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Parc national de Serra da Capivara

Vidéos UNESCO/NHK sur le patrimoine
Many of the numerous rock shelters in the Serra da Capivara National Park are decorated with cave paintings, some more than 25,000 years old. They are an outstanding testimony to one of the oldest human communities of South America. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/606/
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© NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai / Tous droits réservés
Serra da Capivara National Park

This video is about the Serra da Capivara National Park, one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites in Brazil acknowledged for its exuberantly beautiful landscape and for hosting one of the richest archaeological sites of the world with great historic, scientific and cultural values for humanity.

Besides showing the beauty of Serra da Capivara, the video deals with Archaeology, Tourism, management of protected areas, management of natural heritage and productive inclusion of neighbour populations of the National Park.

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© UNESCO Brasilia, Petra Energia / Edson Fogaça
Patrimônio Mundial no Brasil / World Heritage in Brazil: Serra da Capivara
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© Delegação do Brasil junto à UNESCO / Tous droits réservés