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The Fortress of Al-Ukhaidar

Date de soumission : 07/07/2000
Critères: (i)(ii)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Department of Antiquities and Heritage
Coordonnées 50 km south-west of Karbala
Ref.: 1467

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Al-Ulchaidar is one of the outstanding defensive constructions. It is also a distinctive military design not only in Iraq, but in the Arab and Islamic world. It stands on a commercial route connecting Iraq with the outside world. Along this route there were many constructions, which were important stations for travellers and caravans such as Atshan and mu jdah. Investigation and excavation affirmed that it is an Islamic constuction dates back to the second half of Hijrah century. It is rectangular in shape of 176 m length and 146 m width, includes the main hall, the big Iwan, the reception hall and the servant houses.
