Assistance internationale
Convention du patrimoine mondial
Credibilité de la Liste du ...
Inscriptions sur la Liste du ...
Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril
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Valeur universelle exceptionnelle

344 Décisions
0 Résolutions
Thème : Assistance internationale
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] Although one member found the list of information to be provided by States in making requests for assistance under the Fund to be rather too complicated and sophisticated, the Committee approved the content of requests for small-scale and large-scale projects.
[Uniquement en anglais] The procedure proposed in the working document for the consideration of requests gave rise to few comments and was adopted by the Committee. Following the request by one member that assistance in documentation work should be added, the drafting group felt that there was no need to add a specific reference to documentation which appeared to be covered by the other activities mentioned in Article 22 of the Convention.
[Uniquement en anglais] General agreement was expressed on the factors proposed for consideration in determining an order of priorities but some comments were made on the concepts of "educational value" and "socio-economic benefits". It was therefore proposed that this question be taken up in depth at a later session. In the meantime, the phrase "consequences from the social and economic points of view" was adopted.
[Uniquement en anglais] It was agreed that a draft text of the standard agreement would be prepared by the Secretariat and sent to members of the Committee well in advance of the second session.
Il a été décidé que seuls les Etats parties pourraient transmettre des demandes d'assistance en cas d'urgence, et seulement pour des biens inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial ou pour lesquels une demande d'inscription a déjà été faite. Si ces deux conditions sont réunies, le Secrétariat soumettra la demande au Président qui, après avoir consulté le Directeur général déterminera la nature et l'importance de l'assistance à fournir.
Le Comité a décidé qu'une telle assistance serait fournie à la demande des Etats parties dans ces deux cas*, conformément aux dispositons de l'article 21 (1) de la Convention et dans les limites du budget approuvé (voir par. 57 ci-après), sous la forme de services d'experts ou de matériel. Le Président sera chargé de fixer en consultation avec le Directeur Général la nature et l'importance de l'assistance préparatoire. * Ces cas sont mentionnés au paragraphe précédent : (i) en vue de la préparation des demandes d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et (ii) des demandes ...
Le Comité a décidé de renvoyer à une session ultérieure les décisions relatives à l'établissement et à la publication de la liste du patrimoine mondial en péril et de la liste des biens pour lesquels une assistance internationale est fournie d'une part, ainsi qu'à la part que l'Etat bénéficiaire devra prendre dans chaque cas à l'exécution du projet.
[Uniquement en anglais] On the basis of resources available in the World Heritage Fund, the Secretariat proposed in document CC-77/CONF.001/6, a budget covering (i) the preparation of model nomination files, (ii) technical co-operation to States Parties in preparing their nominations and requests for assistance, and (iii) emergency assistance required before the next session of the Committee.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee, after reviewing and commenting on each article of the draft agreement, asked the Secretariat to take note of the observations made by the delegates and to elaborate a new, less detailed text for consideration by the Committee at its next session. It was also noted that the new text should be formulated in such a way as to accommodate the specific requirements and practice of States Parties. In doing so UNESCO's general principles for the provision of technical cooperation should be retained.
[Uniquement en anglais] Until the adoption of such an agreement by the Committee, UNESCO's rules and procedures would be followed in the provision of technical cooperation to States Parties.
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Committee expressed the wish that the Secretariat, in the preparation of a new draft agreement, take note of the following observations and recommendations made by delegates during the discussion: 17. With regard to Article 2 paragraph 5: The delegate of Poland recommended rewording to avoid obligation to meet expenses (for instance, for medical treatment) in convertible currency for countries with a non-convertible currency. Several delegates considered that governments should be encouraged to employ the fellow to the extent possible upon his return, in ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee invited other members who wished to comment on the draft text to transmit their observations to the Secretariat by 31 December 1978. These comments would be circulated by the Secretariat to all members of the Committee and would be taken into account in the preparation of a revised text to be considered by the Committee at its third session.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee followed the recommendation of the Bureau and agreed to publish and disseminate annually the World Heritage List, the World Heritage in Danger List and the list of properties for which technical cooperation is granted from the World Heritage Fund as combined lists. (see document CC-78/CONF.010/6). It was pointed out that this arrangement would allow for timely updating of these lists after each annual session of the Committee.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee recalled Article 20 of the Convention under which international assistance may not only be granted to property already included in the World Heritage List but also to property which had not yet been added to the World Heritage List. International assistance for property which had not yet been included in the World Heritage List, for which the working term "preparatory assistance" had been adopted by the Committee may be granted: (i) for identifying cultural and natural properties of universal importance and preparatory work with a view to nominating ...
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the budgetary situation of the World Heritage Fund (see document CC-78/CONF.010/INF.2) and discussing in depth appro- priate use of the Fund, the Committee decided to authorize the Chairman to grant, in consultation with the Director General of UNESCO, preparatory assistance to States Parties up to a total amount of US $140,000 (as shown in document CC-78/CONF.010/8) with a budgetary ceiling of US $15,000 per project. The Committee agreed with the proposal mentioned in paragraph 33 as put forward by the Secretariat and consequently decided that this ...
Le Comité est pleinement conscient de l'urgence qu'il y a à aider l'Ethiopie dans la lourde tâche que représente la conservation de ce bien menacé, et a consenti à lui fournir, si elle le demande, une assistance  préparatoire que le Comité juge nécessaire pour mettre au point une demande d'assistance technique plus complète et faire une étude de fiabilité. En fonction des résultats de ce travail préparatoire, le Comité peut accorder une assistance technique ou le Président une assistance d'urgence pour la sauvegarde du site du patrimoine mondial du Simien.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau decided to recommend that this site be entered on the two lists provided that the Committee agreed with a special procedure for the emergency inscription of properties on the World Heritage List. The Bureau decided that the technical cooperation request should be examined after the Committee had taken decisions on the above mentioned matters.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau noted that the Secretariat had received a request for $60,000 for technical co-operation for Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. However, this request had been received after the deadline and had not been fully processed. The Bureau consequently decided to examine it at a later session.
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the request, the Bureau decided to grant to Ecuador funds amounting to $12,000 in connection with the organization of a ten-day seminar in the Galapagos for national park personnel.
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the document before it, the Committee approved, as recommended by the Bureau, the revised draft text as prepared by the Secretariat. Furthermore, it decided to delegate authority to the Chairman to sign such agreements on its behalf. However, in exceptional cases or where necessary for practical reasons, the Committee authorized the Chairman to delegate authority for this purpose to a member of the Secretariat, to be designated by him.
[Uniquement en anglais] Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved the draft form for requests concerning preparatory or emergency assistance and fellowships as annexed to document CC-79/CONF.003/8.
[Uniquement en anglais] On the publication of the World Heritage List, the Committee decided: (a) to retard the publication of the List in order to include the properties placed thereon at its third session; (b) that the List of World Heritage in Danger and the List of properties for which international assistance has bean granted would be published as appendices of the List; (c) that the list of properties for which international assistance has been granted would include reference to properties for which technical assistance has been granted but would make no mention of preparatory ...
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (a) Ecuador Equipment to enable the authorities to ensure the integrity of tho natural environment of the Galapagos Islands through protective measures. up to a maximum of $50,000
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (b) Tanzania Services of an architect-museologist for three weeks in order to draw up a project for the conservation and presentation of the prehistoric sites of Olduvai and Laetolil. estimated cost $5,400
[Uniquement en anglais] After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (c) Egypt Services of specialists in cultural heritage as well as equipment to draw up a project for the restoration and development of the Islamic Centre of Cairo. up to a maximum of $ 30,000
[Uniquement en anglais] Note was taken of the request from Yugoslavia for emergency assistance, in the form of equipment and consultant services, for the Natural and Culturo-historical region of Kotor. However, the Committee felt that further information should be made available on the equipment required and decided to grant in the first instance $20,000 for consultant services.  
[Uniquement en anglais] 10.  Bureau authorised the Secretariat to pursue, in co-operation with the Ethiopian authorities, the preparation of a project for a photogrammetric survey of the monuments of Lalibela and to submit a revised technical co-operation request to the Committee. The delegate from the United States of America abstained from this recommendation.
[Uniquement en anglais] 9. The Bureau deferred the following requests either because the properties to which they related were not included or recommended for the World Heritage List or further clarifications were required: Algeria: Dey's Palace Qal'ah of Beni Hammad Citadel Quarter of Setif Ethiopia: Bale Mountain National Park Abijatta Shalla Lakes National Park Further elements of the technical co-opertaion requests for these sites have to be established first by a preparatory assistance mission which has been granted for Simien National Park and will be now extended to ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 11. The Bureau granted preparatory assistance to (a) Guatemala: services of 2 consultants (at an estimated cost of $22,000) (ecologist and specialist in stone, stucco and wood conservation) to prepare a technical co-operation request for Tikal National Park. The request for a jeep included in the preparatory assistance requested could be considered together with the technical co-operation request.
[Uniquement en anglais] 11. The Bureau granted preparatory assistance to: (b) Senegal: consultant services for 4m/m (at an estimated cost of $20,000) to plan technical measures for adequate protection of the site including regulation of the water level. The equipment requested requires some clarification and could be considered by the Committee at a later date.
[Uniquement en anglais] 21. The Committee heard the report of the working group set up to examine measures to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention and agreed with the recommendations set out below: 1) Preparatory assistance to States Parties should be granted on a priority basis for: (i) the establishment of tentative lists of cultural and natural properties situated in their territories and suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List; (ii) the preparation of nominations of types of properties underrepresented ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 36. The following two requests were submitted to the Secretariat during the fourth session of the Committee : Ecuador - The Historic Center of Quito  Panama - The fortifications on the Caribbean  side of Panama : Portobelo-San Lorenzo $ 25,000  $ 51,000  37.  The Committee authorized the Chairman of the Committee to approve these two requests in consultation with the other members of the Bureau subject to the outcome of a technical review by the Secretariat and the professional non-governmental organizations ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 40.  The representative of the United States of America expressed reservations on the continued need for temporary assistance to the Secretariat for the implementation of the Convention and abstained on the relevant item of the budget. In this respect the Secretariat drew attention to the fact that the proposed increase for temporary assistance is in proportion far smaller than the overall increase in the budget which corresponds to a considerable increase in the workload. The Secretariat further indicated that services to the Convention provided directly from ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee upon recommendation of the Bureau approved the following technical co-operation requests: Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park (request n°120.1): $75,000 Tunisia - Baths of Antonius at Carthage (request n°37.1 and addendum): $118,000 Zaire - Virunga National Park (request n°63.1): $43,660 Zaire - Garamba National Park (request n°126.1): $19,120 Zaire - Kahuzi-Biega National Park (request n°137.1): $15,120 Ethiopia - Lalibela (request n°18.1): ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 35.  The Committee, as requested by Tanzania, approved an additional $7,000 for the preparation of a management plan for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
[Uniquement en anglais] 38. The Committee decided to ask the Bureau to elaborate guidelines for the evaluation of technical co-operation requests which could be then reviewed and adopted by the Committee, and would be included in the operational guidelines.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee urged States Parties to indicate in their future technical co-operation requests, details of their counterpart contribution as well as other contributions from bilateral or multilateral sources made or planned for the conservation of the property in question.
[Uniquement en anglais] 14. The Bureau examined the deferred and new requests received from the States Parties to the Convention and made the following recommendations to the Committee. A. Technical Co-operation requests projects recommended for approval - Malta - Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (request n°130.1) The Bureau recommended that the Committee grant technical co-operation consisting of equipment and one month's consultant mission for a total amount of $9,000 to help with the preservation of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. - Malta - Ggantija and Valetta (request ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. Technical cooperation requests deferred - Algeria - The Qal'ah of Beni Hammad (request n°102.1) The Algerian authorities had submitted a request for assistance in connection with the preservation of the above site. The Bureau was informed that a preparatory assistance consultant mission would take place in July 1981 in order to prepare a revised, detailed request for technical co-operation for this site, which will be submitted to the Bureau at its 6th session. - Algeria - Dey's Palace and Citadel Quarter of Setif (requests n°101.1 and 103.1) These ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Guinea - Mount Nimba (request n°155.1) The Guinean authorities had requested equipment amounting to $48.510 for a scientific research programme for Mount Nimba. However, the Bureau felt that priority should be given to protective measures and to the establishment of a management plan for this site. The Bureau therefore encouraged Guinea to re-formulate and to re-submit a request along these lines.
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to (a) Pakistan: Salaries for workmen and purchase of equipment for emergency restoration work at Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens at the cost of $44,000 and $12,000 respectively.
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to: (b) Tunisia: Contribution of $95,000 for emergency restoration work at the Dar Haddad Palace in the Medina of Tunis.
[Uniquement en anglais] 32. On the basis of the recommendations of the Bureau and the report of the working group, the Committee approved the following technical co-operation requests: - Cyprus - Paphos (request n°79.1)  $54,000 - Egypt - Historic Centre of Cairo (request n°89.1(2))  $30,000 - Malta - Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (request n°130.1)  $9,000 - Malta - City of Valetta and the Temples of Ggantija (request n°131.1/132.1.)  $3,250 - Poland - Historic Centre of Cracow (request n°29.1)  $75,000 - Senegal - Island of Gorée (request ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 33. Two members of the Committee expressed reservations about the content of the technical co-operation programme for the Old City of Damascus. The Committee shared their opinion in regard to the need for a master plan for the preservation of the traditional urban fabric of the city, and recommended that the competent Syrian authorities establish such a plan.
[Uniquement en anglais] 35. The Committee decided to substantially increase the funds allocated to training activities, considering the shortage of qualified personnel as noted in many countries. On this subject the representative of the Director-General indicated that a large-scale world training programme at both the regional and national levels for specialists in the conservation of cultural property could be envisaged within the framework of UNESCO, of the Convention and of ICCROM. This latter organization would be willing to participate in a programme of this type. The Committee ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee examined guidelines for the evaluation of technical co-operation requests as proposed by the Bureau and adopted the text set out in Annex II - This text will replace paragraphs 45 to 49 of the "Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention" and the following paragraphs of that document will be re-numbered accordingly.
[Uniquement en anglais] 38. Furthermore, the Committee decided that in each future annual budget a sum equivalent to one quarter of the total amount approved for technical co-operation projects will be added to this amount to finance projects costing not more than $20,000 each.
[Uniquement en anglais] 15. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen amounting to $20,000 for elaborating a plan for the installation of a waste water drainage system within the Old City of Shibam.
[Uniquement en anglais] On the basis of the recommendations of the working group, the Committee approved the following technical co-operation requests: Bulgaria - Boyana, Ivanovo and Madara Rider (request 42-43-45.1): $48,000 Haiti - Citadel Henry, National History Park (request 180.1): $57,200 Honduras - Maya site of Copan (request 129.1): $24,050 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Old City of Jerusalem (request 148.1): $100,000 Pakistan - Archaeological ruins of Moenjodaro (request 138.1): $34,000 Yugoslavia - Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor (request 125.1 rev): ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee approved without reservation the technical co-operation request from Senegal concerning Djoudj National Park. It expressed its concern, however, concerning the consequences of the changes in the hydrological system on Djoudj National Park which would result from the works envisaged on the River Senegal and suggested that the authorities of Senegal request the inscription of this site on the List of World Heritage in ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee approved the following requests for training: Honduras - Maya Site of Copan: $28,950 Pakistan - Archaeological ruins of Moenjodaro: $20,000 Sub-total for training requests in the field of cultural heritage conservation: $48,950 Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve: $,4975 Tanzania - College of African Wildlife Management (Regional training centre): $45,000 Sub-total for training requests in the field of natural heritage conservation: $49,975 TOTAL of requests in the fields of cultural and natural heritage conservation: ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 19. The Bureau accorded $ 40,000 in emergency assistance to the Republic of Zaire to carry out - in collaboration with IUCN, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Francfort Zoological Garden Society - a project to save the fauna of Garamba National Park (in particular the white rhinoceros population decimated by poaching).
[Uniquement en anglais] 36. On the basis of the recommendation of a working group set up during the session, the Committee approved the following requests: - Costa Rica - Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserve (request n°205.1 rev.2): $25,000 - Ivory Coast - Tai National Park (request n°159.1 rev.1): $30,000 - Haiti - Citadel Henry National History Park (request n°180.1): $20,000 - Honduras - Maya Ruins of Copan (request n°129.1): $20,000 - Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (request n°196.1 rev.2): $20,000  - Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 37. The following requests for training activities which were submitted as part of technical cooperation requests were also approved: - Costa Rica - Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserve (request n°205.1 rev.2): $5,000 - Honduras - Maya Ruins of Copan (request n°129.1): $26,000 - Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (request n°196.1 rev.2): $6,000  Total of requests in the field of cultural and natural heritage conservation: $37,000
[Uniquement en anglais] The World Heritage Committee, Having examined the technical cooperation assistance request made by India regarding an improved geographic information system (GIS) for Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), as presented in Documents WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 and WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 Add, Noting that, in accordance with Decision 28 COM 10A, four requests for technical cooperation will be submitted to the Chairperson/Committee in 2005, for a total amount of US$ 104,915, Considering that only an amount of US$ 160,000 is available for cultural properties under technical ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 30. The Secretariat presented the requests for technical cooperation which had been received by the 1st March 1984 deadline for properties inscribed on the World Heritage List or had been recommended by the Bureau for inscription thereon at its present session. It was noted that the total of the amounts requested for technical cooperation and of their training components were two to three times greater than the expected budgetary provisions. It was therefore necessary to contact the States Parties concerned to request them to reduce their requests to a more modest ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 31. The Bureau regretted the decrease in the amounts of the World Heritage Fund which limited its impact, particularly in the field. This would decrease the visibility of the Convention and thereby the support from those involved in the protection of the World Heritage properties themselves. In this connection, the Bureau encouraged the Secretariat, in cooperation with ICOMOS and IUCN, to seek where possible other sources of funding to synergetically support World Heritage technical cooperation projects. As regards training, the Bureau recommended that maximum ...
35. Le Comité a noté que, si ce soutien financier paraît bien modeste par rapport aux projets en cause, le Fonds du patrimoine mondial doit surtout jouer un rôle catalyseur en aidant les États parties à se procurer les fonds nécessaires à la protection des biens du patrimoine mondial. Le Fonds du patrimoine mondial n'a pas à subventionner des activités qui, normalement doivent être prises en charge au niveau national et ne saurait, par exemple, servir à rémunérer le personnel qui assure la protection des biens du patrimoine mondial ou à financer des programmes de formation à ...
34. Le Comité a noté que le total des sommes demandées au titre de la coopération technique excédait de beaucoup le montant de 200.000 dollars qu'il avait alloué à la coopération technique pour 1985. Le Comité a donc décidé que cette année là, aucun projet de coopération technique ne devrait dépasser 20.000 dollars et que chaque demande serait étudiée et évaluée plus en détail avant de faire l'objet d'une décision. Le Comité a prié le Secrétariat d'avoir de nouvelles consultations avec les pays intéressés ainsi qu'avec l'ICOMOS et l'UICN selon que de besoin, et de soumettre ces demandes ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve these two requests, respectively US$ 20,000 for Talamanca-La Amistad (Costa Rica) and US$ 40,000 for Darien National Park (Panama).
41. Le Comité a approuvé deux demandes concernant des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine en péril: - Bénin - Palais royaux d'Abomey : 20.000$ - Zaïre - Parc national de la Garamba : 20.000$ Le Comité a autorisé le Bureau à approuver une somme supplémentaire de 20.000$ au titre de la coopération technique pour ce bien, sous réserve de la réception d'une demande appropriée.
42. Le Comité a approuvé les demandes de coopération technique suivantes : Costa Rica - Talamanca-La Amistad Reserve : 40.000$Le Comité a noté que, sur ce montant, 20.000$ étaient destinés à des activités de formation. Panama - Parc national de Darien : 27.000$Le Comité a décidé de ne pas apporter son appui à la construction de postes de garde dans le parc, estimant que cette activité devait être financée par la contribution nationale de contrepartie. Sri Lanka - Anuradhapura : 28.000$Le Secrétariat a informé le Comité que les autorités de Sri Lanka avaient ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Bulgaria Provision of a photogrammetric camera and two additional items for the photometer already supplied for the surveying of Bulgarian World Heritage properties. The Bureau recommended that the Committee grant $25,000 under the technical cooperation budget for 1987. Malawi - Lake Malawi National Park Purchase of equipment (boats, radios, tents) to strengthen the protection of the park. The Bureau was informed that this request had been reviewed and was to be submitted to the Chairman of the World Heritage Committee as a 'small-scale' technical cooperation ...
34. Le Comité a noté qu'au cours de la présente session, le Bureau s'était réuni et avait examiné la procédure à suivre pour l'approbation des demandes de coopération technique à grande échelle. En effet, conformément au paragraphe 70 des Orientations pour la mise en œuvre de la Convention, les demandes d'un montant supérieur à $ 20.000 devraient être reçues avant la date limite du 1er mars d'une année donnée pour être examinées successivement par le Bureau et par le Comité, et éventuellement approuvées au titre du budget de l'année suivante. Certains États parties ont estimé ...
33. Le Secrétariat a introduit le document CC-86/CONF.003/4 où sont présentées quatre demandes de coopération technique à grande échelle, qui ont toutes été examinées par le Bureau à sa dixième session. Le Comité a approuvé les quatre demandes, à savoir : - Bulgarie : Fourniture d'un tachéomètre avec accessoires et deux éléments supplémentaires pour le photomètre déjà fourni pour le relevé des sites du patrimoine mondial  $34.000 - Turquie : pour la sauvegarde d'Istamboul - formation aux techniques de la conservation du bois et de la pierre $12.000 - création d'un ...
36. Conformément à cette procédure révisée, le Comité a également approuvé les quatre demandes suivantes, qui avaient été maintenues en attente soit en raison de l'insuffisance des fonds disponibles au titre du budget pour 1986, soit qu'elles aient été reçues après la date limite : Algérie : $1.700 Matériel destiné à des activités de conservation dans le parc national de Tassili N'Ajjer Seychelles : $7.200 Services de consultant en vue de l'élimination des chèvres sauvage dans l'atoll d'Aldabra, et matériel  Pérou : $35.400 Soutien financier pour la ...
37. Eu égard à la gravité de la situation dans la réserve de gibier de Selous (République Unie de Tanzanie), laquelle a été exposée dans la section du présent rapport consacrée à l'état de conservation des sites naturels du patrimoine mondial, le Comité a prié le Secrétariat d'informer les autorités tanzaniennes qu'il était disposé à allouer, au titre du budget pour 1987, un soutien financier pour un projet visant à améliorer la protection de ce site.
[Uniquement en anglais] 27. The Bureau, - reviewed document SC-87/CONF.004/7 on technical cooperation requests submitted by States Parties and - made the following recommendations: - People's Republic of China a) The Bureau noted that the Jixian/Tianjian Area, for which US$30,000 has been requested for supporting geological research, has not been recommended for inscription on the World Heritage List. b) In relation to the requests for training of specialists in management of natural heritage (US$80,000) and the research studies on the Imperial Palace (US$35,000) and Caves of Mogao ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 28. The Bureau noted that States Parties had submitted only a relatively small number of technical cooperation requests. In this connection, the Bureau recalled that States Parties could ask for preparatory assistance to draw up such requests. In addition, the Bureau asked the Secretariat to make every effort, including missions to States Parties, to advise on the availability of international assistance under the Fund and to assist in the preparation of receivable requests. Particular attention should be given to designing technical cooperation projects in which ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 29. The Bureau felt that more background information should be given in the presentation of technical cooperation requests for approval by the Bureau or the Committee in order to allow a better appreciation of the context in which requests were being made under the World Heritage Fund. The Bureau recommended that the Secretariat in future present the following elements for each technical cooperation request: - international assistance already provided for the property in question and results obtained; - a brief description of the different components requested, ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 30. Finally, the Bureau considered that in very many cases, States Parties were not sufficiently well informed about the possibilities for requesting international assistance udner the World Heritage Fund. The Bureau therefore recommended that the Secretariat prepare an easily understood brochure on how to obtain international assistance under the World Heritage Fund which would be widely distributed to all States Parties.
[Uniquement en anglais] 32. In connection with the assistance requested by States Parties for carrying out promotional activities, the Bureau recommended that such assistance should be provided only for the production of general information material on the Convention, and no for the promotion of any particular World Heritage property. Furthermore, considering the budgetary allocations set aside for promotional activities, such assistance could only be of modest proportions, complementing national investments. However, the Bureau noted that the Secretariat should be flexible in judging ...
Fort de Bahla 433 Oman C(iv) Le Comité, inquiet de la dégradation des structures en terre du fort et de l'oasis de Bahla, a suggéré que le Sul­tanat d'Oman présente une demande de coopération technique et qu'il considère la possibilité de proposer l'inscription de ce bien sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril.
Sites : Fort de Bahla
23. Le Comité a examiné le document SC-87/CONF.005/6 et a pris note des explications fournies dans l'addendum. Il a également noté qu'à la date du 30 novembre 1987, le montant des liquidités s'élevait à $ 2.490.720 et que, depuis cette date, une contribution volontaire d'un montant de $200.000 avait été reçue d'un Etat partie. Le montant des liquidités s'élevait ainsi à $2 690 720. 24. Compte tenu de cette situation financière, le Comité a adopté pour 1988 le budget ci-dessous : Activité Montant$EU Assistance préparatoire et études ...
25. Le Comité a examiné les demandes présentées dans le document SC-87/CONF.005/7. Le Comité a noté que le Bureau s'était réuni le 9 décembre 1987 pour étudier ces demandes et, conformément aux procédures définies aux paragraphes 69 à 91 des Orientations, avait approuvé les demandes portant sur un montant inférieur à $30.000. Le Comité a décidé d'approuver les autres demandes en prenant en compte les recommandations du Bureau. Les demandes approuvées sont les suivantes : Assistance préparatoire Chine (Rép. pop. de) pour élaborer des plans de sauvegarde des biens culturels ...
26. Le Comité a pris note du document SC-87/CONF.005/8 présentant les activités de promotion menées en 1987 et prévues pour 1988. Il a félicité le Secrétariat pour son action et a souligné la nécessité de renforcer encore ce programme de promotion. 27. La responsabilité des États parties dans ce domaine a été rappelée, et quelques membres du Comité ont évoqué des activités menées dans leurs pays respectifs, telles que la production de timbres ou de fiches sur les sites nationaux du patrimoine mon­dial, en Yougoslavie et en Inde, ou la production et la vente dans les kiosques à journaux ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 18. The Bureau examined document SC-88/CONF.007/9 presenting requests for technical cooperation and training under the World Heritage Fund. 19. The following requests were approved by the Bureau: 1. Consultancy services for the preparation of a plan for Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) and purchase of equipment for implementing 3 prototype projects recommended by the plan: $30,000 2. Financial contribution to the purchase of a "UNIMOG", an all-terrain vehicle, for use in field training activities at the Mweka College of African Wildlife Management (Tanzania): ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 20. The Bureau approved US$25,000 for training in Madagascar under the conditoin that the training workshop will have a special focus on the "Tsingy de Bemaraha" are nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List. The Bureau requested that this workshop be used to revise the nomination of the Tsingy de Bemaraha.
[Uniquement en anglais] 21. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the following requests: 1. Equipment for a visitors' centre and an all-terrain vehicle for Tassili N'Ajjer National Park (Algeria): $53,000 2. Equipment essential for better patrolling the Virunga National Park (Zaire): $40,000 3. Equipment and spare parts for a Toyota vehicle to strengthen anti-poaching measures in Garamba National Park (Zaire): $50,000 22. The Bureau recommended that the Committee be informed of other international assistance projects for these World Heritage sites, such as projects funded ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 23. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the following request, on the understanding that further details be provided on the amounts requested: Equipment for restoring the World Heritage properties of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) and for training activities pertaining to those sites.
[Uniquement en anglais] 24. Since ICOMOS was not yet in a position to provide accurate evaluation of the threats to the integrity of the following 2 properties, the Bureau recommended that the Committee's decision on the 2 requests be taken after further study has been carried out: 1. Urgent measures for strengthening the foundations of the wall and to study methods of reconstructing doors, windows and other wooden elements at Bahla Fort (Oman). 2. Equipment and technical assistance needed for restoration work at Wieliczka Salt Mine ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 25. With regard to a request received from Brazil, submitted on 16 June 1988 for $30,000 towards a project for the conservation and management of the Jesuit missions of the Guarani, the Bureau agreed with the Chairman's suggestion that the approve project components up to an amount of $20,000. The remaining $10,000 for the project, which would bring its value to a total of $30,000, should be requested from the Committee at its next session.
49. Le Comité a pris note du document SC.88/CONF.001/7 qui présentait essentiellement l'état des contributions obligatoires et volontaires au Fonds du patrimoine mondial pour les périodes budgétaires 1981-1983, 1984-1985, 1986-1987 et 1988-1989 au 30 septembre 1988. Le Comité a noté qu'un certain nombre de contributions avaient été reçues depuis cette date et que plusieurs projets d'assistance internationale avaient été approuvés; le solde révisé disponible pour 1989 était donc de 2.112.974 $ au 25 novembre 1988. 50. Le Comité a spécifiquement pris en considération la nécessité ...
58. Le Comité a noté que le Bureau avait étudié en détail les demandes présentées dans le document SC-88/CONF.001/6 et 6 Add. Il a noté que le Secrétariat avait reçu un certain nombre de modifications pour certaines demandes depuis que ce document avait été préparé. Le Comité a également noté que les demandes émanant de l'Algérie, de l'Equateur, du Sri Lanka et du Zaïre avaient déjà été recommandées pour approbation par le précédent Bureau à sa douzième session en juin 1988. 59. Conformément à la procédure figurant dans les Orientations adoptées par le Comité (WHC/2 révisé, ...
Le Comité du patrimoine mondial, Ayant examiné le Document WHC/17/12EXT.COM/4, Décide d'approuver la demande d'assistance internationale des Palaos intitulée « Répondre à la menace que représente l'introduction de chats errants dans le Lagon sud des îles Chelbacheb, inscrit au patrimoine mondial », pour un montant de 139 505 dollars E.U. sur le budget de l’assistance d’urgence.
[Uniquement en anglais] 14. The Bureau approved the following requests for international assistance for conducting regional training workshops in the field of natural heritage conservation and protected area management: A. Qatar (for the Arab region), 7-20 October 1989 - US$30,000 B. College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, United Republic of Tanzania (for anglophone African countries), in February 1990 - US$30,000 C. The Ministry of Nature Protection and the Department of National Parks, Senegal (for francophone African countries), in Dakar and Saint Louis, 30 October to 17 ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 15. The Bureau reviewed another request from Tanzania, for the purchase of equipment for protecting the archaeological and palaeontological site of Olduvai Gorge in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Bureau, however, deferred its recommendations on this request, since the site had been inscribed on the World Heritage List under natural criteria. The Bureau, though, suggested that ICOMOS and the Secretariat provide further information on the relevance of cultural values for the inscription of this site on the World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Bureau heard details of an application for technical assistance amounting to about US$320,000 submitted by the Syrian Arab Republic for a conservation programme for the Old City of Aleppo. The Bureau agreed to grant the Syrian authorities preparatory assistance to enable them to draw up a large-scale project for submission to funding sources other than the World Heritage Fund, the resources of which were too limited to take on such a project.
[Uniquement en anglais] 26. The Bureau considered that, if the Government of Mali so wished, a preparatory assistance mission could be organized with a view to helping the authorities concerned to work out an appropriate nomination file on Timbuktu (mosques, cemeteries and mausoleums) to the List of World Heritage in Danger. This nomination file could be presented to one of the next sessions of the Bureau.
Sites : Tombouctou
11. Lors de l'examen du point 4 de son ordre du jour, le Comité a pris bonne note des conclusions de la 7ème Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel relatives à cette question. Il s'est félicité de la teneur de la Résolution adoptée par l'Assemblée générale qui traduit son souci, tant d'assurer une meilleure rotation des membres du Comité que de garantir au sein du Comité une représentation équitable des différentes régions et cultures du monde. 12. Conformément aux conclusions de la treizième session de son ...
19. Le Comité a pris note qu'à la suite du tremblement de terre qui a eu lieu à Tipasa, en Algérie, une première mission d'un membre du Secrétariat avait eu lieu au cours de laquelle un certain nombre de dégâts avaient été constatés. Une demande d'assistance d'urgence avait été adressée au Secrétariat qui poursuivrait sa collaboration avec les responsables du site.
Sites : Tipasa
20. Le Comité a également été informé de l'effondrement du toit de l'un des temples de Patan, dans la Vallée de Khatmandou. Une assistance d'urgence avait été immédiatement octroyée aux autorités népalaises concernées.
23. Le Comité a rappelé que la version révisée des formulaires de proposition d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et celle des formulaires de demande d'assistance internationale financée par le Fonds du patrimoine mondial ont été établies conformément aux Orientations et ont déjà été examinées par le Bureau lors de sa treizième session. Les membres du Bureau ont présenté, depuis, des observations oui ont été incorporées dans les documents soumis au Comité. Ce dernier a donné son accord de principe à ces formulaires révisés, en priant les membres du Comité d'envoyer par écrit ...
33. Le Comité a examiné le document SC-89/CONF.C04/8 qui présente l'état des contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial pour les exercices 1981/1983, 1984/1985, 1986/87 et 1988/1989, l'état d'avancement des projets d'assistance international approuvés en 1988 et 1989, ainsi qu'une déclarations sur l'utilisation des crédits budgétaires pour 1989, approuves par le Comité à sa douzième session. 34. Le Comité a noté la persistance de certains retards dans le versement des contributions obligatoires ou volontaires et a invité le Secrétariat à poursuivre ses efforts pour obtenir ces ...
38. Le Comité a noté que le Bureau a examiné en détail les demandes d'assistance internationale figurant dans le document SC-89/CCNF.004/7. Le Comité a également constaté que les évaluations du Bureau prenaient en compte les informations supplémentaires reçues car le Secrétariat depuis la préparation de ce document. 39. Conformément aux procédures d'octroi de l'assistance internationale, définies par les Orientations qu'il a adoptées en décembre 1988, le Comité a approuvé les demandes suivantes : A. Coopération technique 1. Parc national des Galapagos (Equateur): 59.500 ...
38. Le Comité a noté que le Bureau a examiné en détail les demandes d'assistance internationale figurant dans le document SC-89/CCNF.004/7. Le Comité a également constaté que les évaluations du Bureau prenaient en compte les informations supplémentaires reçues car le Secrétariat depuis la préparation de ce document. 39. Conformément aux procédures d'octroi de l'assistance internationale, définies par les Orientations qu'il a adoptées en décembre 1988, le Comité a approuvé les demandes suivantes : B. Formation France/Bénin : 30.000$Cours sous-régional de formation à ...
38. Le Comité a noté que le Bureau a examiné en détail les demandes d'assistance internationale figurant dans le document SC-89/CCNF.004/10. Le Comité a également constaté que les évaluations du Bureau prenaient en compte les informations supplémentaires reçues car le Secrétariat depuis la préparation de ce document. 39. Conformément aux procédures d'octroi de l'assistance internationale, définies par les Orientations qu'il a adoptées en décembre 1988, le Comité a approuvé les demandes suivantes : C. Le Comité se prononcera ultérieurement sur les demandes de coopération ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 47. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a request for technical assistance submitted by Yugoslavia for the purchase of computer and photographic equipment and equipment for the restoration of the mural paintings of the Monastery of Studenica, at a total cost of US$51,000. Concerning that same site, the Bureau asked the Yugoslav authorities to give it their formal assurance that the project to build a dam near the monastery had been ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 48. The Bureau considered a request by the United Republic of Tanzania for the purchase of a Land Rover and radio equipment at a cost of US$49,782 for use at the archaeological and palaeontological site of Olduvai in the Ngorongoro conservation area. The Bureau agreed in principle to make a favourable recommendation to the Committee concerning that request. However, before finalizing its recommendation, the Bureau asked the Tanzanian authorities to provide it with information, in time for it to be considered before the next session of the Committee, ...
46. Le Comité a pris connaissance du document préparé sur ce point par le Secrétariat et l'a félicité pour la clarté de la présentation des requêtes qui lui étaient soumises. Tenant compte des recommandations de son Bureau, le Comité a décidé d'approuver les demandes suivantes A - Coopération technique BIENS CULTURELS 1. Zone de conservation de Ngorongoro (République-Unie de Tanzanie) US$49.782Achat d'une Land Rover et d'un équipement radio pour le site archéologique et paléontologique d'Olduvai. 2. Monastère de Studenica (Yougoslavie) US$51.000Achat d'équipement informatique, ...
B - Formation 1. Cours international sur les techniques de conservation de la pierre (ICCROM-UNESCO) US$40.000Participation au cours, qui se déroulera à Venise en mai et juin 1991, de 12 boursiers de pays en voie de développement, et contribution financière aux frais d'honoraires et de voyage des professeurs. 2. Cours régional de formation pour la conservation de peintures murales (ICCROM) US$40.000Frais d'honoraires et de voyage de cinq professeurs et participation de 16 boursiers, restaurateurs originaires de pays d'Asie du Sud et du Sud-est, à un cours qui aura lieu à Lucknow ...
[Uniquement en anglais] After having taken cognizance of document SC.91/CONF.001/5, the Bureau approved  request for international assistance in the amount of US$ 30,000 submitted by Cuba for the purchase of 183 cubic metres of timber for the restoration of the structural frames and  panelling of a group of XVIIIthe and XIXth century houses situated in the historic centre of Trinidad. The Bureau wished the architects of the Regional Office for Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Havana and already involved in the international campaign for the preservation of the Plaza ...
A. Coopération technique Le Comité a approuvé les demandes suivantes :   $EU 1. Cavalier de Madara (Bulgarie) 35.000,00   Achat d'équipement pour sondages, mesures et nettoyage urgent du monument 2. Eglise Saint-Stéphane à Nessebar (Bulgarie) 15.000,00   Restauration des peintures murales de l'église 3. Plateau des Pyramides de Guizeh (Egypte) 30.000,00   Frais pour trois experts internationaux (économiste, archéologue et paysagiste) pour l'élaboration d'un schéma ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 49. The Bureau took note of the information provided by the Secretariat and decided to set aside a sum of US$30,000 for urgent activities to be undertaken for the restoration of Dubrovnik.
[Uniquement en anglais] Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (Malta) 65. The Bureau requested that ICOMOS examine the justifications provided by the Maltese authorities for the need to install an air-conditioning system at this World Heritage site and assess the relative merits of different options available for solving problems caused by internal humidity. The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its next session, take a decision on this request on the basis of information submitted by the State Party and the report from ...
[Uniquement en anglais] City of Potosi (Bolivia) 66. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Bolivian authorities to obtain information on the links between the World Heritage site of Potosi and the proposed rehabilitation project for the lagoons. The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its next session, assess, on the basis of the requested information, the importance of the work to rehabilitate the lagoons to the conservation of the World Heritage city and decide whether or not this project qualifies for international assistance from the World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Plitvice Lake National Park (Republic of Croatia) 67. The Bureau decided to set aside US$30,000 as emergency assistance to undertake an expert mission to this site to assess damage caused by armed conflict in Croatia and to prepare and initiate the implementation of an international assistance project for the rehabilitation of the site.
[Uniquement en anglais] Istanbul (Turkey) 68. The Bureau, while agreeing in principle to providing support for the continuation of the restoration of mosaics of Saint Sophia in Istanbul, noted that the project approved in 1991 under the World Heritage Fund is expected to be completed by the end of 1992. The Bureau requested that the Committee at its forthcoming session in Santa Fe, review the report of the project which is currently underway and other information from studies that are being undertaken by the Turkish authorities and decide on an appropriate amount to assist in the ...
XI.1. Le Comité a examiné le document WHC-92/CONF/002/8, 8 Add. et 8 Add.2 ainsi que les informations sur les demandes supplémentaires que lui ont soumises certains États parties, en cours de session. Le Comité a approuvé les projets suivants : A. Coopération technique                                                  $EU Parc national des ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Dja Faunal Reserve (Cameroon): The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve US$ 40,000 for the purchase of two vehicles for this site subject to the Cameroon authorities paying their dues to the World Heritage Fund, providing detailed information to the Centre on projects implemented in this site with national funds and provide assurance to the Committee that the maintenance of the vehicles will be supervised directly by the manager of the Dja Reserve. School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists (Cameroon): The Bureau recommended that the Committee ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Mt. Nimba Nature Reserve (Côte d'Ivoire/Guinea): The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for consultancies and other services necessary for setting up a management regime in the Guinean part of this World Heritage site in Danger.
[Uniquement en anglais] Mt. Huangshan (People's Republic of China) - Training in management planning for protected area specialists in China: The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for organizing a training workshop in Mt. Huangshan (US$ 20,000) and for supporting the participation of protected area specialists from Asia-Pacific in the CNPPA/IUCN Regional Conference on Protected Areas of East Asia (US$ 10,000) to review the draft management plan of Huangshan prepared as a result of the training ...
Sites : Mont Huangshan
[Uniquement en anglais] IUCN The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 18,000 to IUCN for the following purposes: (a) reimbursement of costs for implementing the Bureau's request, made at its last session in July 1992, for assessing measures taken to mitigate impacts of road construction in Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal) US$ 12,000 Preparation of a state of conservation report on sangay National Park by IUCN's Regional Office for Latin America US$ 2,000 Contribution for the preparation, by the IUCN Office in Nepal, of state of conservation reports on Sagarmatha and Royal Chitwan National ...
Parc national de Sangay (Équateur) Le représentant de l'UICN a rappelé que le site, inscrit en 1983, avait été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril en 1992, en raison des menaces constituées par le braconnage, les empiètements sur les limites du parc et un aménagement routier non planifié. Le bureau de l'UICN en Equateur a effectué une mission sur le terrain et le Comité a discuté le plan d'action proposé en six points recommandant de réaliser une évaluation de l'impact de l'aménagement routier sur l'environnement. La demande d'assistance technique destinée au Parc ...
Réserve naturelle du Mont Nimba (Guinée/Côte-d'Ivoire) Le Comité a rappelé que ce site avait été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril, lors de sa seizième session tenue en 1992. Au cours d'une brève présentation, l'UICN a mis l'accent sur sa constante préoccupation quant aux risques à long terme que pourraient entraîner d'éventuelles recherches minières dans les terrains adjacents au site du patrimoine mondial. Elle a également signalé que la croissance démographique dans la région posait un véritable problème. Au cours de sa présentation, le fonctionnaire du ...
XIII.2 Après étude des demandes de coopération technique, plusieurs délégués ont rappelé que le Comité, au cours de sa seizième session, avait signalé la nécessité d'une évaluation systématique des activités en faveur du patrimoine mondial. A ce sujet, le délégué de l'Allemagne a proposé que le Centre prépare des rapports biennaux à présenter au Comité et traitant de la mise en oeuvre de l'assistance internationale fournie par le Fonds du patrimoine mondial. Le délégué a fait remarquer que ces informations sont d'une importance capitale pour l'évaluation de demandes successives concernant ...
XIII.1 Le Comité a examiné le document WHC-93/CONF.002/10rev., daté du 5 décembre 1993 et le Rapporteur du Bureau sortant a présenté un rapport sur les demandes d'assistance internationale approuvées par le Bureau ainsi que sur les recommandations suivantes à l'intention du Comité A. Assistance technique Patrimoine naturel Parc naturel de Sangay (Eauateur)Le Comité a rappelé que le Parc national de Sangay figure sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril. Comme prévu, l'UICN a présenté un rapport de suivi sur le site. Le Comité a approuvé une demande de 28.500 $EU pour de ...
B. Formation Patrimoine naturel Ecole de formation de spécialistes de la faune sauvage, Garoua (Cameroun)Le Comité a étudié une demande de 43.667 $EU pour un séminaire de formation qui doit se tenir au Cameroun en 1994. Le Comité a approuvé l'attribution d'une somme de 35.000 $EU, en attendant l'approbation par le Centre d'informations plus détaillées et d'une justification de l'estimation des coûts. Cours de formation par l'ENGREF (France)Le Comité à étudié une demande de 40.000 $EU et, après une longue discussion, a approuvé l'attribution d'une somme de 30.000 $EU pour un cours ...
C. Assistance d'urgence Patrimoine culturel Vieille ville fortifiée de Shibam (Yémen)Après avoir pris connaissance du rapport présenté par le Secrétariat sur l'état de conservation de Shibam, rapport qui décrivait clairement une situation d'urgence, le Comité a approuvé la demande d'assistance d'urgence d'un montant de 40.500 $EU pour des mesures d'urgence concernant le système d'assainissement de Shibam (30.500 $EU) et des services d'experts en ce domaine (10.000 $EU). Le Comité a demandé au Centre d'informer les autorités yéménites qu'elles pouvaient soumettre une nouvelle demande ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.1 Preparatory assistance A.1.1.1 Réserve naturelle de Faune à Okapi de l'Ituri (Zaire) The Bureau took note of the preparatory assistance request by Zaire being reduced from US$15,000 to US$10,000. Further, following the advice of a WWF project at the site, the Bureau decided to further reduce this sum to US$ 3,000. It was noted that the current level of legal protection was inadequate and the site should be upgraded to National Parks legislation prior to an eventual ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.1  Technical assistance request for Lake Malawi National Park (Malawi) The Bureau approved a technical assistance request for a total of US$ 16,000 subject to the Government of Malawi making full payment of its dues to the World Heritage Fund. The project involves the purchase of equipment (boats, tents, diving equipment, life jackets and binoculars) for Lake Malawi National ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.2 Manu National Park (Peru) The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 20,000 for a technical cooperation request for Manu National Park to be implemented by the park director and financially administrated by the Peruvian Foundation for the Conservation of Nature, which is also supporting the project. The Bureau furthermore recalled that IUCN gave a state of conservation report on the site some years ago and that other projects (WWF and GEF funding) are carried out at ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.3 Huascaran National Park (Peru) The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 20,000 for a project at Huascaran National Park involving staff training in ecology, public awareness, a seminar involving local peoples and an environmental education workshop, as well as the publication of interpretative material for the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.4 Sangay National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau recalled that Sangay National Park was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at the sixteenth session of the World Heritage Committee in Santa Fe. The Bureau deferred a decision on this US$28,500 project until the monitoring report has been examined at the seventeenth session of the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.5 Mount Nimba (Guinea) The Bureau examined a request for US$45,000 for the World Heritage Site in Danger. It recommended a reduction of the project to US$30,000 and deferred a decision until the monitoring report is presented at the seventeenth session of the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.6 Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) The Bureau examined a technical cooperation request for US$25,000 received by IUCN just prior to the meeting. IUCN informed the Bureau, that the management plan for the site has been completed. This project involves some limited road construction, a parking area and a new hiking trail to better serve visitors to the Park. The Bureau approved the sum ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.3 Training A.1.3.1 Sixteenth International Protected Areas Course (CATIE), Costa Rica The Bureau approved a sum of US$25,000 for this Protected Areas training course at CATIE, Costa Rica, with the recommendation that World Heritage managers receive priority for ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.4 Emergency Assistance A.1.4.1 Garamba National Park (Zaire) The Bureau recalled that this site was removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger at the sixteenth session of the Committee. The Bureau discussed the request for US$20,000 and approved the sum of US$10,000. The Bureau noted that the emergency circumstances under which this request was originally submitted have changed substantially and therefore requested the World Heritage Centre to write to IZCN and request further ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.1 Technical co-operation A.2.1.1 Dja Faunal Reserve (Cameroon) The Bureau noted the request for a sum of US$40,000 submitted by the Government of Cameroon. However, since Cameroon has not paid its dues to the Fund since 1986/87, the Bureau did not examine the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.1 Technical co-operation A.2.1.2 Vallee de Mai (Seychelles) The Bureau examined the request from the Seychelles for the construction of a Visitor Information Centre in this World Heritage site. The Bureau was concerned about: the size of the site, the location of the Visitor Centre in the site, and noted the fact that construction had commenced despite previous concerns raised by the Bureau regarding size of the structure and its view that the development may ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.1 Technical co-operation A.2.1.3 Technical assistance request for La Amistad World Heritage site (Costa Rica/Panama) The Bureau noted the request of the Costa Rican authorities for US$50,000 for the site. However, as agreement on the proposed new boundaries for the site have not been received by the Centre and Costa Rica has not paid its dues to the Fund, the request was deferred. The Bureau requested IUCN to organize with its regional office in Costa Rica, a ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.1 Technical co-operation A.2.1.4 Komodo National Park (Indonesia) The Bureau reviewed a request for US$49,500 for Komodo National Park and recommended that the Committee approve US$37,000, deleting a proposal for staff training. It was noted that the Park authorities are planning to set up a training programme which would be a duplication of this activity. The project, prepared in cooperation with UNESCO's ROSTSEA Office, has three objectives: to provide ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2  Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.2 Training A.2.2.1  School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists (Cameroon) The Bureau discussed a training request of US$ 43,667 and recommended the approval of US$35,000 pending more detailed information on the programme of the course and justification of the estimated ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2  Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.2 Training A.2.2.2 Training Course to be held in Côte d'Ivoire The Bureau discussed a request for US$40,000 for the organization of a training course provided by the ''Ecole nationale du genie rural, des eaux et des forets" (ENGREF). There was considerable discussion about this course. The Bureau raised concerns about the cost effectiveness of the programme and the results received in relation to the future management of World Heritage sites. ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.1 Preparatory assistance B.1.1.1 Preparation of nomination for the Ancient City of Xi'an (China) The Delegate from China informed the Bureau that China is preparing a revised tentative list for cultural heritage and that the City of Xi'an is included in this revised tentative list. The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 15,000 for preparatory assistance for the organization of an international symposium to discuss issues such as management and conservation of Xi'an and to examine and ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.2 Technical Cooperation B.1.2.1 The Mogao Caves (China) The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 20,000 for the purchase of a polarization microscope for the systematic research of the degradation of the mural paintings in the caves.
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.2 Technical Cooperation B.1.2.2 Cartagena (Colombia) In discussing the request for technical assistance for Cartagena, the Bureau commended the systematic approach of the conservation efforts in Cartagena and was very pleased to note that earlier World Heritage assistance has led to very concrete results. The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 19,000 for the services of national and international experts for the preparation of a Master Plan for the Historical Centre of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.3 Training B.1.3.1 National training activity at the Mogao Caves (China) The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 20,000 for the organization of a training course on the Preservation Techniques in Environmental Monitoring and Mural Colour Analysis and the utilization of a polarization microscope. The Bureau suggested that the Chinese authorities invite to this training course specialists and participants from other countries in the region such as Sri Lanka and India, so that the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.3 Training B.1.3.2 Riksantikvaren, Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway: International Training Course on Wood Conservation Technology, 1994 The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 25,000 for fellowships for participants from States Parties in development and transition in the International Course on Wood Conservation Technology in Norway. The Bureau requested the course organizers to report on the results of the course and its impact on World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision B.1.4 Emergency assistance B.1.4.1 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (China) The Bureau approved the amount of US$ 26,000 for emergency assistance for emergency measures to prevent the collapse of some of the caves which suffered considerable damage due to unusually heavy rains in 1992/1993. The Bureau requested the Chinese authorities to limit expenditure under World Heritage assistance for local labour as much as ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.1 Technical co-operation B.2.1.1. Serra da Capivara National Park (Brazil) The Bureau considered a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 53,000 for the site of Serra da Capivara in Brazil which consisted of two components: 1. Assistance for taking measures in three of the most visited sites in the Park (Toea do Baixao do Perna I, Toea do Baixao da Vaca and Sitio do Meio) with the double objective of protecting the paintings and at the same ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.1 Technical co-operation B.2.1.2 Old Havana and its fortifications (Cuba) The Bureau considered a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 55,000 for restoration and consolidation works in three buildings around La Plaza Vieja in Havana (Cine Havana, Cafe Taberna and Colegio del Santo Angel). The Bureau decided to bring this request forward to the Committee with the recommendation to consider this request on the basis of the results ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.1 Technical co-operation B.2.1.3 Cliffs of Bandiagara - Land of the Dogons (Mali) The Bureau decided to recommend the Committee to approve the amount of US$ 42,000 for a pilot inventory project in three of the 300 villages in the site, each one representative of one of the human settlements of the three zones that characterize the site (the plateau, the eroded cliffs and the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.2 Training B.2.2.1 Regional training course of Maghreb architects for the conservation and protection of cultural monuments and sites (1994 and 1995, Tunisia) The Bureau decided to recommend the Committee to approve a request for training for the amount of US$ 50,000 under the 1994 budget for a two-year (1994-1995) post university course for about twenty graduates from the region of the Maghreb that will be organized by the National· Heritage Institute ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.2 Training B.2.2.2 International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of of Cultural Property (ICCROM) The Bureau decided to recommend the Committee to approve a request for US$ 75,000 for fellowships for participants from States Parties (developing countries) for three regular courses at ICCROM (architectural conservation, conservation of mural paintings and scientific principles of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee B.2.3 Emergency assistance B.2.3.1  Old Walled City of Shibam (Yemen) The Bureau took note of the results of an expert mission that was fielded to Shibam in October 1993 and subsequently decided to recommend the Committee to approve the amount of US$ 40,500 under emergency assistance for emergency measures regarding the drainage system in Shibam (US$ 30,500) and expert services in this field (US$ ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau approved US$30,000 for the organization of a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of the centre's training partners in the field of the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage, key individuals and colleagues from UNESCO's Secretariat to provide a sound basis for a fresh strategy. The Bureau asked the Centre to submit the overall evaluation findings as well as recommendations for a future training strategy to the World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau approved US$30,000 for a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of experts, specialists and key individuals, including agreement by the schools, to review the curricula of the courses, management objectives as well as the outcome of the courses. The Bureau asked that the Centre  submit the evaluation findings as well as  recommendations by the experts for a future training strategy for natural heritage to the World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Training in the Conservation and Management of Natural Heritage in the Arab Region The Bureau reviewed a request for US$30,000 for a two-week regional training seminar submitted by the Egyptian authorities, to be held in Egypt in April 1995 on conservation and management of natural heritage. The Bureau approved the requested sum of US$30,000 for the course and asked the Centre to proceed with an agreement on the course programme with the national ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Historic Centre of the Town of Olinda (Brazil) - US$19,000: for a tourist study which would form part of the Urban Development Plan. Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo Monastery and Monastery of Rila (Bulgaria) - US$21,000: of which US$16,000 will be earmarked for the purchase of equipment and US$5,000 for advisory services on the nature of conservation measure to be undertaken. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$8,000: for the restoration of mural paintings in the 18th century Baroque Festival Palace, which was severely damaged in 1991. ICCROM will supervise the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Argentina - US$20,000: for a series of seminars which will be held at different sites in Argentina and on different subject matters: 1) Posadas, 5-8 September 1994: Safeguarding the Jesuit Missions 2) Mar del Plata, 30-31 August 1994: Tourism and cultural heritage. 3) Salta, 5-8 September 1994: Preservation of historic centres. 4) Cordoba, 5-8 September 1994: Interventions in the archaeological heritage. 5) Buenos Aires, 5-8 September 1994: Recycling versus restoration. 6) Trelew-Chubut, 5-8 September 1994: Natural heritage, its relevance in the development ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Archaeological Park of Tierradentro (Colombia) - US$69,500: in accordance with paragraph 85 of the Operational Guidelines which indicate that emergency assistance may be approved "for work in connection with cultural and natural properties included or suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List and which have suffered severe damage due to sudden, unexpected phenomena" to undertake the following actions as a first phase of an overall conservation plan: 1) Field expert mission (4 Colombians and 2 international experts) to draw up an action plan for the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Establishment of an itinerant conservation laboratory which would service the 7 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List (Bulgaria) - US$39,000: The Bureau recommended that this request be re-examined by the Secretariat and ICCROM before being submitted to its next session in December 1994. Historic Centre of Puebla (Mexico) - US$18,000: to elaborate a rehabilitation plan to secure the safeguarding of the remaining historical buildings in the area, the introduction of new functions and structures compatible with the urban architecture and a maintenance programme ...
[Uniquement en anglais] China (Biodiversity Measuring and Monitoring Course): the Bureau reviewed a request for US$19,000 for a biodiversity measuring and monitoring course to be held in Guangdong Province in China in November/December 1994. It felt however that 2 Chinese participants had already been financed from the World Heritage Fund for a similar course in the United States in 1994 and, moreover, that the course did not involve World Heritage site managers, nor was it being held at a World Heritage site. The Bureau therefore, did not approve the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] At the end of the debate, the Bureau was informed that the amounts approved for training were slightly superior to the budget allocation for this activity, and therefore it authorized the Director of the World Heritage Centre to commit the approved funds by transferring the amount required from the technical assistance budgetary line.
FORMATION Patrimoine naturel XII.4 Le Comité a noté que le Bureau, à sa 18e session, tenue les 9 et 10 décembre 1994, avait étudié huit demandes pour des montants inférieurs à 30.000 dollars et avait approuvé les sept demandes suivantes : 17e Cours international de formation pour les gestionnaires d'aires protégées d'Amérique latine, CATIE, Costa Rica 30.000 dollars EU Cours régional de formation pour les gestionnaires d'aires protégées des États arabes, ...
COOPERATION TECHNIQUE Patrimoine naturel XII.1 Le Comité a noté que le Bureau, à sa 18e session, tenue les 9 et 10 décembre 1994, avait approuvé une somme de 19.000 dollars EU pour la Réserve naturelle de Srébarna (Bulgarie) pour l'achat et l'installation d'équipement pour la mesure et 'le suivi du niveau et de la qualité des eaux des zones humides de Srébarna ; et demandé aux autorités de Tanzanie de reformuler leur demande de 30.000 dollars EU pour créer un réseau de pistes dans le Parc national du Kilimandjaro (Tanzanie), et de prendre en compte des priorités de conservation plus ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee approved the following requests for natural heritage sites of Indonesia: Ujung Kulon National Park                US$40,000Buffer zone development activities benefitting local people with agreement from the local people for cessation of resource extraction in the Park. Komodo National Park                      US$40,000Purchase of a boat and a GIS-GPS system. The cost of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee noted that the Bureau in examining the ten technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, two submitted by ICCROM and eight by States Parties, gave priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic affect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee. Reauests approved by the Bureau: The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000 The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, ...
[Uniquement en anglais] XII.6 The Committee noted that the Bureau at its eighteenth session in December 1994, examined eleven requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which five were submitted by ICCROM and six by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. The Bureau reported to the Committee that in view of budgetary constraints it gave priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. Funding of courses held in situ which take into account local training needs ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau considered the rapid growth in the demand for technical cooperation funds and recommended that, in the future, at least one third of the annual budget for technical cooperation should be targetted towards natural World Heritage sites. The Bureau considered 4 requests for technical cooperation for strengthening management of natural World Heritage sites and took the following decisions: Requests approved by the Bureau Srebarna Nature Reserve (Bulgaria) - US19,000: Purchase and installation of equipment for the measurement and monitoring of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau, noted the increasing demand for support for organizing training courses for natural and cultural heritage specialists. recommended that in the future the annual training budget should be divided equally for training natural and cultural heritage specialists. considered 8 requests for supporting the training of natural heritage specialists and worked on the assumption that the training budget for 1995 will be the same as that of 1994 and gave priority to supporting training activities in Africa and in less developed countries. Requests ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Komodo National Park (Indonesia): The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a sum of US$40,000 of the US$63,400 requested by the Indonesian authorities for the purchase of a patrol boat and the procurement and installation of a GIS-GPS system. The Bureau recommended that the Indonesian authorities limit the costs of the GIS-GPS system to a maximum of US$19,000 by calling for competitive bids for the supply and installation of this system for the Komodo National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia): The Bureau recommended that the Committee ...
[Uniquement en anglais] In examining the 10 technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, 2 submitted by ICCROM and 8 by State Parties, the Bureau decided, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee, to give priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic effect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works. Requests approved by the Bureau 1. The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000 The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, subject to obtaining ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau at its 18th session in December 1994 examined 11 requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which 5 were submitted by ICCROM and 6 by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. In view of budgetary constraints under the indicative allocation for training, the Bureau decided to give priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. The emphasis would be on courses held in situ which take into account local training needs rather ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 1. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$50,000 The Bureau recommended the approval of the full requested amount of US50,000 for, inter alia, the purchase of equipment for the documentation centre; expertise for the development of a tourism development plan; promotional and educational material and activities on World Heritage in Dubrovnik. 2. Wielizska Salt Mine (Poland) - US$100,000 The Bureau recommended, after considerable debate, the approval by the Committee of this request for US$100,000 to purchase the dehumidifying equipment required for the preservation ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 1. ICCROM/CRATerre (International Centre for Earthen Constructions): Training for a professional team and craftsmen-technicians team for the restoration and maintenance of the Palace of Abomey, Benin - US$33,000 The Bureau recommended the approval of US$33,000 out of the original request for US$44,000. 2. Regional Training Course of Maghreb Architects for the Conservation and Protection of Cultural Monuments and Sites (1994 and 1995, Tunisia) - US$50,000 The Bureau recommended the approval by the Committee of the full amount of US$50,000 for this request. 3. ...
[Uniquement en anglais] IX.1 The Bureau examined documents WHC-95/CONF.201/7 and WHC-95/CONF.201/7Add and noted that, in accordance with the decisions at the eighteenth session of the World Heritage Committee, one third of the funds should be for natural heritage.Therefore, only requests for technical cooperation for natural heritage were brought forward to the Bureau. The Bureau, taking note of the amount of the remaining funds for international assistance, took the following decisions:   Requests approved:   Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Guinea/Côte ...
En étudiant la situation financière au 31 octobre 1995 et la trésorerie, le Comité a décidé d'augmenter l'allocation budgétaire pour l'assistance internationale pour la porter à 1.500.000 dollars EU, répartis comme suit : * 175.000 $EU pour l'assistance préparatoire ; * 685.000 $EU pour la coopération technique 1/3 pour les biens naturels et 2/3 pour les biens culturels ; * 550.000 $EU pour la formation une moitié pour les biens naturels et l'autre pour les biens culturels. Le Centre a informé le Comité que 14 des 51 requêtes (3 pour le patrimoine naturel et Il pour le patrimoine ...
A.1.1 Coopération technique Parc national de Komodo (Indonésie) (64.500 $EU demandés) Le Comité a examiné la demande d'achat d'un catamaran en fibre de verre et d'accessoires supplémentaires pour le système SIG pour un montant total de 64.500 dollars EU. Cependant, au vu des sommes déjà versées pour l'achat de bateaux pour le site, le Comité a approuvé ce projet pour un montant limité à 30.000 dollars EU, à condition que les autorités indonésiennes trouvent, pour cet achat, la somme complémentaire de 30.000 dollars EU 60 dollars EU auprès d'autres sources. Il a, par ailleurs, suggéré ...
B.1.1 Coopération technique Préparation d'orientations pour la planification préalable des risques pour les sites du patrimoine mondial (demande présentée par l'ICOMOS) (30.000 $EU demandés) Le Comité a approuvé la demande de 30.000 dollars EU pour la préparation et la publication de cet ouvrage en 1.000 exemplaires. L'UICN devrait être associée à ce projet. Quinze mille dollars EU seraient versés à l'ICOMOS au titre du budget 1996 et le solde serait imputé au budget 1997. Missions jésuites de Chiquitos (Bolivie) (30.000 $EU demandés) Le Comité a approuvé un montant de 30.000 dollars ...
Tout en notant que le pouvoir d'approuver les demandes d'assistance internationale inférieures à 30.000 $EU a été délégué au Bureau et celles inférieures à 20.000 $EU au Président, le Comité a aussi approuvé les demandes de formation suivantes dont il a été débattu lors de la session : C.1 Formation (patrimoine culturel) Programme directeur pour la conservation du patrimoine (demande présentée par l'Argentine) (20.000 $EU) Le Comité a approuvé la somme demandée de 20.000 $EU pour financer la participation de six experts internationaux à une série de six séminaires 'qüi seront ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Komodo National Park (Indonesia) (US$ 64,500 requested) The Bureau reviewed the request for the purchase of a fibreglass catamaran boat and additional accessories for the GIS system for a total of US$ 64,500. However, in the light of the amount of funds already provided for the purchase of boats for the site, the Bureau recommended the Committee to approve the above project for a reduced amount of US$ 30,000, under the condition that the Indonesian authorities find an additional US$ 30,000 from other sources for its purchase. It furthermore suggested that the boat ...
[Uniquement en anglais] College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka (Tanzania) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for three students to attend the one-year course (1996/97) at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania, requesting the Centre to contact the Principal of the School to provide a detailed financial breakdown for each of the students.
[Uniquement en anglais] Preparation of Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Heritage Sites (request presented by ICOMOS) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the request of US$ 30,000 for the preparation and publication of the "Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Cultural Heritage Sites" in 1,000 copies. IUCN should be associated. US$ 15,000 should be provided to ICOMOS from the 1996 budget and the remaining amount would be included in the 1997 budget. Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos (Bolivia) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for international professors submitted by Brazil (US$ 45,000 requested) The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for six international professors. Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical Cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for fellowships for ten ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Historical centre of Mompox (Colombia) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended that the State Party revise the request for a smaller amount and resubmit it to the Chairperson of the Committee.
[Uniquement en anglais] Requests approved by the Bureau Conservation Strategy and Preparation of a Management Plan for the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) In the light of the state of conservation report presented on this site, the Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 for theelaboration of a management plan for the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) subject to the submission of a detailed budget outline for this request. Requests not approved by the Bureau Architectural Design of the Interpretation Centre at the Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) (US$ 25,900)The ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Preparation of Interpretation Materials for the Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) (US$29, 900) The Bureau recalled that the total amount for promotion has already been fully committed and that no further funds are available.
XII.1 Le Bureau, à sa vingtième session extraordinaire, a noté que plusieurs demandes d'assistance internationale se référaient à des rapports sur l'état de conservation des mêmes biens et il a suggéré au Comité de considérer si ces demandes devaient être examinées ensemble. Le Comité a approuvé la recommandation du Bureau. En outre, le Délégué de l'Allemagne a proposé que toutes les demandes de formation soumises au Fonds du patrimoine mondial de manière récurrente chaque année, soient étudiées ensemble pour fournir des informations sur les fonds régulièrement engagés. La Déléguée du ...
[Uniquement en anglais] CULTURAL HERITAGE A.1 TECHNICAL COOPERATION A.1.1 ICCROM - Technical Assistance Programme (TAP) (US$ 25,000 requested) The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 25,000 to allow ICCROM to continue its work of dissemination of scientific information by supplying World Heritage sites with basic conservation materials and libraries.
[Uniquement en anglais] CULTURAL HERITAGE A.1 TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION A.1.2  Technical Assistance Request for Vilnius Old Town (Lithuania) (US$ 25,000 requested) The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 25,000 to provide expert advice and logistic support to both the rehabilitation programme and the organization of the Donors' and Investors' ...
[Uniquement en anglais] CULTURAL HERITAGE A.1 TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION A.1.3 Lalibela; Fasil Ghebi; Lower Valley of the Awash; Tiya; Aksum and Valley of of the Omo (Ethiopia) (US$ 27,500 requested) Considering the quality and the well-chosen small-scale activities which are already partly funded by the Centre for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (CRCCH) , and in order to backstop the remarkable achievements and commitments of CRCCH to conservation, the Bureau approved an amount of US$ 27,500. Support from the World Heritage Fund will permit the funding of international ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.1 Regional Training Course on Critical Wetlands Habitats: Keoladeo National Park (India) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 to organize at the beginning of 1997 this regional training workshop for site managers from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries in support of the Natural Heritage Training Strategy. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Wildlife Institute and the Government of India to ensure that there is no overlap with any other subregional training seminars for protected area ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.2 International Study Project for the Conservation of Wadi Tumilat (Egypt) (US$ 26,000 requested) The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 20,000 for the international training project for a scientific study and the conservation of the region of Wadi Tumilat. Organized by the Universities of Cairo, London, and Uppsala, the project foresees the participation of 20 students in documentation and conservation research work.
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.3 Training Workshop for Urban Planning Officers of China's Historic Cities (US$ 25,000 requested) The Bureau, recognizing the urgent need to sensitize the municipal authori ties and increase their technical competence to safeguard the historic cities of China, approved an amount of US$ 25,000 to organize a workshop in May 1997 for the preparation of the Conference for the Mayors of Historic Cities, foreseen in September ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.4 Regional Training Workshop in Tbilisi and Signagi on "The Significance of Vernacular Architecture and the Problem of Conservation (Georgia) (US$ 27,000 requested) The Bureau recognized the importance of Georgian vernacular architecture and the need to improve scientific, technological and management competences of the persons responsible for the conservation and presentation of the remarkable heritage. The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 27,000 for this regional training activity organized for trainees from the neighbouring countries, viz. ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.5 ICCROM: Regional course for Latin America the Caribbean on Scientific Principles Conservation (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 as a contribution towards the costs of the regional course for Latin America and the Caribbean on Scientific Principles of Conservation, in order to improve the understanding of the elementary principles of scientific conservation relevant to different materials, the deterioration processes they undergo and the governing principles of different conservation/restoration ...
[Uniquement en anglais] A.2 TRAINING A.2.6 Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Course on Financial and Institutional Capacity-Building in Urban Rehabilitation in Historic Cities (request submitted by Cuba) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau took note of the complementary nature of this course, organized in Cuba, with the one proposed by the Federal Uni versi ty of Pernambuco in Brazil. The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 for the organization of this two-week course, which places the emphasis on funding and addresses decision-makers at the municipal level, and in particular ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL A. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant compris entre 20.000 dollars EU et 30.000 dollars EU approuvées par le Bureau (budget 1996) A.1 COOPERATION TECHNIQUE A.1.1 Identification de sites potentiels du patrimoine naturel dans les pays arabes (Egypte) - (29.346 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a approuvé la demande pour un montant réduit de 13.300 $EU et suggéré que le séminaire proposé comme une partie de l'étude, soit relié au séminaire de formation qui aura lieu au Maroc sur "la formation à la conservation et gestion de biens naturels dans les pays ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL A. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant compris entre 20.000 dollars EU et 30.000 dollars EU approuvées par le Bureau (budget 1996) A.2 FORMATION A.2.1 Formation à la conservation et la gestion du patrimoine naturel dans la région arabe : conservation de la biodiversité dans les zones protégées (Maroc) - (29.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a approuvé la demande pour un montant de 29.000 $EU et demandé au Secrétariat de contacter les organisateurs pour étudier les résultats de l'étude égyptienne qui sera préparée sur "l'identification de potentiels ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL A. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant compris entre 20.000 dollars EU et 30.000 dollars EU approuvées par le Bureau (budget 1996) A.2 FORMATION A.2.2 Planification de gestion pour un tourisme durable sur le site du patrimoine mondial de la baie d'Ha-Long (Viet Nam) - (24.250 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a reconnu la nécessité de former le personnel responsable de la gestion du site dans le domaine du tourisme. Toutefois, le Bureau a suggéré d'organiser la formation pour l'élaboration d'un plan stratégique pour la gestion de la Baie d'Ha Long qui ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL A. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant compris entre 20.000 dollars EU et 30.000 dollars EU approuvées par le Bureau (budget 1996) A.2 FORMATION A.2.3 Bourses individuelles au Collège de gestion de la faune sauvage africaine, Mweka (Tanzanie) - (30.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a approuvé un montant de 30.000 $EU pour des bourses destinées à trois étudiants pour un cycle d'un an (1997/1998), à condition qu'une demande officielle soit soumise par les autorités du ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL A. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant compris entre 20.000 dollars EU et 30.000 dollars EU approuvées par le Bureau (budget 1996) A.2 FORMATION A.2.4 Cours régional de formation sur les habitats des terres marécageuses critiques : Parc national de Keoladeo (Inde) - (30.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a pris note de cette demande et demandé au Secrétariat de la présenter au Nouveau Bureau, étant donné que tous les fonds pour la formation étaient déjà engagés pour ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL B. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU dont le Bureau recommande l'approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) B.1 COOPERATION TECHNIQUE B.1.1 Seconde réunion du réseau régional pour la gestion du patrimoine mondial, sanctuaires de faune de Thung Yai-Huai Kha Khaeng (Thaïlande) - (65.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a recommandé au Comité d'approuver un financement de base de 50.000 $EU, pour soutenir l'organisation de la Seconde réunion du réseau régional pour la gestion du patrimoine mondial en Asie du sud-est, dans le ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL B. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU dont le Bureau recommande l'approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) B.1 COOPERATION TECHNIQUE B.1.2 Atelier technique sur la conservation du Parc national de Simien (Ethiopie) (46.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a recommandé au Comité d'approuver le montant réduit de 30.000 $EU. Il a aussi demandé à l'État partie de mieux définir, en consultation avec le Secrétariat et l'UICN, le programme de l'atelier, les résultats attendus, et de réviser le ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL B. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU dont le Bureau recommande l'approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) B.2 FORMATION B.2.1 Dix-neuvième cours international du CATIE sur les zones protégées (Costa Rica) - (48.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a recommandé au Comité d'approuver une somme de 30.000 $EU pour couvrir les frais de transport, de pension et de logement pour les participants, pour assister au dix-neuvième cours international du CATIE sur les zones protégées, Costa Rica, à condition qu'un budget détaillé des frais ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL B. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU dont le Bureau recommande l'approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) B.2 FORMATION B.2.2 Bourses individuelles à l'Ecole pour la formation de spécialistes de la faune et de la flore à Garoua (Cameroun) - (45.000 $EU demandés) Le Bureau a recommandé au Comité d'approuver un montant de 45.000 $EU pour des bourses individuelles pour trois étudiants d'États parties de pays africains francophones, pour deux ans (1997/98 et ...
PATRIMOINE NATUREL C. Demandes concernant le patrimoine naturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU dont le Bureau ne recommande pas l'approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) C.1 COOPERATION TECHNIQUE C.1.1 Coopération technique pour le renforcement de la gestion et de la protection du site du patrimoine mondial de la Baie d'Ha-Long (Viet Nam) (64.310 $EU demandés) Le Bureau n'a pas recommandé cette demande au Comité et rappelé qu'il avait déjà approuvé une demande pour un séminaire au site de la Baie d'Ha-Long. Le Bureau a suggéré que ce séminaire étudie les besoin en équipement et ...
PATRIMOINE CULTUREL D. Demandes concernant le patrimoine culturel d'un montant supérieur à 30.000 $EU que le Bureau recommande pour approbation par le Comité (budget 1997) D.1. COOPERATION TECHNIQUE D.1.1 Centre historique de la ville d'Olinda (Brésil) - (33.000 $EU demandés) Considérant l'intégration potentielle d'Olinda dans un important programme pour le développement du tourisme dans le nord-est du Brésil avec des possibilités ultérieures de financement pour la rénovation et la restauration d'Olinda, le Bureau a recommandé l'approbation la demande pour un montant de 33.000 $ EU ...