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Décision 15 BUR VIII.56
[Uniquement en anglais] Requests for International Assistance

[Uniquement en anglais]

After having taken cognizance of document SC.91/CONF.001/5, the Bureau approved  request for international assistance in the amount of US$ 30,000 submitted by Cuba for the purchase of 183 cubic metres of timber for the restoration of the structural frames and  panelling of a group of XVIIIthe and XIXth century houses situated in the historic centre of Trinidad.

The Bureau wished the architects of the Regional Office for Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Havana and already involved in the international campaign for the preservation of the Plaza Vieja in that city, to be associated with the restoration work which was to be carried out in Trinidad.

La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica):

The Bureau recalled that the Committee, at its last session, approved US$ 50,000 for this site under two conditions, and instructed the Bureau to determine whether these conditions had been met before deciding whether to award an appropriate amount to Costa Rica.

The Bureau concluded that neither of the two conditions, i.e. completion of the implementation of projects for which funds had already been provided and the revision of the Park's boundaries in accordance with IUCN recommendations, had been completely met.

Hence, the Bureau deferred the decision on awarding any part of the US$ 50,000 until next session of the Committee in December 1991.
