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World Heritage Convention

105 Decisions
4 Resolutions
Theme: Credibility of the World Heritage Listclose
By Year
It was the opinion of several members that the Committee should issue a statement on the whole philosophy underlying the Convention and, in particular, the need for a World Heritage List. Others felt that the discussion on the criteria for inclusion of properties in the List would necessarily raise the philosophical concepts involved.
Several members felt strongly that the World Heritage List should be exclusive and that, because of its impact, the List - in which balance would be sought geographically and between cultural and natural properties - should be drawn up with extreme care. Responsibility for ensuring the exclusive character of the List would rest first of all, with the States nominating properties and secondly, with the Committee which would have the right to reject nominations; the adoption of criteria which would be used by the Committee to filter nominations therefore constituted a very important first ...
The feasibility of adopting criteria gave rise to some discussion, with member's referring to the difficulty already experienced in establishing criteria at the national level, to the changing and subjective nature of evaluations of qualities, to the impact of Western thought and to the difference between perception from within a given culture and perception from outside. The representative of ICOMOS, in reply, recognized the difficulty of drafting criteria to be applied to cultural property throughout the world and of translating concepts into words that were meaningful on a universal ...
Hope was expressed that sufficient information would be provided to States to enable them to select properties that were truly eligible for inclusion in the List and that the criteria adopted would assist States in restricting their choice of properties nominated. In this connection, one proposal put forward sought to impose on States a limit in the number of properties that they might submit in the first instance but, on reflection this was not considered advisable. It was, however, decided that States would be advised to limit the number of nominations submitted at a given time, on the ...
21. The Committee heard the report of the working group set up to examine measures to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention and agreed with the recommendations set out below: 1) Preparatory assistance to States Parties should be granted on a priority basis for: (i) the establishment of tentative lists of cultural and natural properties situated in their territories and suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List; (ii) the preparation of nominations of types of properties underrepresented in the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Decides to maintain in the revised Operational Guidelines existing text from the July 2002 Operational Guidelines concerning: reactive monitoring (paragraph 68), the development of a programme of corrective measures (paragraphs 22, 46b, 86, 87 and 89), inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger (paragraphs 80-93) and, possible deletion from the World Heritage List (paragraphs 46-56). Requests the World Heritage Centre to re-order the text in the revised Operational Guidelines to ensure a logical and consistent presentation of the ...
14. Introducing agenda item 6, the Secretariat recalled the Bureau's proposals as contained in the report of the ninth session. It was pointed out that, in addition to the question of the growing number of nominations, the real problem raised by development of the Convention was that of monitoring the status of conservation of properties included on the List. 15. In regard to the Bureau's proposed measures to reduce the number of nominations to be processed each year, the Committee was of the view that it was preferable not to lay down strict rules but rather to appeal to States that ...
31. Given the high number of nominations and the problems that this situation might cause for their evaluation and the smooth running of the work of the Committee, the Bureau had wished that the Committee examine whether it was suitable - and in which manner - to eventually envisage a limitation to the number of nominations in the future. The Committee also expressed its concern that the examination of nominations had taken up most of the time available at the expense of the other items on the agenda, particularly financial matters. 32. Several members of the Committee considered that it ...
42. The representative of Algeria noted that the present composition of the World Heritage Committee was somewhat imbalanced in terms of geographical representation, with a particular lack of representation of African States Parties. This meant that there was a resulting imbalance in the representation of cultural regions. The Algerian representative suggested that the Bureau and the Committee should re-examine the voting procedure for the General Assembly of States Parties. 43. The Committee agreed that there was a need to ensure an equitable representation of the different regions and ...
12. The Chairman of the Working Group, H.E. Ananda Guruge (Sri Lanka) presented the recommendations drafted by the Working Group. He stressed how important it was that the work of the Committee be facilitated through careful preparation and submittance of nominations of cultural properties by States Members, a more active Secretariat contribution when checking files, and a selective presentation of proposals by ICOMOS and by the Bureau. He also noted the progress that could be achieved through a reorganization of the Committee's agenda. The Chairman of the Working Group clarified that ...
73. The Secretary-General of ICOMOS read out a telex message from Professor Roberto di Stefano, President of ICOMOS, expressing the grave concern of his Organization about "the situation of architectural heritage, both urban and rural, in Romania". After describing the measures taken by ICOMOS, the message stated that this organization was ready to help the Committee in any way possible. The Committee noted that Romania was not a State Party to the Convention and that when the matter had been raised in the recent 130th session of Unesco's Executive Board, the Director-General had informed ...
30. Before introducing this point, the President referred to the notes sent to UNESCO delegations by France and Italy and wished to give the floor to the heads of the delegations of these countries so they could present their position. The Delegate of Lebanon, referring to Article 11 of the Rules of Procedure, raised a point of procedure relating to Resolutions and Amendments. The President then tabled working document WHC-99/CONF.206/5. 31. He recalled that at its twenty-second session, the World Heritage Committee inscribed this item on the provisional agenda of the twenty-third ...
11. While examining agenda item 4, the Committee took note of the conclusions of the 7th General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention on this question. The Committee welcomed the content of the resolution adopted by the General Assembly which reflected its wish to ensure both a better turnover of Committee members and equitable representation of the different regions and cultures of the world. 12. In accordance with the conclusions of the Bureau at its 13th session and taking account of the above-mentioned resolution, the Committee decided to allocate under the 1990 budget a sum ...
40. The Committee welcomed the proposals of ICOMOS and the Secretariat concerning the global study. In presenting his proposal, the representative of ICOMOS emphasized in particular the need to highlight the changes which had occurred in the world and in approaches to culture in the last twenty years. New tendencies were appearing, especially as concerns the relationships of man to his environment, and new themes were emerging such as anthropised landscapes or vernacular architecture. It was noted that the proposals made by the Secretariat should also be taken into account in elaborating ...
50. The report of the Secretariat was presented and the voluntary work of the Bulgarian Delegate (study on the Mediaeval sites in the Balkans) and of the two experts seconded by the Greek Ministry of Culture for one month (three studies made available to the Committee). These three studies, on the Graeco-Hellenistic and correlated cultures, the Roman and correlated cultures and the Byzantine and correlated cultures were based on an examination of sites already listed, those on tentative lists and with the addition of sites proposed by the experts to fill gaps. In the case of Roman ...
Equitable representation of different regions and cultures of the world 58. The Committee considered the document on Equitable Representation (CC-90/CONF.004/INF.4). The Secretariat noted that it had followed this question closely over years and that it was difficult to make any more suggestions since ultimately this was a decision for the Committee.  59. In respect of paragraph 5(iii), the Secretariat emphasized that it could be difficult for States to indicate at the time of their candidature the names of experts who would represent them for the duration of their term of office. ...
The General Assembly, Welcomes the adoption by the 26th session of the World Heritage Committee of new Strategic Objectives that include the strengthening of the Credibility of the World Heritage List and the development of effective Capacity-building measures; Notes the progress report on the implementation of the Global Strategy for a credible, representative and balanced World Heritage List presented in documents WHC-03/14.GA/8 and WHC-03/27.COM/13; Also notes that the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, China, June-July 2004) will evaluate the 1994 Global ...
The General Assembly,  Having examined Document WHC-07/16.GA/9, Takes note of the progress report on the implementation of the Global Strategy for a credible, representative and balanced World Heritage List from 2003 to 2007 presented in this document, and expresses its deep concern for the limited results achieved so far; Calls upon the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and other partners to significantly increase their support to States Parties, particularly in less developed countries, in the identification of cultural, natural and mixed properties as well as the ...
XVI.1 The Committee reviewed document WHC-93/CONF.002/9 and information document WHC-93/CONF.002/INF.4. The Committee recalled the decisions taken at its sixteenth session in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1992 to include cultural landscapes on the World Heritage List, in particular the revision of the cultural criteria of the Operational Guidelines. The Committee took note of the outcome of the expert meeting held in October 1993 in Templin, Germany, at the request of the Committee. The Committee appreciated the organization of the meeting by the World Heritage Centre, assisted by the German ...
X.1 At its seventeenth session in Cartagena, the Committee requested the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS to continue their efforts in preparing a conceptual framework for "a global study", in order to advance in defining a concept and a methodology which could be widely accepted by the scientific community. X.2 Consequently, the Centre and ICOMOS organized jointly at UNESCO, from 20 to 22 June 1994, a first meeting of experts representing different regions of the world and different disciplines concerned (specialists in cultural heritage, anthropologists, art and architecture ...
The General Assembly, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/18.GA/11 and WHC-11/18.GA/INF.11, 2. Recalling Decisions 35 COM 12A, 35 COM 12B, 35 COM 12C, 35 COM 12D, and 35 COM 12E adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), 3. Thanks the Working Group and its Chairperson, Mr Greg Terrill, for the leadership in elaborating the Vision and Action Plan in an open and participative way; 4. Adopts the Vision and Action Plan and requests the World Heritage Centre to disseminate it widely; 5. Recalls the request by the 35th session of the World Heritage ...
X.1 The Committee examined the working document prepared by the Secretariat and recalled paragraph 122 of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention reflecting previous 'discussions held at sessions of the Committee and its Bureau, which focused on: - the concept of universal value and standards to be applied;- the interpretation of universal value by the advisory bodies;- the number of natural and cultural specialists present at sessions of the Committee and its Bureau;- priorities for granting international assistance. X.2 The Committee ...
XI.3 The Committee considered that in 1996 priority should continue to be given to African cultural heritage and a second subregional meeting would be held in Ethiopia concentrating on the Sudano-sahelian world and the Horn of Africa. The committee took note that in 1997, the cultural heritage of the Caribbean would be the subject of a subregional meeting.
XI.10 The Committee took note of the action taken by both the Secretariat and IUCN concerning fossil and geological heritage within an overall Global Strategy for natural heritage. The committee furthermore took note of a "World Heritage session" foreseen during the International Geological Congress to be held in Beijing in 1996. Several delegates noted the importance of linking the Global Strategy for natural and cultural heritage.
A.1 Follow up to the Harare Meeting (1995)IX.1 The proceedings of the First Global strategy meeting held in Harare (Zimbabwe) from 11 to 13 October 1995, were published as an illustrated document disseminated in Africa through UNESCO Offices and National Commissions for UNESCO. As a result of this meeting and thanks to preparatory assistance, Zimbabwe organized another sub-regional meeting in November 1996, to harmonize the tentative lists, and which was attended by ten countries. The experts, who had already participated in the 1995 meeting, undertook to finalize their tentative lists ...
C.1 Expert Meeting on Evaluation of general principles and criteria for nominations of natural World Heritage sites (Pare national de la Vanoise, France, 22 to 24 March 1996) IX.8 The Committee commended the French authorities for hosting the expert meeting on "Evaluation of general principles and criteria for nominations of natural World Heritage sites" from 22 to 24 March 1996 at the Parc National de la Vanoise (France) and took note of the full report of the meeting presented in Information Document WHC-96/CONF.201/INF.8 in English and French. IX.9 The Australian Delegation ...
C.2 Expert Meeting on Geological and Fossil Sites held at the 30th International Geological Congress (Beijing, China, 8 to 10 August 1996) IX.16 The Committee recalled that the Bureau at its eighteenth session in July 1994, had asked for an expert meeting on geological and fossil sites. This expert meeting was held at the 30th International Geological Congress (Beijing, China, 8 to 10 August 1996) in order to enhance the preparation of a comparative global study of Earth's evolutionary history. The meeting was organized by the UNESCO Division of Earth Sciences, the World Heritage Centre ...
D.1 Global Strategy for Cultural Heritage IX.18 The Committee approved a Global Strategy meeting for the Pacific Region in 1997, and the principle of a meeting for the Caribbean region with the French Ministry of Education nationale et d'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche in 1998. The Committee allocated an amount of US$ 40,000 under Chapter 11 of the budget for the Pacific region.   D.2 Global Strategy for Natural Heritage IX.19 The Committee decided that, in view of the Vanoise conclusions on strengthening the links between cultural and natural values, and in the spirit ...
The General Assembly, Having examined document WHC-15/20.GA/9, Recalling Resolution 19 GA 9 adopted at its 19th session (UNESCO, 2013), Takes note of the good follow-up of most of the recommendations of the implementation as detailed in the implementation plan updated for 2014-2015 and document 196 EX/23.INF.4; Also takes note of the amendments made by the World Heritage Committee to its Rules of Procedure in order to implement recommendations 12 and 20 of the independent evaluation; Strongly urges the World Heritage Committee to continue implementing any pending requests in ...
"The World Heritage Committee, Emphasizing that the Constitutional Act of UNESCO which foresees that it will assist in maintaining, advancing and diffusing knowledge whilst protecting the conservation and safeguarding of universal heritage and in recommending to concerned peoples of international conventions to this effect, Recalling that Article 1 of the Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage considers as "cultural heritage" the monuments, groups of buildings and sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic or ...
VIII.11 The World Heritage Committee, Emphasizing that the Constitutional Act of UNESCO which foresees that it will assist in maintaining, advancing and diffusing knowledge whilst protecting the conservation and safeguarding of universal heritage and in recommending to concerned peoples of international conventions to this effect, Recalling that Article 1 of the Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage considers as "cultural heritage" the monuments, groups of buildings and sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic ...
The Committee took note of Information Documents WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.7, WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.8, WHC-97/CONF.INF.12 and WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.13. IX.1 The Global Strategy approved by the Committee in 1994 aims at improving the representivity of cultural heritage on the World Heritage List and redressing the imbalance due to the pre-eminence of Europe, Christianity and monumental architecture, as well as to encourage the nomination of properties illustrating archaeological, industrial and technical heritage from non-European cultures and, in general, of all living cultures, particularly ...
IX.10 The Committee reviewed the proposals for Global Strategy activities for 1998 and 1999. The Committee approved the following budget including the items for IUCN and ICOMOS, foreseen in Chapter II of WHC-97/CONF.208/13:  Summary Budget for the Global Strategy, 1998 to 1999 WHF 1998 Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Africa, Kenya US$ 40,000 Global Strategy Meeting for the Caribbean region, Martinique US$ 35,000 Follow-up Global Strategy meeting for the Pacific, Vanuatu US$ 30,000 Sub-regional meeting on Central Asian ...
IX.22 The Chairperson thanked the Government of the Netherlands for hosting the Amsterdam Global Strategy meeting (March 1998) and the Committee, advisory bodies and observers for the rich and intensive debate. The Committee adopted the following decisions: 1) The Committee thanked the Delegate of Italy (who had chaired the Consultative Body in 1998) and all the members of the Consultative Body for their productive work on the technical issues and paid tribute to the work of the Global Strategy Expert Meeting held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in March 1998. 2) The Committee stressed ...
X.18 At the end of the debate, the Director of the Centre promised that the actions for the year 2000 would be reviewed in the light of the discussion. The Chairperson commended the regional approach that would redress the imbalances of the World Heritage List. The prioritized action plan prepared as a follow-up of the Consultative Body concerning the implementation of the Global Strategy was endorsed. The activities foreseen in the regional action plans for 1999 presented under Section VI of the Working Document, were approved, and in addition: US$ 15,000 for IUCN and US$ 23,000 for ...
VI.14 The Committee, having recognized that regional action plans had already contributed in a tangible manner towards the implementation of the Global Strategy, adopted under Chapter II for the Budget for 2000 an amount of US$ 278,000, of which US$ 20,000 for Central and Eastern Europe, and under Thematic Studies US$ 40,000 for ICOMOS and US$ 15,000 for IUCN. It also took note of Information Documents WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.8, WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.11, WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.14 and ...
VII.1 The Chairperson introduced item 7 and recalled the origin of the creation of this consultative body (twentieth session of the Committee, December 1996, Merida, Mexico). He informed the delegates of the relevant documents and requested the Director of the Centre to present the item. VII.2 The Director of the Centre took the floor and described the content of the Working Document and summarized the decisions to be taken that he proposed for submission to the Committee. The decision concerning the technical questions, amended by Benin, were adopted as follows: The Committee requested ...
XIII.2 The Secretariat recalled that the Operational Guidelines have been revised many times over the last twenty years and are generally considered as requiring substantial editing and reorganization. In 1998 a Global Strategy meeting for cultural and natural heritage experts was held in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The meeting discussed the application of the "test of authenticity" and the "conditions of integrity", the question of a unified set of criteria for cultural and natural heritage and the notion of "outstanding universal value". The report of the Amsterdam meeting was ...
IX.1 The Secretariat introduced document WHC-2000/CONF.204/11 describing the progress report on the implementation of regional actions as described in the Global Strategy Action Plan adopted by the Committee at its twenty-second session (Kyoto, 1998). The Committee reviewed progress achieved in the year 2000, noting the regional Action Plans for 2001-2002 and approved specific activities to be executed during 2001. IX.2 The Delegate of Benin noted the importance of implementing the Global Strategy and linking it to issues related to improving the representivity of the List. The Centre's ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of document WHC-02/CONF.202/7 to be amended as requested by the Committee before it is given public access;2. Recalls the decision of the 164th session of the Executive Board on the establishment of a working group to explore and examine ways and means of creating necessary conditions for prevention of the intentional destruction of culturally important monuments and sites (164 EX/48 and 164 EX/51);3. tes the Director-General to consider the role of the World Heritage Convention with regard to initiatives being developed to explore and examine ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting the Regional Progress Reports (2002-2003) and Action Plans 2004-2005 for  the Global Strategy presented in document WHC-03/27.COM/1,3;2. Requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and States Parties to the World Heritage Convention to continue to implement the Global Strategy as a contribution to strengthening the credibility of the World Heritage List; (check French - from Belgium)3. Further requests the World Heritage Centre to prepare summaries and assessments of the results of the Global Strategy ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the information provided by the World Heritage Centre in WHC-03/27.COM/13 and WHC-03/27.COM/INF.13 on the initiative of five Andean States Parties to collaborate in the process of nominating the Qhapac Nan - Camino Inca road system for inscription on the World Heritage List,;2. Considering the results of the consultation meeting with the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO (29th January 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters), and the documents adopted at the first sub-regional technical meeting held in Lima, Peru, on 1 and 2 April 2003,  3. Welcoming the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting with concern the continuing disparities between regions and States Parties in their capacity to prepare Tentative Lists and nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List,;2. Noting the progress made in the analyses of the World Heritage List being undertaken by ICOMOS and IUCN for submission to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004,;3. Recognizing the progress in the preparation of studies to promote the revision of national tentative lists through regional consultations and the periodic reporting exercise,  ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Decides to retain the limit of one new and complete nomination per State Party with properties already on the World Heritage List, as the best means of managing the workload of the Committee, the Advisory Bodies, and the World Heritage Centre, and of improving the geographic distribution of properties on the World Heritage List; States Parties that have no properties inscribed on the World Heritage List will have the opportunity to nominate two or three properties;2. Decides to continue to exempt from this limit transboundary and emergency nominations, ...
The World Heritage Committee [67],1. Takes note of document WHC-03/27.COM/15. [67]  See also Decision 27 COM 2
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Recalling the conclusions on the "Evaluation of the Cairns Decision" by the 27th session (Decision 27 COM 14), the Decision adopted on the Representivity of the World Heritage List at its 24th session ("Cairns Decision", 2000), subsequently endorsed by the General Assembly of State Parties at its 13th session (2001); and the Resolution on ways and means to ensure a  representative World Heritage List adopted by the General Assembly at its 12th session (1999), 2. Further recalling that the World Heritage Convention establishes a system of ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the information provided by the World Heritage Centre in WHC-03/28.COM/INF 13A and commends Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru on the progress made on the implementation of the candidature process for the inscription of the Qhapaq Ñan (Main Andean Road) on the World Heritage List;2. Considering the results of the consultation meetings with the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO of the referred six States Parties and the documents adopted at the Second Expert Meeting held in Cusco on 24 - 26 October 2003and Third Expert Meeting ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides, in view of the time constraints, to defer the discussion of this Item until its 7th extraordinary session to be held in Paris, (December 2004).
The World Heritage Committee,1. Having examined Document WHC-05/29.COM/9, WHC-05/29.COM/INF.9A and WHC-05/29.COM/INF.9B,2. Recalling Decisions 28 COM. 13.1 and 7 EXT.COM 4B.2, respectively adopted at its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004) and at its 7th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2004), which requested the World Heritage Centre to convene a Special Meeting of Experts of all regions on the concept of outstanding universal value, and invited that meeting to make specific proposals for better identification of properties of potential outstanding universal value, for enabling less-represented ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Having examined Document WHC-05/29.COM/12,2. Recalling Decisions 7 EXT.COM 10 adopted at its 7th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2004) and 27 COM 20B adopted at its 27th session (UNESCO, 2003),3. Emphasizing that setting precise but realistic and measurable results and indicators is essential for effective performance appraisal and monitoring,4. Takes note of the set of performance indicators described in Table 1 of the Document WHC-05/29.COM/12, which constitutes a framework for Performance monitoring with respect to the four Strategic Objectives set at its ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/11A.2, 2. Takes note of the clarification of property limits provided by States Parties in the European Region in response to the Retrospective Inventory; 3. Further notes that other clarifications will be provided in the follow-up to European Periodic Reporting (Decision 30 COM.11A.1); 4. Thanks the States Parties concerned for their efforts to improve the credibility of the World Heritage List.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/11B, 2. RecallingDecisions 29 COM 11 A.4 and 29 COM 11 A.5 adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005), 3. Noting proposals for changes to the nomination dossiers for some World Heritage properties in North America, 4. Approves the Statements of significance for the World Heritage properties in North America as included in Annex I of Document WHC-06/30.COM/11B; 5. Notes the changes to the names as indicated in Document WHC-06/30.COM/8B, and further notes the adjustments to natural heritage criteria concerning ...
  The World Heritage Committee,  Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7.3,  Recalling Decisions 29 COM 7C and 30 COM 9 adopted at its 29th (Durban, 2005) and 30th (Vilnius, 2006) sessions respectively, Thanking the Government of the Netherlands for having hosted the meeting of experts, which took place from 2 to 3 April 2007 in Paris, as well as all the experts who contributed to it,  Noting the results and recommendations of the expert meeting,  Decides to formally adopt a monitoring framework for World Heritage properties;  Decides to integrate the monitoring framework into the next ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-08/32.COM/8D, 2. Recalling Decisions 30 COM 11A.2 and 31 COM 11A.2, adopted at its 30th (Vilnius, 2006) and 31st (Christchurch, 2007) sessions respectively, 3. Recalls that, as decided at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007) by Decision 31 COM 11A.2, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties whenever the delimitation of such properties as inscribed is unclear; 4. Congratulates States Parties in ...
Sites: Abu Mena Ancient City of Nessebar Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia Archaeological Area of Agrigento Archaeological Site of Mystras Archaeological Site of Volubilis Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua Boyana Church Brú na Bóinne - Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue Canterbury Cathedral, St Augustine's Abbey, and St Martin's Church Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd Castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlust at Brühl Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst City of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto Costiera Amalfitana Cultural Landscape of Sintra Danube Delta Delos Durham Castle and Cathedral Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta Flemish Béguinages Garajonay National Park Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape Historic Cairo Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn Historic Centre of Kraków Historic Centre of Riga Historic Centre of San Gimignano Historic Centre of Siena Historic Centre of Telč Historic Centre of the City of Pienza Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg Historic Centre of Warsaw Historic Town of Banská Štiavnica and the Technical Monuments in its Vicinity Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian Ichkeul National Park Ironbridge Gorge Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones and Church Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou Kyiv: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape Levoča, Spišský Hrad and the Associated Cultural Monuments Maritime Greenwich Medieval City of Rhodes Medieval Town of Toruń Medina of Marrakesh Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Millenary Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and its Natural Environment Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin Monastery of Batalha Mount Athos Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae Old City of Dubrovnik Old City of Zamość Old Village of Hollókő and its Surroundings Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey including Saint Margaret’s Church Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto) Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde Residences of the Royal House of Savoy Rila Monastery Roskilde Cathedral Saint Catherine Area Sceilg Mhichíl Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites Su Nuraxi di Barumini Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae The Trulli of Alberobello Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Town of Bamberg Vlkolínec Würzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/8D, 2. Recalling Decisions 30 COM 11A.2, 31 COM 11A.2 and 32 COM 8D, adopted at its 30th (Vilnius, 2006), 31st (Christchurch, 2007) and 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) sessions respectively, 3. Recalls that, as decided at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007) by Decision 31 COM 11A.2, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties whenever the delimitation of such properties as inscribed is ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/8E, 2. Adopts the retrospective Statements of Significance, as presented in the Annex of Document WHC-09/33.COM/8E, for the following World Heritage properties: Poland: Cracow's Historic Centre; Wieliczka Salt Mine; Historic Centre of Warsaw; Old City of Zamość; Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork; 3. Adopts the retrospective Statement of Outstanding Universal Value, as presented in the Annex of Document WHC-09/33.COM/8E, for the following World Heritage property: Bulgaria: Srebarna Nature Reserve; 4. Decides ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/10A, 2. Recalling Decision 32 COM 10B adopted at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008), 3. Thanking the Government of Germany for having hosted the Workshop on natural serial properties in Vilm, (Germany, 26 - 30 November 2008) as well as all the experts who contributed to it, 4. Takes note of the outcomes and conclusions of the Workshop published in the BfN-Skripten series, as well as the analysis of the present situation of "Serial natural World Heritage Properties" prepared for publication by IUCN and the German ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/10C, 2. Recalling Decision 32 COM 10A adopted at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008), 3. Having reviewed the application of the thematic studies and their contribution to the global strategy based on the underrepresented categories developed by the advisory bodies, 4. Requests the Advisory Bodies, in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, to incorporate into Annex III of the Operational Guidelines references to the thematic studies included in document WHC-09/33.COM/10C; 5. Welcomes the proposed thematic ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/5D, 2. Recalling Decisions 32 COM 10 and 33 COM 14A.2, adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) and 33rd (Seville, 2009) sessions respectively, 3. Thanks the State Party of Brazil for supporting the organization of an expert meeting on the relations between the World Heritage Convention, conservation and sustainable development, held in Paraty (Brazil) from 29 to 31 March 2010; 4. Welcomes the outcomes of the above-mentioned meeting and agrees that it would be desirable to further consider, in the implementation of ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-10/34.COM/5F and WHC-10/34.COM/INF.5F.1 and WHC-10/34.COM/INF.5F.2, 2. Takes note, with satisfaction, of the progress made in the implementation of the World Heritage Thematic Programmes; 3. Commends the important contribution of the international Scientific Working Group, States Parties and Advisory Bodies in the development of World Heritage Thematic Programme on Prehistory and approves the suggestion of the Drafting group to revise the name of the World Heritage Thematic Programme on Prehistory as "Human Evolution : ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/INF.5F.1 and WHC-10/34.COM/INF.5F.3, 2. Highlighting that the global tourism sector is large and rapidly growing, is diverse and dynamic in its business models and structures, and the relationship between World Heritage and tourism is two way: tourism, if managed well, offers benefits to World Heritage properties and can contribute to cross-cultural exchange but, if not managed well, poses challenges to these properties and recognizing the increasing challenges and opportunities relating to tourism; 3. Expresses ...
The World Heritage Committee,  1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/7.1, 2. Recalling its Decision 33 COM 7.1, adopted at its 33rd session (Seville, 2009), 3. Thanks the State Party of Brazil and IPHAN for having generously hosted the expert meeting which took place from 7 to 11 December 2009 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and the experts having contributed to the meeting; 4. Takes note with satisfaction of the outcomes of the expert meeting and the recommendations for the inclusion of an Historic Urban Landscape approach in the Operational Guidelines; 5. Requests the World ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/7C, 2. Recalling Decisions 32 COM 7B.129 and 33 COM 7C, adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) and 33rd (Seville, 2009) sessions respectively, 3. Welcomes the analytical summary of the perceived trends, changes and threats to the state of conservation of World Heritage properties over the past five years (2005-2009), as the basis for further reflection and more extensive analysis of this information; 4. Considers that this work highlights the need for more systematic monitoring of threats and of how to identify ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/8D, 2.   Recalling Decision 33 COM 8D, adopted at its 33th session (Seville, 2009); 3.   Congratulates States Parties in the Europe Region and the States Parties of Algeria, Lebanon and Tunisia on the excellent work accomplished in the clarification of the delimitation of their World Heritage properties and thanks them for their efforts to improve the credibility of the World Heritage List; 5.   Takes note of the clarifications of property boundaries and areas provided by the following States Parties in the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/9A, 2. Adopts the Terms of Reference for the evaluation of the Global Strategy for a representative, balanced, and credible World Heritage List, by deleting Paragraph 1a; 3. Also adopts the Terms of Reference for the evaluation of the PACT initiative, changing the formulation of its Paragraph 5 by adding "and of their traceability" and by completing the Terms of Reference with the following evaluations: a) Evaluate the contents of the respective engagements of the World Heritage Centre and its private sector ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/9B, 2. Recalling Decisions 32 COM 10B and 33 COM 10A adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) and 33rd (Seville, 2009) sessions respectively and thanking the State Party of Switzerland for having hosted the International Expert Meeting on serial nominations and properties (Ittingen, Switzerland, 25 -27 February 2010) in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, 3. Notes the detailed report provided by the expert meeting which reflects on a wide range of issues relevant to serial and transnational ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/5E, 2. Recalling Decisions 32 COM 10, 33 COM 14A.2, 34 COM 5D adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008), 33rd (Seville, 2009) and 34th (Brasilia, 2010) sessions respectively, 3. Welcomes the progress made in implementing the recommended actions; 4. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, and with the support of interested States Parties to continue its efforts to implement various activities contained in the Action Plan 2012; 5. Also requests that the results of the proposed ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/5F, 2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 5F.2 adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), 3. Thanks the Government of Switzerland for its offer of financial and technical support to specific activities supporting the Steering Group guiding the development of the new and inclusive Programme on World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, and welcomes its offer to host an expert meeting in Sils/Engadine, Switzerland, in October 2011; 4. Also thanks the Governments of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Nordic World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/7.1, 2. Recalling Decisions 30 COM 9, 32 COM 7.1, 33 COM 7C and 34 COM 19 adopted at its 30th (Vilnius, 2006), 32nd (Quebec City, 2008), 33rd (Seville, 2009) and 34th (Brasilia, 2010) sessions respectively, and the provisions for buffer zones established in the Operational Guidelines, 3. Notes the progress made with the wide range of issues relevant to World Heritage and buffer zones including the publication on "World Heritage and Buffer Zones" (World Heritage Papers 25), and considerations within discussions on ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/7C, WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C and WHC-11/35.COM/7B, 2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 7C, adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), 3. Thanks the States Parties of Senegal and Australia for the organization of the Expert meeting on the global state of conservation challenges for World Heritage properties (Dakar, Senegal, 13-15 April 2011); 4. Endorses the recommendations of the Expert meeting on the global state of conservation challenges for World Heritage properties presented in Document WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C and ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/8B.Add, 2. Recalling Decision 31 COM 10 adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007); 3. Decides to re-establish the practice of examining two complete nominations per State Party per year provided that at least one of such nominations concerns a natural property or cultural landscapes; 4. Also decides to amend paragraph 61(a) of the Operational Guidelines accordingly, which takes effect on 2 February 2012, in order to ensure a smooth transition period for all States Parties; 5. Further decides that it will ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/8D, 2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 8D, adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), 3. Recalls that the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties when the delimitation of such properties as inscribed is unclear; 4. Acknowledges the excellent work accomplished by States Parties in the clarification of the delimitation of their World Heritage properties and thanks them for their efforts to ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/9A and WHC-11/35.COM/INF.9A , 2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 9A , adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), 3. Also recalling Resolution 17 GA 9 , adopted by the 17th session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2009), 4. Requests the World Heritage Centre to transmit the documents to the 18th session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2011) for ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/9C, 2. Recalling Decisions 31 COM 9 and 32 COM 10A adopted at its 31st (Christchurch, 2007) and 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) sessions respectively, 3. Notes the information provided on the Recommendations of the Science and Technology Expert Working Group in the context of World Heritage Nominations (London, 2008) and subsequent discussions on revisions to the Operational Guidelines; 4. Further notes the completion of the thematic study on "Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/12C, 2. Recalling Decision 32 COM 10 adopted at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008), Decision 33 COM 14A.2 adopted at its 33rd session (Seville, 2009), 34 COM 12 adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010) and Resolution 17 GA 9 adopted at the 17th General Assembly of States Parties (UNESCO Headquarters, 2009); 3. Taking into consideration the findings and recommendations of the evaluation of the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List (Final report of the Audit of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/12D and WHC-11/35.COM/9B, 2. Recalling Decision 32 COM 10 adopted at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008), Decision 33 COM 14A.2 adopted at its 33rd session (Seville, 2009), 34 COM 12 adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010) and Resolution 17 GA 9 adopted at the 17th General Assembly of States Parties (UNESCO Headquarters, 2009), 3. Notes that the World Heritage Convention is fast approaching a number of important milestones, including its 40th anniversary in 2012; 4. Takes note of the progress made in ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined document WHC-12/36.COM/5C, 2. Recalling Decisions 33 COM 14A.2, 34 COM 5D and 35 COM 5E adopted at its 33rd (Seville, 2009), 34th (Brasilia, 2010) and 35th(Paris, 2011) sessions respectively, 3. Welcomes the outcome of the Consultative Meeting on World Heritage and Sustainable Development held in Ouro Preto (Brazil) from 5 to 8 February 2012, takes note of its recommended actions and thanks the State Party of Brazil for having generously hosted this event; 4. Recognizing that the conservation of cultural and natural heritage is of ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined document WHC-12/36.COM/5D, 2. Recalling Decisions 32 COM 10, 32 COM 10A and 34 COM 5F.1 adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) and 34th (Brasilia, 2010) sessions respectively, 3. Welcomes the progress report made on the implementation of the World Heritage Thematic Programmes; 4. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, and with the support of interested States Parties to continue its efforts to implement the activities foreseen under each of these programmes in 2012-2013; 5. Expresses its ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Having examined document WHC-12/36.COM/5E, 2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 5F.2 adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), 3. Welcomes the finalization of the new and inclusive Programme on World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism and notes with appreciation the participatory process for its development, objectives and approach towards implementation; 4. Also welcomes the contribution of the Steering Group comprised of States Parties representatives from the UNESCO Electoral Groups, the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/7B.Add, 2.   Recalling Decision 35 COM 7B.118 adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), 3.   Acknowledges the information provided by the State Party in regard to the state of conservation of the property and welcomes the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations from the 2006 joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission; 4.   Notes the results of the November 2011 reactive monitoring mission, including the evaluation of the current ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/7B, 2.   Recalling Decision 35 COM 7B.129, adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2010), 3.   Notes the limited implementation of activities being carried out by the State Party with regards to the fragile state of conservation of the property; 4.   Reiterates its deep concern regarding the state of conservation of the property, in particular the significant and accelerated degradation of the historic fabric which directly impacts its Outstanding Universal Value, and the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.Having examined document WHC-12/36.COM/7C, 2.Recalling Decisions 35 COM 7C and 35 COM 12E adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), Significant factors negatively impacting the Outstanding Universal Value 3.Takes note of the statistical analysis and encourages the World Heritage Centre to continue with the production of such informative data, including regional analyses; Recurrent conservation issues 4.Also takes note of the completion of the independent review process on extractive industries and World Heritage properties as a contribution to the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/8D, 2.   Recalling Decision 35 COM 8D adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), 3.   Acknowledges the excellent work accomplished by States Parties in the clarification of the delimitation of their World Heritage properties and thanks them for their efforts to improve the credibility of the World Heritage List; 4.   Recalls that the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties whenever the ...
Sites: Aachen Cathedral Ajanta Caves Aldabra Atoll Ancient City of Aleppo Ancient City of Ping Yao Angkor Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida Archaeological Site of Carthage Ban Chiang Archaeological Site Borobudur Temple Compounds Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg Fortress of Suomenlinna Frontiers of the Roman Empire Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia Heard and McDonald Islands Himeji-jo Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) Historic Centre of Bukhara Historic Centre of Prague Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox Historic City of Ayutthaya Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama Historical Monuments of Mtskheta Itchan Kala Itsukushima Shinto Shrine Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area Kaziranga National Park Lord Howe Island Group Los Glaciares National Park Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha M'Zab Valley Monastery and Site of the Escurial, Madrid Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of the Asturias Old City of Salamanca Old Town of Cáceres Old Town of Segovia and its Aqueduct Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian Plitvice Lakes National Park Poblet Monastery Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe Samarkand – Crossroad of Cultures Santiago de Compostela (Old Town) Shark Bay, Western Australia Shirakami-Sanchi Sinharaja Forest Reserve Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing The Great Wall Wet Tropics of Queensland Works of Antoni Gaudí Yakushima
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/9A, 2.   Recalling Decision 35 COM 9A adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) and Resolution 18 GA 8 of the 18th session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2011), 3.   Notes that the World Heritage Centre in close collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, produceda working document on the recommendations of the independent evaluation by UNESCO’s external auditor with a prioritized list of recommendations in the framework of the objectives of the Strategic Action Plan, adopted ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/12A, 2.   Recalling Decisions 32 COM 10, 33 COM 14A.2, 34 COM 12, and 35 COM 12A adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008), 33rd (Seville, 2009), 34th (Brasilia, 2010) and 35th (UNESCO, 2011) sessions respectively and Resolutions 17 GA 9 and 18 GA 11 adopted at the 17th (UNESCO, 2009) and 18th (UNESCO, 2011) sessions of the General Assembly of States Parties respectively, 3.   Acknowledges the adoption of the Strategic Action Plan and Vision by the 18th General Assembly of States ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/12C, 2.   Recalling Decision 34 COM 12.III adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010) and Decision 35 COM 12.C at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011); 3.   Welcomes the actions undertaken to improve the processes and practices prior to consideration by the World Heritage Committee of a nomination (the ‘upstream processes’) and commends the States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre for the pilot projects in which progress was made; 4.   ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/12D; 2.   Takes note of the progress made in the preparation of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention under the theme “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: the Role of Local Communities”; 3.   Encourages States Parties to continue to develop, support and carry out activities to promote the anniversary; 4.   Invites the World Heritage Centre to continue implementing the programme of activities assisted by extrabudgetary ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7B.Add, 2.  Recalling Decision 35 COM 8B.13 , adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), 3.  Expresses its concern about the level of threats which might be affecting the Outstanding Universal Value and integrity of the property and about the lack of adequate management response to address those pressures; 4.  Requests the State Party of Slovakia to ensure that a comprehensive vision for development around the Slovak component of the property and practical guidance for achieving an ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7B, 2.  Recalling Decision 36 COM 8B.17 adopted at the 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012), 3.  Takes note of the information provided by the State Party, in particular the boundaries of the property and its buffer zone; 4.  Notes with satisfaction the inscription of all the outstanding monuments and sites of the property on the National Heritage List, the establishment of the local Management Committee, the institutionalisation of the Heritage Centre, an improved functioning ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 33 COM 7B.141, 34 COM 7B.113, 35 COM 7B.130, 36 COM 7B.103 , adopted at its 33rd (Seville, 2009), 34th (Brasilia, 2010), 35th (UNESCO, 2011) and 36th (Saint Petersburg, 2012) sessions respectively, and its concern that the construction of the Cinta Costera Phase III (Maritime Viaduct) would irreversibly impact on the property, Also recalling the state of conservation reports and reactive monitoring mission reports of March 2009, March 2010 and October 2010 that underscored ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/8D, 2. Recalling Decision 36 COM 8D, adopted at its 36th session (Saint Petersburg, 2012), 3. Acknowledges the excellent work accomplished by States Parties in the clarification of the delimitation of their World Heritage properties and thanks them for their efforts to improve the credibility of the World Heritage List; 4. Recalls that the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties whenever ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/9, 2.  Recalling Decision 34 COM 13.III adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), Decision 35 COM 12C adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) and Decision 36 COM 12C adopted at its 36th session (Saint Petersburg, 2012), 3.  Requests the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to take into account the rich debate held at its 37th session, in particular  on capacity-building, methodology and processes for Tentative Lists and upstream nomination projects, in order to enhance dialogue and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/8D, Recalling Decision 37 COM 8D, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Acknowledges the excellent work accomplished by States Parties in the clarification of the delimitations of their World Heritage properties and commends them for their efforts to improve the credibility of the World Heritage List; Recalls that the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies will not be able to examine proposals for minor or significant modifications to boundaries of World Heritage properties whenever the ...
Sites: Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia Historic Centre of the Town of Olinda Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) Historic Monuments Zone of Querétaro Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento Historic Town of Ouro Preto Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara Iguazu National Park Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto and Santa Maria Mayor (Argentina), Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil) Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek Los Katíos National Park Lushan National Park Mammoth Cave National Park Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Miguasha National Park Mogao Caves National Archeological Park of Tierradentro Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley Redwood National and State Parks Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier Routes of Santiago de Compostela: Camino Francés and Routes of Northern Spain San Agustín Archaeological Park Serra da Capivara National Park Speyer Cathedral Statue of Liberty Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park Taos Pueblo Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area Yosemite National Park
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-15/39.COM/9A, Recalling Decision 34 COM 13.III adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010), Decision 35 COM 12C at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011), Decision 36 COM 12C at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012) and Decision 37 COM 9 at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes all the actions undertaken to improve the processes and practices prior to consideration by the World Heritage Committee of a nomination (the ‘Upstream Processes’) and commends the States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre ...