Addendum State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
Addendum State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
jeudi 31 mai 2018
- 2018 - Allemagne - Westwerk caroligien et civitas de Corvey
- 2018 - Bulgarie - Parc national de Pirin
- 2018 - Chine - Ensemble de bâtiments anciens des montagnes de Wudang
- 2018 - Chine - Ensemble historique du Palais du Potala, Lhasa
- 2018 - Chine - Le Grand Canal
- 2018 - Chine - Routes de la soie : le réseau de routes du corridor de Chang’an-Tian-shan
- 2018 - Égypte - Memphis et sa nécropole – les zones des pyramides de Guizeh à Dahchour
- 2018 - Fédération de Russie - Caucase de l'Ouest
- 2018 - Fédération de Russie - Centre historique de la ville de Yaroslavl
- 2018 - Fédération de Russie - Kizhi Pogost
This document contains information on the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. The World Heritage Committee is requested to review the reports on the state of conservation of properties contained in this document. The full reports of Reactive Monitoring missions requested by the World Heritage Committee are available at the following Web address in their original language:
All previous state of conservation reports are available through the World Heritage State of conservation Information System at the following Web address:
Decision required: The World Heritage Committee may wish to adopt the draft Decision presented at the end of each state of conservation report.
World Heritage Centre