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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

857 Activities
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The decoration, carried out at the end of the 18th century for the wedding of Alvise Querini di Zuanne and Maria Teresa di Francesco, consists of stucco work in the pre-neoclassical style, with marmorino borders in ...

The current UNESCO project comprises three main components: Installation of an under-floor heating system as well as a new brick floor to respect the original floor covering, and restoration of a painted wooden ...

Save Venice Inc. brought three projects in the Church of San Francesco della Vigna to completion during the year. The Cappella Badoer-Giustinian was restored in memory of one of the founding fathers of the ...

Three and a half centuries of neglect and maltreatment were finally reversed in October 1999 with the completion of the comprehensive restoration of the Ancient Jewish Cemetery on the Lido, first established in ...

In a joint effort, the Comitato Italiano per Venezia secured funding for the restoration of the dozens of iron window and door frames in the ancient Artiglierie building in the Arsenale.In time for part of it to be ...

Cooperating this time with the new American committee Venetian Heritage Inc., the Comitato Italiano saw work on the high altar of the Church of San Rocco almost completed and a start made on two gilded and painted ...

In 1470 or thereabouts, an image of a Madonna and child was enshrined in a niche overlooking the street. Gradually, a history of miracles grew up around it, and the Venetians so worshipped the Madonna that they ...

Pro Venezia, Switzerland has always been sensitive to the need for constant monitoring and prompt maintenance of restored buildings.True to this principle, the Swiss Committee provided funds for tests to be carried ...

In the sestiere or district of Castello, at the entrance to the calle del Paradiso, so called because of the splendid illuminations on festival nights, there is an elegant Gothic arch surmounted by a triangular ...

This historical mosque, situated in the vicinity of the Old Bridge, in the most touristic part of Mostar, was built c. 1600.  This monocameral mosque had a rectangular plan a roof of slates and a slender minaret, ...

The "Old Bridge" enhanced the town's development and prosperity. It was its raison d'être.  Despite reinforcement works sometimes incompatible with modern restoration principles, this construction was in a perfect ...

By the end of the first month of work, the international team of experts headed by Professor Carlo Blasi of the University of Florence (Italy) was established to set up the general framework for the safeguarding of ...

Beside the famous Stari Most (Old Bridge), a genuine symbol of the town destroyed in 1993, there is another ancient bridge in Mostar: the Kriva Cuprija (or the Crooked Bridge).  It crosses the Rabobolja creek, a ...

In December 1995, the Director-General of UNESCO and the representative of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Government signed a Cooperation Memorandum providing for the preparation of reconstruction and restoration ...

UNESCO, in cooperation with the Japanese Government, has launched several cultural heritage conservation projects along the Silk Roads. Two projects in China (the Longmen Grottoes and the Kumtra Thousand Caves), and ...

Tangible Heritage in Europe

The US$3,5 million aims to link the conservation of biodiversity with sustainable tourism at six World Heritage sites: El Vizcaíno (Mexico), Komodo (Indonesia), Río Plátano (Honduras), Sian Ka'an (Mexico), Tikal ...

Tashkent, Uzbekistan20-26 August 1999 Teachers' resolution Summary and Recommendations Participants Countries represented Organizers Teachers' resolution We, the participants of the Sub-regional ...

Why take an interest in world heritage? Why study and protect World Heritage? Common responsibility? Heritage: a lifelong undertaking?

AFUS, the Association of Former Unesco Staff Members, takes pleasure in presenting this second Paper published by its History Club. As you may recall, the Club is the offspring of a commonplace observation, namely, ...

On 10 November 2011 UNESCO’s General Conference adopted theRecommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, six years after the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention adopted Resolution ...

Uniting the Seas (Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas) in favour of World Heritage Education for Sustainable Development with the support of ICTs The GVRR project aims to link young people engaged in the preservation ...

With regard to carrying on the aforementioned long-term issues, an Action Plan for 1997-2000 was developed to ensure the sustainability of the conservation work. Preventive measures using low cost technology ...

Following the launching in December 2006 of the Patrimonito Storyboard Competition organized by the World Heritage Centre in coordination with the UNESCO Associated Schools, the contest results are now ...

In the fall of 2009 the Flemish Government decided to support the World Heritage Cities Programme and in particular the implementation of the new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape should this be ...

Held on 18-21 November 2008 in Porto Novo, Benin, the first training session of the programme “Cultural heritage and local development” gathered local representatives from Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso. Held at the ...

In May 2007 the Report on predicting and managing the impacts of climate change on World Heritage and Strategy to assist States Parties to implement appropriate management responses were published as "World Heritage ...

At its 30th session in July 2006, the World Heritage Committee endorsed the report on "Predicting and managing the impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage" and the "Strategy to assist States Parties to implement ...

Originally published in 2007 in English, this publication has now been reprinted for the third time in English and translated into French, Spanish and Arabic. It presents twenty-six case studies from selected ...

This colourful brochure published by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre illustrates the background, aims, results and challenges of the rehabilitation project of the Saint Sebastian Fortress on the World Heritage site ...

Edited by Junzo Kawada, Published by CRATerre-ENSAG and UNESCO World Heritage Centre. This publication describes the first restoration project of a World Heritage site in Benin, financed through a cooperation ...

Further to the request made to UNESCO in February 2005 by the Minister of Culture of Iraq, it was agreed to devote a working session to the archaeological site of Babylon where a military base was installed (150 ...

This rock-hewn church is a 600-year-old sanctuary in the building tradition of the northern part of Ethiopia, and marks the advent of Christianity in the southern part of Adadi Mariam, badly damaged by time, has ...

The area of Africa that is present-day Ethiopia has a long history rich in tradition; its sites and monuments bear witness to the civilizations that have had their roots in this territory for more than 2,700 years. ...

El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve in Baja California, Mexico, is focusing on developing locally based ecotourism to address threats to the coastal lagoons, which shelter the gray whale, harbour seal, California sea ...

In 1954 the decision to build the Aswan High Dam was made. This dam would lead to the creation of a huge artificial lake covering the Upper Nile Valley from Aswan in Egypt to the Dal Cataract in Sudan - a culturally ...

The project “Support for documentation standards and procedures of the Silk Roads World Heritage Serial and Transnational Nomination in Central Asia”, funded with the generous support of the government of Japan ...

Concerning Rock Art, for the purpose of the Thematic Programme, it is understood in the form of paintings and engravings as clear and long-lasting evidence for the transmission of human conceptual thoughts and ...

Properties linked to Human Evolution have evidence for natural and cultural processes related to human lineage as part of the record of life and of the earth's history. Therefore Human Evolution sites are also ...

The related properties account for many innovations in culture, behavior, adaptation, and technology which shaped the future course of humanity as we know it today. This long process has increasingly transformed the ...

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam22 September-4 October 2008 Description SJ Vietnam in collaboration with the Youth Union in Quang Ninh will organise a workcamp in Halong bay with local youth to raise awareness of the local ...

Ajigawa-town, Aomori, Shirakami, JapanDu 20 au 29 juin 2008 Description The Shirakami Mountains is one of Japanese valuable preserved natural forest consisting primarily of beech trees. Inscribed in the UNESCO ...

Ile d'Aix (Region Poitou-Charentes)25 august- 15 september 2008 Description Fort Liedot forms part of the Arsenal de Rochefort et fortifications de l'estuaire de la Charente (World Heritage Tentative List as ...

Tamberma, au nord-est du Togo Description L'idée principale est de mettre en valeur le site dans le cadre de la modernisation, sans pour antant endommager son authenticité, d'orienter sa population vers des ...

Wang Nam Keow, Thailand26 July-9 August 2008 Description The project will consist of working for two weeks in and around one of Thailand's largest national parks, the Kao Yai National Park and part of the World ...

People of Africa, the Americas, the Arab to the future world, Asia, Europe and the Pacific; men, women and children, we are all the inheritors of treasures from past civilizations and natural sites of outstanding ...

Call to produce additional innovative resource material on specific World Heritage sites The importance of preparing new multi-media educational material focused on specific World Heritage sites in respective ...

Pont-du-Gard, France, 21-23 March 2005 Objectives For teachers: Provide secondary and elementary school classroom teachers with innovative, user-friendly multi-media interdisciplinary educational resource ...

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre invited Gruppo Alcuni (Italy), a ...

Helsinki, Finland, 11-16 December 2001 Objectives Five main objectives of the Workshop Present recent WHE achievements and the results of the external World Heritage Evaluation Make proposals for the ...

Chartres, France, 24-28 February, 1999 An International Workshop to disseminate the publication World Heritage in Young Hands - Resource Kit for Teachers, was held at Chartres World Heritage site. Some 20 ...

Graz, Austria, 7-12 October 2000 Interregional Seminar on World Heritage and Youth The workshop consisted of 3 working groups that focused on different aspects of the World Heritage Education. The first working ...

Some 80 high-level participants, representing a wide range of fields, gathered at the International Conference on World Heritage in Young Hands - A Dialogue among Civilizations, held in Aswan/Cairo (Egypt) from 6-12 ...

Lithuania, Vilnius, 3-8 July 2006 Objectives The Baltic Youth Workshop on World Heritage was organized on the occasion of the 30th session of the World Heritage Committee in Vilnius. The general objective of the ...

Message given by the Director General delivered at the Press Conference of the 12th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nairobi, Kenya (6-17 November 2006) One of the major ...

The Comité français financed the restoration of Lorenzo Bregno's sixteenth-century funeral monument to Alvise Pasqualigo in the Church of the Frari in memory of Ms Solange Gaussen. In November and December the ...

The Amici della Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo (with funding from the Fondazione Varzi) commissioned preliminary chemical analyses in the Cappella Sagredo, with frescoes by Tiepolo, in the Church of S. Francesco ...

The first stage of Venice in Peril’s (VIP) exciting venture into the conservation of historic housing in Venice also reached completion during the year. This Superintendency-led project brought together an ...

This church was built in the second half of the seventeenth century by Giuseppe Benoni; the façade is the work of Giuseppe Sardi.Antonio Barbaro left detailed instructions in his will for the design, building and ...

Probota Monastery, located in north-east Romania, has been on the World Heritage List since 1993.  The present church, built between 1528 and 1530 by Petru Rares. It is the beautiful internal and external frescos, ...

Venice, with its surrounding lagoon, is unique. In this city on the water, where the idea of terra firma is meaningless, a thousand years has seen the creation of an extraordinary museum of architecture. But this ...

This project focused on strengthening the business planning capacity of non-profit organisations (government agencies, NGOs) charged with the responsibility for the management and protection of natural World ...

Following four preliminary survey missions fielded by the Japanese Government in response to the request of the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor (JSA) was set up in ...

Rationale: Tubbataha is a no-take area and the only activities allowed are tourism, which generates funds for conservation, and research. Since the late 1970s, when dive tourism "discovered" Tubbataha, boat ...

In 1974, after an appeal from the Pakistani Government, UNESCO launched the International Safeguarding Campaign for Moenjodaro. It lasted until 1997 and mobilized around 8 million US $ from its Member States for ...

Following their meeting in Tokyo in December 2004, a group of Afghan and international experts working on the safeguarding of Bamiyan (Afghanistan), as well as representatives of the Afghan and Japanese governments ...

The most famous of the monuments affected by the Aswan High Dam Project was the temple complex on the island of Philae. Sacred to the goddess Isis, the sanctuary dates mostly to the Graeco-Roman period and was later ...

An Executive Committee was created in 1960 (C 11 Res. 4.4141 and 4.4142, 1960) as a control panel for the large amount of activities undertaken within the framework of the International Campaign, and was modified in ...

The program consists first in organizing a study preparatory workshop in order to elaborate the strategy that should lead to a sustainable use of the water resources of the Ichkeul National Park, then in monitoring ...

The largest and most representative collection of stelae are to be found near the village of Tiya. Originally forty-six stelae were erected in the cemetery between the tenth and fifteenth centuries. Archaeological ...

Following the decline of the Aksumite Empire, power shifted in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries to Roha in Lasta District. This was renamed for King Lalibela (1181-1221) of the Zagwe Dynasty which ruled in ...

The Lake Tana area was important in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in view of its role in maintaining the Christian faith against contemporary pressures, and the rise of the Solomonic Dynasty ...

The town of Harar dates from before the thirteenth century. Its strategic location between the coastal lowlands and central highlands led to its development as an important centre of Islamic culture and commerce. A ...

During unsettled periods between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries, Ethiopian rulers moved their royal camps frequently. King Fasil (Fasiledes) settled in Gondar and established it as a permanent capital in ...

UNESCO and the Government of Mozambique signed an agreement in 2003 for the rehabilitation of the San Sebastian Fortress, the most emblematic monument on the Island of Mozambique, a site inscribed on the World ...

The Executive Board of UNESCO approved at its 167th session (decision 9.2) the establishment of the International Coordination Committee for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Iraq.  The Committee, which ...

UNF launched a “Friends of World Heritage” partnership program in September 2003 during the World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa . A newsletter and web site were set up to support the program and inform the ...

Objectives Develop mentoring and fellowships programmes with Earthwatch to support and train local non-government organisations in site monitoring and ecotourism activities. Incorporate Earthwatch's experience ...

Tanum, Sweden, 26-29 August 1999 Students from 12 to 18 years old and teachers from all Swedish schools working with the World Heritage site conservation in Sweden met at the World Heritage site of the Rock ...

Masvingo, Zimbabwe, 2-4 February 2000 Event and objectives A workshop for the launch of the World Heritage Education Resource Kit for teachers in the World Heritage Education Project  (WHEP) Pilot ...

Strasbourg, France, 29-30 January 2003 Objectives The First teacher-training course organized in France since the beginning of the project in 1994. The objective of the course was to familiarize the teachers with ...

Belize City, Belize, 14-16 October 1999 Outcome Both students and teachers acquired new skills to access information on World cultural and natural heritage as well as in other sectors of life. Students estimated ...

The First Foro Accesible de Patrimonio Joven encouraged young people to participate in heritage preservation. The Foro Accesible de Patrimonio Joven (the Accessible Forum for Heritage and Young People) was held in ...

RØROS, Norway The third European World Heritage Restoration Camp for Youth was held 6-17 August 2001 in Røros, a mining town in Norway, that is a World Heritage Site since 1981. For the third time, participants ...

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre invited Gruppo Alcuni (Italy), a ...

Nicaragua Sub-regional Training Courses on World Heritage Education: For the Central American countries, the training will be held in Nicaragua in December 2001

Adopting a more hands-on approach At skills development training courses, young people are actively involved in the preservation of World Heritage, while acquiring new skills that contribute to a better ...

Petra, Jordan Event The 1st sub-Regional World Heritage Skills Development Course in the Arab Region held in Petra, Jordan (2002) scientifically supervised by ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the ...

Mount Kenya, Kenya, 19-23 April 2004 Event The 4-day program included, besides an official opening, thematic presentations by resource persons from the Kenya National Museums, the Kenya Wildlife Service, the ...

Belize City, Belize 15-17 August 2001 Event and Objectives Marine Environmental Education Programme, Belize Fifteen youth were chosen to participate in the 3-day World Heritage Marine Environmental Program. The ...

From June 30 to July 1, 2011, in celebration of both the International Youth Year (IYY) and Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10), 18 young people and volunteers' projects organisers met ...

In 2007 the City of Ávila, initiated the "Patrimonitos Programme" in collaboration with  Excmo Heritage Council, the town council, the schools and institutes of the town to promote the knowledge of World Heritage. ...

Malawi, 12-16-July 1999 Recommendations The Sub-regional workshop on World Heritage Education for Africa was organized in parallel with the 6th bi-annual SADCAMM (Southern Africa Development Community Association ...

Training teachers and teacher trainers is a pre-requisite to teaching WHE and to utilize the KIT well. UNESCO has organized a series of regional and national teacher training workshops to present to them the World ...

Valencia, July 1998 By Minja Yang As the century approaches its end, the oracles of the day have set about prophesying doom or utopia in the next millennium at conferences, in the media and even in board rooms ...

During its 27th session in 2003 in Paris and following the debate on Vienna's proposed high-rise project, the WH Committee called for the organization of an international conference to discuss how to properly ...

The first Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Latin America, took place from 11 to 13 December 2002 in Monterrey (Mexico) and was organised by the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO and the Instituto ...

The project consists of four core activities The creation and the development of an Arabic language web site on the World Heritage in the Arab Region, in cooperation with the a regional partner (possibly the Al ...

In celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development On the 19th and 20th May 2011, the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and the Community of Cergy-Pontoise will organise an ...

The aims of this project were the consolidation of the cliffs and niches, the conservation of mural paintings in the Buddhist caves, the definition of the archaeological zone through soundings, as well as the ...

The Mosque of Haji Pyada, built in the second half of the 9th century, is the most ancient Islamic religious structure in Afghanistan. Its form, a small square divided into nine equal sections covered with domes, ...

Promotion of intercultural dialogue and tolerance attitudes among children through arts and music expression. Reintroducing arts and traditional music as well as diffusing knowledge of history and customs are ...

The project aims at the emergency consolidation, conservation and restoration of the Minaret of Jam and The Fifth Minaret in Herat. Expected results: Consolidated and rehabilitated Minaret of Jam and Fifth ...

The International Coordination Committee for the Safeguarding of Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage (ICC) was formed in 2002 to coordinate all international efforts for the safeguarding of cultural heritage in ...

UNESCO assists the Afghan authorities in preventing the illicit trafficking of cultural property.  UNESCO's policy on the protective safekeeping of cultural property is straightforward. Where there is a serious ...

Following the inscription of the Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam in the 'World Heritage List' and the 'List of the World Heritage in Danger' in 2002, the Government of Switzerland has decided to generously ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement supported the production of a documentary on earthen architecture. In 2004, François Le Bayon directed the documentary “New Forms in Earthen Architecture.” The documentary was ...
