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45 Décisions
0 Résolutions
Session : 18BUR 1994close
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] Archaeological Park of Tierradentro (Colombia) - US$69,500: in accordance with paragraph 85 of the Operational Guidelines which indicate that emergency assistance may be approved "for work in connection with cultural and natural properties included or suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List and which have suffered severe damage due to sudden, unexpected phenomena" to undertake the following actions as a first phase of an overall conservation plan: 1) Field expert mission (4 Colombians and 2 international experts) to draw up an action plan for the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Training in the Conservation and Management of Natural Heritage in the Arab Region The Bureau reviewed a request for US$30,000 for a two-week regional training seminar submitted by the Egyptian authorities, to be held in Egypt in April 1995 on conservation and management of natural heritage. The Bureau approved the requested sum of US$30,000 for the course and asked the Centre to proceed with an agreement on the course programme with the national ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Establishment of an itinerant conservation laboratory which would service the 7 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List (Bulgaria) - US$39,000: The Bureau recommended that this request be re-examined by the Secretariat and ICCROM before being submitted to its next session in December 1994. Historic Centre of Puebla (Mexico) - US$18,000: to elaborate a rehabilitation plan to secure the safeguarding of the remaining historical buildings in the area, the introduction of new functions and structures compatible with the urban architecture and a maintenance programme ...
[Uniquement en anglais] China (Biodiversity Measuring and Monitoring Course): the Bureau reviewed a request for US$19,000 for a biodiversity measuring and monitoring course to be held in Guangdong Province in China in November/December 1994. It felt however that 2 Chinese participants had already been financed from the World Heritage Fund for a similar course in the United States in 1994 and, moreover, that the course did not involve World Heritage site managers, nor was it being held at a World Heritage site. The Bureau therefore, did not approve the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] At the end of the debate, the Bureau was informed that the amounts approved for training were slightly superior to the budget allocation for this activity, and therefore it authorized the Director of the World Heritage Centre to commit the approved funds by transferring the amount required from the technical assistance budgetary line.