The delegate of Poland then drew the attention of the Committee to paragraphs 20 and 21 of the report of the Rapporteur on the first meeting of the Bureau. As noted in the report, Poland was the only State affected by the decision that on this first occasion, States Parties would be limited to nominating only two properties each for inclusion in the World Heritage List, since it had nominated three sites which clearly qualified for inclusion and for which complete documentation had been submitted: Auschwitz, Cracow and the Salt Mines of Wieliczka. It would, therefore, appear justified that the nomination of Auschwitz be referred to the second session of the Bureau with a favourable recommendation.
Décision 2 COM VIII.45
[Uniquement en anglais] Review of Nominations to the World Heritage List
[Uniquement en anglais]
CC-78/CONF.010/10 Rev
Rapport final