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Décision 31 COM 11A.1
Suivi du Rapport périodique pour l’Europe

[Uniquement en anglais]

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/11A.1,

2. Recalling Decisions 30 COM 11A.1 and 30 COM 11A.2 adopted at its 30th session
(Vilnius, 2006),

3. Commends States Parties for updating the boundaries and statements of outstanding universal value and encourages the European States Parties to submit any changes to names, criteria, boundaries and statements of significance in a timely fashion and in accordance with deadlines outlined in the Operational Guidelines as a follow-up to the European Periodic Report, at the latest by 1 February 2008;

4. Takes note of the results of the subregional meetings on the follow-up to Periodic
Reporting for Western Europe, Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe and further
notes training initiatives financed through extrabudgetary sources;

5. Recommends that States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre continue their collaboration in addressing any outstanding issues in particular with focused follow-up meetings and welcomes the initiative of the Austrian authorities for a second Western European meeting, the Finnish authorities for having hosted the
Nordic and Baltic Europe meeting, both in May 2007, as well as the Polish authorities
initiative to host a meeting for Eastern and Central Europe in September 2007 and
Greece for Mediterranean Europe in March 2008;

6. Requests States Parties to provide to the World Heritage Centre updated and detailed contact information on site managers in Europe in order to establish a reliable database;

7. Further requests the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to prepare a
progress report on the follow-up to the European Periodic Report for examination at its
32nd session in 2008.

Décisions adoptées lors de la 31e Session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (Christchurch, 2007)
Contexte de la Décision