias in sevilleCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville spain Spain 2010 Housing, No
cathedral, alcázar and archivo de indias in sevilleCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville spain Spain 2009 Housing, No
cathedral, torre civica and piazza grande, modenaCathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena italy Italy 2012 Earthquake, No
caves of aggtelek karst and slovak karstCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst hungary,slovakia Hungary
2002 Mining, No
caves of aggtelek karst and slovak karstCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst hungary,slovakia Hungary
2001 Mining, No
caves of aggtelek karst and slovak karstCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst hungary,slovakia Hungary
2000 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Quarrying, No
centennial hall in wrocławCentennial Hall in Wrocław poland Poland 2024 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities,
Other Threats: Lack of overall development plan for the property and its buffer zone
centennial hall in wrocławCentennial Hall in Wrocław poland Poland 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Management activities,
Other Threats: impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property of the rebuilt Pavilion
centennial hall in wrocławCentennial Hall in Wrocław poland Poland 2012 Ground transport infrastructure, Management activities,
Other Threats: impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property of the rebuilt Pavilion
centennial hall in wrocławCentennial Hall in Wrocław poland Poland 2011 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
central highlands of sri lankaCentral Highlands of Sri Lanka sri lanka Sri Lanka 2012 Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
central highlands of sri lankaCentral Highlands of Sri Lanka sri lanka Sri Lanka 2011 Management systems/ management plan, No
central sector of the imperial citadel of thang long - hanoiCentral Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long - Hanoi viet nam Viet Nam 2024 No
central sikhote-alinCentral Sikhote-Alin russian federation Russian Federation 2023 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats:

central sikhote-alinCentral Sikhote-Alin russian federation Russian Federation 2021 Management systems/ management plan, No
central zone of the town of angra do heroismo in the azoresCentral Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores portugal Portugal 2000 Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
central zone of the town of angra do heroismo in the azoresCentral Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores portugal Portugal 1999 Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
central zone of the town of angra do heroismo in the azoresCentral Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores portugal Portugal 1998 Marine transport infrastructure, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2021 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2019 Fire (widlfires), Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2017 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2016 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2015 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2013 Fire (widlfires), Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2012 Legal framework, No
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks brazil Brazil 2011 Legal framework, No
chaco cultureChaco Culture united states of america United States of America 1992
Other Threats: Threat not indicated
champagne hillsides, houses and cellarsChampagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars france France 2018 Management systems/ management plan, Renewable energy facilities,
Other Threats: Lack of measures to protect or to restore the biodiversity of the landscape
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2013 No
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2011 Management systems/ management plan, No
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2010 Management systems/ management plan, No
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2009 Management systems/ management plan, No
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2007 Management systems/ management plan, No
champaner-pavagadh archaeological parkChampaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park india India 2005 Management systems/ management plan, No
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2024 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2023 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2021 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2019 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2018 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2017 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2016 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2015 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2014 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2013 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2012 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2011 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2010 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Yes
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2009 Crop production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2008 Crop production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices;
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2007 Crop production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenace practices
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2006 Illegal activities, Legal framework, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table), Yes
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2005 Legal framework, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Risk of desintegration and destruction of structures, surfaces and decorative art
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2004 Crop production, Housing, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Increase in salt contamination of the mud-brick
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2003 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2002 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2001 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 2000 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1999 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1998 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1997 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1996 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Yes
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1995 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1994 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone peru Peru 1993 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion,
Other Threats: Fragility of the abdobe structures
chartres cathedralChartres Cathedral france France 2000 Storms, No
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2013 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2009 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Management systems/ management plan, Micro-organisms, Relative humidity, Temperature, Wind, No
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2007 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Management systems/ management plan, Micro-organisms, Temperature, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: destabilisation of one of the main structures
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2006 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Management systems/ management plan, Temperature, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Growth of native vegetation (Pinkuyo), the roots of which destabilize the foundations
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2005 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2004 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Micro-organisms, Water (rain/water table), No
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2003 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2002 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2001 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 2000 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 1999 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 1998 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chavin (archaeological site)Chavin (Archaeological Site) peru Peru 1993 Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the site
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2014 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2004 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2003 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Major linear utilities, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 1998 Ground water pollution, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Increase in the natural rate of mortality of the rhinoceros
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 1997 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 1993 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 1991 Water (extraction) , No
chitwan national parkChitwan National Park nepal Nepal 1990 Water (extraction) , No
churches and convents of goaChurches and Convents of Goa india India 1999 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2024 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2023 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2021 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2019 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2017 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2015 Commercial development, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2014 Commercial development, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2013 Commercial development, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2004 Storms, Water (rain/water table), No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2003 Wind, No
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé chile Chile 2002 Wind, No
churches of moldaviaChurches of Moldavia romania Romania 2013 No
churches of moldaviaChurches of Moldavia romania Romania 2011 Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: structural problems and deterioration of the mural paintings
churches of moldaviaChurches of Moldavia romania Romania 1997 No
city of bathCity of Bath united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2009 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, No
city of bathCity of Bath united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 Housing, No
city of bathCity of Bath united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1992 Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2013 No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2011 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2010 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2005 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Lack of maintenance of historic buildings; b) Use of reinforced concrete in the centre of town
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2004 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Input of excess energy, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Deliberate neglect of historic properties
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2003 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 2000 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 1999 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 1998 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 1997 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 1996 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of cuzcoCity of Cuzco peru Peru 1993 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of graz – historic centre and schloss eggenbergCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg austria Austria 2009 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of graz – historic centre and schloss eggenbergCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg austria Austria 2007 Housing, No
city of graz – historic centre and schloss eggenbergCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg austria Austria 2006 Housing, No
city of graz – historic centre and schloss eggenbergCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg austria Austria 2005 Housing, No
city of graz – historic centre and schloss eggenbergCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg austria Austria 2004 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, No
city of luxembourg: its old quarters and fortificationsCity of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications luxembourg Luxembourg 2002 High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, No
city of luxembourg: its old quarters and fortificationsCity of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications luxembourg Luxembourg 2001 High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, No
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2024 Legal framework, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2023 Legal framework, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2021 Legal framework, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2019 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2018 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2017 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2016 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2015 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2014 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2013 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2012 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation: special attention required for the restoration and upgrading of structures with residential use and the archaeological industrial heritage
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2011 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution, No
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1996 Human resources, Management activities, Mining, Surface water pollution, No
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1995 Human resources, Management activities, Mining, Surface water pollution, No
city of potosiCity of Potosí bolivia (plurinational state of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1993 Human resources, Management activities, Surface water pollution, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2023 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2021 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2018 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2017 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2016 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2014 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2013 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2011 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2009 Management activities, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 2008 Earthquake, Housing, Management activities, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 1999 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Volcanic eruption, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 1998 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Volcanic eruption, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 1993 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
city of quitoCity of Quito ecuador Ecuador 1990 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
city of vallettaCity of Valletta malta Malta 2023 Commercial development, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of vallettaCity of Valletta malta Malta 2009 Commercial development, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
city of vallettaCity of Valletta malta Malta 1994 Air pollution, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity,
Other Threats: Highly crumbly basic building material
city of vallettaCity of Valletta malta Malta 1991 Air pollution, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity,
Other Threats: Highly crumbly basic building material
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2010 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2009 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2006 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2005 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
city of vicenza and the palladian villas of the venetoCity of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto italy Italy 2004 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
classical gardens of suzhouClassical Gardens of Suzhou china China 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
classical gardens of suzhouClassical Gardens of Suzhou china China 2006 Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
classical gardens of suzhouClassical Gardens of Suzhou china China 2004 Interpretative and visitation facilities, No
classical weimarClassical Weimar germany Germany 2007
Other Threats: Fire
classical weimarClassical Weimar germany Germany 2005
Other Threats: Fire
classical weimarClassical Weimar germany Germany 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, No
classical weimarClassical Weimar germany Germany 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, No
classical weimarClassical Weimar germany Germany 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2023 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Intercommunity conflict between the Dogons and the Fulani
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2021 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Intercommunity conflict between the Dogons and the Fulani
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2018 Financial resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2016 Financial resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2014 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2013 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, War, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2012 Deliberate destruction of heritage, War, No
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 2003 Drought, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe famine facing Bandiagara and massive selling of cultural objects
cliff of bandiagara (land of the dogons)Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) mali Mali 1998
Other Threats: Need to improve the conservation of both natural and cultural heritage
cocos island national parkCocos Island National Park costa rica Costa Rica 2002 Financial resources, Illegal activities, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2023 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2021 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2019 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2018 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2017 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2016 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2014 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2013 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2012 Financial resources, Human resources, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Marine transport infrastructure, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2011 Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, No
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection panama Panama 2009 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Marine transport infrastructure, No
collegiate church, castle and old town of quedlinburgCollegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg germany Germany 1998 Management systems/ management plan, No
collegiate church, castle and old town of quedlinburgCollegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg germany Germany 1997 Management systems/ management plan, No
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2007 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2006 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2005 Housing, Yes
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2004 Housing, No
cologne cathedralCologne Cathedral germany Germany 2003 Housing, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2023 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Deterioration of historic structures
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2021 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2018 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2016 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2014 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2013 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2011 Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2010 Air pollution, Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2009 Air pollution, Earthquake, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2007 Earthquake, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms,
Other Threats: Deterioration of structures caused by natural and human hazards
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2006 Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, Storms,
Other Threats: Deterioration of structures caused by natural and human hazards
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2005 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2004 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2003 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2002 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2001 High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 2000 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Collapse of buildings due to lack of maintenance
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 1999 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 1998 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Storms,
Other Threats: Collapse of buildings due to lack of maintenance
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo dominican republic Dominican Republic 1993 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2021 Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Boundaries: reduction of the surface of the Park
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2019 Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, No
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2017 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2016 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2015 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2014 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2013 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2012 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2011 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2010 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2009 Civil unrest, Crop production, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2008 Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2007 Civil unrest, Crop production, Fire (widlfires), Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2006 Civil unrest, Crop production, Fire (widlfires), Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2005 Civil unrest, Crop production, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Subsistence hunting, War,
Other Threats: diminishing protection
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2004 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Other Threats: Fire
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2003 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Human resources, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, No
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 2000 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
comoe national parkComoé National Park cote d'ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 1999 Illegal activities, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2011 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2009 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2006 Housing, Illegal activities, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2005 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2004 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for restoration and enhancement of the monumental architecture of Hué
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 2000 Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1999 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1998 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1997 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1996 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1995 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
complex of hue monumentsComplex of Hué Monuments viet nam Viet Nam 1994 Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: Fire
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2023 Commercial development, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2021 Commercial development, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2019 Commercial development, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2017 Commercial development, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2015 Commercial development, Mining, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014 Commercial development, Mining, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2013 Commercial development, Mining, No
cornwall and west devon mining landscapeCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2012 Commercial development, Mining, Solid waste, No
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2024 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2023 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2021 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2019 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2018 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2017 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2016 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2015 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2014 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: a) Serious deterioration of materials and structure; b) Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2013 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: a) Serious deterioration of materials and structure; b) Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property; c) Absence of detailed and technical information on the state of conservation of the property since 2007;
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2012 Flooding, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: a) Serious deterioration of materials and structureb) Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the propertd) Absence of detailed and technical information on the state of conservation of the property since 2007;
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2011 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structures; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property;
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2010 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structures ; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property ; Absence of communication from the State Party since 2007
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2009 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structures; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2008 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structures; Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2007 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structures
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2006 Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2005 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property; b) Lack of adequate conservation mechanisms.
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2004 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
coro and its portCoro and its Port venezuela (bolivarian republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2003 Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2024 Earthquake, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2023 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2021 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2019 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2017 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2016 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2015 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2014 Land conversion, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, War, Yes
crac des chevaliers and qal’at salah el-dinCrac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din syrian arab republic Syrian Arab Republic 2013 War, No
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2023 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of the monastic irrigation system
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2021 Air transport infrastructure, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of the monastic irrigation system
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2019 Air transport infrastructure, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of the monastic irrigation system
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2018 Air transport infrastructure, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of the monastic irrigation system
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2017 Air transport infrastructure, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of monitoring; Poor state of conservation of the monastic irrigation system
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2016 Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of monitoring
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2014 Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of monitoring
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2013 Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of monitoring
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2012 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of monitoring
cultural and historic ensemble of the solovetsky islandsCultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands russian federation Russian Federation 2011 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2024 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2023 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2021 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2019 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2018 Civil unrest, Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2017 Civil unrest, Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Military training,
Other Threats: Risk of collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2016 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2015 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2014 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2013 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings; Anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordinances (i.e. munitions)
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2012 Civil unrest, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings; Anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordinances (i.e. munitions).
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2011 Civil unrest, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings; Anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordinances (i.e. munitions).
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2010 Civil unrest, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings; Anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordinances (i.e. munitions)
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2009 Civil unrest, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: a) Risk of imminent collapse of the Giant Buddha nichesb) Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintingse) Anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordinances (i.e. munitions)
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2008 Civil unrest, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Risk of imminent collapse of the Buddha niches; Irreversible deterioration of the mural paintings
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2007 Civil unrest,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the cliffs and niche; Presence of anti-personnel mines in the area.
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2006 Civil unrest,
Other Threats: a) Fragile state of the cliffs and nichesb) Presence of anti-personnel mines in the are
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2005 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Consolidation of the cliffs and nichesb) Lack of a long-term on-site monitoring systemc) Demining
cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the bamiyan valleyCultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley afghanistan Afghanistan 2004 Civil unrest, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Consolidation of the cliffs and niches; b) Lack of a long-term on-site monitoring system
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2023 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2021 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2019 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2017 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, No
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2015 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophyCultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy indonesia Indonesia 2014 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape of honghe hani rice terracesCultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces china China 2015 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2010 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: b) Lack of conservation of parks and palaces
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: b) Lack of conservation of parks and palaces;
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2007 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of conservation of parks and palaces
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2006 Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of overall conservation of the site, its parks and palaces
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2005 Fire (widlfires), Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Temperature change, No
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2004 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deteriorating state of conservation
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2003 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Several elements of the World Heritage site in a serious condition; Fire
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2002 Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2001 Management systems/ management plan, No
cultural landscape of sintraCultural Landscape of Sintra portugal Portugal 2000 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need for a restoration programme
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2018 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Ground transport infrastructure, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2016 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Ground transport infrastructure, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2014 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Ground transport infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2012 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, Solid waste, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2011 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, Solid waste, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2010 Housing, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, Solid waste, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2008 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, Solid waste, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2007 Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2006 Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2005 Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2004 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, Storms, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2003 Oil and gas, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2002 Oil and gas, No
curonian spitCuronian Spit lithuania,russian federation Lithuania
Russian Federation
2001 Oil and gas, No
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 2009 Localised utilities, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: b) Deepwater navigation waterway through the Bystroe mouth of the Danube River;
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 2008 Localised utilities, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Deepwater navigation waterway through the Bystre mouth of the Danube River
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 2006 Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Deepwater navigation waterway through the Bystre mouth of the Danube River
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 2005 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Surface water pollution, No
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 2000 Ground water pollution, Mining, No
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 1993 Legal framework, No
danube deltaDanube Delta romania Romania 1992 Legal framework, No
delosDelos greece Greece 1994 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Human resources, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Relative humidity, Wind, No
delosDelos greece Greece 1992 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Human resources,
Other Threats: Adverse meteorological conditions
derwent valley millsDerwent Valley Mills united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2024 Housing, Localised utilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of the large Belper Mills complex
derwent valley millsDerwent Valley Mills united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2023 Commercial development, Governance, Housing, Legal framework,
Other Threats: Poor state of conservation of Belper Mills complex
dinosaur provincial parkDinosaur Provincial Park canada Canada 1992 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
dinosaur provincial parkDinosaur Provincial Park canada Canada 1991 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2024 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rehabilitation and reconstruction works and development, urban design and landscape projects
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2021 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2019 Civil unrest, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2017 Civil unrest, No
diyarbakır fortress and hevsel gardens cultural landscapeDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape turkiye Türkiye 2016 Civil unrest, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2023 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Risk of loss of ecological connectivity
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2021 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Risk of loss of ecological connectivity
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2019 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2018 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2017 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2016 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2015 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2014 Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2013 Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2012 Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2011 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2010 Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2009 Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2007 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Forestry /wood production, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2006 Commercial hunting, Crop production, Forestry /wood production, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2005 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2004 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2003 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Land conversion, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2001 Commercial hunting, Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 2000 Commercial hunting, Financial resources, Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Mining, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 1999 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 1998 Commercial hunting, Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, No
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve cameroon Cameroon 1997 Forestry /wood production, Illegal activities, No
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2024 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Soils salinity
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2023 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting,
Other Threats: Soils salinity
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2021 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting,
Other Threats: Soils salinity
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2011 Financial resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting,
Other Threats: soils salinity
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2009 Financial resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Salinisation of soils
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2007 Financial resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Salinisation of soils
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2006 Financial resources, Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Subsistence hunting,
Other Threats: Salinisation of soils
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2005 Invasive / alien freshwater species, Water infrastructure, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2004 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Water (rain/water table), Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2003 Human resources, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2001 Invasive / alien freshwater species, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 2000 Invasive / alien freshwater species, No
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1992 Financial resources, No
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1991
Other Threats: Training course on wetland management
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1988 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1987 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1986 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1985 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, Yes
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1984 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1983 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
djoudj national bird sanctuaryDjoudj National Bird Sanctuary senegal Senegal 1982 Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2023 Drought, Major linear utilities, Mining, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2021 Major linear utilities, Mining, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2019 Major linear utilities, Mining, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2017 Crop production, Major linear utilities, Mining, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Pollution of marine waters, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Guadalquivir River dredging project
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2015 Crop production, Major linear utilities, Mining, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Pollution of marine waters, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: State of the Guadalquivir River and dredging project
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2014 Crop production, Major linear utilities, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Pollution of marine waters, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: State of the Guadalquivir River and dredging project
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2013 Crop production, Major linear utilities, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, Pollution of marine waters, Water (extraction) , Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: State of the Guadalquivir River and dredging project
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2011 Crop production, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, Water (rain/water table), No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2010 Crop production, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2005 Crop production, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2004 Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, Mining, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Decline of the Iberian lynx and Imperial eagle populations
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, Mining, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Decline of the Iberian lynx and Imperial eagle populations
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 2000 Mining, Surface water pollution, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 1999 Mining, Surface water pollution, No
donana national parkDoñana National Park spain Spain 1998 Mining, Surface water pollution, No
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2016 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2014 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2013 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentation / Need for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2012 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2011 Ground transport infrastructure, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2010 Ground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2008 Ground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors.
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex thailand Thailand 2007 Ground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors
dorset and east devon coastDorset and East Devon Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007 Pollution of marine waters, No
dresden elbe valleyDresden Elbe Valley germany Germany 2009 Ground transport infrastructure, Yes
dresden elbe valleyDresden Elbe Valley germany Germany 2008 Ground transport infrastructure, Yes
dresden elbe valleyDresden Elbe Valley germany Germany 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Yes
dresden elbe valleyDresden Elbe Valley germany Germany 2006 Ground transport infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2023 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2021 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2019 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2008 Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2007 Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2006 Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 2005 Forestry /wood production, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1998 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Earthen containment structures
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1997 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Earthen containment structures
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1996 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Fire
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1995
Other Threats: Fire
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1993 Localised utilities, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1992 Localised utilities, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1991 Localised utilities, Surface water pollution, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1985 Water infrastructure, No
durmitor national parkDurmitor National Park montenegro Montenegro 1984 Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, No
dutch water defence linesDutch Water Defence Lines netherlands (kingdom of the) Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
earliest 16th-century monasteries on the slopes of popocatepetlEarliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl mexico Mexico 2000 Earthquake, No
earliest 16th-century monasteries on the slopes of popocatepetlEarliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl mexico Mexico 1999 Earthquake, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2024 Changes to oceanic waters, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2023 Changes to oceanic waters, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2021 Changes to oceanic waters, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2019 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2018 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2017 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2016 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2015 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2014 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Storms, Yes
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2013 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Storms, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2012 Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Mining, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2010 Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive / alien marine species, Mining, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2009 Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Mining, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2007 Financial resources, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2005 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Disappointment, confusion, suspicion, division and anger within the community
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2004 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
east rennellEast Rennell solomon islands Solomon Islands 2003 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Human resources, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of lope-okandaEcosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda gabon Gabon 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of lope-okandaEcosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda gabon Gabon 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of lope-okandaEcosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda gabon Gabon 2014 Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of lope-okandaEcosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda gabon Gabon 2013 Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve mexico Mexico 2024 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve mexico Mexico 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve mexico Mexico 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border
elephanta cavesElephanta Caves india India 1997 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, No
ellora cavesEllora Caves india India 2002 Management activities,
Other Threats: Fragile mural paintings
ellora cavesEllora Caves india India 2001 Management activities,
Other Threats: Fragile mural paintings
ellora cavesEllora Caves india India 1997 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, No
ennedi massif: natural and cultural landscapeEnnedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape chad Chad 2024 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ennedi massif: natural and cultural landscapeEnnedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape chad Chad 2023 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ennedi massif: natural and cultural landscapeEnnedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape chad Chad 2021 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ennedi massif: natural and cultural landscapeEnnedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape chad Chad 2018 Management systems/ management plan, No
ensemble of the ferapontov monasteryEnsemble of the Ferapontov Monastery russian federation Russian Federation 2013 No
ensemble of the ferapontov monasteryEnsemble of the Ferapontov Monastery russian federation Russian Federation 2011 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Structural degradation of its components of the property
ensemble of the ferapontov monasteryEnsemble of the Ferapontov Monastery russian federation Russian Federation 2010 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
ephesusEphesus turkiye Türkiye 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
ephesusEphesus turkiye Türkiye 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
erbil citadelErbil Citadel iraq Iraq 2021 Legal framework,
Other Threats: Slopes of the archaeological mound non stabilized
erbil citadelErbil Citadel iraq Iraq 2018 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slopes of the archaeological mound non stabilized
erbil citadelErbil Citadel iraq Iraq 2016 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Slopes of the archaeological mound non stabilized
etruscan necropolises of cerveteri and tarquiniaEtruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia italy Italy 2005 Management systems/ management plan, No
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2024 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2023 Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2021 Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2019 Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2018 Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2017 Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2016 Ground water pollution, Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2015 Ground water pollution, Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2014 Ground water pollution, Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2013 Ground water pollution, Housing, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2012 Ground water pollution, Housing, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2011 Ground water pollution, Land conversion, Management activities, Pollution of marine waters, Storms, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2010 Ground water pollution, Housing, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2008 Ground water pollution, Housing, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2007 Ground water pollution, Housing, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2006 Ground water pollution, Housing, Management activities, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2005 Ground water pollution, Housing, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2004 Ground water pollution, Housing, Management activities, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Concerns about numbers of boaters in Florida Bay and their impacts on bottomland wilderness, including especially propeller scars from boat groundings.
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2003 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2002 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Management systems/ management plan, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2001 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 2000 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1999 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1998 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1997 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1996 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1995 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1994 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, Yes
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1993 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, Surface water pollution, Water infrastructure, No
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1992 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, Storms, No
everglades national parkEverglades National Park united states of america United States of America 1989 Crop production, Housing, Industrial areas, No
fasil ghebbi, gondar regionFasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region ethiopia Ethiopia 1996
Other Threats: No threat to the property
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2013 No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2011 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2010 Ground transport infrastructure, No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2007 Management systems/ management plan, No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2005 Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Threats to monuments’ foundations due to geological instability of riverbank
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2004 Commercial development, Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 2003 Commercial development, Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
fatehpur sikriFatehpur Sikri india India 1997 Air pollution, No
ferrara, city of the renaissance, and its po deltaFerrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta italy Italy 2012 Earthquake, No
ferto / neusiedlersee cultural landscapeFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape austria,hungary Austria
2024 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Other climate change impacts, Renewable energy facilities, No
ferto / neusiedlersee cultural landscapeFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape austria,hungary Austria
2023 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Other climate change impacts, Renewable energy facilities, No
ferto / neusiedlersee cultural landscapeFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape austria,hungary Austria
2009 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
ferto / neusiedlersee cultural landscapeFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape austria,hungary Austria
2007 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
ferto / neusiedlersee cultural landscapeFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape austria,hungary Austria
2004 Management systems/ management plan, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2023 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2021 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2019 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2018 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2017 Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2016 Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2014 Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2012 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2011 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2010 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2008 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2007 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2006 Financial resources, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2005 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Lack of capacity in conservation techniques; b) Lack of monitoring system
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2004 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Need for consolidation and conservation measures of the hydraulic work
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2003 Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Industrial areas, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Water infrastructure, Yes
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, Water infrastructure, No
fort and shalamar gardens in lahoreFort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore pakistan Pakistan 1999 Ground transport infrastructure, Water infrastructure, No
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2024 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2023 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2021 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2019 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors, lack of maintenance and limited conservation planning
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2018 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors, lack of maintenance and limited conservation planning
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2017 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors, lack of maintenance and limited conservation planning
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2016 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors, lack of maintenance and limited conservation planning
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2015 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors and the lack of maintenance
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2014 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors and the lack of maintenance
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2013 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Fragile state of the property and accelerated degradation by environmental factors and the lack of maintenance
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2012 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Flooding, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the property by environmental factors, lack of a maintenance programme, polluted water;
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2011 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, Storms,
Other Threats: a) Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the property by environmental factors
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2010 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the property by environmental factors, lack of a maintenance programme, as well as polluted water
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2009 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the property by environmental factors, lack of maintenance, as well as polluted water
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2008 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the property by environmental factors, lack of maintenance, as well as polluted water
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2007 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters,
Other Threats: a) Deterioration and destruction of the fabric of the sites by environmental factorsb) Lack of maintenance
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2005 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration and destruction of the fabric by environmental factors
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2004 Avalanche/ landslide, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Partial loss of the original fabric
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2003 Avalanche/ landslide, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Other Threats: Weakening of the foundations by the vegetation
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2001 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 2000 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Other Threats: More attention to be paid to stone conservation
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo panama Panama 1993 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Other Threats: More attention to be paid to stone conservation
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 2024 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial development, Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Ground water pollution, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 2023 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial development, Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Ground water pollution, Housing, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Solid waste, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 2021 Changes to oceanic waters, Commercial development, Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Ground water pollution, Illegal activities, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 2019 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 1998 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Financial resources, Housing, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
forts and castles, volta, greater accra, central and western regionsForts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions ghana Ghana 1996 Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Wind,
Other Threats: Salt-laden atmosphere
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2023 Ground water pollution, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Other climate change impacts, Surface water pollution, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2021 Ground water pollution, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Other climate change impacts, Surface water pollution, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2019 Ground water pollution, Mining, Other climate change impacts, Surface water pollution, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2017 Ground water pollution, Mining, Surface water pollution, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage; Climate change and severe weather events
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2015 Ground water pollution, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage
fossil hominid sites of south africaFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa south africa South Africa 2013 Ground water pollution, Mining, Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Acid mine drainage
fray bentos industrial landscapeFray Bentos Industrial Landscape uruguay Uruguay 2017 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
frontiers of the roman empireFrontiers of the Roman Empire germany,united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Germany
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1997 No
frontiers of the roman empireFrontiers of the Roman Empire germany,united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Germany
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1993 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Mining, No
frontiers of the roman empireFrontiers of the Roman Empire germany,united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Germany
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1992 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Mining, No
frontiers of the roman empire – the danube limes (western segment)Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Western Segment) austria,germany,slovakia Austria
2024 Flooding, Governance, Renewable energy facilities, No
fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspirationFujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration japan Japan 2019 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspirationFujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration japan Japan 2016 Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2023 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2021 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2018 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2016 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2014 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2012 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2011 Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Educational reform not implemented.
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2010 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Educational reform not implemented.
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2009 Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: h) Educational reform not implemented
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2008 Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Educational reform not implemented.
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2007 Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities,
Other Threats: Educational reform not implemented
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2006 Governance, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2005 Illegal activities, Legal framework, Management activities,
Other Threats: Implementation of quarantine measures
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2004 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework,
Other Threats: a) Weaknesses in quarantine measures; b) Passage of international and national marine traffic
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2003 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2002 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2001 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 2000 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1999 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1998 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1997 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1996 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1995 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1994 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive / alien marine species, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1992 Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1990 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1986 Management systems/ management plan, No
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands ecuador Ecuador 1985
Other Threats: Fire
garajonay national parkGarajonay National Park spain Spain 1991 Ground transport infrastructure, No
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2024 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War,
Other Threats: Probable extinction of the northern white rhinoceros subspecies within the property
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2023 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2021 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2019 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2017 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2016 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2015 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management activities, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2013 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, Management activities, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2012 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, Management activities, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2011 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2010 Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2009 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2008 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management activities, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2007 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005 Civil unrest, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2004 Civil unrest, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, War, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2003 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2002 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2001 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1999 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1998 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1997 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1996 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, No
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1992 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1991 Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1990 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1989 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1987 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1986 Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1985 Illegal activities, Yes
garamba national parkGaramba National Park democratic republic of the congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1984 Illegal activities, No
garden kingdom of dessau-worlitzGarden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz germany Germany 2004 Flooding, Marine transport infrastructure, No
garden kingdom of dessau-worlitzGarden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz germany Germany 2003 Flooding, Marine transport infrastructure, Surface water pollution, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2024 Civil unrest, Desertification, Erosion and siltation/ deposition, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2023 Desertification, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2021 Desertification, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2019 Desertification, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2018 Desertification, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2016 Desertification, Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2014 Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2013 Flooding, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2011 Flooding, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gebel barkal and the sites of the napatan regionGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region sudan Sudan 2010 Flooding, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Wind, No
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2023 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2021 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2017 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2016 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2015
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2014 Management activities,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2013 Management activities,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2012 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2011 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2010 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2009 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2008 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2007 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work on the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2005 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General need for interior and exterior conservation work of the monuments
gelati monasteryGelati Monastery georgia Georgia 2004 High impact research / monitoring activities, Management activities, Water (rain/water table), Wind, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2016 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Oil and gas, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2013 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2012 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005 Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2003 Commercial development, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2002 Commercial development, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
giant's causeway and causeway coastGiant's Causeway and Causeway Coast united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001 Commercial development, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, No
gobekli tepeGöbekli Tepe turkiye Türkiye 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, No
gobekli tepeGöbekli Tepe turkiye Türkiye 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Quarrying, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2018 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2016 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2013 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, Water infrastructure, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2012 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2011 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2009 Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2008 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, Oil and gas, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2006 Ground transport infrastructure, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
golden mountains of altaiGolden Mountains of Altai russian federation Russian Federation 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, Major linear utilities, No
gondwana rainforests of australiaGondwana Rainforests of Australia australia Australia 2023 Fire (widlfires), No
gondwana rainforests of australiaGondwana Rainforests of Australia australia Australia 2021 Fire (widlfires), No
gondwana rainforests of australiaGondwana Rainforests of Australia australia Australia 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, No
goreme national park and the rock sites of cappadociaGöreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia turkiye Türkiye 1994
Other Threats: Deterioration of the rock and the mural paintings
goreme national park and the rock sites of cappadociaGöreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia turkiye Türkiye 1992 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
goreme national park and the rock sites of cappadociaGöreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia turkiye Türkiye 1988 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2023 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2021 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2018 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2016 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2009 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2000 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
gough and inaccessible islandsGough and Inaccessible Islands united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1999 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
grand canyon national parkGrand Canyon National Park united states of america United States of America 2018 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
grand canyon national parkGrand Canyon National Park united states of america United States of America 2016 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2024 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change,
Other Threats: Grounding of ships
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2023 Changes to oceanic waters, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change,
Other Threats: Grounding of ships
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2021 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change,
Other Threats: Grounding of ships
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2017 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change,
Other Threats: Grounding of ships
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2015 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2014 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2013 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2012 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2011 Changes to oceanic waters, Ground water pollution, Marine transport infrastructure, Non-renewable energy facilities, Other climate change impacts, Storms, Surface water pollution, Temperature change, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2004 Commercial development, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Marine transport infrastructure, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Mining,
Other Threats: Need for more effective catchment management in lands adjacent to the Park
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1999 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1998 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1997 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1994 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1986 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Mining, No
great barrier reefGreat Barrier Reef australia Australia 1985 Ground transport infrastructure, No
great burkhan khaldun mountain and its surrounding sacred landscapeGreat Burkhan Khaldun Mountain and its surrounding sacred landscape mongolia Mongolia 2021 Management systems/ management plan, No
great burkhan khaldun mountain and its surrounding sacred landscapeGreat Burkhan Khaldun Mountain and its surrounding sacred landscape mongolia Mongolia 2019 Management systems/ management plan, Mining, No
great himalayan national park conservation areaGreat Himalayan National Park Conservation Area india India 2024 Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, No
great himalayan national park conservation areaGreat Himalayan National Park Conservation Area india India 2021 Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rights issues with respect to local communities and indigenous peoples in the Tirthan and Sainj Wildlife Sanctuaries (issue resolved)
great himalayan national park conservation areaGreat Himalayan National Park Conservation Area india India 2019 Governance, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rights issues with respect to local communities and indigenous peoples in the Tirthan and Sainj Wildlife Sanctuaries
great himalayan national park conservation areaGreat Himalayan National Park Conservation Area india India 2016 Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rights issues with respect to local communities and indigenous peoples in the Tirthan and Sainj Wildlife Sanctuaries
great smoky mountains national parkGreat Smoky Mountains National Park united states of america United States of America 2006 Air pollution, Ground transport infrastructure, No
great smoky mountains national parkGreat Smoky Mountains National Park united states of america United States of America 2002 Air pollution, No
great smoky mountains national parkGreat Smoky Mountains National Park united states of america United States of America 2001 Air pollution, No
great zimbabwe national monumentGreat Zimbabwe National Monument zimbabwe Zimbabwe 1996
Other Threats: Collapse of walls
greater blue mountains areaGreater Blue Mountains Area australia Australia 2023 Air transport infrastructure, Fire (widlfires), Mining, Water infrastructure, No
greater blue mountains areaGreater Blue Mountains Area australia Australia 2021 Air transport infrastructure, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
greater blue mountains areaGreater Blue Mountains Area australia Australia 2019 Air transport infrastructure, Mining, Water infrastructure, No
greater blue mountains areaGreater Blue Mountains Area australia Australia 2004 Mining, Surface water pollution, No
greater blue mountains areaGreater Blue Mountains Area australia Australia 2001 Mining, Surface water pollution, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2021 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2018 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2016 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2014 Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2013 Oil and gas, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2001 Forestry /wood production, No
gros morne national parkGros Morne National Park canada Canada 2000 Forestry /wood production, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2023 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (extraction) , No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2019 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Water (extraction) , No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2017 Commercial development, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Water (extraction) , No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2015 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2013 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2011 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2010 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2008 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Human resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2006 Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2005 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: rural poverty
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2004 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2003 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2001 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 2000 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Yes
group of monuments at hampiGroup of Monuments at Hampi india India 1999 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
gulf of porto: calanche of piana, gulf of girolata, scandola reserveGulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve france France 2023 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, No
gulf of porto: calanche of piana, gulf of girolata, scandola reserveGulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve france France 2013 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, No
gulf of porto: calanche of piana, gulf of girolata, scandola reserveGulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve france France 2012 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Non-renewable energy facilities, Oil and gas, No
gunung mulu national parkGunung Mulu National Park malaysia Malaysia 2010 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Water infrastructure, No
gunung mulu national parkGunung Mulu National Park malaysia Malaysia 2009 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Water infrastructure, No
gunung mulu national parkGunung Mulu National Park malaysia Malaysia 2002 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of inclusion of indigenous peoples and their claims in the decision to extend the Park
gunung mulu national parkGunung Mulu National Park malaysia Malaysia 2001 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of inclusion of indigenous peoples and their claims in the decision to extend the Park
gusuku sites and related properties of the kingdom of ryukyuGusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu japan Japan 2024
Other Threats: Fire
gusuku sites and related properties of the kingdom of ryukyuGusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu japan Japan 2023
Other Threats: Fire
gusuku sites and related properties of the kingdom of ryukyuGusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu japan Japan 2021
Other Threats: Fire
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2024 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, Surface water pollution, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2023 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2021 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2014 Financial resources, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2013 Financial resources, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2011 Financial resources, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2009 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Industrial areas, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2007 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2006 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2004 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2003 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rapid economic development
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2002 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rapid economic development
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2001 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Rapid economic development
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 2000 Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Marine transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Risks linked to addressing environmental impacts of individual projects to the neglect of monitoring cumulative impacts of the overall development of Ha Long City and other areas surrounding the World Heritage area
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 1999 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 1998 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 1997 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 1996 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Marine transport infrastructure, No
ha long bay - cat ba archipelagoHa Long Bay - Cat Ba Archipelago viet nam Viet Nam 1995 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Marine transport infrastructure, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 2004 Housing, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 2003 Commercial development, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 2002 Commercial development, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 2001 Commercial development, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 1994 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
hanseatic city of lubeckHanseatic City of Lübeck germany Germany 1993 Deliberate destruction of heritage,
Other Threats: Discovery of mural paintings - need for restoration
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2024 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Major looting of Iraqi archaeological sites 
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2023 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Major looting of Iraqi archaeological sites 
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2021 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, War,
Other Threats: Major looting of Iraqi archaeological sites 
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2019 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Illegal activities, War, Yes
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2018 Deliberate destruction of heritage, War, Yes
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2017 Deliberate destruction of heritage, War, Yes
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2016 Deliberate destruction of heritage, War, Yes
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2015 Deliberate destruction of heritage, War, No
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 2001 Human resources, Illegal activities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: particularly worrying state of conservation
hatraHatra iraq Iraq 1995 Illegal activities, No
hawaii volcanoes national parkHawaii Volcanoes National Park united states of america United States of America 1990 Management systems/ management plan, No
heard and mcdonald islandsHeard and McDonald Islands australia Australia 2000 Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
heard and mcdonald islandsHeard and McDonald Islands australia Australia 1999 Management systems/ management plan, No
heard and mcdonald islandsHeard and McDonald Islands australia Australia 1998 Management systems/ management plan, No
heart of neolithic orkneyHeart of Neolithic Orkney united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 Renewable energy facilities, No
hebron/al-khalil old townHebron/Al-Khalil Old Town state of palestine State of Palestine 2024 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Absence of Statement of Outstanding Universal Value at the time of inscription; Restricted access
hebron/al-khalil old townHebron/Al-Khalil Old Town state of palestine State of Palestine 2023 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Absence of Statement of Outstanding Universal Value at the time of inscription
hebron/al-khalil old townHebron/Al-Khalil Old Town state of palestine State of Palestine 2021 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Absence of Statement of Outstanding Universal Value at the time of inscription
hebron/al-khalil old townHebron/Al-Khalil Old Town state of palestine State of Palestine 2019 Management systems/ management plan, Yes
hebron/al-khalil old townHebron/Al-Khalil Old Town state of palestine State of Palestine 2018 Management systems/ management plan, Yes
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2012 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2010 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Management systems/ management plan, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007 Management systems/ management plan, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005 Management systems/ management plan, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2004 Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2003 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
henderson islandHenderson Island united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2002 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
hierapolis-pamukkaleHierapolis-Pamukkale turkiye Türkiye 2002 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Other Threats: Discolouring of the limestone cliffs
hierapolis-pamukkaleHierapolis-Pamukkale turkiye Türkiye 2001 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Other Threats: Discolouring of the limestone cliffs
hierapolis-pamukkaleHierapolis-Pamukkale turkiye Türkiye 1992 Management systems/ management plan, No
hierapolis-pamukkaleHierapolis-Pamukkale turkiye Türkiye 1991 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, No
hierapolis-pamukkaleHierapolis-Pamukkale turkiye Türkiye 1990 Management systems/ management plan, No
hill forts of rajasthanHill Forts of Rajasthan india India 2023 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining,
Other Threats: Vulnerabilities of certain individual structures within the forts requiring short-term conservation actions
hill forts of rajasthanHill Forts of Rajasthan india India 2021 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining,
Other Threats: Vulnerabilities of certain individual structures within the forts requiring short-term conservation actions
hill forts of rajasthanHill Forts of Rajasthan india India 2018 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Mining,
Other Threats: Vulnerabilities of certain individual structures within the forts requiring short-term conservation actions
hill forts of rajasthanHill Forts of Rajasthan india India 2016 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Industrial areas, Mining,
Other Threats: Vulnerabilities of certain individual structures within the forts requiring short-term conservation actions
hill forts of rajasthanHill Forts of Rajasthan india India 2015 Human resources, Industrial areas, Mining,
Other Threats: vulnerabilities of certain individual structures within the forts requiring short-term conservation actions
ḥimā cultural areaḤimā Cultural Area saudi arabia Saudi Arabia 2023 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, No
hiroshima peace memorial (genbaku dome)Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) japan Japan 2001 Earthquake, No
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2024 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Low impact research / monitoring activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Decay and loss of Ottoman/vernacular architecture; Impact of change of status of the Hagia Sophia and the Chora Museum
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2023 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Low impact research / monitoring activities, Management systems/ management plan, Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: decay and loss of Ottoman/vernacular architecture
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2021 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: decay and loss of Ottoman/vernacular architecture
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2018 Commercial development, Ground transport infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: decay and loss of Ottoman/vernacular architecture
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas); Land Reclamation project
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas); Land Reclamation project
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2013 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas); Land Reclamation project
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2012 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas)
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2011 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: a) Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas);
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2010 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: a) Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas);
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2009 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areaslack of impact studies before large-scale developments are implemented
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2008 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected zones (particularly Ottoman-period timber houses in the Zeyrek and Süleymaniye core areas);
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected areas (mainly the Ottoman period timber houses in the district of Zeyrek and Süleymaniye)
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2006 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the vernacular architecture within the protected areas (mainly the Ottoman period timber houses in the district of Zeyrek and Süleymaniye)
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2005 Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the civil architecture within the protected areas
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2004 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Earthquake, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage,
Other Threats: Continued degradation of the civil architecture
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2003 Earthquake, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 2000 Earthquake, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1999 Earthquake, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1998 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1997 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1994 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1993 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul turkiye Türkiye 1992 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic bridgetown and its garrisonHistoric Bridgetown and its Garrison barbados Barbados 2014 No
historic bridgetown and its garrisonHistoric Bridgetown and its Garrison barbados Barbados 2012 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2024 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2023 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2021 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2019 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2017 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2015 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2013 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2012 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2011 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2009 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2008 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2007 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2006 Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2005 Housing, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Dilapidated infrastructure; Neglect and lack of maintenance
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2004 Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2003 Ground transport infrastructure, Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2002 Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2001 Human resources, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 2000 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 1999 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 1998 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 1997 Management activities, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 1995 Management activities, No
historic cairoHistoric Cairo egypt Egypt 1993 Earthquake, Management activities, Water (rain/water table), No
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 2011 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: e) Impact of the transportation of hazardous materials to the Old Town;
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Impact of the transportation of hazardous materials to the Old Town
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 2008 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Impact of the transportation of hazardous materials to the Old Town
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 2007 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 2006 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 1999 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre (old town) of tallinnHistoric Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn estonia Estonia 1998 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre of agadezHistoric Centre of Agadez niger Niger 2016 Low impact research / monitoring activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of agadezHistoric Centre of Agadez niger Niger 2014 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to describe in a unified and practical form the indicators for monitoring the property and the results of their application
historic centre of bruggeHistoric Centre of Brugge belgium Belgium 2014 Housing,
Other Threats: Gradual erosion of the attributes that convey the Outstanding Universal Value and consequently threaten the integrity of the property with regards to its overall coherence and originality.
historic centre of bruggeHistoric Centre of Brugge belgium Belgium 2012 Housing,
Other Threats: Gradual erosion of the attributes that convey the Outstanding Universal Value and consequently threaten the integrity of the property with regards to its overall coherence and originality.
historic centre of bruggeHistoric Centre of Brugge belgium Belgium 2010 Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Renewable energy facilities, No
historic centre of bruggeHistoric Centre of Brugge belgium Belgium 2009 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: degradation of traditional houses
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: degradation of traditional houses
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: degradation of traditional houses
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2017 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: degradation of traditional houses
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2015 Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2013 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2011 Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Financial resources, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Localised utilities, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2010 Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, Solid waste, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1998 Management activities, No
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1997 Management activities, No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2023
Other Threats: Revolving theatre located in the castle garden
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2013 No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2011 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Underground transport infrastructure, No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2009 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2007 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2006 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre of český krumlovHistoric Centre of Český Krumlov czechia Czechia 2005 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, No
historic centre of cordobaHistoric Centre of Cordoba spain Spain 1994 Pests, No
historic centre of florenceHistoric Centre of Florence italy Italy 1999 Major linear utilities, No
historic centre of florenceHistoric Centre of Florence italy Italy 1998 Major linear utilities, No
historic centre of florenceHistoric Centre of Florence italy Italy 1994 Terrorism, No
historic centre of florenceHistoric Centre of Florence italy Italy 1993 Terrorism, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2023 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2021 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2019 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2017 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2015 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2013 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2011 Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2010 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2009 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2004 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2003 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 2002
Other Threats: Fire in 2001
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 1998 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to improve the environment of the convent; Notorious state of degradation; Fire
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 1994 Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to improve the environment of the convent; Notorious state of degradation
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima peru Peru 1993 Management activities,
Other Threats: Need to improve the environment of the convent
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2023 Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2021 Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2019 Housing, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2017 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2013 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2011 Housing, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2009 Housing, No
historic centre of macaoHistoric Centre of Macao china China 2008 Housing, No
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2013 High impact research / monitoring activities, No
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2011 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2009 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2008 Deliberate destruction of heritage, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2007 Earthquake, Housing, Solid waste,
Other Threats: Water and environmental pollution
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2006 Earthquake, Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: a) Urban decay of the Historic Centreb) Water and environmental pollutionc) Lack of monitoring systems
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2004 Civil unrest, Governance, Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of a unique and severely degraded cultural landscape
historic centre of mexico city and xochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco mexico Mexico 2003 Civil unrest, Governance, Housing, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Deterioration of a unique and severely degraded cultural landscape
historic centre of naplesHistoric Centre of Naples italy Italy 2011 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of naplesHistoric Centre of Naples italy Italy 2009 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: lack of continuous maintenance of the urban fabric
historic centre of naplesHistoric Centre of Naples italy Italy 2001 Deliberate destruction of heritage, No
historic centre of oporto, luiz i bridge and monastery of serra do pilarHistoric Centre of Oporto, Luiz I Bridge and Monastery of Serra do Pilar portugal Portugal 1998 Water infrastructure, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2023 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2021 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2018 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2012 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2011 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2009 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pragueHistoric Centre of Prague czechia Czechia 2007 Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2018 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2016 Ground transport infrastructure, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2014 Ground transport infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Need to initiate a process for the recovery of the urban and social fabric of the property
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2004 Housing, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2003 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fire in December 2002
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 2000 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Earthquake, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 1999 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Earthquake, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 1998 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 1995 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 1994 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of pueblaHistoric Centre of Puebla mexico Mexico 1993 Commercial development, Deliberate destruction of heritage, Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2009 Housing, Legal framework, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2008 Housing, Legal framework, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2007 Housing, Legal framework, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2005 Housing, Legal framework, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2004 Housing, Marine transport infrastructure, No
historic centre of rigaHistoric Centre of Riga latvia Latvia 2003 Housing, No
historic centre of rome, the properties of the holy see in that city enjoying extraterritorial rights and san paolo fuori le muraHistoric Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura holy see,italy Italy
Holy See
1993 Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Terrorism, No
historic centre of rome, the properties of the holy see in that city enjoying extraterritorial rights and san paolo fuori le muraHistoric Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura holy see,italy Italy
Holy See
1992 Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2014 No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2012 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2011 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2010 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2009 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2008 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2007 Housing, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 2006 Housing, No
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments russian federation Russian Federation 1993 Changes in traditional ways of life and knowledge system, Financial resources, Housing, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Steady deterioration of the city's pysical environment; Large-scale rehabilitation project for the Hermitage
historic centre of salvador de bahiaHistoric Centre of Salvador de Bahia brazil Brazil 1993 Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of santa cruz de mompoxHistoric Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox colombia Colombia 1998
Other Threats: Fire in the centre of Mompox in 1998
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2024 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2023 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2021 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2019 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2018 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2017 Financial resources, Housing, Human resources, Legal framework, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2016 Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Demolition and re-building of traditional housing areas
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2015 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2007 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2006 Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2005 Earthquake, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, No
historic centre of shakhrisyabzHistoric Centre of Shakhrisyabz uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2004 Earthquake, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Relative humidity, Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Extensive cracks and leaning walls