The UNESCO Regional meeting on the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting for Asia will take place in the Republic of Korea from 6-10 December 2011. This will launch a preliminary review of on-going Periodic Reporting process in the Asia and the Pacific region. The meeting is to be held in the city of Suwon, famed for its inscribed ancientHwaseong walled fortress.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre is grateful for the generous contribution provided by the Government of the Republic of Korea for hosting the event, and the highly collaborative work from the Cultural Heritage Administration, the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Gyeonggi Provincial Government and Suwon City for all their significant support.
The regional meeting will bring together all 28 Asian States Parties to the 1972 World Heritage Convention. Periodic Reporting for Asia and the Pacific region was launched in August 2010 in Brasilia at the 34th session of the World Heritage Committee. The final report will be presented to the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee in St. Petersburg in July 2012.
The meeting is a highly significant occasion for all Asian States Parties, as it will be an opportunity to enhance regional co-operation mechanisms. The exchange of views, experiences and ideas are vital for further strengthening the dialogue on the importance of World Heritage on the national, regional and international levels. The meeting will work on key regional issues such as capacity-building and sustainable development for the improved management and conservation of World Heritage properties.
The World Heritage Centre, together with the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee (ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM) and the UNESCO Field Offices in the region hope that during the four-day meeting all States Parties’ focal points on Periodic Reporting will actively review the initial outcomes of the Periodic Reporting exercise and jointly develop future regional and sub-regional Action Plans to ensure a better implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
Le Comité du patrimoine mondial,