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Décision 6 COM XV.47-48
[Uniquement en anglais] Protection and management of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and reports on their condition

[Uniquement en anglais]

47. This item on the agenda gave rise to a lengthy discussion with several participants referring to the desirability of the Committee receiving regular reports from States Parties on World Heritage sites. In particular, it was considered that it would be useful if the Committee could be regularly informed

(a) on the state of conservation of the properties;

(b) on the measures taken to protect and to manage the properties;

(c) on the way in which funds allocated under the World Heritage Fund for the safeguarding of sites are used, as well as details on the conservation methods and techniques followed in the projects concerned.

It would also be desirable if the Committee could be informed of action taken by States Parties with respect to the different recommendations formulated by the Committee regarding the preservation of properties at the time of their inscription on the World Heritage List or on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

48. It was felt, however, that the question of reporting by States Parties required careful study before the Committee could take any decision on this matter, although the principle of yearly reporting was considered to be highly desirable. The Committee therefore requested IUCN and ICOMOS, in collaboration with ICCROM, to prepare for the next meeting of the Bureau proposals on the contents of the reports which may be requested from States Parties on World Heritage sites and on the procedure to be followed for the preparation and submission to the Committee of such reports. In this connection, the organizations should take account of the different types of cultural and natural properties in the various regions of the world.

The Committee furthermore expressed an interest in the establishment of guidelines for the protection and management of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Rapport du rapporteur