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Characteristic of the settlements of Zagori is the dominance of the stone, light or dark depending on its availability in the area and its use. In the photo the village of Dilofo and in the background the oak forests of central Zagori.

Characteristic of the settlements of Zagori is the dominance of the stone, light or dark depending on its availability in the area and its use. In the photo the village of Dilofo and in the background the oak forests of central Zagori.
Date :
jeudi 1 janvier 2015
Biens du Patrimoine mondial
Characteristic of the settlements of Zagori is the dominance of the stone, light or dark depending on its availability in the area and its use. In the photo the village of Dilofo and in the background the oak forests of central Zagori.
Auteur :
H. Papaioannou
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Dimension original :
4288x2848 pixels
36.31x24.11 cm
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