Covering an area estimated at 1.62 million km2, the forests of Central Africa are home to vital biodiversity for the planet and play a central role in climate regulation and carbon sequestration.
The World Heritage Convention is one of the most successful international instruments to protect the most extraordinary natural places on the planet, characterized by their natural beauty or outstanding ...
UNESCO has been taking action in the Congo Basin since 2000 in order to improve the conservation and the management of natural World Heritage sites, those already inscribed as well as those which have the potential ...
The objective of this project was to establish a global network of World Heritage forests to assist the World Heritage Forest Programme.In 1998, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), IUCN and the ...
The Okapi Wildlife Reserve has been on the World Heritage List since 1996. It occupies about one-fifth of the Ituri forest in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, near the borders of Sudan and ...
There exist a great variety of religious and sacred sites that are representative of the different cultures and traditions of the world. Approximately 20 percent of the properties inscribed on the World Heritage ...
The Rainforests of the Atsinanana are predominantly old-growth forests, and, as such, are critically important for the maintenance of ecological processes and the survival of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity. The ...
The Aka Pygmies are considered the very first inhabitants of the Central African Republic. They live in the Mongoumba Forest, of Lobaye.
A preparatory assistance mission, under the framework of the France-UNESCO ...
Natural World Heritage sites are the planet’s most precious gifts to humanity. But our work across these 257 sites is not simply about protecting and preserving some of the world’s most beautiful locations, ...
Despite its extraordinary cultural and biological diversity and richness, the Pacific is the most under-represented sub-region on the World Heritage List.
To redress this imbalance, World Heritage Global Strategy ...
Honduras' forest administration (COHDEFOR) and local NGOs, such as MOPAWI, are seeking sustainable alternatives for the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve. The most important remaining strand of humid tropical forest in ...
At Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, reserve staff and local partners, such as Amigos de Sian Ka'an, are developing strategies to mitigate the pressures from mass tourism on the site's ...
At Tikal National Park in Guatemala, the Institute of Anthropology and History, part of the culture ministry, is working to protect one of the world's most important ancient Mayan sites and part of the largest ...
Dans le cadre de l'Initiative pour le patrimoine mondial forestier d'Afrique centrale (CAWHFI), le Centre du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO a organisé un atelier qui visait à identifier et à caractériser, parmi les ...