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Cultural Landscape of Alamout

Date de soumission : 09/08/2007
Catégorie : Mixte
Soumis par :
Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization
État, province ou région :
Village of Almout - Province of Qazvin
Ref.: 5206

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Hassan Sabah's castle has been located in northeastern side of Gazor Khan Village in the environs of Mo'alem Kalayeh, from the environs of Roudbar of Alamout. The relics of castle stand on the cliff of Kanglou-Marazi along with valleys and horrible precipices. The height of this cliff is 220 meters and 2163 meters above the sea level. It is located on the southwestern foothills of Houdkan Mountains, of Alborz Moutains. According to Ata Malak Joveyni, the 7th century historian, this tall cliff from the northeastern side is like a sleeping camel. According to Frya Stark, its upper side looks like a ship that its nose has been extended northwesterly. The relics of walls, towers and lookout posts have been made of stones with gypsum as binding material. The castle is ten thousand square meter in area. The requisite buildings have been constructed on different levels of the steep cliff. All levels and steep places have been optimally utilized.

Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité

Historical documents and records as well as performed studies and excavations.

Comparaison avec d’autres biens similaires

Hassan Sabah's castle in Alamout and comparable with palace of caliphs in Baghdad; Chief Mosque of Isfahan; Tower of Khaghan; Chief Mosque of Ghazvin.