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Monuments de Nubie d'Abou Simbel à Philae

Situations géographiques multiples (10)
ID Nom & Situation État partie Coordonnées Bien Zone tampon
88-001 Abu Simbel Égypte N22 20 14
E31 37 32.9
41,7 ha
88-002 Amada Égypte N22 43 52.1
E32 15 45.4
105,96 ha
88-003 Wadi Sebua Égypte N22 47 35.5
E32 32 43.3
139,3 ha
88-004 Kalabsha Égypte N23 57 39.16
E32 52 01.02
8,07 ha
88-005 Philae (Island of Agilkia) Égypte N24 01 30.64
E32 53 04.67
3,08 ha
88-006 Old and Middle Kingdom Tombs Égypte N24 06 10.8
E32 53 24.9
32,68 ha
88-007 Ruins of town of Elephantine Égypte N24 05 04.6
E32 53 09.4
8,52 ha
88-008 Stone quarries and obelisk Égypte N24 04 37
E32 53 43.5
4,34 ha
88-009 Monastery of St. Simeon Égypte N24 05 41
E32 52 33.3
2,78 ha
88-010 Islamic Cemetery Égypte N24 04 39.7
E32 53 29.5
28,05 ha
Date Titre
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Overlayed on ESA 1:50,000 Topographical Maps”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:28,500A3. Shows boundaries of component 088-001 Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Border of Amada”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:8,500. A3. Shows boundaries and buffer zone of component 088-002. Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Border of Wadi Sebua”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:11,000. A3. Shows boundaries and buffer zone of component 088-003. Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Overlayed on ESA 1:2,500 Cadastral Maps”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:7,000. A3. Shows boundaries of component 088-004 Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Overlayed on ESA 1:2,500 Cadastral Maps”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:2,800. A3. Shows boundaries of component 088-005. Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Overlayed on ESA 1:2,500 Cadastral Maps”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:7,000. A3. Shows boundaries of components 088-006, 088-007, 088-008, 088-009 and 088-010. Clarification / adopted
2008 Map “Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae” Overlayed on ESA 1:50,000 Topographical Maps”. In colour. Scale by calculation ~ 1:16,500. A3. Shows boundaries of components 088-007 and 088-009. Clarification / adopted

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