8. Mr. M. Parent was elected as Chairman of the Committee by accla- mation. The Committee then elected by acclamation the following representatives of States Members of the Committee as Vice-Chairmen : H. Exe. Prof. R.O. Slatyer (Australia), Mr. J. Adusei (Ghana), Mrs. R. Torres de Arauz (Panama), Mr. D. Hales (United States of America), Dr. M. Prelog (Yugoslavia) and Mr. A. Beschaouch (Tunisia) as Rapporteur. Dr. S. Adam (Egypt), the former Chairman of the Committee, was invited to participate in the work of the Bureau.
9. Mr. M. Parent, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee addressed the meeting.
10. Mrs. R. Torres de Arauz announced the creation of the Multinational Technical Council on Culture for Central America at a formal meeting in Copan, Honduras. She also informed the Committee of the hope expressed by the Secretary of Education of Guatemala that the Maya City of Quirigua be considered for inclusion in the World Heritage List.