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Strategy for Capacity Building

The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy was requested by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session (Decision 34 COM 9C) and presented at the 35th Session in 2011.

According to its Mission Statement, “The purpose of this strategy is to provide a framework which favours the development of effective actions and programmes to strengthen or develop capacities of practitioners, institutions, communities and networks for the conservation and management of World Heritage by:

  • informing the policies and decisions by the World Heritage Committee in the area of capacity building;
  • orienting State Parties and other actors in the World Heritage system in planning, implementing and monitoring capacity building policies and programmes;
  • constituting a reference for the wider conservation community and acting as a catalyst for the development of wider cooperation to support capacity building activities for heritage conservation in general.'

Source(s): World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy (2011)
