Who's Who
Fanny Douvere

Dr. Fanny Douvere heads the World Heritage Centre's Marine Programme, based at UNESCO's HQ in Paris, France. The mission of the programme is to ensure the 50 marine sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List are sustainably managed so future generations can continue to enjoy them.
Her day-to-day work includes field missions to evaluate the state of conservation or provide training on a wide range of topics, including the criticaly endangered Vaquita in Mexico's Gulf of California, the Rampal power plant in the Sundarbans in Bangladesh, coral reef conservation in the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System in Belize or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. She further oversees the development of the World Heritage marine managers network across 50 flagship marine protected areas spanning 37 countries.
In 2021, the programme revealed that marine World Heritage sites are major carbon sinks, hosting over 21% of the world's blue carbon assets and most recently co-launched the first global e-DNA initaitive to assess climate impacts on the geographic distribution of species. In 2017, the programme led the first global scientific assessment on the impacts of climate change on World Heritage coral reefs and, between 2015-2021, explored the potential of the 1972 World Heritage Convention to establish and conserve marine protected areas in the High Seas.
Prior to her work at the World Heritage Centre, she co-initiated the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) initative at UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission whose methodology is now being implemented in more than 70 countries. Her work is widely referenced and includes Marine Spatial Planning: A step-by-step Approach toward ecosystem-based management (2009) and World Heritage Marine Sites. Managing effectively the world's most iconic Marine Protected Areas (2015). She obtained her PhD degree from the Ghent University in Belgium on the subject of Marine Spatial Planning: Concepts, current practice and linkages to other management approaches and is an Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh.
Her day-to-day work includes field missions to evaluate the state of conservation or provide training on a wide range of topics, including the criticaly endangered Vaquita in Mexico's Gulf of California, the Rampal power plant in the Sundarbans in Bangladesh, coral reef conservation in the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System in Belize or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. She further oversees the development of the World Heritage marine managers network across 50 flagship marine protected areas spanning 37 countries.
In 2021, the programme revealed that marine World Heritage sites are major carbon sinks, hosting over 21% of the world's blue carbon assets and most recently co-launched the first global e-DNA initaitive to assess climate impacts on the geographic distribution of species. In 2017, the programme led the first global scientific assessment on the impacts of climate change on World Heritage coral reefs and, between 2015-2021, explored the potential of the 1972 World Heritage Convention to establish and conserve marine protected areas in the High Seas.
Prior to her work at the World Heritage Centre, she co-initiated the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) initative at UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission whose methodology is now being implemented in more than 70 countries. Her work is widely referenced and includes Marine Spatial Planning: A step-by-step Approach toward ecosystem-based management (2009) and World Heritage Marine Sites. Managing effectively the world's most iconic Marine Protected Areas (2015). She obtained her PhD degree from the Ghent University in Belgium on the subject of Marine Spatial Planning: Concepts, current practice and linkages to other management approaches and is an Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh.
Natural Heritage Unit
Activities 11
- Environmental DNA Expeditions in UNESCO World Heritage marine sites
- World Heritage Marine Programme
- Facts & Figures: The Importance of UNESCO World Heritage Marine Sites for Global Biodiversity
- Blue Carbon and UNESCO Marine World Heritage
- Climate Change Marine
- Marine Programme: State of Conservation Reporting
- Marine Programme: World Heritage marine managers
- Ocean Science Roadmap for UNESCO Marine World Heritage
- Shaping the future of climate adaptation through Resilient Reefs
- World Heritage in the High Seas
- World Heritage Marine Sites - Best Practice guide
News 140
- UNESCO World Heritage-Listed coral reefs share experiences on fourth global bleaching event 23-May-2024
- Managing land-based pollution is crucial in keeping coral reefs healthy 05-Apr-2024
- New Caledonia Launches its First Reef Resilience Strategy 20-Feb-2024
- Palau's Rock Islands Southern Lagoon launches resilience strategy 03-Nov-2023
- Marine World Heritage managers unite at the Wadden Sea in effort to accelerate conservation success 10-Oct-2023
- Financing marine protected areas through blue carbon credits 27-Sep-2023
- Scientists for a day: Argentinian students join UNESCO eDNA initiative in Península Valdés 31-Jul-2023
- Students from four Yemeni schools collect eDNA samples in Socotra Archipelago 28-Jun-2023
- Building climate resilience for people and nature at marine World Heritage sites 13-Jun-2023
- Students participate in environmental DNA sampling in the Banc d'Arguin National Park in Mauritania 06-May-2023
- Traditional Owners carry out eDNA sampling in Ningaloo Coast 01-May-2023
- School children from rural areas in South Africa join eDNA sampling of iSimangaliso Wetland Park 19-Apr-2023
- Archipiélago de Revillagigedo in Mexico joins the UNESCO environmental DNA Expeditions 16-Apr-2023
- Volunteers join UNESCO eDNA sampling in Tubbataha Reefs in Philippines 14-Apr-2023
- Students in Sudan join UNESCO eDNA sampling in Red Sea 09-Apr-2023
- High school students join UNESCO eDNA campaign in Everglades National Park 07-Apr-2023
- Manatees, sea turtles and pelicans accompany eDNA Expedition in Belize 05-Apr-2023
- Seychellois school children collect eDNA samples during ‘Trip of a Lifetime’ to Aldabra Atoll 04-Apr-2023
- Ningaloo Coast releases world’s first community-led resilience strategy to adapt World Heritage reef to climate change 30-Mar-2023
- Schoolchildren support scientists in the Gulf of Porto, France, as part of UNESCO’s Environmental DNA initiative 17-Mar-2023
- School-aged pupils and university students join UNESCO environmental DNA sampling in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh 15-Mar-2023
- Associations and management committees are taking part in UNESCO's eDNA campaign in the Lagoons of New Caledonia (France) 01-Mar-2023
- Students at Lord Howe Island in Australia join UNESCO in global eDNA research 14-Feb-2023
- Children become eDNA citizen scientists at Coiba National Park in Panama 07-Feb-2023
- Schoolchildren and Traditional Owners undertake eDNA sampling in Shark Bay, Australia 03-Jan-2023
- Young scientists sample seawater in search of vulnerable marine species in the French Austral Lands and Seas 15-Dec-2022
- Brazilian youth joins UNESCO environmental DNA sampling at Fernando de Noronha 06-Dec-2022
- Frigatebirds, Boobies & Sharks accompany eDNA Expedition in Cocos Islands National Park 06-Dec-2022
- Wadden Sea youth starts off global UNESCO environmental DNA campaign 28-Nov-2022
- Monaco Explorations steps up coral research in Aldabra Atoll World Heritage area 01-Nov-2022
- Best practices in coral bleaching preparedness at UNESCO World Heritage marine sites 11-Aug-2022
- Palau’s Rock Islands Southern Lagoon appoints Chief Resilience Officer 19-Jul-2022
- First meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the environmental DNA initiative 04-Jul-2022
- Innovative eDNA initiative at UN Ocean Conference 28-Jun-2022
- Principality of Monaco renews UNESCO cooperation to protect marine World Heritage 17-May-2022
- Ocean: UNESCO launches emergency plan to boost World Heritage-listed reefs’ resilience 14-Apr-2022
- Pilot eDNA sampling campaign in Corsica 30-Mar-2022
- UNESCO Marine World Heritage: 2021 in review 01-Mar-2022
- UNESCO Calls For Substantial Investment In Science To Protect Marine World Heritage Against Climate Impact 17-Nov-2021
- UNESCO launches global eDNA project to study vulnerability of species to climate change at marine World Heritage sites 19-Oct-2021
- How marine World Heritage sites successfully manage invasive species 16-Jun-2021
- World Oceans Day: How Marine World Heritage builds resilience for people and nature 08-Jun-2021
- Marine World Heritage: 2020-2021 Annual Overview 22-Apr-2021
- New research demonstrates crucial role of World Heritage marine sites in fighting climate change 01-Mar-2021
- Resilient Reefs launches first economic valuation at Ningaloo Coast 22-Jan-2021
- How marine World Heritage sites successfully assess climate vulnerability 17-Dec-2020
- Resilient Reefs presents novel climate approach at UNFCCC 03-Dec-2020
- Local action for global impact: Scientific research at UNESCO Marine World Heritage sites 21-Oct-2020
- Birds connect our ecosystems. People connect to protect them 09-Oct-2020
- World Oceans Day: How marine World Heritage shapes the future of science and innovation 08-Jun-2020
- Marine World Heritage: 50 Beacons of Hope in a changing ocean 09-Mar-2020
- Stepping up management of Komodo’s outstanding marine environment 16-Dec-2019
- Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Superintendent wins prestigious KfW-Bernhard-Grzimek-Preis 23-Sep-2019
- Glacier Bay and West Norwegian Fjords sign Partnership Agreement 11-Sep-2019
- World’s flagship marine protected areas gather in milestone conference toward United Nations 2030 Agenda 10-Sep-2019
- New Arabic publication on effective management of World Heritage marine sites 19-Aug-2019
- UNESCO calls for concerted action to strengthen the resilience of coral reefs 19-Jul-2019
- Celebrating women scientists in World Heritage marine sites 08-Jun-2019
- Marine World Heritage 2019 Annual Report 31-Jan-2019
- Legal experts gather in Monaco to explore World Heritage beyond national jurisdiction 14-Dec-2018
- Belize starts high-level 5-day visit to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in effort to bolster expertise in World Heritage Conservation 29-Nov-2018
- Wadden Sea holds first expert meeting to discuss marine litter at World Heritage sites 19-Nov-2018
- Public-private consortium pioneers global leadership in climate adaptation across UNESCO World Heritage sites 29-Oct-2018
- Strengthening marine World Heritage in Sudan through South-South cooperation 12-Oct-2018
- Latest UNESCO update confirms remaining within 1.5°C climate target is critical for survival of World Heritage-listed coral reefs 17-Sep-2018
- Marine World Heritage-inspired artwork to celebrate World Oceans Day 08-Jun-2018
- Norwegian parliament adopts zero-emission regulations in World Heritage fjords 17-May-2018
- Marine World Heritage shares conservation trends at Monaco Blue Initiative 20-Apr-2018
- Spearheading a global conservation movement: Marine World Heritage 2018 annual report 06-Feb-2018
- Director of World Heritage Centre welcomes oil moratorium at Belize Barrier Reef 09-Jan-2018
- UNESCO and the Principality of Monaco sign strategic partnership in favour of Marine World Heritage 01-Nov-2017
- “World Heritage Coral Reefs” Exhibit opens in Paris 03-Oct-2017
- Working across borders to protect Eastern Tropical Pacific gems 26-Sep-2017
- Ministries and customary owners discuss future East Rennell World Heritage site 26-Sep-2017
- Tubbataha Reefs protected from international shipping impacts 25-Jul-2017
- Assessment: World Heritage coral reefs likely to disappear by 2100 unless CO2 emissions drastically reduce 23-Jun-2017
- Children call on world leaders to save the ocean, launch #My Ocean Pledge campaign at World Oceans Day event 08-Jun-2017
- CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority receives 2017 KfW-Bernhard-Grzimek-Preis 04-May-2017
- Polynesian Voyaging Society concludes tour of eight World Heritage marine sites 10-Apr-2017
- New IUCN World Heritage report stresses urgency of protecting the Arctic from ships and oil as ice melts 04-Apr-2017
- Annual Newsletter 2017 - Reflecting on a year of highs and lows 27-Jan-2017
- Celebrating a decade of Marine World Heritage 20-Dec-2016
- Ocean Elder Sven Lindblad on why Protecting UNESCO’s Marine World Heritage Is Essential 20-Dec-2016
- Impact of climate change on marine sites examined at COP22 22-Nov-2016
- World Heritage Centre and IUCN representatives start dialogue towards better protection of the Sundarbans 31-Oct-2016
- Seven marine sites sign historic agreement 19-Oct-2016
- World Heritage Centre and IUCN call for relocation of Rampal power plant, a serious threat to the Sundarbans 18-Oct-2016
- Guardians of the world’s ocean icons convene in Galapagos to chart sustainable future 24-Aug-2016
- World Heritage in the High Seas: An Idea Whose Time has Come 03-Aug-2016
- World Oceans Day: Healthy Oceans – Healthy Planet 08-Jun-2016
- International Maritime Organization approves “in principle” Particularly Sensitive Sea Area Status for Tubbataha Reefs 26-Apr-2016
- New partnership will shed light on impact from fisheries on World Heritage marine sites 15-Mar-2016
- Danger Listed site Belize Barrier Reef gets visionary integrated management plan 29-Feb-2016
- Annual Report 2015 World Heritage Marine Programme 19-Feb-2016
- French Marine Protected Areas Agency steps up World Heritage Conservation 21-Dec-2015
- Government of Belize bans offshore oil exploration at Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System World Heritage site 02-Dec-2015
- Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation joins Marine World Heritage 27-Nov-2015
- Stepping up capacity to assist East Rennell’s removal from Danger List 26-Nov-2015
- Marine World Heritage at COP21 26-Nov-2015
- Scientists convene in Paris to explore World Heritage in High Seas 29-Oct-2015
- Shell’s departure ends oil threat to Arctic gem 06-Oct-2015
- West Norwegian Fjords and Glacier Bay join forces to strengthen conservation in marine World Heritage 21-Sep-2015
- Jaeger-LeCoultre helps Cocos Island National Park fight poaching 21-Sep-2015
- Building capacity in the Galapagos Islands to strengthen fisheries compliance 14-Aug-2015
- Historic Local community meeting in New Caledonia to strengthen World Heritage conservation 20-Jul-2015
- Managing effectively the world’s most iconic marine protected areas: A Best Practice Guide 25-Jun-2015
- Relais & Châteaux and SeaWeb Europe celebrate Marine World Heritage on World Oceans Day by promoting sustainable seafood 08-Jun-2015
- Mauritania, Philippines and Australia apply for better protection for marine World Heritage sites at International Maritime Organisation 21-May-2015
- Jaeger-LeCoultre brings spotlight on marine World Heritage on Earth Day 22-Apr-2015
- New management plan at Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park puts focus on Outstanding Universal Value 07-Apr-2015
- Peer learning between Galapagos Islands and Great Barrier Reef 30-Mar-2015
- Banc d’Arguin National Park inspires young people to preserve World Heritage 10-Feb-2015
- Belize agrees to Chart Road Map solving Critical Conservation Issues to remove Belize Barrier Reef from Danger List 27-Jan-2015
- The Polynesian Voyaging Society embarks on a worldwide voyage through marine World Heritage sites 08-Jan-2015
- Compliance Management Workshop great success 17-Nov-2014
- UN Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bündchen Lends Her Support to Marine World Heritage 14-Nov-2014
- World Heritage Centre partners with pioneer Catlin Seaview Survey 11-Jun-2014
- Global Ocean Summit makes Marine World Heritage “pitch for action” 07-May-2014
- Cocos Island National Park receives exceptional donation from Jaeger-LeCoultre 29-Nov-2013
- Best practice management at the Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems 26-Jul-2013
- Jaeger-LeCoultre auction benefits Brazilian Atlantic Islands: Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas Reserves 14-Jun-2013
- World Heritage celebrates World Oceans Day! 07-Jun-2013
- Protecting Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park from Shipping Threats 03-Jun-2013
- First European Marine World Heritage Sites conference commits to strong regional cooperation 26-Apr-2013
- Marine World Heritage: The Crown Jewels of the Ocean event calls for support of marine sites 08-Feb-2013
- Nairobi Convention calls for cooperation on marine World Heritage in Indian Ocean 17-Dec-2012
- International Youth Forum Go4BioDiv at Sundarbans National Park 19-Oct-2012
- Rock Islands Southern Lagoon and Tubbataha World Heritage sites win Future Policy Award for marine resource management 01-Oct-2012
- World Heritage Centre signs Memorandum of Understanding with the French Marine Protected Area Agency 06-Jul-2012
- World Heritage celebrates World Oceans Day with new iPhone app 08-Jun-2012
- Marine Programme - Newsletter January 2012 23-Dec-2011
- Training in marine spatial planning of World Heritage marine sites in Mexico 12-Oct-2011
- Tides of Time Partners Renew Commitment to Marine World Heritage until 2014 30-Jun-2011
- The World Heritage Paper Series N°28: "Navigating the Future of Marine World Heritage" is published 07-Jun-2011
- Jaeger-LeCoultre auction proceeds support Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary 04-May-2011
- Strengthening the Crown Jewels of the Ocean 20-Dec-2010
- 'Tides of Time Archive' now available online 20-Dec-2010
- UNESCO and the Regional Government of Flanders sign a Trust Fund Agreement for the support of UNESCO’s activities in the field of heritage. 02-Nov-2010
- Joint Workshop establishes successful basis to scale-up marine World Heritage 06-Jul-2010
- Jaeger-LeCoultre affirms commitment to marine conservation at Global Conference on Oceans 06-May-2010
Events 45
- Online Meeting: Impacts of the 4th Global Bleaching Event on UNESCO World Heritage-Listed Coral Reefs 22-May-2024
- UNESCO marine World Heritage: Beacons of Hope in a Changing Ocean 16-Nov-2023-16-Nov-2023
- 5th World Heritage Marine Managers Conference 05-Oct-2023-09-Oct-2023
- Online meeting: Financing Marine Protected Areas through Blue Carbon Credits 26-Sep-2023
- UNESCO Marine World Heritage at the 5th International Marine Protected Area Congress (IMPAC5) 03-Feb-2023-09-Feb-2023
- Online meeting: How Blue Bonds finance long-term conservation at UNESCO World Heritage marine sites 19-Jan-2023
- Online meeting: How to prepare for the next coral bleaching event? 13-Jul-2022
- High-level event: UNESCO Marine World Heritage & the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in the framework of the Ocean Decade 17-Nov-2021-17-Nov-2021
- UNESCO Conference: Identifying Critical Science Gaps at Marine World Heritage Sites 04-Oct-2021-04-Oct-2021
- Online Meeting: How to manage invasive alien species at marine World Heritage sites? 20-May-2021-20-May-2021
- Online Press Conference: UNESCO Marine World Heritage – Custodians of the Globe’s Blue Carbon Assets 02-Mar-2021-02-Mar-2021
- Online Meeting: How to apply the Climate Vulnerability Index to your marine World Heritage site? 03-Dec-2020-03-Dec-2020
- Protecting UNESCO marine World Heritage through scientific research 30-Nov-2020-31-Dec-2020
- Online Meeting: Lessons learned from Covid-19 for marine World Heritage protection and community well-being 10-Sep-2020-10-Sep-2020
- Online Meeting: How to successfully build resilience-based management at your marine World Heritage site? 17-Jun-2020
- Online Meeting: Biodiversity and Covid-19 21-Apr-2020
- 4th World Heritage Marine Managers Conference 04-Sep-2019-09-Sep-2019
- Building Leadership for Climate Adaptation of Coral Reefs 05-Jul-2019-05-Jul-2019
- Expert Meeting “Protecting sites of potential Outstanding Universal Value in the High Seas: the practical modalities” 11-Dec-2018-12-Dec-2018
- 40th anniversary celebration of Quito and Galápagos as World Heritage 03-Dec-2018-03-Dec-2018
- Marine World Heritage Expert Meeting - Sudan 09-Oct-2018-12-Oct-2018
- High Seas International Conference 27-Jun-2018-28-Jun-2018
- Photo Exhibit: Coral Reefs on UNESCO's World Heritage List 02-Oct-2017-06-Dec-2017
- World Heritage Committee side event: Coral bleaching in World Heritage marine sites 04-Jul-2017
- #MyOceanPledge 08-Jun-2017-09-Jun-2017
- Launch of report “Natural Marine World Heritage in the Arctic Ocean” 04-Apr-2017
- Building a global network of site managers 27-Aug-2016-31-Aug-2016
- Expert Meeting: New potential World Heritage marine sites in the Arctic Region 25-Feb-2016-26-Feb-2016
- World Heritage High Seas Expert Meeting 29-Oct-2015-30-Oct-2015
- Technical support mission to the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System 19-Jan-2015-26-Jan-2015
- World Heritage Marine Programme celebrates a decade of conservation success 14-Nov-2014
- A virtual dive to celebrate World Oceans Day 10-Jun-2014
- Second global World Heritage marine site managers meeting 18-Oct-2013-20-Oct-2013
- Expert meeting: Identifying potential marine sites of Outstanding Universal Value in the High Seas 18-Mar-2013-19-Mar-2013
- Two Marine World Heritage sites set the stage for a new twinning arrangement 10-Mar-2013-13-Mar-2013
- Events at UNESCO and Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Paris Boutique to mobilize support for Marine World Heritage: The Crown Jewels of the Ocean 07-Feb-2013
- World Heritage Marine Programme Side Event 19-Jun-2011-29-Jun-2011
- Marine World Heritage Event at International Marine Conservation Congress 15-May-2011
- World Heritage Marine Site Managers Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (United States of America) 01-Dec-2010-03-Dec-2010
- Marine World Heritage Exhibit at Expo 2010, Shanghai (China) 06-Sep-2010-08-Sep-2010
- Expert Workshop for marine World Heritage, Vilm (Germany) 30-Jun-2010-04-Jul-2010
- Fifth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, UNESCO Headquarters Paris (France) 03-May-2010-07-May-2010
- Jaeger-LeCoultre auction for India’s Sundarbans National Park 18-Mar-2010
- Joint Workshop on Marine World Heritage site selection and Marine protected areas in the Gulf and Red Sea 24-Feb-2009-26-Feb-2009
- Jaeger-LeCoultre watch to be auctioned for World Heritage preservation. 16-Feb-2009