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Décision 2 COM IV.16
[Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of a draft text of a standard agreement between the World Heritage Committee and States receiving technical cooperation

[Uniquement en anglais]

16. The Committee expressed the wish that the Secretariat, in the preparation of a new draft agreement, take note of the following observations and recommendations made by delegates during the discussion:

17. With regard to Article 2 paragraph 5: The delegate of Poland recommended rewording to avoid obligation to meet expenses (for instance, for medical treatment) in convertible currency for countries with a non-convertible currency. Several delegates considered that governments should be encouraged to employ the fellow to the extent possible upon his return, in the field for which he has been trained under the fellowship rather than to force governments to do so as a condition sine qua non.

18. With regard to Article 3, as the delegate of Canada pointed out, not all States Parties had adhered to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Agencies of the UN system. He therefore recommended that the wording of Article 3 be reconsidered by taking into account specific regulations by which some of the States Parties might be bound.

19. With regard to paragraph 3 of Article 3, the delegate of the United States of America requested that the stipulation not to impose commercial bank charges should be reconsidered as it might be difficult to apply this clause in some countries.

20. With regard to paragraph 5 of Article 3, the delegate of Canada expressed doubt that the "save harmless clause" would be an appropriate provision, as its legal value from the point of view of his government was questionable.

21. Article 4 should also contain a provision for the use in the agreement of the official language(s) of the country receiving assistance.

22. As regards paragraph 3 of Article 4, the delegate of Canada recommended the following clause: "In the event of termination, the undertakings assumed in this arrangement will continue to apply to the extent necessary to permit the orderly withdrawal of personnel and funds and the settlement of accounts, provided that in no case will the arrangement continue to apply for a period longer than (- x - months or years)."

Code de la Décision
2 COM IV.16
Assistance internationale
Contexte de la Décision