Dja Faunal Reserve
Factors affecting the property in 2006*
- Commercial hunting
- Crop production
- Forestry /wood production
- Management systems/ management plan
- Mining
Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
a) Lack of implementation and full approval of management plan;
b) Industrial mining activities proposed adjacent to the property;
c) Industrial farming proposed in the buffer zone;
d) Threats from commercial hunting; deforestation around the property.
UNESCO Extra-Budgetary Funds until 2006
Total amount provided to the property: USD 60,000 from the Netherlands Funds-in-Trust to UNESCO. The Dja Faunal Reserve also benefits from part of the USD 193,275 allocated to the Southeastern Cameroon region by the Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative (CAWHFI).
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2006
Total amount approved : 84,700 USD
1997 | Sub-Regional workshop on Strengthening Biodiversity ... (Approved) | 29,900 USD |
1992 | Financial contribution for a training workshop on the ... (Approved) | 20,000 USD |
1989 | Contribution to field training in Dja National Park (Approved) | 4,800 USD |
1987 | Contribution to the adoption and implementation of the ... (Approved) | 30,000 USD |
Missions to the property until 2006**
UNESCO mission 23-26 March 1998.
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2006
On 19 April 2006 the World Heritage Centre received from the State Party a report on the state of conservation of the Dja Faunal Reserve. This report is currently being reviewed by the Centre and IUCN, and key findings of this review will be presented, together with the report and recommendations of the forthcoming monitoring mission to the property, to the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session. Regarding the monitoring mission requested by the Committee at its 29th session, an official letter of invitation has been received from the Government of Cameroon, and the mission is planned to take place in June 2006.
The World Heritage Centre and IUCN understand that the American mining company GEOVIC with a concession in the Lomié sector near the property, as reported to the Committee last year, has completed its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and submitted it to the Government of Cameroon. The IUCN Regional Office for Central Africa plans to review this EIA once it is made available publicly, and look at options of how it can assist in mitigating negative social and environmental impacts and involving local communities in any future environmental mitigation activities. IUCN is also reviewing options for working in the Lomié sector to support local community initiatives for forest conservation and sustainable development.
The CAWHFI program improved collaboration between the management authorities of the Dja Faunal Reserve and surrounding protected areas (e.g. Boumba Bek & Nki, and Djoum). Coordinated anti-poaching patrols seized several rifles and considerable amounts of bushmeat. The CAWHFI program also directly supports field operation of guards from the Dja reserve that contributed to uncover an ivory trafficking network.
Summary of the interventions
Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2006
30 COM 7B.4
State of Conservation (Dja Faunal Reserve)
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 29 COM 7B.2, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005),
3. Notes with satisfaction the completion of the World Heritage Centre/IUCN monitoring mission to the World Heritage property;
4. Notes with concern that the Management Plan is not yet officially in force;
5. Requests the State Party to undertake the necessary measures to:
a) Publish without delay the Ministerial decree for the enforcement of the Management Plan of the property and initiate its implementation;
b) Make necessary arrangements to provide the Dja Faunal Reserve with financial autonomy as regards the implementation of activities for continuous surveillance, anti-poaching, and the coordination of activities of the different actors within and at the periphery of the Reserve;
c) Establish a Coordination Unit for the conservation of the property and provide it with all necessary means for the satisfactory execution of its mission, clarifying the hierarchical structure of the Dja Conservation Service;
d) Give more emphasis and greater acknowledgement to the village committees as regards surveillance and anti-poaching activities; and integrate them into anti-poaching programmes and provide them with all the necessary means to carry out their role in the anti-poaching activities within the Reserve;
e) Pay particular attention to the use of provisional operation permits of the Forest Development Units adjacent to the Reserve, as well as to all the clearing permits for agro-industrial and mining activities;
f) Carry out an in-depth analysis of the environmental and social impact study of the GEOVIC mining concession close to the property by independent internationally recognized experts and request the World Heritage Centre and IUCN to assist the State Party in the choice of these experts;
6. Invites the international donor community to support the implementation of the Management Plan as soon as it comes into force;
7. Requests the State Party to provide the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2007, with a report on the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations of the monitoring mission.
Draft Decision: 30 COM 7B.4
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 29 COM 7B.2, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005);
3. Requests the State Party to facilitate the organisation of the joint UNESCO-IUCN monitoring mission requested by the 29th session of the World Heritage Committee.
* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.