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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

857 Activities

Conservation, at the core of the World Heritage Convention Article 4 of the World Heritage Convention refers to the conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and indicates that “each State ...

Le projet vise à aider le Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) à développer une stratégie pour le tourisme durable dans ce bien du patrimoine mondial, en donnant un rôle effectif aux communautés locales des ...

Rock art is one of the most interesting types of remains for the study of ancient civilisations. It is a fragile and vulnerable form of heritage which can become the subject of degradation as a result of mass ...

The Diy Gid Biy Cultural Landscape (DGB) is a set of sixteen (16) dry stone sites distributed in seven (7) villages in the Far North Region of Cameroon. The DGB sites are complexes of terraces and platforms spread ...

In the city of Bamberg, traditional gardening practices are part of the city’s strategy to promote urban sustainability. The COVID-19 pandemic helped to strengthen the local community’s connection with its gardening ...

This project aims to strengthen sustainable natural resource management in Los Katíos National Park in a way that also provides sustainable livelihood options for local communities living in the area and its buffer ...

Climate change is becoming one of the most significant threats to World Heritage properties, jeopardizing the disappearance of their Outstanding Universal Value, their integrity and the potential for economic and ...

In October 2001, initiated by UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, with the support of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, a workshop focused on Global Strategy raising awareness of the heritage of the Islands of ...

In 2009, a programme called “Heritage and Development” was initiated under the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement to respond to the requests expressed during the special sessions of the Africities Summits on ...

Grand-Bassam is the first capital of the former French colony of Côte d’Ivoire, from 1893 to 1900. The historic city, or “France quarter” as it was called, was built on a stretch of land between the Ouladine Lake to ...

Managing a heritage site today involves much more than just conservation. It's also about site protection, enhancement and the arrangements for hosting and managing visitor flows, as well as commitment to developing ...

The property Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape, Lao People's Democratic Republic, was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2001, as a cultural landscape, at the ...

The Koguryo Kingdom covered the majority of Democratic People's Republic of Korea and north-eastern China, from 227 BCE until 668 CE. Some of the most significant tangible remains of this civilisation include ...

From 2006 to 2013, the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been providing support to the UNESCO Regional Office in New ...

With the support of the Flemish Government, and later within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, the World Heritage Centre launched an online Information System on the state of conservation ...

The President of the Republic of Senegal (by Decree 2001-1065 of 20 December 2001) requested the Ministry of Culture (in particular, the Department of Cultural Heritage) conduct an inventory of historical sites and ...

The Comoros islands possess a rich cultural and material heritage as well as a rich intangible heritage. The country ratified the World Heritage Convention in 2000 and identified 4 sites for inscription on the ...

Following the international donors conference for the Rehabilitation of the Cultural Heritage in Kosovo* (13 May 2005), organised by UNESCO in collaboration with the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in ...

Once every six years States Parties undertake Periodic Reporting (on a regional basis), regarding the application of the 1972 World Heritage Convention at the national and World Heritage properties level. This is a ...

The UNESCO Japan Funds-in-Trust (Japan-FIT) project “Support for Documentation Standards and Procedures of the Silk Roads World Heritage Serial and Transnational Nomination in Central Asia (Phase I)” (Feb 2011 – ...

In 2007, the World Heritage Centre, with the support of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, launched a study and analysis of the World Heritage List and the Tentative Lists (of States parties which have signed ...

In 2014, given the impossibility since 2011 of implementing activities in Syria and continuing support activities for the management of the Ancient Villages of Northern Syria, inscribed on the World Heritage List, ...

The property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2018 due to the potentially irreversible loss of the property’s OUV caused by the impacts of various development projects (Kuraz irrigation ...

In early May 2020, torrential rain occurred in and around Rwenzori Mountains National Park (Uganda), a property inscribed on the World Heritage List. The excessive rain caused heavy flooding and destroyed wildlife ...

Workshop on urban conservation and restoration and creation of a four-language glossary. The SIRCHAL Programme (Network for the Revitalization of Latin American and Caribbean Historic Centres) has several goals ...

Over a span of ten years, the PRÉMA (Preventive conservation in museums of Africa) programme has trained more than 400 African professionals in preventative conservation and exhibition methods. As such, the School ...

The two years 2016-2018 UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust project “Support to the South Asian Cultural Landscape Initiatives” was officially approved by the Japanese authorities on 31 May 2016. The project aims to ...

Koutammakou is a vast transboundary cultural landscape stretching from north-eastern Togo to north-western Benin. It is the land of the Batammariba, a people remarkable in particular for its highly elaborate organic ...

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are islands of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are generally small in size, relatively remote, vulnerable to environmental challenges, and ...

The UNESCO Chair on Cultural Heritage Management was created in 2000 and is established at the National University of Colombia, branch located in Manizales. Its main objectives are to promote an integrated system of ...

Lake Malawi National Park was established in 1980 and inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1984 for its natural beauty (criterion vii) and outstanding biodiversity values, notably due to its value to science as a ...

Entitled “The Power of Culture: Supporting Community-Based Management and Sustainable Tourism at World Heritage sites in South-East Asia,  the UNESCO Office in Jakarta with the technical assistance of the UNESCO ...

The Lopé National Park in Gabon was inscribed on the World Heritage List under the name of “Ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of Lopé-Okanda” in 2007. It is qualified as mixed (nature / culture) because of ...

Supporting local tourism in the Old City of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina © The picturesque Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar was the first World Heritage site in Bosnia and Herzegovina ...

Sustainable planning and management of tourism is one of the most pressing challenges concerning the future of the World Heritage Convention today and is the focus of the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable ...

There are now more than 1,000 World Heritage sites in 177 countries, and a great many of them are important tourist destinations. At best, tourism drives economic development and brings needed financial and social ...

The long-term plan aims to promote sustainable urban transportation, reduce emissions and pollution, and enhance liveability in the historic city by enhancing cycling networks and infrastructure, improving existing ...

Synergies to protect Global Heritage Cooperation with other Conventions and programmes © The World Heritage Committee recognises the benefits of closer coordination and synergies between global ...

An update of the World Heritage management plan and urban planning tools seeks to integrate cultural and natural heritage values and their attributes in order to improve the city’s liveability and micro-climate.

The Task Force on the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention was established by the 23rd session of the World Heritage Committee in Marrakesh, Morocco, 29 November - 4 December 1999. The Committee ...

Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) has partnered with the World Heritage Centre to communicate important messages about World Heritage to a large public audience, using television, radio, and other media. TBS strives ...

Situated in an exceptionally beautiful landscape and covering a vast area of 42 km2, Hampi, in India, contains major archaeological remains of what was once the capital of the last great Hindu kingdom and one of the ...

At the request of Bolivian authorities, UNESCO provided technical assistance to advise on a mining museum in the City of Potosí, Bolivia (Plurinational State of). Assistance was provided as part of a research ...

The rationale of this project was to provide technical assistance through an advisory mission for the development of management mechanisms and tourism management for two recently inscribed sites, one natural and one ...

Zeugma is an ancient city situated on the Euphrates south of Turkey. It is composed of two cities on either side of the Euphrates: Seleucia and Apamea. The construction of a new dam on the Euphrates in Turkey ...

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) was the first of three mountain railways of India to be inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1999. The property was extended in 2005 and 2008 to include two other railroads ...

With a strategic geographic position on one of the few passageways between the Adriatic Sea and the Balkan Peninsula, and on the banks of the Osum River, Berat, Albania became a rich commercial and cultural center ...

Joya de Cerén is the name given to a rural settlement dating back to the period of the Mayan civilization. The site provides a unique window into the past. Buried in the 6th century, during a volcanic eruption, ...

With its earthen constructions unique to the Caribbean, the town of Coro, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), is the only surviving example of a rich fusion of local traditions with Spanish Mudéjar and Dutch ...

Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou, in Morocco, is a fortified village of adobe buildings and is an interesting example of earthen architecture in North Africa. It contains barns and dwellings within its defensive walls, which ...

The construction of the Basilica Saint. Basil the Blessed, Moscow, Russian Federation, took place between 1552 and 1561 after the capture of Kazan by Tsar Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, to commemorate his ...

The Historic Centre of Riga, Latvia, was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997 for its urban and architectural values. The city’s urban morphology is a fine example of the development and evolution phases of ...

The Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore, Pakistan, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1981. The inscribed property includes two distinct royal complexes, the Lahore Fort and the Shalimar Gardens, ...

Thanks to Victoria Ocampo (1890-1979), one of the most important Argentine cultural figures of the 20th century, Villa Ocampo (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was the privileged witness of the French-Argentine cultural ...

The Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata (Mauritania) were founded in the 11th and 12th centuries to serve the caravans crossing the Sahara, these trading and religious centres became rich and ...

The regional Shirak Museum, Armenia, was established in 1930. During the 1970s, tens of thousands of pieces representing the material and spiritual culture of the historical province of Shirak were collected by the ...

Realizing the richness of Ethiopian cultural heritage, the organization in charge of cultural heritage within the Ministry of Culture, the ARCCH (Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage), ...

The technical cooperation for the protection, enhancement and development of the Town of Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a remarkable example of tripartite cooperation between the Lao People's ...

The Historic Areas of Istanbul, Turkey, were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1985, and as a strategic point in the Bosphorus peninsula between the Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, ...

The TEMATEA Project on Issue-Based Modules supports a better and more coherent national implementation of biodiversity-related conventions following a two-track approach: The Issue-Based Modules are web-based tools ...

A research project tests tools such as photogrammetry, laser scanning and community mapping, to record the interaction between tangible and intangible layers of traditional settlements in China and India.  

Since 1993, the Calakmul Archaeological Project has made an enormous contribution to interdisciplinary research, ensuring the integral conservation of the Outstanding Universal Value, as was established by the World ...

Further to the appeal made by the Director-General of UNESCO for the safeguard of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls in the present challenging context, the World Heritage Centre is in the process of the ...

AFUS, the Association of Former Unesco Staff Members, takes pleasure in presenting this second Paper published by its History Club. As you may recall, the Club is the offspring of a commonplace observation, namely, ...

This publication documents the main outcomes of the studies undertaken in 2003 - 2006, by UNESCO's World Heritage Centre and the General Organisation for the Preservation of the Historic Cities of Yemen (GOPHCY), in ...

The mid ocean ridge systems are the largest geological features on the planet. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a mostly underwater mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean that runs from 87°N -about 333km south of the ...

The Republic of Cameroun ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1982. Since this date only the Dja faunal reserve has been inscribed on the World Heritage List. In April 2006 the Cameroonian authorities sent a ...

The World Heritage Brochure

This study, undertaken on 10 June and revised on 4 December 1992 on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, has been graciously delivered to UNESCO by its author, Léon Pressouyre. ...

In 2012, the Director-General of UNESCO launched an initiative entitled “The World Heritage Convention: Thinking Ahead” to give an opportunity to the Advisory Bodies, the Secretariat and the States Parties to ...

Fourteen youth, with common interests in marine biodiversity and climate change, developed tourist guides for the Coiba National Park in Panama, in the framework of the World Heritage Youth Project on Marine ...

Created in 1954, the park was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981 under criterion (x) for its rich fauna, its unique ecosystems, and its remarkable diversity of wildlife. However, in 2007, various ...

The World Heritage List was conceived to identify and protect sites around the world. Over the 50 years since the World Heritage Convention was adopted, great strides have been made in preserving sites, but for now ...

The UNESCO Chair in Cultural Heritage Management was established in 2000 at the National University of Colombia (branch of Manizales), at the request of the Columbian State. To celebrate its inauguration, a series ...

Published in 2021, a new edition of the 1999 reference publication “Asante Traditional Buildings” updates and expands this important record of their outstanding architecture, making it once again available for the ...

The initiative aims to educate and share the history, culture and heritage of the Brazilian territory of Missions. The exhibition is part of an ongoing project developed by the National Institute for Historic and ...

The local government analysed mobile usage data from major telephone operators to collect useful data for infrastructure design and tourism management.

Supported by the European Union, World Heritage Journeys showcases UNESCO recognised outstanding cultural heritage in a travel platform that promotes sustainable tourism development across Europe. The World ...

The Expert Facility is an international pool of recognized experts that have relevant experience to support countries and cities in implementing the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators

Making Culture a Motor for ReconstructionHaiti, the "land of a thousand colours" "Haiti will certainly not die, because its painters started painting again, its poets started creating, its singers composing, its ...

The UNESCO Mentorship Programme was developed in 2020, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) and the three Advisory Bodies (ICOMOS, ICCROM and IUCN) to create opportunities for African ...

Featuring a useful week-at-a-glance design, it is illustrated with colour photos of World Heritage sites, each accompanied with a short caption. It also introduces the Convention Concerning the Protection of World ...

UNESCO World Heritage Forests © David Geldhof / Yosemite National Park Forests are some of the most biodiversity-rich habitats on Earth. They play a crucial role in climate regulation by ...

The UNESCO-Greece Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes was created in 1995 to reward outstanding examples of action to safeguard and enhance the world’s ...

This partnership builds on state-of-the-art digital visual and sound processing technologies for the production of short digital TV documentaries on Heritage using Hi-Vision technology as well as quality 3-D moving ...

Will contribute resources towards site management, capacity building, alternative livelihoods for communities, research and fundraising activities. Objectives In April 2004, the World Heritage Centre entered into ...

The revised Management Plan includes several strategic actions, such as urban rehabilitation and renovation programmes, regularisation of informal settlement and enhancement of public spaces.

The World Heritage Centre has developed a project with the objective to conduct an overall reflection and study on the image/perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger and to propose approches aiming at ...

Cities and urban areas are the most represented types of heritage on the World Heritage List. World Heritage Cities are also among the World Heritage Properties that appear most often in state of conservation ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement developed several activities centred on heritage and sustainable local development in Africa in particular. Since 2003, this Cooperation Agreement initiated the organisation ...

Urban Notebooks The e-magazine of the World Heritage Cities Programme features diverse voices on urban heritage, practices, and opinion pieces.    February 2022 Issue 20 Dr. Patricia E. ...

Cairo hosts a variety of historically significant districts and monuments, ranging from the ruins of al-Fustat, the Fatimid nucleus of Medieval Cairo, the citadel and surrounding Mamluk palaces, to its urban ...

The symbolic ritual of cleaning and purification pays tribute to the spirits of the African ancestors who reached this entry port in captivity. The ritual started shortly after the discovery of the remains in 2011, ...

Natural World Heritage sites are the planet’s most precious gifts to humanity. But our work across these 257 sites is not simply about protecting and preserving some of the world’s most beautiful locations, ...

This part of the Guidance offers an overview of wind energy related information primarily for heritage practitioners and decision-makers not familiar with this field. A brief overview of the main technical features ...

The objective of the Guidance is to provide easy-to-understand and user-friendly information on wind energy projects and World Heritage protection and management, and to highlight processes and tools for overcoming ...

The Working Group on Equitable Representation in the World Heritage Committee was decided by the 23rd Session of the World Heritage Committee as a followup to the Twelfth General Assembly of States Parties of the ...

The Working Group on the Representativity of the World Heritage List was decided by the 23rd Session of the World Heritage Committee as a follow up to the 12th General Assembly of States Parties of the World ...

The two Temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae are the most illustrious of the Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (Egypt), listed as World Heritage since 1979. The Great ...

A workshop on the theme “Rivers and heritage” was held on 2 November 2009 at the French Senate in Paris, France. The workshop was organised by the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement in partnership with the French ...

This project aimed to ensure the training of local skilled staff in restoration and rehabilitation, through organization of education programmes in partnership with the “Friends of Tlemcen” NGO.Tlemcen, Algeria, was ...

The city of Chandigarh was the first planned city in India post-independence in 1947 and is internationally renowned for its architecture and urban design. The master plan of the city was developed by Le Corbusier, ...

In 2001, the Syrian Arab Republic’s General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) requested technical assistance. Within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, a seminar was organised in ...

Despite its extraordinary cultural and biological diversity and richness, the Pacific is the most under-represented sub-region on the World Heritage List. To redress this imbalance, World Heritage Global Strategy ...

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972), UNESCO with the support of the ...

Over the years, and based on the many cases which have arisen at natural World Heritage properties, the World Heritage Committee has expressed many times its clear position that that mineral, oil and gas exploration ...

The ever-growing global heritage tourism, boosted by the striking success of the UNESCO World Heritage programme, offers an ideal setting for site-related museums to act as a mediator of intercultural understanding. ...

64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since the beginning of the last century. In most regions across the world, wetlands continue to decline compromising the benefits that wetlands provide to people. ...

The Arctic Ocean urgently needs protection as melting sea ice is opening up previously inaccessible areas to activities such as shipping, bottom trawl fishing and oil exploration, according to a scientific report ...

This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism. It also examines the close relationship ...

Protecting visual integrity in the context of the energy transition. Inspiring practices from four European countries. This study presents examples from four European countries and shows how they deal with wind ...

For the one-year anniversary of the IUCN World Parks Congress, UNESCO has published the proceedings of this Congress to highlight the recommendations of the global conservation community on World Heritage for the ...

Will contribute resources towards site management, capacity building, alternative livelihoods for communities, research and fundraising activities. Objectives In April 2004, the World Heritage Centre entered into ...

In October 2006 the World Heritage Centre published the UNESCO World Heritage Centre's Natural Heritage Strategy, which was endorsed by the World Heritage Committee. The strategy outlines the guiding principles, ...

World Heritage is a building block for peace and sustainable development. It is a source of identity and dignity for local communities, a wellspring of knowledge and strength to be shared. In 2012, as we celebrate ...

Earthen architecture is one of the most original and powerful expressions of our ability to create a built environment with readily available resources. It includes a great variety of structures, ranging from ...

Panasonic conducts the unique program called the World Heritage Eco Learning Program, where students can visit and participate in an interactive environment for learning about World Heritage conservation activities ...

The World Heritage Education Programme gives young people a chance to voice their concerns and to become involved in the protection of our common cultural and natural heritage. This brochure offers overview of the ...

The meeting participants wished to bring to the attention of all relevant organisations and authorities concerned with World Heritage, fossil sites and geological sites the following points and recommendations from ...

Voluntary annual fee by the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List Online consultation survey Online consultation survey concerning a voluntary annual fee by the properties inscribed on the World ...

World Heritage attracts and fascinates: media around the world publish thousands of articles about it every year and countries invest a great deal of work and money to get sites inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage ...

Mission Statement Heritage: A Gift from the Past to the Future A Brief History The Convention and its Committee The World Heritage Fund The Nomination Process The Global Strategy List of World Heritage in ...

The World Heritage Information Network (WHIN) is the global network of World Heritage information providers. It was created in 1995 in order to foster the exchange of information between partner networks and World ...

UNESCO is currently implementing a project to develop a unique Buddhist Heritage Route for Sustainable Tourism Development in South Asia with the support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). ...

World Heritage Paper Series launched in 2002 in an effort to publish a series on various World Heritage subjects, the series will include: papers related to World Heritage issues; reports from seminars, ...

The ‘Policy Compendium’ will aim to provide States Parties with a consolidated source of policy decisions made under the Convention. It will respond to the need of States Parties for readily accessible information ...

Sites on the World Heritage List are cultural, natural or mixed properties recognized by the World Heritage Committee has being of outstanding universal value. Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal ...

Every historical site has a story to tell, and these stories connect the past, present and future. World Heritage sites are vital sources for our culturally and socially sustainable development. As outstanding ...

A paper prepared for the Clark Art Institute Conference on "Compression versus Expression : Containing and Explaining the World’s Art". Williamstown, April 6 - 8, 2000.by Georges S. Zouain – April 2000 This paper ...

With an emphasis on sustainable development and the interaction between communities and their shared heritage, this project aims to help local communities in South Asia develop traditional crafts suitable for ...

Published on the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, this thematic collection of case studies provides a thorough understanding of World Heritage sites and their Outstanding Universal Value in the ...

This publication provides analysis of more than three decades of the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and highlights a number of its successes and challenges. The result of a collective effort of many ...

UNESCO assists the Afghan authorities in preventing the illicit trafficking of cultural property.  UNESCO's policy on the protective safekeeping of cultural property is straightforward. Where there is a serious ...

The International Coordination Committee for the Safeguarding of Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage (ICC) was formed in 2002 to coordinate all international efforts for the safeguarding of cultural heritage in ...

The project aims at the emergency consolidation, conservation and restoration of the Minaret of Jam and The Fifth Minaret in Herat. Expected results: Consolidated and rehabilitated Minaret of Jam and Fifth ...

Promotion of intercultural dialogue and tolerance attitudes among children through arts and music expression. Reintroducing arts and traditional music as well as diffusing knowledge of history and customs are ...

The Mosque of Haji Pyada, built in the second half of the 9th century, is the most ancient Islamic religious structure in Afghanistan. Its form, a small square divided into nine equal sections covered with domes, ...

The aims of this project were the consolidation of the cliffs and niches, the conservation of mural paintings in the Buddhist caves, the definition of the archaeological zone through soundings, as well as the ...

The aims of this project are to substantially improve the state of preservation of the Bamiyan site, to ensure the long term consolidation of the site, to increase the national capacity in the conservation of ...

Financed by the US Contribution to UNESCO, the US$250,000 pilot project for the documentation and conservation of Kabul Museum’s endangered collections produced inventories of objects that survived the years of war, ...

The project consists of four core activities The creation and the development of an Arabic language web site on the World Heritage in the Arab Region, in cooperation with the a regional partner (possibly the Al ...

Dans le cadre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, la clarté et la précision des informations mises à la disposition des Etats parties sont deux conditions indispensables à la mise en œuvre adéquate des principes ...

In celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development On the 19th and 20th May 2011, the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and the Community of Cergy-Pontoise will organise an ...

UNESCO World Heritage Centre in collaboration with UNESCO Apia Office in Samoa and the Department of Conservation in New Zealand launched the Programme from 17 - 22 October 2004 at Tongariro National Park, New ...

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the UNESCO Apia Cluster Office in Samoa, Department of Conservation in New Zealand, and Vanuatu Cultural Centre in Vanuatu, and with financial support from the ...

#MyOceanPledge I pledge to protect the ocean for future generations Please do not email me Newsletter Sign the Pledge #MyOceanPledge was started by children living ...

Blue carbon ecosystems include seagrass meadows, tidal marshes and mangroves. They are among the most intensive carbon sinks in the biosphere and play a central role in climate mitigation.

Marine World Heritage in a Changing Climate © Climate change has become the biggest threat to the conservation of the 51 marine sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Some 70% of these sites are ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement provided support to the valorisation of the Pacific Marine Heritage and support to the World Heritage Marine Programme. The “Marine heritage project: Central pacific”, on ...

Marine Programme: State of Conservation Reporting © World Heritage status signifies that a place is unique and irreplaceable. But the recognition comes with responsibilities. As a condition for ...

World Heritage Marine Managers A flagship network empowered to transform how we protect Watch © The World Heritage List includes 51 marine sites across 37 nations. Local managers at these sites ...

Ocean Science Roadmapfor UNESCO Marine World Heritage In the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030). © Shane Gross Ocean Science ...

World Heritage in the High Seas The world’s ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction span half the globe. Just as on land, the deepest and most remote ocean areas harbour globally unique ecosystems. To date, none ...

Managing effectively the world’s most iconic Marine Protected Areas What is the purpose of this guide? This guide is a primer on how to accomplish effective, pro-active management to ensure the long-term ...

The World Heritage Youth Project on Marine Biodiversity & Climate Change, held from 25th to 29th of January 2016 in Panama at the World Heritage site of Coiba National Park and its special zone of marine ...

Thematic Study no. 12010 Thematic Study no. 2 2017 These Thematic Studies result from a collaborative project between the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), an advisory body to ...

Held on 18-21 November 2008 in Porto Novo, Benin, the first training session of the programme “Cultural heritage and local development” gathered local representatives from Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso. Held at the ...

The first Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Latin America, took place from 11 to 13 December 2002 in Monterrey (Mexico) and was organised by the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO and the Instituto ...

On 10 August 2011 the Japanese Government approved the programme proposal "Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of World Heritage Sites and Enhance Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Small ...

Authors of thesis are encouraged to send an abstract of their work and their personal data by filling the attached form. This will allow academics and researchers to know about their domain of research and to ...

Higher education is crucial to the long-term preservation of World Heritage sites. As the World Heritage List grows, there is an urgent need for qualified professionals to manage every aspect of the sites, from ...

The Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Master programme was established and launched at Yarmouk University in winter semester 2005/2006. Over 30 students and 10 faculty members were involved in the academic exchange ...

A first three-day intensive training course in preventive conservation was organized at Yarmouk University on September 5th - 8th 2005 for 10 heritage professionals from the Yarmouk University Museum of Jordanian ...

teaching module in cultural heritage for primary and secondary schools in Jordan is being developed. It is expected to be approved by the Jordanian Ministry of Education in the nearest future and implemented ...

A model conservation and management plan for the cultural heritage site of Abila in Northern Jordan is being developed jointly by a working group of teachers and students from BTU and Yarmouk University. This model ...

The integrated concept of archaeological and natural sciences has been worked out as an integral part of various courses taught within the Cultural Resource Management programme at Yarmouk University. The ...

During its 27th session in 2003 in Paris and following the debate on Vienna's proposed high-rise project, the WH Committee called for the organization of an international conference to discuss how to properly ...

In the fall of 2009 the Flemish Government decided to support the World Heritage Cities Programme and in particular the implementation of the new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape should this be ...

Valencia, July 1998 By Minja Yang As the century approaches its end, the oracles of the day have set about prophesying doom or utopia in the next millennium at conferences, in the media and even in board rooms ...

Features concrete educational and participatory projects and activities that seek to encourage and enable young people to respond to the continuing threats facing World Heritage sites and give them a chance to ...

The KIT: World Heritage in Young Hands Developed in 1998, the World Heritage in Young Hands Educational Resource Kit for secondary school teachers is one of the main tools of the World Heritage Education Programme. ...

The World Heritage Media/Communication Training Workshop aimed to promote the capacity building of youth and their organizations through providing specific skills that they can apply to their activities related to ...

The World Heritage Young Professionals Fora are among the flagship activities of the World Heritage Education Programme, designed to foster learning and exchange by bringing together young people and heritage ...

Why take an interest in world heritage? Why study and protect World Heritage? Common responsibility? Heritage: a lifelong undertaking?

Following the launching in December 2006 of the Patrimonito Storyboard Competition organized by the World Heritage Centre in coordination with the UNESCO Associated Schools, the contest results are now ...

Concours de storyboard Patrimonito 2008 © Patrimonito 2008, gagnant du concourt de storyboard Le concours de storyboard de Patrimonito 2008 est organisé par le Centre du patrimoine mondial en ...

The World Heritage Centre received a total of  289 storyboards from National Commissions of 43 State Parties. Three winners per theme were selected by an independent jury composed of heritage and education ...

Patrimonito Storyboard Competition 2012 Episodes 11 and 12 © Within the framework of the  40th anniversary celebrations, the Patrimonito National Storyboard Competition was launched by the two ...

This competition aims to provide young people with an opportunity to use their creative and problem-solving skills to raise awareness about World Heritage sites.

In 2007 the City of Ávila, initiated the "Patrimonitos Programme" in collaboration with  Excmo Heritage Council, the town council, the schools and institutes of the town to promote the knowledge of World Heritage. ...

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre invited Gruppo Alcuni (Italy), a ...

Nicaragua Sub-regional Training Courses on World Heritage Education: For the Central American countries, the training will be held in Nicaragua in December 2001

RØROS, Norway The third European World Heritage Restoration Camp for Youth was held 6-17 August 2001 in Røros, a mining town in Norway, that is a World Heritage Site since 1981. For the third time, participants ...

From June 30 to July 1, 2011, in celebration of both the International Youth Year (IYY) and Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10), 18 young people and volunteers' projects organisers met ...

Belize City, Belize 15-17 August 2001 Event and Objectives Marine Environmental Education Programme, Belize Fifteen youth were chosen to participate in the 3-day World Heritage Marine Environmental Program. The ...

Mount Kenya, Kenya, 19-23 April 2004 Event The 4-day program included, besides an official opening, thematic presentations by resource persons from the Kenya National Museums, the Kenya Wildlife Service, the ...

Petra, Jordan Event The 1st sub-Regional World Heritage Skills Development Course in the Arab Region held in Petra, Jordan (2002) scientifically supervised by ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the ...

"Youth for Peace, Youth for Heritage!"  say the young heritage professionals in the Arab States region Thirty-two young professionals from 17 countries of the Arab States region gathered in Tunis, Tunisia from 2 ...

The First Foro Accesible de Patrimonio Joven encouraged young people to participate in heritage preservation. The Foro Accesible de Patrimonio Joven (the Accessible Forum for Heritage and Young People) was held in ...

Durban, South Africa, 12-14 July 2005 Objectives In parallel with the 29th World Heritage Committee meeting in Durban a visual arts workshop for young people was held. The objective was to translate the ...

One challenge How can we rethink heritage? How can the conservation, promotion and transmission of heritage be adapted to the challenges of the future? Urbanisation, climate change, global inequality, armed ...

With the increased opportunities and scope of engaging with heritage, the protection of heritage has also become a global challenge in the 21st century. Youth are the most affected by the key development changes, ...

Our Pledge, Bergen, Norway Cultural and natural sites form the environment on which human beings are dependent psychologically, religiously, educationally and economically. Their destruction or even deterioration ...

Student's appeal "We, the youth of Africa, have met at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum for Africa in Zimbabwe (18-24 September 1996). During this week, we have discovered just how important it is to conserve and ...

Young People's Appeal from Dubrovnik We, the young people "Patrimonitos" (heritage protectors), as we call ourselves, are so happy to be here in the World Heritage City of Dubrovnik. During this forum we became ...

Students' recommendations We, the participants of the first Asia-Pacific World Heritage Youth Forum are here to express our views on the importance of preserving World Heritage. We can appreciate and see all ...

Osaka, Japan, 22-29 November 1998 Objectives The objective of the youth Forum was to build a "Bridge to the New Millennium" by promoting: Peace, Restoration & Preservation, Natural Environment and ...

Dakar-Gorée, Sénégal 23-27 August 1999 Objectives The World Heritage Youth Forum and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade By mobilizing the youth from different schools all around the world, UNESCO desired, through the ...

Ifrane, Morocco 22-28 November 1999 Objectives The Forum aims to stimulate young people's interest in preserving the world's cultural and natural heritage. The Forum will give participants the opportunity to ...

This World Heritage Youth Forum from 23-28 November 2000 in Cairns, Australia, was the first such forum to be held in the Pacific region. This enabled a unique Pacific focus with students and teachers from 14 ...
