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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

856 Activities
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During the dialogue, Bruce Yerkovich and Aubin Arroyo introduced their innovative practices that create positive change in people towards sustainability. Bruce underlined that sustainable tourism can truly empower ...

The dialogue between Hamdan Abdul Majeed and Michael Pinksy focused mainly on how sustainable tourism could benefit local communities. Tourists are generally confined to their ‘bubble’, which is not conducive to ...

Carissa Klein and Neeshad Shafi focused on the relationship between human-induced climate issues and heritage preservation. They both agreed that reducing carbon emissions should be a priority to safeguard heritage.

There are now more than 1,000 World Heritage sites in 177 countries, and a great many of them are important tourist destinations. At best, tourism drives economic development and brings needed financial and social ...

Dialogue between Rana Dajani and Zoe Butt centred around storytelling and the narrative of the Global South. Since storytelling is fundamental to transferring knowledge and informing different situations, ...

Krista Kim and Ahmed Salman mainly discussed the intersectionality between art and science. COVID-19 highlighted the importance of bridging the gap between science and culture in order to reduce scepticism and ...

The dialogue between Maria Fernanda Espinosa and Salim Abdool Karim was centred on the impacts and pre-exisiting problems of society during COVID-19. The pandemic uncovered the vulnerability of a divided society and ...

The dialogue between Adi Utarini and Frank Snowden mainly focused on the close collaboration between public health and heritage. Utarini and Snowden agreed that the pandemic was a multifaceted problem that affected ...

The dialogue between Jean-Michel Jarre and Ethel D. Cofie mainly addressed the role of digital tools for heritage accessibility. They agreed that digital technologies can contribute to making heritage more ...

The dialogue between Max Tegmark and Tino Sehgal centred around the dangers and opportunities of technological development for heritage. The two thinkers agreed that we must take into account the impacts of ...

The dialogue between Abeer Abu Ghaith and Vít Šisler centred around respecting different cultural values, and the ways they are shared and transferred. Ghaith emphasized the importance of having protocols to protect ...

The dialogue between Refik Anadol and Anab Jain focused mainly on synergies between built heritage and digital technologies. As digital artists, Anadol and Jain elaborated on projects that explore diverse digital ...

Malgorzata Gorska and Hans Cosmas Ngoteya spoke about their experiences in protecting natural habitats and possible methods for natural heritage preservation. They both envision the next 50 years with specific legal ...

The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System (BBRRS) won its place on the World Heritage List in 1996 as an outstanding natural system, consisting of the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere, offshore atolls, ...

As of May 2012, the Government of Mali sought help from the international community through UNESCO. Timbuktu and the Tomb of Askia were placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and UNESCO initiated a series of ...

The site’s values are communicated to the public through signage, publications and interpretation at visitor centres. The Maori have been involved in creating displays explaining the cultural and natural ...

During the conflict that tore apart the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the beautiful Old Bridge in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was completely destroyed.

The two Temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae are the most illustrious of the Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (Egypt), listed as World Heritage since 1979. The Great ...

The Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata (Mauritania) were founded in the 11th and 12th centuries to serve the caravans crossing the Sahara, these trading and religious centres became rich and ...

The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy, adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 2011,  responds to the identified needs of a diverse and growing audience for capacity building for World Heritage ...

Environmental DNA Expeditions is a global, citizen science initiative that will help measure marine biodiversity, and the impacts climate change might have on the distribution patterns of marine life, across UNESCO ...

Dialogue between Max Tegmark and Tino Sehgal 50 Minds for the Next 50. Imagining Heritage in the Digital Dimension Session © Max Tegmark Cosmologist, physicist and professor at the ...

Protecting visual integrity in the context of the energy transition. Inspiring practices from four European countries. This study presents examples from four European countries and shows how they deal with wind ...

Following the October 2019 floods that had invaded the main arteries of the Historic Town (residential, administrative and commercial areas) as well as the N'zima village which suffered the heaviest toll, an ...

City of Elvas Urban Report City results Elvas Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban Report The ...

COMPACT Engaging Local Communities in the Stewardship of World Heritage © Local communities and indigenous peoples are, and have been for centuries, the custodians of many World Heritage ...

Urban Notebooks The e-magazine of the World Heritage Cities Programme features diverse voices on urban heritage, practices, and opinion pieces.    February 2022 Issue 20 Dr. Patricia E. ...

National Report of Burkina Faso Country results Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The ...

UNESCO Bosnia and Herzegovina and the cities of Ljubuški, Banja Luka, Trebinje, Mostar, Sarajevo and the Canton of SarajevoProject Page © Silvan Rehfeld / Old Bridge Area of the Old City of ...

UNESCO North Macedonia and the City of Skopje Project Page © Milan Piroš Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in North Macedonia and the city of Skopje is with the ...

UNESCO Morocco and the City of Essaouira  Project Page   Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Morocco and the city of Essaouira is with the support and ...

UNESCO Philippines and the City of Baguio Project Page © Shutterstock Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in the Philippines and the city of Baguio is with the ...

UNESCO Viet Nam and the City of Hue Project Page © Trang An/ Landscape Complex Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Viet Nam and the city of Hue is with the ...

UNESCO Costa Rica and the City of Alajuela Project Page © Shutterstock Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Costa Rica and the city of Alajuela is with the ...

UNESCO Portugal and the City of Elvas Project Page © Limes.Media/Tim Schnarr Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Portugal and the city of Elvas is with the ...

Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Croatia and the city of Dubrovnik is with the support and partnership of the Ministry of Culture and Media and the city of Dubrovnik. This is part of the pilot ...

UNESCO Serbia and the City of Leskovac Project Page © Daniel Vrabioiu / Roșia Montană Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Serbia and the city of Leskovac is ...

UNESCO Colombia and the City of Bogota Project Page © Sacred sites / Martin Gray | Archaeological park of San Augustin Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in ...

City of Dubrovnik Urban Report City results Dubrovnik Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban ...

City of Skopje Urban Report City results Skopje Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban Report The ...

National Report of North Macedonia Country results North Macedonia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ...

City of Ouagadougou Urban Report City results Ouagadougou Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban ...

City of Cluj-Napoca Urban Report City results Cluj-Napoca Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban ...

City of Bogotá Urban Report City results Bogotá Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban Report The ...

City of Baguio Urban Report City results Baguio Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban Report The ...

City of Leskovac Urban Report City results Leskovac Alajuela Baguio Bogotá Cluj-Napoca Dubrovnik Elvas Essaouira Hue Leskovac Ouagadougou Skopje Vietnam ---> The Urban ...

National Report of Serbia Country results Serbia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The National ...

National Report of Portugal Country results Portugal Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The National ...

National Report of Colombia Country results Colombia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The National ...

National Report of the Philippines Country results Philippines Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ...

There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions of the world. Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relationship between peoples and ...

Resilience and Re-mobilization towards World Heritage The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is pleased to announce the selected projects of the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2022 Campaign, under the theme of ...

Post-conflict and post-disaster reconstruction became an increasingly important issue after the destruction of cultural heritage sites in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nepal, Syria, and Yemen. ...

Covering an area estimated at 1.62 million km2, the forests of Central Africa are home to vital biodiversity for the planet and play a central role in climate regulation and carbon sequestration.

This first Manual within the series concerns the management of disaster risks for World Heritage properties. It focuses on one approach to the principles, methodology and process for managing disaster risks at ...

This manual provides guidance for States Parties and all those involved in the care of World Heritage cultural properties on how to comply with the requirements of the World Heritage Convention.

The goal of this Resource Manual is to help State Parties to manage natural values within World Heritage properties. As such it is aimed at natural and mixed World Heritage properties as well as cultural landscapes.

World Heritage attracts and fascinates: media around the world publish thousands of articles about it every year and countries invest a great deal of work and money to get sites inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage ...

The focus of this Campaign is the safeguarding of all aspects of Afghan cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, including museums, monuments, archaeological sites, music, art, traditional crafts ...

Despite its extraordinary cultural and biological diversity and richness, the Pacific is the most under-represented sub-region on the World Heritage List. To redress this imbalance, World Heritage Global Strategy ...

This 3-year project by UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Conservation International, and with financing from the UN Foundation and Global Conservation Fund, calls for the promotion of long-term management and ...

Created in 2003 within the framework of the Global Strategy for the balanced, representative and credible World Heritage List, as a pilot activity for the identification of the sites connected with astronomy, the ...

Earthen architecture is one of the most original and powerful expressions of our ability to create a built environment with readily available resources. It includes a great variety of structures, ranging from ...

The ‘Niger-Loire: Governance and Culture’ project, coordinated by the World Heritage Centre within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, and financed by the European Commission, was launched in ...

The handbook "Cultural heritage and local development: A Guide for African local governments", co-edited by the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement and CRATerre-ENSAG in 2006, was designed as a tool for decision ...

The Ancient Villages of Northern Syria constitute one of the most extraordinary archeological ensembles in the world. There are more than 700 sites from the Roman and Byzantine eras located in a vast region. They ...

Africa is underrepresented on the World Heritage List, particularly concerning archaeological sites. This is why it is important to assist countries in the preparation of nominations. In a territory approximately ...

The technical cooperation for the protection, enhancement and development of the Town of Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a remarkable example of tripartite cooperation between the Lao People's ...

Situated in an exceptionally beautiful landscape and covering a vast area of 42 km2, Hampi, in India, contains major archaeological remains of what was once the capital of the last great Hindu kingdom and one of the ...

The Historic Centre of Riga, Latvia, was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997 for its urban and architectural values. The city’s urban morphology is a fine example of the development and evolution phases of ...

The France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, similar to the technical cooperation provided to the Town of Luang Prabang in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, has provided technical and financial support to national ...

At the start of 2001 the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and DOCOMOMO (Working Party for the Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods ...

Will contribute resources towards site management, capacity building, alternative livelihoods for communities, research and fundraising activities. Objectives In April 2004, the World Heritage Centre entered into ...

A capacity-building project to enrich World Heritage information management tools and techniques in the Arab States Region, from adequate documentation of sites, to use of recording tools, management planning, and ...

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru share a common cultural heritage of outstanding value: the Qhapaq Ñan, or Main Andean Road. For the past three years the World Heritage Centre has been ...

The project was developed in response to the threats resulting from the introduction of alien species and is laying the foundations for the creation of a systematic approach to dealing with alien species in island ...

Will contribute resources towards site management, capacity building, alternative livelihoods for communities, research and fundraising activities. Objectives In April 2004, the World Heritage Centre entered into ...

Biodiversity Conservation in Regions of Armed Conflict: Protecting World Heritage in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Parc national des Virunga © Kim S. Gjerstad A program aimed at preserving ...

Enhancing Our Heritage - Monitoring and Managing for Success in World Natural Heritage Sites was a seven-year UNESCO/IUCN project funded by the United Nations Foundation. The project commenced in 2001 and operated ...

In October 2006 the World Heritage Centre published the UNESCO World Heritage Centre's Natural Heritage Strategy, which was endorsed by the World Heritage Committee. The strategy outlines the guiding principles, ...

From the 20 to the 23 September 2004, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre organised an international seminar involving official representatives and experts in the area of Archaeology in the Caribbean for the ...

Two international experts’ meetings were held in Campeche (Mexico) on 12-15 March 2004, and subsequently in Valdivia (Chile) on 19-21 January 2005, on the subject of Fortifications in the Americas and the World ...

Following the successful meeting held in Martinique on the subject of Rock Art in the Caribbean and the World Heritage Convention, it was noticed by the working groups that the logical theme for follow-up in terms ...

The sites of Meroe, Naqa and Musawwarat es-Sufra, located in the Nile province of Sudan were the heartland of the Kush Kingdom from the 8th Century B.C to the 4th Century AD. Otherwise known as ‘The Island of Meroe’ ...

The Republic of Cameroun ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1982. Since this date only the Dja faunal reserve has been inscribed on the World Heritage List. In April 2006 the Cameroonian authorities sent a ...

International Co-operation has taken decades to accept texts including notions such as “recognition” or “perception” in relation to processes of cultural determination by communities (local, peasant, of interest, ...

In November 2002 the Guatemalan authorities sent an updated tentative list of 16 sites eligible for nomination process for UNESCO World Heritage status. The relevance of Mayan sites, the potential for improving the ...

Further to the appeal made by the Director-General of UNESCO for the safeguard of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls in the present challenging context, the World Heritage Centre is in the process of the ...

May 2004 - World Heritage Workshop in Palau, South Pacific In the framework of the Pacific 2009 Action plan the Spanish Funds in Trust (SFIT) funded in 2004 a sub-regional workshop in Palau, South Pacific. This ...

The President of the Republic of Senegal (by Decree 2001-1065 of 20 December 2001) requested the Ministry of Culture (in particular, the Department of Cultural Heritage) conduct an inventory of historical sites and ...

The Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP) is a long-term training programme focusing on cultural heritage management and aiming to create a Caribbean network of heritage experts. They, in turn, can share ...

This partnership builds on state-of-the-art digital visual and sound processing technologies for the production of short digital TV documentaries on Heritage using Hi-Vision technology as well as quality 3-D moving ...

The Task Force on the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention was established by the 23rd session of the World Heritage Committee in Marrakesh, Morocco, 29 November - 4 December 1999. The Committee ...

The Working Group on Equitable Representation in the World Heritage Committee was decided by the 23rd Session of the World Heritage Committee as a followup to the Twelfth General Assembly of States Parties of the ...

The World Heritage Information Network (WHIN) is the global network of World Heritage information providers. It was created in 1995 in order to foster the exchange of information between partner networks and World ...

Sites on the World Heritage List are cultural, natural or mixed properties recognized by the World Heritage Committee has being of outstanding universal value. Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal ...

Heritage for the Future If the future of humanity is irrevocably linked to the city, then this future - political, economic and cultural - will be apparent above all in Asia as recent trends indicate.Throughout ...

A paper prepared for the Clark Art Institute Conference on "Compression versus Expression : Containing and Explaining the World’s Art". Williamstown, April 6 - 8, 2000.by Georges S. Zouain – April 2000 This paper ...

The Heritage Office of the Instituto Colombiano de Cultura, COLCULTURA, organized the Caribbean Fortification Experts Meeting, financed by the UNESCO World Heritage Fund, for purposes of encouraging the inclusion of ...

« Promouvoir le Patrimoine Mondial à Madagascar » est un programme du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO qui a pour finalité la mise en œuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial comme outil de conservation ...

At its 13th session (UNESCO, 2001), the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention adopted Resolution 13 GA 9 for an equitable representation within the World Heritage Committee. This ...

The TEMATEA Project on Issue-Based Modules supports a better and more coherent national implementation of biodiversity-related conventions following a two-track approach: The Issue-Based Modules are web-based tools ...

Within the framework of the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement support was provided for the preparation of cultural heritage inventories for several African countries. A similar request was made to UNESCO by ...

From 2006 to 2013, the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement, with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been providing support to the UNESCO Regional Office in New ...

This publication provides analysis of more than three decades of the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and highlights a number of its successes and challenges. The result of a collective effort of many ...

World Heritage Paper Series launched in 2002 in an effort to publish a series on various World Heritage subjects, the series will include: papers related to World Heritage issues; reports from seminars, ...

Featuring a useful week-at-a-glance design, it is illustrated with colour photos of World Heritage sites, each accompanied with a short caption. It also introduces the Convention Concerning the Protection of World ...

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972), UNESCO with the support of the ...

This study, undertaken on 10 June and revised on 4 December 1992 on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, has been graciously delivered to UNESCO by its author, Léon Pressouyre. ...

Mission Statement Heritage: A Gift from the Past to the Future A Brief History The Convention and its Committee The World Heritage Fund The Nomination Process The Global Strategy List of World Heritage in ...

The World Heritage Brochure

This publication documents the main outcomes of the studies undertaken in 2003 - 2006, by UNESCO's World Heritage Centre and the General Organisation for the Preservation of the Historic Cities of Yemen (GOPHCY), in ...

At its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008), the World Heritage Committee discussed at length the issues related to the state of conservation of World Heritage properties. With Decision 32 COM 7B.129 (see Annex 1), it ...

Rapid Response Facility (RRF) © Oreades The Rapid Response Facility (RRF) is a fund that provides grants to protected areas in the event of a sudden crisis. We mainly finance initiatives aimed at ...

The meeting participants wished to bring to the attention of all relevant organisations and authorities concerned with World Heritage, fossil sites and geological sites the following points and recommendations from ...

This publication examines the impacts of tourism in the World heritage site of the Hoi An Ancient Town, an exceptionally well preserved example of a traditional Asian trading port and an outstanding material ...

This publication focuses on the impacts of tourism on the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, an outstanding model of sustainable use of limited land resources, using traditional knowledge-based technology ...

The first in a series of studies examining the impact of tourism on culture and the environment in selected sites in the Asia-Pacific region, this IMPACT publication: Tourism and Heritage Site Management in the ...

The World Heritage Committee decision now referred to as the "Cairns Decision" was a suite of decisions adopted by the 24th session of the Committee (Cairns, Australia, 27 November - 2 December 2000) aimed at ...

Dans le contexte du travail mené par l'UNESCO sur l'élaboration d'une nouvelle Recommandation internationale sur la question urbaine, une réunion d'experts français sur les « paysages urbains historiques » s'est ...

A workshop on the theme “Rivers and heritage” was held on 2 November 2009 at the French Senate in Paris, France. The workshop was organised by the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement in partnership with the French ...

The Business Skills for Natural World Heritage Site Managers programme is a collaboration between international environmental charity Earthwatch, global energy company Shell and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. The ...

Human Evolution related properties represent a process of evolutionary accretion that took place over a vast period of time, offering vital insight to scientific, cultural, ethological and historical dimensions of ...

Located on the south coast of the United Kingdom, the nominated site comprises approximately 155km of undeveloped coastline and countryside. The cliff exposures along the Dorset and East Devon coast provide an ...

In 1993 Tongariro became the first property to be inscribed on the World Heritage List under the revised criteria describing cultural landscapes. The mountains at the heart of the park have cultural and religious ...
