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View of the property and buffer zone from the Mediterranean, looking west. The caves, including Gorham’s and Vanguard Caves, are clearly visible on the left. The seabird activity in the foreground reflects ecological patterns that have persisted ...

View of the property and buffer zone from the Mediterranean, looking west. The caves, including Gorham’s and Vanguard Caves, are clearly visible on the left. The seabird activity in the foreground reflects ecological patterns that have persisted ...
Date :
dimanche 21 septembre 2014
Biens du Patrimoine mondial
View of the property and buffer zone from the Mediterranean, looking west. The caves, including Gorham’s and Vanguard Caves, are clearly visible on the left. The seabird activity in the foreground reflects ecological patterns that have persisted through time since the time of the Neanderthals.
Auteur :
Geraldine Finlayson, Gibraltar Museum
Copyright :
© Gibraltar Museum
Source de la license :
Nomination file
Conditions d'utilisation :
Les ré-utilisateurs doivent créditer l'œuvre en citant le détenteur des droits lorsqu'ils la ré-utilisent.
Les ré-utilisateurs ne sont pas autorisés à distribuer des œuvres dérivées (en substance : l'œuvre ne peut pas être modifiée).
Dimension original :
5915x4032 pixels
50.08x34.14 cm
Source :
Nomination file
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