World Heritage Youth Forum (2011) 3rd Ibero-American
The 3rd Iberoamerican World Heritage's Youth Forum is an international event organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, through its national Heritage Education Program: "Patrimonio Joven".
This international event was held from 14th to 24th june 2011 in Santillana del Mar and Zaragoza, Spain, with the central subject of work: Rock Art.
Thirty nine students, from 12 to 15 years old participated representing World Heritage Sites of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Portugal, Uruguay and Spain.
The activities planned included world heritage's site visits, meetings, conferences, round tables and workshops. The main objective of these activities is to develop in young people the skills that will allow them to identify, accept and play their individual and social role in Heritage´s preservation.
Video memory 3rd Ibero american World Heritage's Youth Forum. Part 1
Video memory 3rd Ibero american World Heritage’s Youth Forum. Part 2.