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Tet el Bad (Stone Coffin)

Date de soumission : 26/08/2004
Critères: (i)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Rita Olsudong Archaeologist, Palau HPO P.O. Box 100 Koror Palau 96940
Coordonnées 07°43’09.8" N / 134°36’48.4" E
Ref.: 1933

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Tet el Bad is a rectangular stone coffin or sarcophagus located on top of a cut bank on a stone platform for the chiefs’ meeting house in Ollei traditional village in Ngarchelong State. Ngarchelong is the northern most state on the largest landmass in Palau. The stone coffin is a fine example of expert carving of a sarcophagus with both the casket and the lid made of andesite rock. The coffin has a length of 233 centimeters and a width 66 centimeters and a height of 40 centimeters. The wall thickness of casket is 12 centimeters. The lid is peaked with two knobs protruding from each side. The interior has been hollowed out. The exterior end of the lid to the east has two carved grooves around it and slats down toward the end.
