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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

857 Activities
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Zeugma is an ancient city situated on the Euphrates south of Turkey. It is composed of two cities on either side of the Euphrates: Seleucia and Apamea. The construction of a new dam on the Euphrates in Turkey ...

An international expert meeting focusing on “Tourism and World Heritage Sites” was held from 6 to 8 March 2008 at the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, France. (The Saltwork is part of a property inscribed on the ...

The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was signed on 16 November 1972. The 30th Anniversary celebrations included the organization of the international conference “World ...

Urban heritage preservation policies, when separated from development strategies, can lead to a marginalization of the poorest populations. Constraints caused by regulations, in the absence of assistance mechanisms, ...

The objective of this project was to establish a global network of World Heritage forests to assist the World Heritage Forest Programme.In 1998, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), IUCN and the ...

Connecting river banks and cultures, bridge are a work which has, today, acquired great symbolic value, whether as historical testimony or contemporary creation. Reconstruction of the Mostar Bridge (which is part of ...

The rationale of this project was to provide technical assistance through an advisory mission for the development of management mechanisms and tourism management for two recently inscribed sites, one natural and one ...

In order to identify and protect its heritage, Cameroon launched a national inventory of cultural heritage in 2001. The French Embassy in Cameroon passed on the request for technical assistance to the French ...

The Comoros islands possess a rich cultural and material heritage as well as a rich intangible heritage. The country ratified the World Heritage Convention in 2000 and identified 4 sites for inscription on the ...

Located 200km from Brazzaville, Congo, the Royal Domain of the Mbé was inscribed on the Tentative Lists in 2008. The property, which is also of significant historical value, is made up of a group of areas linked to ...

Grand-Bassam is the first capital of the former French colony of Côte d’Ivoire, from 1893 to 1900. The historic city, or “France quarter” as it was called, was built on a stretch of land between the Ouladine Lake to ...

Ethiopia has numerous megalithic sites. The most important of them is Tiya, which was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1980. It has thirty-six monuments, including thirty-two stelae inscribed with sometimes ...

Realizing the richness of Ethiopian cultural heritage, the organization in charge of cultural heritage within the Ministry of Culture, the ARCCH (Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage), ...

Founded in the ninth century, the Agadez, Niger, occupies a prominent position on the crossroads of the principal commercial routes of the Sahara, which allowed it to play an important role in the region until the ...

The Okapi Wildlife Reserve has been on the World Heritage List since 1996. It occupies about one-fifth of the Ituri forest in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, near the borders of Sudan and ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement developed several activities centred on heritage and sustainable local development in Africa in particular. Since 2003, this Cooperation Agreement initiated the organisation ...

Within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, the French Ministry of Culture and the Director General of heritage for several African countries organized a week of meetings for directors of the ...

In 2009, a programme called “Heritage and Development” was initiated under the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement to respond to the requests expressed during the special sessions of the Africities Summits on ...

Caribbean archaeological heritage has been the subject of enhancement initiatives at the beginning of the years 2000, to valorise underrepresented heritage on the World Heritage List in the region. An international ...

The property Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape, Lao People's Democratic Republic, was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2001, as a cultural landscape, at the ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement provided support to the valorisation of the Pacific Marine Heritage and support to the World Heritage Marine Programme. The “Marine heritage project: Central pacific”, on ...

Le Corbusier is one of the greatest architects of the 20th century, and his work both built and written have had a huge impact on the world, and demonstrate major technical and conceptual changes of the Modern ...

Managing a heritage site today involves much more than just conservation. It's also about site protection, enhancement and the arrangements for hosting and managing visitor flows, as well as commitment to developing ...

Learning from experiences of the Rivers and Heritage initiative The Rivers and Heritage initiative proposes to support the process of cultural development of rivers and to contribute to the protection and the ...

Cities and urban areas are the most represented types of heritage on the World Heritage List. World Heritage Cities are also among the World Heritage Properties that appear most often in state of conservation ...

In 2007, the World Heritage Centre, with the support of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, launched a study and analysis of the World Heritage List and the Tentative Lists (of States parties which have signed ...

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are islands of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are generally small in size, relatively remote, vulnerable to environmental challenges, and ...

Pastoralism is defined as a system of livestock farming which depends, for the most part, on the generally non-intensive use of naturally-occurring plant materials for grazing, either on a farm or as part of a ...

With the support of the Flemish Government, and later within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, the World Heritage Centre launched an online Information System on the state of conservation ...

Following the international donors conference for the Rehabilitation of the Cultural Heritage in Kosovo* (13 May 2005), organised by UNESCO in collaboration with the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in ...

Developing a Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Silk Roads Heritage Corridors © UNESCO / Roland Lin Acclaimed as the ‘greatest route in the history of mankind’, the ancient Silk Road formed the ...

The World Heritage Education Programme gives young people a chance to voice their concerns and to become involved in the protection of our common cultural and natural heritage. This brochure offers overview of the ...

At its 19th session (UNESCO, 2013), the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention decided (Resolution 19 GA 4) to fully apply Article 8, paragraph 2, of the World Heritage Convention which ...

Extra-budgetary Projects Latin America and the Caribbean A number of specific conservation projects within the Region undertaken mostly through funding provided by extra-budgetary resources. The projects financed ...

Heritage was long absent from the mainstream sustainable development debate despite its crucial importance to societies and the wide acknowledgment of its great potential to contribute to social, economic and ...

The results of the Second Periodic Report on the State of World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean were presented at the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), in June ...

The World Heritage Youth Project on Marine Biodiversity & Climate Change, held from 25th to 29th of January 2016 in Panama at the World Heritage site of Coiba National Park and its special zone of marine ...

The two years 2016-2018 UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust project “Support to the South Asian Cultural Landscape Initiatives” was officially approved by the Japanese authorities on 31 May 2016. The project aims to ...

#MyOceanPledge I pledge to protect the ocean for future generations Please do not email me Newsletter Sign the Pledge #MyOceanPledge was started by children living ...

Natural World Heritage sites face many challenges that threaten their existence. They represent a global heritage recognized as being of outstanding universal value, unique and irreplaceable. As the rate of global ...

Sankhu is a traditional Newar settlement located in the North East of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, and was inscribed on the tentative World Heritage List in 2008. The April and May 2015 earthquakes had a ...

Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) have a rich cultural and natural heritage, yet this is not currently fully reflected in the World Heritage List. Between 2011 and 2016, SIDS States Parties to the World ...

In summer 2016, the Temple of Bel, among other important archaeological monuments of the World Heritage Site of Palmyra, was intentionally destroyed. An element of the structure of the Temple, the Portico, remained ...

Le projet vise à aider le Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) à développer une stratégie pour le tourisme durable dans ce bien du patrimoine mondial, en donnant un rôle effectif aux communautés locales des ...

Heritage impact assessments (HIAs) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are increasingly required to analyze possible effects and consequences of development on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World ...

Zimbabwe has benefited from several initiatives in the field of Rock Art conservation. These initiatives mainly consisted of participation in training programmes with sub-regional scope that took place about a ...

The issue of the protection and management of properties of religious interest is increasingly prominent in contemporary conservation debates. In today’s interconnected world grappling with serious socio-economic ...

This project aims to fund the elaboration of a Risk Management Plan for the property Quebrada de Humahuaca by providing technical support to the State Party of Argentina and to provide specific training to the local ...

The Reactive Monitoring process established under the World Heritage Convention is one of the most comprehensive systems of monitoring ever developed under an international legal instrument in conservation. However, ...

UNESCO seeks to encourage the identification, protection, preservation and conservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. This is embodied in the ...

The overarching vision of this World Heritage project is to establish links and channels of communication among World Heritage Site Managers around the world by providing a web and a social media platform to share ...

Le but de ce projet est de financer des ateliers de formation au profit des gestionnaires du patrimoine mondial en Egypte en vue de leur permettre de maîtriser les techniques de réalisation des études d’impacts de ...

Objectives Established in 1959 as a multiple land use area, with wildlife coexisting with semi-nomadic Maasai pastoralists practicing traditional livestock grazing, Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) was inscribed ...

The second Photo & Story Contest for the Lake Ohrid region and its natural and cultural heritage is organized within the framework of the project "Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary ...

64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since the beginning of the last century. In most regions across the world, wetlands continue to decline compromising the benefits that wetlands provide to people. ...

Fourteen youth, with common interests in marine biodiversity and climate change, developed tourist guides for the Coiba National Park in Panama, in the framework of the World Heritage Youth Project on Marine ...

Climate change is becoming one of the most significant threats to World Heritage properties, jeopardizing the disappearance of their Outstanding Universal Value, their integrity and the potential for economic and ...

The issues of identification and preservation of the heritage of science and technology have been discussed at a number of international meetings organized within the framework of the UNESCO Thematic Initiative ...

The World Heritage Youth Forum is a flagship activity carried out under the World Heritage Education Programme since 1995. The forum serves as a platform by bringing young people, educators and heritage experts ...

The ‘Policy Compendium’ will aim to provide States Parties with a consolidated source of policy decisions made under the Convention. It will respond to the need of States Parties for readily accessible information ...

Voluntary annual fee by the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List Online consultation survey Online consultation survey concerning a voluntary annual fee by the properties inscribed on the World ...

Elaboration of a thematic paper proposing to the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention general guidance regarding the management of their cultural and natural heritage of religious interest. This could be ...

This case-study approach aims to define the main principles for building general guidance for World Heritage properties of Religious Interest, seeking to understand the needs, challenges and best practices for the ...

Education is the key to personal fulfilment, development, conservation, peace and well-being. Through education, young people can find new ways to build commitment and strengthen action in favour of preserving our ...

Instagram Video ContestOpen to 18 - 32 years old Post your video about an African World Heritage site using the hashtag #MyAfricanHeritage and stand the chance to win one of our prizes. Top ...

Patrimonito’s World Heritage Adventure cartoon series is a flagship activity carried out under the World Heritage Education Programme since 2002. The cartoon series aim to raise the awareness of the importance of ...

Every historical site has a story to tell, and these stories connect the past, present and future. World Heritage sites are vital sources for our culturally and socially sustainable development. As outstanding ...

The World Heritage Policy Compendium (2015-2019) The proposed activities are presented in the framework of the ongoing development of a compendium of policy for the World Heritage Convention, a project that was ...

This project aims to strengthen the management capacity between the authorities responsible for cultural heritage management in Bolivia, and ensure the active participation of departmental, regional and local ...

This project aims to strengthen sustainable natural resource management in Los Katíos National Park in a way that also provides sustainable livelihood options for local communities living in the area and its buffer ...

The first comprehensive account of the devastation wrought on the World Heritage site of the Ancient City of Aleppo during years of armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has just been published by UNESCO and ...

Based on a strong appeal from national and local stakeholders, the 2030 Agenda adopted by the UN General Assembly integrated, for the first time, the role of culture, through cultural heritage and creativity, as an ...

UNESCO advocates the reaffirmation of identity, mutual respect, dialogue, and unity in diversity, solidarity and a positive interaction among the cultures of the world. This is valid for all areas, including for ...

Tentative Lists are inventories of sites forming part of the cultural and natural heritage of a State Party, which have a strong potential to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. These national inventories are ...

Article 4 of the World Heritage Convention refers to the conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and indicates that “Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring ...

UNESCO is currently implementing a project to develop a unique Buddhist Heritage Route for Sustainable Tourism Development in South Asia with the support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). ...

One type of scientific heritage under-represented on the World Heritage List concerns sites connected with natural sciences and the development of their application through engineering and technology.

Following the collapse of several Takienta during the rainy season in 2018, an on-site emergency mission was carried out by UNESCO from 19-24 October 2018 to assess the extent of the damages caused. The mission ...

Lately, the Djoudj National Park is subject to discharges of agricultural effluents and proliferation of invasive plants that threaten its natural balance. This situation is notably due to the installation of rice ...

Local communities and indigenous peoples are, and have been for centuries, the custodians of many World Heritage sites. Launched in the year 2000, the Community Management for Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT) ...

Local communities and indigenous peoples are, and have been for centuries, the custodians of many World Heritage sites. Launched in the year 2000, the Community Management for Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT) ...

The Muslim heritage of Central Europe is very rich. It is a synthesis of Eastern and European cultural elements, embodied in the values of tangible and intangible culture. This are primarily mosques and mizars ...

As endorsed by the World Heritage Committee at its 42nd session (Manama, 2018), States Parties are invited to actively contribute to the implementation of the UNESCO Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest by ...

Lake Malawi National Park was established in 1980 as a National Park and inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1984 for its natural beauty (criterion vii) and outstanding biodiversity values, notably due to its ...

Koutammakou is a vast transboundary cultural landscape stretching from north-eastern Togo to north-western Benin. It is the land of the Batammariba, a people remarkable in particular for its highly elaborate organic ...

Lake Malawi National Park was established in 1980 and inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1984 for its natural beauty (criterion vii) and outstanding biodiversity values, notably due to its value to science as a ...

Zakouma National Park is located in southeastern Chad. Inscribed in the Tentalive List in 2005, it covers an area of nearly three hundred and five thousand (305,000) hectares. Created in 1963, Zakouma National Park ...

The Diy Gid Biy Cultural Landscape (DGB) is a set of sixteen (16) dry stone sites distributed in seven (7) villages in the Far North Region of Cameroon. The DGB sites are complexes of terraces and platforms spread ...

Ethiopia is among the African countries, which have nine sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. Eight cultural sites and only one natural property, the Simien National Park inscribed in 1978. The Ethiopian ...

Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (RNIMN) (Côte d'Ivoire/Guinea) was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1981. Thereafter, the property has been inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger for 29 years due ...

In early May 2020, torrential rain occurred in and around Rwenzori Mountains National Park (Uganda), a property inscribed on the World Heritage List. The excessive rain caused heavy flooding and destroyed wildlife ...

Over the last decade, several countries from the Sahel region have experienced insecurity and conflicts generated by rebel groups. This has affected the lives of the communities, worsening the region’s economic ...

Located at the southern end of the great expanse of Lake Malawi, with its deep, clear waters and mountain backdrop, the national park is home to many hundreds of fish species, nearly all endemic. Its importance for ...

The current state and trend of World Heritage values of the Dja Faunal Reserve are threatened by pressures from development projects (dams, plantations, logging) in the periphery of the Reserve. There is concern ...

At the 43rd session in Baku (2019), the World Heritage Committee requested the State Parties “to continue reflecting on the mechanisms and tools needed to assess and guide interventions in and around urban ...

The property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2018 due to the potentially irreversible loss of the property’s OUV caused by the impacts of various development projects (Kuraz irrigation ...

The daily monitoring of the conservation status of the heritage sites is carried out by local residents, who were trained as daily heritage inspectors by the managing authority. This monitoring system is a flexible, ...

Following the collapse of several Sikien during the rain season in 2018, an on-site emergency mission was carried out by UNESCO from 19-24 October 2018 to assess the extent of the damages caused. The mission ...

The annual celebration features an interactive and educational programme that includes workshops and performances in the streets of the historic city of George Town. Through the Celebrations, the local communities ...

The initiative aims to educate and share the history, culture and heritage of the Brazilian territory of Missions. The exhibition is part of an ongoing project developed by the National Institute for Historic and ...

The Lopé National Park in Gabon was inscribed on the World Heritage List under the name of “Ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of Lopé-Okanda” in 2007. It is qualified as mixed (nature / culture) because of ...

The local government of Puebla has developed a comprehensive Heritage Education Programme to raise awareness about the city’s cultural heritage and aid its conservation. The programme includes educational events, ...

A programme by UNESCO Jakarta and Citi Foundation aims to promote youth entrepreneurship and raise awareness about cultural and natural heritage by linking local communities’ livelihoods with the heritage sites.

In early 2020, the University of Pennsylvania carried out a field research seminar in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. The educational exercise was used as an opportunity to study the city’s cultural heritage in more ...

A new initiative aims to implement the approach of the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in the Indian cities of Gwalior and Orchha. The project is born out of a collaboration between the ...

The City of Durham Neighbourhood Plan was developed between 2014 and 2021 following a comprehensive community-centred approach, which included a Neighbourhood Forum, extensive consultations and a public referendum. ...

In order to face challenges such as urban gentrification, the abandonment of the city centre and the impact of tourism, the City of Santiago de Compostela developed a comprehensive framework for heritage ...

The Guidebook aims to make the urban legislation of the city of Cidade Velha more accessible and understandable to the public. This document constitutes an exemplary tool for awareness raising of local communities ...

The participatory budgeting and decision-making model enables local residents to decide on the application of part of the city’s budget and the practical initiatives to be carried out in their city.  

Gabon currently has two properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, the Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape Lopé - Okanda and the Ivindo National Park, inscribed in 2021 at the 44th enlarged session of the ...

Thanks to the support of the Government of Japan, the four-year “Capacity-building programme for the nomination of World Heritage sites in the Africa Region”, in line with UNESCO Global Priority Africa,  aims at ...

To protect this historic site at the centre of a bustling metropolis and promote its sustainable development, several actions are addressing the preservation and promotion of its cultural heritage.  

The 2021 publication compiles good practices and expert perspectives on the conservation and sustainable management of this serial property, including regarding tangible and intangible heritage conservation, ...

National and local stakeholders are brought together in the Georgian World Heritage Protection Council. The Council reviews all proposals within the World Heritage properties and buffer zones and ensures adequate ...

The Avebury Residents' Pack, developed between 2006 and 2008 by the local world heritage management office, aimed to reconnect the local communities with the archaeological sites in the village, bringing together ...

Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between UNITAR-UNOSAT and UNESCO in June 2015, cultural heritage around the world has continued to suffer on an unprecedented scale from intentional attacks, ...

Socio-economic Impacts of World Heritage Listing © UNESCO Cultural and natural heritage is not only an irreplaceable source of identity and inspiration, but also a key driving force for ...

Entitled “The Power of Culture: Supporting Community-Based Management and Sustainable Tourism at World Heritage sites in South-East Asia,  the UNESCO Office in Jakarta with the technical assistance of the UNESCO ...

Managing effectively the world’s most iconic Marine Protected Areas What is the purpose of this guide? This guide is a primer on how to accomplish effective, pro-active management to ensure the long-term ...

For the one-year anniversary of the IUCN World Parks Congress, UNESCO has published the proceedings of this Congress to highlight the recommendations of the global conservation community on World Heritage for the ...

Extrabudgetary Support for UNESCO’S World Heritage Convention The opportunities for the application of the World Heritage Convention regarding the identification and conservation of the world’s most outstanding ...

Supported by the European Union, World Heritage Journeys showcases UNESCO recognised outstanding cultural heritage in a travel platform that promotes sustainable tourism development across Europe. The World ...

#OurLakeOhrid Photo & Story Contest © UNESCO The Photo Contest was organized in the framework of the Project: "Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary natural and ...

Over the years, and based on the many cases which have arisen at natural World Heritage properties, the World Heritage Committee has expressed many times its clear position that that mineral, oil and gas exploration ...

This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism. It also examines the close relationship ...

World Heritage in the High Seas The world’s ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction span half the globe. Just as on land, the deepest and most remote ocean areas harbour globally unique ecosystems. To date, none ...

With an emphasis on sustainable development and the interaction between communities and their shared heritage, this project aims to help local communities in South Asia develop traditional crafts suitable for ...

Marine Programme: State of Conservation Reporting © World Heritage status signifies that a place is unique and irreplaceable. But the recognition comes with responsibilities. As a condition for ...

Ocean Science Roadmapfor UNESCO Marine World Heritage In the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030). © Shane Gross Ocean Science ...

Young People's Appeal from Dubrovnik We, the young people "Patrimonitos" (heritage protectors), as we call ourselves, are so happy to be here in the World Heritage City of Dubrovnik. During this forum we became ...

International World Heritage Youth Forum : first WHY Forum organized in Russian Federation at Velikiy Novgorod, 24-29 August 2002. The working program of the Forum included three round tables: Associated Schools ...

Dakar-Gorée, Sénégal 23-27 August 1999 Objectives The World Heritage Youth Forum and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade By mobilizing the youth from different schools all around the world, UNESCO desired, through the ...

Lima, Peru 23 February - 1 March 2001 Objectives The main objective of the Forum was to find ways to protect the areas that are threatened by tourism. The global phenomenon of the increase of tourism forces ...

Karslkrona, Sweden3-8 September 2001 Objectives The 10th World Heritage Youth Forum Theme was: " Both sides of the coin - how the dark and light sides of my World Heritage can become keys to understand the present ...

Durban, South Africa, 12-14 July 2005 Objectives In parallel with the 29th World Heritage Committee meeting in Durban a visual arts workshop for young people was held. The objective was to translate the ...

From 21 June to 10 July 2008, thirty young people met in Canada to deepen their knowledge of different aspects of World Heritage in the framework of the 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee. Organizers The ...

Thirty students and 36 delegates throughout the Asian Pacific region met from 18 to 24 June 2007 in New Zealand to deepen their knowledge of the Maori and Pacific heritage in the framework of the 31st session of the ...

Aranjuez , the only Spanish site declared Cultural Landscape in the World Heritage List of UNESCO will host the 2nd World Heritage Ibero-American Youth Forum from 20 to June 30, 2010. The event comes in the wake of ...

In conjunction with the 34th World Heritage Committee meeting, forty-six young students met in order to exchange experiences and ideas on how to become involved in heritage conservation and preservation. From the ...

Networking for a better common future The First South East Europe World Heritage Youth Forum, held 21-26 May 2011 in Porec, Croatia (from May 21 to 23), in Skocjan Cave and Lipika, Slovenia (from May 24 to 26), was ...

The 3rd Iberoamerican World Heritage's Youth Forum is an international event organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, through its national Heritage Education Program: "Patrimonio ...

The 4th World Heritage Youth Forum focusing on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention was held from 10 to 20 June 2012 in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) and Mollina, (Málaga). Forty-six young people aged ...

The Second SEE World Heritage Youth Forum for peace and sustainable development was held from 6th until 11th April 2013 in Zajecar, Eastern Serbia, where the World Heritage site Gamzigrad – Felix Romuliana / Palace ...

28 delegates 26 countries 12 days One challenge How can we rethink heritage? How can the conservation, promotion and transmission of heritage be adapted to the challenges of the ...

One challenge How can we rethink heritage? How can the conservation, promotion and transmission of heritage be adapted to the challenges of the future? Urbanisation, climate change, global inequality, armed ...

With the increased opportunities and scope of engaging with heritage, the protection of heritage has also become a global challenge in the 21st century. Youth are the most affected by the key development changes, ...

Students' recommendations We, the participants of the first Asia-Pacific World Heritage Youth Forum are here to express our views on the importance of preserving World Heritage. We can appreciate and see all ...

Student's appeal "We, the youth of Africa, have met at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum for Africa in Zimbabwe (18-24 September 1996). During this week, we have discovered just how important it is to conserve and ...
