Coro and its Port
Factors affecting the property in 2023*
- Flooding
- Management systems/ management plan
- Water (rain/water table)
- Other Threats:
Serious deterioration of materials and structure
Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
- Flooding (and water damage)
- Management systems/ management plan
- Water (rain/water table)
- Serious deterioration of materials and structures
- Deterioration of the architectural and urban coherence and integrity of the property
- Lack of adequate management, planning and conservation mechanisms
- Absence of detailed and technical information on the state of conservation of the property since 2007
Threats for which the property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
- Considerable decay of materials and structures resulting from lack of comprehensive conservation and maintenance, and torrential rains in 2004, 2005 and 2010
- Deterioration of architectural and urban coherence compromising the integrity and authenticity of the property
- Lack of adequate and efficient management, planning and conservation mechanisms, and institutional arrangements
Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger
Adopted, see page
Corrective Measures for the property
Adopted, see page
Timeframe for the implementation of the corrective measures
Adopted, see page
Updated in 2015, see page
UNESCO Extra-Budgetary Funds until 2023
Total amount provided: USD 20,000 (Spanish Funds-in-Trust for World Heritage) for the planning, implementation and subsequent publications of participatory workshops and meetings with artisans and civil society in Coro and La Vela
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2023
Total amount approved : 0 USD
Missions to the property until 2023**
December 2003 and September 2006: World Heritage Centre missions to assessment of the state of conservation; July 2002, April 2005, May 2008 and February 2011: Joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring missions; October 2015: ICOMOS Advisory mission; July 2018: ICOMOS Advisory mission
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2023
On 17 February 2022, the State Party submitted a state of conservation report, which is available at, providing the following information.
The Office of Strategic Projects and Design for the Patrimonial Areas of Coro and La Vela and their Protection Areas (OPEDAP), the Site Manager and the mixed commission (including Cultural Heritage Institute, the Municipal Heritage Institutes of Miranda and Colina, the Environment Secretariat, the spokespersons of the Communal Councils, the Clay Artisans of the "Jesús Chucho Coello School" and an instance of the Regional Executive) have coordinated and monitored a number of activities, including:
- Progress in the elaboration of the Management Plan, palliative actions related to the Drainage Plan, and maintenance, restoration and conservation activities finalized or ongoing on buildings located in Coro and La Vela;
- Preliminary drafting of a proposal for the establishment of the property’s buffer zone;
- Actions related to the corrective measures focusing on the real estate and public spaces in the UNESCO Zone, Zone of Historical Artistic Value, and areas of influence;
- Activities to strengthen the team of artisans from the Jesús Chucho Coello School, and for the consolidation, restoration and maintenance of the traditional buildings in Coro and its Puerto de la Vela;
- Establishment of agreements with regional government secretaries and regional universities, including the hiring of master craftsmen, artisans and assistants or apprentices, to engage a multidisciplinary team in the areas of engineering, architecture, design, information, technology, finance, and culture;
- Postponement to the end of 2023 of the time-limit for the finalization of the corrective measures adopted in Decision 38 COM 7A.23 to reach the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR).
Analysis and Conclusion by World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in 2023
Due note is taken of the numerous restoration and conservation projects finalized or ongoing on buildings located in Coro and La Vela, as well as of numerous mitigation measures, with the active participation of the traditional mud school in their implementation.
Note is also taken of the documented and effective progress in the definition of the buffer zone of the property. In this context, it is hoped that a Minor Boundary Modification will be soon finalized and formally submitted, as per Paragraphs 163-164 and Annex 11 of the Operational Guidelines.
In spite of the request of the World Heritage Committee, reiterated in Decision 44 COM 7A.38, it is regrettable that the state of conservation report submitted by the State Party does not follow the mandatory report format contained in Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines and does not provide clear and comprehensive information about the implementation of each single corrective measure adopted by Decision 38 COM 7A.23 to reach the DSOCR.
It is regretful to observe that, again, many of the recommendations of the 2018 ICOMOS Advisory mission do not seem to be fully addressed by the report.
The postponement of the finalization of the corrective measures to the end of 2023 is also noted with regrets. The issue of vulnerability to flooding and water damage of the property has not yet been durably and comprehensibly solved, as the financial resources necessary to put in place a complete drainage system have not been identified.
The progress in the development of the property’s disaster risk preparedness plan seems to be insufficient, as part of the Management Plan, which is yet to be achieved. In this context, the absence of any complete outline, even preliminary, of the property’s Management Plan, remains of great concern.
In light of the many issues mentioned in the 2018 mission report that remain without solution, of the delay and insufficient documentation on the implementation of the corrective measures, and of the absence of the Management Plan for the property it is recommended that the Committee retain Coro and its Port on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2023
45 COM 7A.21
Coro and its Port (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of) (C 658)
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add,
- Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.38 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021),
- Takes note with appreciation of the restoration and conservation works undertaken in the property, in collaboration with the traditional mud artisan school;
- Takes note of the information submitted regarding the development of a Minor Boundary Modification for the establishment of the property’s buffer zone, and requests the State Party to submit the final proposal for such Minor Boundary Modification to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies and approval by the World Heritage Committee, as per Paragraphs 163 and 164 of the Operational Guidelines, as soon as it is available, also ensuring that the buffer zone is adequately reflected in the relevant legal framework and planning instruments for the property;
- Takes note with concern that insufficient information was provided by the State Party regarding its progress towards addressing each of the 11 corrective measures adopted in Decision 38 COM 7A.23 to reach the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), and of the delay reported on their implementation; and in this regard, reiterates its request to the State Party to implement the recommendations of the 2018 ICOMOS Advisory mission report, providing guidance on the actions needed to effectively implement the complete set of corrective measures;
- Regrets that the issue of vulnerability to flooding and water damage of the property has not yet been durably and comprehensibly solved, as the financial resources necessary to put in place a complete drainage system have not been identified;
- Expresses its great concern that no updated outline or draft of the property’s Management Plan has been submitted yet, and that insufficient progress is reported on the property’s disaster risk preparedness, and therefore further reiterates its request to the State Party to submit the draft Management Plan to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies as soon as it is available;
- Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2024, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property, which follows the mandatory format contained in Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines and provides clear and complete information on all corrective measures adopted to reach the DSOCR, and on the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 46th session;
- Decides to retain Coro and its Port (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
45 COM 8C.2
Update of the List of World Heritage in Danger (Retained Properties)
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined the state of conservation reports of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger (WHC/23/45.COM/7A, WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.3, WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.4),
- Having examined the recommendations of the Advisory Bodies, decides to retain the following properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger:
- Afghanistan, Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley (Decision 45 COM 7A.51)
- Afghanistan, Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam (Decision 45 COM 7A.52)
- Austria, Historic Centre of Vienna (Decision 45 COM 7A.55)
- Bolivia (Plurinational State of), City of Potosí (Decision 45 COM 7A.18)
- Central African Republic, Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.3)
- Côte d'Ivoire / Guinea, Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Decision 45 COM 7A.4)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Garamba National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.5)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.6)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Decision 45 COM 7A.7)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Virunga National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.8)
- Egypt, Abu Mena (Decision 45 COM 7A.26)
- Honduras, Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve (Decision 45 COM 7A.1)
- Indonesia, Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (Decision 45 COM 7A.15)
- Iraq, Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat) (Decision 45 COM 7A.27)
- Iraq, Hatra (Decision 45 COM 7A.28)
- Iraq, Samarra Archaeological City (Decision 45 COM 7A.29)
- Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls (site proposed by Jordan) (Decision 45 COM 7A.31)
- Kenya, Lake Turkana National Parks (Decision 45 COM 7A.10)
- Libya, Archaeological Site of Cyrene (Decision 45 COM 7A.33)
- Libya, Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna (Decision 45 COM 7A.34)
- Libya, Archaeological Site of Sabratha (Decision 45 COM 7A.35)
- Libya, Old Town of Ghadamès (Decision 45 COM 7A.36)
- Libya, Rock-Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus (Decision 45 COM 7A.37)
- Madagascar, Rainforests of the Atsinanana (Decision 45 COM 7A.11)
- Mali, Old Towns of Djenné (Decision 45 COM 7A.22)
- Mali, Timbuktu (Decision 45 COM 7A.23)
- Mali, Tomb of Askia (Decision 45 COM 7A.24)
- Mexico, Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California (Decision 45 COM 7A.2)
- Micronesia (Federated States of), Nan Madol: Ceremonial Centre of Eastern Micronesia (Decision 45 COM 7A.53)
- Niger, Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves (Decision 45 COM 7A.12)
- Palestine, Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines – Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem, Battir (Decision 45 COM 7A.39)
- Palestine, Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town (Decision 45 COM 7A.38)
- Panama, Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo (Decision 45 COM 7A.19)
- Peru, Chan Chan Archaelogical Zone (Decision 45 COM 7A.20)
- Romania, Roșia Montană Mining Landscape (Decision 45 COM 7A.56)
- Senegal, Niokolo-Koba National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.13)
- Serbia, Medieval Monuments in Kosovo (Decision 45 COM 7A.57)
- Solomon Islands, East Rennell (Decision 45 COM 7A.16)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Aleppo (Decision 45 COM 7A.40)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Bosra (Decision 45 COM 7A.41)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient City of Damascus (Decision 45 COM 7A.42)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Ancient Villages of Northern Syria (Decision 45 COM 7A.43)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din (Decision 45COM 7A.44)
- Syrian Arab Republic, Site of Palmyra (Decision 45 COM 7A.45)
- United Republic of Tanzania, Selous Game Reserve (Decision 45 COM 7A.14)
- United States of America, Everglades National Park (Decision 45 COM 7A.17)
- Uzbekistan, Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz (Decision 45 COM 7A.54)
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Coro and its Port (Decision 45 COM 7A.21)
- Yemen, Historic Town of Zabid (Decision 45 COM 7A.47)
- Yemen, Old City of Sana’a (Decision 45 COM 7A.49)
- Yemen, Old Walled City of Shibam (Decision 45 COM 7A.50)
- Lebanon, Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli (Decision 18 EXT.COM 5.1)
- Ukraine, The Historic Centre of Odesa (Decision 18 EXT.COM 5.2)
- Yemen, Landmarks of the Ancient Kingdom of Saba, Marib (Decision 18 EXT.COM 5.3)
Draft Decision: 45 COM 7A.21
The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add,
- Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.38, adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021),
- Takes note with appreciation of the restoration and conservation works undertaken in the property, in collaboration with the traditional mud artisan school;
- Takes note of the information submitted regarding the development of a Minor Boundary Modification for the establishment of the property’s buffer zone, and requests the State Party to submit the final proposal for such Minor Boundary Modification to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies and approval by the World Heritage Committee, as per Paragraphs 163 and 164 of the Operational Guidelines, as soon as it is available, also ensuring that the buffer zone is adequately reflected in the relevant legal framework and planning instruments for the property;
- Takes note with concern that insufficient information was provided by the State Party regarding its progress towards addressing each of the 11 corrective measures adopted in Decision 38 COM 7A.23 to reach the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), and of the delay reported on their implementation; and in this regard, reiterates its request to the State Party to implement the recommendations of the 2018 ICOMOS Advisory mission report, providing guidance on the actions needed to effectively implement the complete set of corrective measures;
- Regrets that the issue of vulnerability to flooding and water damage of the property has not yet been durably and comprehensibly solved, as the financial resources necessary to put in place a complete drainage system have not been identified;
- Expresses its great concern that no updated outline or draft of the property’s Management Plan has been submitted yet, and that insufficient progress is reported on the property’s disaster risk preparedness, and therefore further reiterates its request to the State Party to submit the draft Management Plan to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies as soon as it is available;
- Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2024, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property, which follows the mandatory format contained in Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines and provides clear and complete information on all corrective measures adopted to reach the DSOCR, and on the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 46th session;
- Decides to retain Coro and its Port (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.