Wednesday 14 September 2022
Online 14:00-16:30 Beijing time (UTC + 8)
From 11 June to 16 November 2022, WHITRAP Shanghai will organize a series of 6 monthly online World Heritage Dialogues including a WHITRAP Herit-AP Chat, in July, hosted by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) Tongji University (Shanghai, China) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which was adopted on 16th November 1972 by the General Conference of UNESCO.
More info at
On 14 September 2022 from 14.00-16:30 Beijing time (UTC+8), the 4th WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dialogue, will discuss “World Heritage, Climate Change and Resilience -- Conserving Heritage and Promoting Heritage as a solution” through examples and case studies provided by experts from the Asia-Pacific region and around the world. Participants are invited to share perspectives based on their professional experience in their respective fields, exploring what tools can be used for safeguarding heritage threatened by Climate Change and discuss how heritage can be a solution to confronting Climate Change in conservation practices as well as a means to mitigate Climate Change beyond the conservation field itself. This Dialogue wants to contribute to imagining a way forward for the next 50 years?
World Heritage properties of all types and categories are affected by the impacts of Climate Change worldwide.
Not only sites are impacted, but populations, living in or outside the sites, are affected as well. As their livelihood can be threatened, their social structure and cultural diversity are disrupted, leading to increased poverty, migration, conflicts and starvation in the worse cases.
Conserving heritage values implies to manage risk as well as to address post climatic events interventions. The question for us, in this time of crisis, is to further define the tools and means to conserve and safeguard heritage not only at short term but at long term as well.
However, even though the effects of climate change physically impact the tangible attributes of heritage as well as intangible values and people’s environment, heritage itself can be a solution to mitigate Climate Change. What can we learn from heritage, the natural, cultural and mixed ones? How can we flip the coin when there are conflicting interests related to development? We can learn from traditional systems or by conserving natural ecosystems, which de facto protect the human environment.
The online Dialogues will be in English with simultaneous interpretation in Chinese. Video recordings of the Dialogue and a brief synthesis will be published online on the WHIRTAP website.
Livestream English
Wednesday 14 September 2022
Online 14:00-16:30 Beijing time (06:00-08:30 UTC)
14:00-14:15 Introduction
Marie-Noël TOURNOUX, Project Director, WHITRAP Shanghai
Presentation of the participants
Group Photo
14:15-14:30 World Heritage, Climate Change and Resilience
Conserving Heritage and Promoting Heritage as a solution
Dr. MU Xingyu, Project Director, WHITRAP Shanghai.
14:30-15:20 Pecha Kucha
Patricia O’DONNELL, President ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscape
Prof. LIU Gengnian, Beijing University, China
Erin ROSE Executive Office at Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
Mr. LI Jinsheng, Senior expert in urban planning in China
Associate Prof. LI Ang, Law School of Hainan Normal University
Diane MENZIES, ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscape
Associate Prof. SONG Feng, Deputy Director WHITRAP Beijing
15:20-16:20 Round Table Discussion
Moderator: Dr. MU Xingyu, Project Director, WHITRAP Shanghai.
16:20-16:30 Wrap up
Marie-Noël TOURNOUX, Project Director, WHITRAP Shanghai