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Architecture of the historical settlements across the northern coasts of Persian Gulf (Siraf, Kong, Laft, Kish and Mokran)

Date de soumission : 24/08/2021
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Iranian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts
État, province ou région :
Boushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan, and Baluchestan
Coordonnées N27 39 38 E52 20 58, N26 35 34 E54 56 23, N26 53 55 E55 45 37, N25 27 54 E60 34 59
Ref.: 6550

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The Architecture and urban planning of the Historical ports of Iran in the Persian Gulf such as Siraf, Kong, Laft, Kish and Mokran as a serial property consist of the historic urban texture of the ports, coastal areas, tangible and intangible heritage that directly related to the living cities, sea and their people. These historical ports are the storyteller of a part of the maritime heritage of the people of the Persian Gulf, memory of which still is alive in the common and collective memory of its inhabitants. Their history goes well back to the Parthians and Sassanid periods during which times the maritime trades and travels believed to have commenced. continues settlements from the Sassanid and the post- Islamic period to the present day has formed the Persian Gulf coast architecture and urban planning with its outstanding traditions and lifestyle among its historical ports of Iran in this region.

The association of sea, coastal, historic urban texture domains as well as the historical settlements with each other are not merely in their formal relationships but in traditions and beliefs assumed from one side and flowing to the other side, moving from the sea to the coast and from there to the houses, and at the same time life itself progressing from houses to the coast and from there travelling over the waves to the faraway distances. This continuity of life in two sides of the sea can be observed in the beliefs, recollections and customs of people throughout. These connections have led to wider interactions and deep cultural connections with the rest of the world from East Africa and South East Asia within the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.

Justification de la Valeur Universelle Exceptionnelle

This serial nomination contains the outstanding remaining example of historical ports of Iran among the Persian Gulf coastal cities and beyond with their historic urban fabric still intact, and people actually living within the old part of the ports, keeping their historic bonds with the sea and related intangible heritage, namely music, foods, custom, etc. The Historic Ports are the storyteller of centuries of the relations between peoples of various nations from different distant countries in such a way that confidently represent a continued interaction of man with the sea.

Criterion (ii): Siraf, Kong, Laft, Harireh and Mokran as an architecture and urban planning of the Historical ports of Iran in the Persian Gulf, in terms of urban planning, usage of materials and adaptation to special setting, have had a decisive role and influence on the evolution and promotion of seashore architecture, technology and urban planning within the northern margin of the Persian Gulf coast region. They represent the interaction of human values over time in the cultural context of the world's historical stages. They have witnessed the development of architecture, technology and urban design and landscape in northern margin of the Persian Gulf coast region.

Throughout history, great trips have been made to and from these ports by the great boats and ships. The connections lead to the junction of life style of people and made the combine features of the Indian and African arts beside the Islamic art in formation of architectural and urban and cultural and artistic components in these ports and then the combined and consolidated patterns extend and have been exported to the other parts of the region.

Criterion (iii): Architecture and urban planning of the Historical ports of Iran in the Persian Gulf bears a unique and exceptional evidence of the interplay of multiple cultures and living civilizations that incorporate many traditional sciences.

These historical ports diverse set of urban structures, buildings, and other related cultural activities that have evolved and evolved over a period of time. These urban ports landscape includes a period of formation, evolution and continuation of a part of the civilization traditions of the northern shores of the Persian Gulf in the cultural field of Iran. This civilization extends from ancient times to contemporary times.

Criterion (vi): Urban planning and architecture of urban heritage of these ports enjoy a unique pattern. In terms of technology and engineering, elements of these urban heritages prove high standards of knowledge and data on the northern margin of the Persian Gulf coast. Wind catchers which contain different types are one of this elements and traditional water Cistern (Abgirs and Borkehs), are as the most complicated traditional technologies, which require knowledge on nature ranging from groundwater to management. This source of knowledge behind these systems can be ranked among the wonders of human civilizations.

Enclosure and shading of roads for climatic and cultural reasons, synchronized rhythm and harmony of town planning within the historical range, motion continuity in the passages, complexity harmony between the ground line, the body of buildings and the sky line, Simplicity and purity of form on the walls, applying decorations and details to key points of space, entrances and corners, features and contrasting shadows on  the  walls  are  other  signs  of  outstanding  example  of  a  type  of  architectural, technological patterns which illustrate significant stages in human history of northern margin of the Persian Gulf  coast.

Criterion (v): These properties represent an unrepeatable instance of interaction of the city with its surrounding geographical situation as well as interaction of human with nature that have been remained alive up to now on a sustainable social background. Accordingly, they have kept their authenticity and wellness through continuous exploitation and maintenance on the basis of traditional management.

They represent a perfect example of an efficient system of land use and exploitation of natural resources limitation as well as creation of cultural aspects in the northern margin of the Persian Gulf coast civilization.

Criterion (vi): All components of this serial nomination are directly and tangibly associated with living events and traditions, ideas, beliefs, literary and artistic works which bears outstanding universal value. Traditional knowledge such as skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj in the Persian Gulf in this region is still alive.

Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité

Being living, dynamic cities, these ports have evolved gradually with some inevitable changes. There are many qualities which allow them to meet conditions of authenticity, including those related to the continuity of intangible heritage and traditional knowledge. Traditional cultural and social values have also maintained their originality. Mass traditions and rituals continue in their historical traditions of joy and mourning in fully authentic form. The skylines of the ports are one of the most intact and historically significant. Although there are some new developments outside the buffer zones, there is the least impact on the landscape of roofs combined with historic wind catchers, minarets, portals, and material façades within a background of the blue of the sky and the mountains backgrounds and coastal views. All main functions and activities in the historic part of the ports, such as residential (houses), commercial (bazaar), squares, religious buildings, coastal parts and beach have retained their original functions. The relation between the major architectural elements and historic fabrics has undergone no significant changes thus the historic ports benefit from a historic and homogeneous urban fabric. In addition, the interactions between the social, economic and cultural components within the structure of the urban fabrics are still persistent. However, the cities have fully retained their authenticity in forms, building materials, construction methods and use and functions. Furthermore, the integrity of the properties has remained intact from visual, structural, and functional point of views.

Comparaison avec d’autres biens similaires

A number of national as well as international cities and ports can be compared with this serial nomination. In the country some examples are: Soro district of Bandar Abbass, Bastak, Hormuz Island, Bandar-e Lenge that can be compare in terms of architecture, landscape, or intangible heritage. In comparison with some other important historic or World Heritage sites such as in Bahrain: Pearling, Testimony of an Island Economy, Qatar: Al Zubarah Archaeological Site, Sharjah: The Gate to Trucial State, Kenya: Lamu Old Town, and Tanzania: Stone Town of Zanzibar with which they had enjoyed close historical relations, the most significant difference could be observed in their existing cultural diversity rooted in these societies through long-lasting cultural exchanges. Foods, music, dances, poetry, expressions, and many other features in these regions show the influences of the other cultures, while preserving their own authentic cultural characteristics and significance.
