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The l’Hoest’s monkey population of the Nyungwe Forest is currently probably the most important of the whole Albertine Rift region. The ongoing population assessment will give a more precise idea of the size on this population

The l’Hoest’s monkey population of the Nyungwe Forest is currently probably the most important of the whole Albertine Rift region. The ongoing population assessment will give a more precise idea of the size on this population
Date :
mardi 5 octobre 2010
Biens du Patrimoine mondial
The l’Hoest’s monkey population of the Nyungwe Forest is currently probably the most important of the whole Albertine Rift region. The ongoing population assessment will give a more precise idea of the size on this population
Auteur :
G.R. Vande weghe
Copyright :
© G.R. Vande weghe
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Dimension original :
3373x2832 pixels
28.56x23.98 cm
Source :
Nomination file
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