Coro and its Port
Factors affecting the property in 2014*
- Flooding
- Management systems/ management plan
- Water (rain/water table)
- Other Threats:
a) Serious deterioration of materials and structure; b) Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
- Serious deterioration of materials and structures;
- Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property;
- Lack of adequate management, planning and conservation mechanisms;
- Absence of detailed and technical information on the state of conservation of the property since 2007;
- Flooding and water damage.
Threats for which the property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
- Considerable decay of materials and structures resulting from lack of comprehensive conservation and maintenance, and torrential rains in 2004, 2005 and 2010;
- Deterioration of architectural and urban coherence compromising the integrity and authenticity of the property;
- Lack of adequate and efficient management, planning and conservation mechanisms, and institutional arrangements.
Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger
Proposed in the draft Decision below
Corrective Measures for the property
Adopted, see page; updates proposed in the draft Decision below
Timeframe for the implementation of the corrective measures
UNESCO Extra-Budgetary Funds until 2014
Total amount provided: USD 20,000 (Spanish Funds-in-Trust for World Heritage) for the planning, implementation and subsequent publications of participatory workshops and meetings with artisans and civil society in Coro and La Vela.
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2014
Total amount approved : 0 USD
Missions to the property until 2014**
September 2006: World Heritage Centre mission to assessment of the state of conservation; April 2005, May 2008 and February 2011: Joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring missions.
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2014
On 31 January 2014, the State Party submitted a state of conservation report. It reports is available at the following address progress on the following:
- Management arrangements: an Office for strategic projects and design of heritage areas of Coro, La Vela and areas of protection (OPEDAP) has been created to oversee the conservation and management of the property. The office promotes active participation from civil society in decision-making for heritage endeavours and is also responsible for the development and enforcement of regulations and sanctions regarding conservation and control of new development. To assist in the implementation of actions, the previously approved Conservation Plan (PLINCODE) was used as a basis to identify areas for intervention. The State Party also reports that coordination between local government, the municipalities and community organizations has been enhanced in relation to the implementation of actions at the property, particularly regarding the authorization of permits. OPEDAP is charged with the development of the management plan. A preliminary outline of the plan was included in the report and considers the sustainable conservation of the property and the balancing with the needs of an active economic heritage city. The enclosed document considers some goals for the property and identifies a series of actions to be implemented within the 2014-2016 timeframe.
- Conservation interventions: a number of restoration projects were carried out throughout 2013 at significant buildings thanks to the sustained resource allocation by the State Government of Falcon through the Tourism Corporation. Funding is expected to continue to support further interventions. Traditional know-how systems have been integrated into conservation practices and units of social community councils are actively engaged in conservation and management programmes and capacity building. A comprehensive drainage system design has yet to be developed.
- Other issues: the State Party submitted, within the framework of the retrospective inventory, the revised cartography for the property, identifying the inscribed areas and buffer zones at the component parts. However, it is not in conformity with the nomination file and clarifications have been requested from the State Party. It also reports that architectural surveys to establish a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the property, with technical files on buildings and interventions, have been developed. Archaeological research is being carried out in collaboration with the School of Anthropology from the Central University of Venezuela. Outreach and awareness raising actions have also continued.
Analysis and Conclusion by World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in 2014
Considerable effort has been made by the State Party in improving the conditions at the property that led to its inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Through major interventions, landmark buildings at the property have been restored and given new functions that will facilitate their maintenance in the future. The State Party should be recognised for its efforts in integrating and supporting traditional knowledge as part of the conservation system, which will ensure the continuity of these practices. Notwithstanding, although many of the significant buildings have been attended to, the updated data sheets still indicate that a large number of traditional or domestic buildings continue to be in poor to irregular state of conservation; some even are noted as ruins. Reversing these conditions will require sustained and comprehensive efforts and need to be prioritised as a next step to ensure that all attributes of the property are adequately conserved and protected.
Regarding management, progress has also been made in setting up an operational unit to enhance decision-making, cooperation and streamline actions at the property. The active inclusion of different social groups in management and conservation endeavours will be crucial to ensure the sustainability of the system and promote active maintenance of domestic and traditional buildings. However, the Management Plan has yet to be fully developed and adopted to inform a sustained and articulated course of action for all attributes at the property. Conservation guidelines and other regulatory measures for new development and rehabilitation, such as zoning municipal ordinances, also need to be adopted to ensure the adequate protection of the property and to sustain its conditions of authenticity and integrity. Of particular importance will be the thorough development of a disaster risk preparedness plan, with a particular focus on the vulnerability to flooding, and the comprehensive design of a drainage system to prevent large-scale impacts.
Although progress has been made, to date significant challenges remain to sustain the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property and that this will require sustained commitment and efforts. The Desired state of conservation and the corrective measures have been revised to provide a clear roadmap and timeframe for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Summary of the interventions
Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2014
38 COM 7A.23
Coro and its Port (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of) (C 658)
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add,
- Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.39 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013),
- Welcomes the efforts made by the State Party in addressing the state of conservation of the property and progress on implementation of recommendations made by the World Heritage Committee and the monitoring missions to the property;
- Takes note of the submission of the revised cartography for the component parts of the property and proposed buffer zone and requests that it be finalized within the framework of the retrospective inventory process;
- Adopts the revised Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), as follows:
- Traditional civil, religious and domestic architecture has been conserved in accordance to clear conservation principles that ensure that conditions of authenticity and integrity continue to be met. Conservation interventions are based on a prioritised and comprehensive strategy and plan that ensures continued actions,
- The participatory management arrangements for the property are sustained through adequate resource allocation and staffing and guided by the adopted Management Plan, which includes provisions and regulatory measures for the component parts of the property and its buffer zones,
- The disaster risk preparedness plan is fully operational and a comprehensive drainage system to prevent impacts from flooding vulnerability has been implemented,
- The legal framework has been harmonised and effective measures are in place to adequately enforce regulations and sanction non-compliant development;
- Also adopts the revised corrective measures and timeframe for implementation, as follows:
- Measures to be implemented within one year:
- Development of a spatial analysis for the property to identify and assist with the design of the conservation, use and functioning of the component parts,
- Full development of the management plan for the property, including definition of regulatory measures for proposed buffer zones and heritage areas, a sustainable development strategy for the property, a public use plan, and a disaster risk preparedness plan to address all vulnerabilities at the property,
- Full development of the conservation strategy and action plan, including a prioritised and costed interventions programme, based on the results from condition surveys, and guidelines for conservation, restoration and maintenance interventions,
- Development of a strategy and action plan to formally integrate traditional know-how in conservation strategies and support capacity-building in the long-term,
- Development and implementation of a strategy to address problems related to ownership and abandonment of traditional domestic and civil architecture and identification of actions for proposed building reutilization,
- Measures to be implemented within two years:
- Harmonisation of legal tools to ensure that overlapping mandates and provisions have been addressed and that a coherent policies are adopted to better inform decision-making regarding development and/or interventions at the property,
- Full operation of the management structure to articulate different levels of government and promote social inclusion in decision-making, so that the implementation of conservation and management endeavours formally includes community councils in the management strategy,
- Articulation of provisions made in the Management Plan with local and regional planning tools and development, when appropriate, of supporting municipal ordinances to ensure management policies are complied with,
- Development and implementation of a vehicular traffic strategy for the property,
- Implementation of comprehensive drainage system for the property to address vulnerability to flooding,
- Development and implementation of a strategy to secure adequate resources to support building maintenance and conservation, as well as continued use, by owners;
- Measures to be implemented within one year:
- Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2015, a detailed report, including a 1-page executive summary, on the progress on the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 39th session in 2015;
- Decides to retain Coro and its Port (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
38 COM 8C.2
Update of the List of World Heritage in Danger (retained sites)
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined the state of conservation reports of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger (WHC-14/38.COM/7A and WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add),
- Decides to retain the following properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger:
- Afghanistan, Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam (Decision 38 COM 7A.14)
- Afghanistan, Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley (Decision 38 COM 7A.15)
- Belize, Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System (Decision 38 COM 7A.31)
- Central African Republic, Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.34)
- Chile, Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works (Decision 38 COM 7A.21)
- Colombia, Los Katíos National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.32)
- Côte d'Ivoire, Comoé National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.35)
- Côte d'Ivoire / Guinea, Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Decision 38 COM 7A.36)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Virunga National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.37)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.38)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Garamba National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.39)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Salonga National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.40)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Decision 38 COM 7A.41)
- Egypt, Abu Mena (Decision 38 COM 7A.1)
- Ethiopia, Simien National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.43)
- Georgia, Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery (Decision 38 COM 7A.16)
- Georgia, Historical Monuments of Mtskheta (Decision 38 COM 7A.17)
- Honduras, Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve (Decision 38 COM 7A.33)
- Indonesia, Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (Decision 38 COM 7A.28)
- Iraq, Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) (Decision 38 COM 7A.2)
- Iraq, Samarra Archaeological City (Decision 38 COM 7A.3)
- Jerusalem, Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls (Decision 38 COM 7A.4)
- Madagascar, Rainforests of the Atsinanana (Decision 38 COM 7A.44)
- Mali, Timbuktu (Decision 38 COM 7A.24)
- Mali, Tomb of Askia (Decision 38 COM 7A.25)
- Niger, Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves (Decision 38 COM 7A.45)
- Palestine, Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem (Decision 38 COM 7A.5)
- Panama, Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo (Decision 38 COM 7A.20)
- Peru, Chan Chan Archaelogical Zone (Decision 38 COM 7A.22)
- Senegal, Niokolo-Koba National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.46)
- Serbia, Medieval Monuments in Kosovo (Decision 38 COM 7A.18)
- Solomon Islands, East Rennell (Decision 38 COM 7A.29)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Damascus (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Bosra (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Site of Palmyra (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Aleppo (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient Villages of Northern Syria (Decision 38 COM 7A.12)
- Uganda, Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi (Decision 38 COM 7A.26)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (Decision 38 COM 7A.19)
- United States of America, Everglades National Park (Decision 38 COM 7A.30)
- Venezuela, Coro and its Port (Decision 38 COM 7A.23)
- Yemen, Historic Town of Zabid (Decision 38 COM 7A.13)
Draft Decision: 38 COM 7A.23
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add,
- Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.39 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013),
- Welcomes the efforts made by the State Party in addressing the state of conservation of the property and progress on implementation of recommendations made by the World Heritage Committee and the monitoring missions to the property;
- Takes note of the submission of the revised cartography for the component parts of the property and proposed buffer zone and requests that it be finalized within the framework of the retrospective inventory process;
- Adopts the revised Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), as follows:
a) Traditional civil, religious and domestic architecture has been conserved in accordance to clear conservation principles that ensure that conditions of authenticity and integrity continue to be met. Conservation interventions are based on a prioritised and comprehensive strategy and plan that ensures continued actions,
b) The participatory management arrangements for the property are sustained through adequate resource allocation and staffing and guided by the adopted Management Plan, which includes provisions and regulatory measures for the component parts of the property and its buffer zones,
c) The disaster risk preparedness plan is fully operational and a comprehensive drainage system to prevent impacts from flooding vulnerability has been implemented,
d) The legal framework has been harmonised and effective measures are in place to adequately enforce regulations and sanction non-compliant development;
- Also adopts the revised corrective measures and timeframe for implementation, as follows:
a) Measures to be implemented within one year:
(i) Development of a spatial analysis for the property to identify and assist with the design of the conservation, use and functioning of the component parts,
(ii) Full development of the management plan for the property, including definition of regulatory measures for proposed buffer zones and heritage areas, a sustainable development strategy for the property, a public use plan, and a disaster risk preparedness plan to address all vulnerabilities at the property,
(iii) Full development of the conservation strategy and action plan, including a prioritised and costed interventions programme, based on the results from condition surveys, and guidelines for conservation, restoration and maintenance interventions,
(iv) Development of a strategy and action plan to formally integrate traditional know-how in conservation strategies and support capacity-building in the long-term,
(v) Development and implementation of a strategy to address problems related to ownership and abandonment of traditional domestic and civil architecture and identification of actions for proposed building reutilization,
b) Measures to be implemented within two years:
(i) Harmonisation of legal tools to ensure that overlapping mandates and provisions have been addressed and that a coherent policies are adopted to better inform decision-making regarding development and/or interventions at the property,
(ii) Full operation of the management structure to articulate different levels of government and promote social inclusion in decision-making, so that the implementation of conservation and management endeavours formally includes community councils in the management strategy,
(iii) Articulation of provisions made in the Management Plan with local and regional planning tools and development, when appropriate, of supporting municipal ordinances to ensure management policies are complied with,
(iv) Development and implementation of a vehicular traffic strategy for the property,
(v) Implementation of comprehensive drainage system for the property to address vulnerability to flooding,
(vi) Development and implementation of a strategy to secure adequate resources to support building maintenance and conservation, as well as continued use, by owners;
- Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2015, a detailed report, including a 1-page executive summary, on the progress on the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 39th session in 2015;
- Decides to retain Coro and its Port (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.