Faites une recherche à travers les informations du Centre du patrimoine mondial.

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Existe-t-il une clause spéciale pour les États parties qui n'ont pas de bien inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial ? Is there a special provision for States Parties with no properties on the World Heritage List? Assemblée générale Comité Élection Élection des membres du Comité du patrimoine mondial
Existe-t-il une distribution géographique des membres du Comité ? Is there a geographical distribution of Committee members? Assemblée générale Comité Élection Élection des membres du Comité du patrimoine mondial
How can I access the related reference documents of past statutory meetings : Resolutions; Decisions; Committee Reports; General Assembly Summary Records; Rules of Procedure, etc.? How can I access the related reference documents of past statutory meetings : Resolutions; Decisions; Committee Reports; General Assembly Summary Records; Rules of Procedure, etc.? General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members Document
How can I become a partner? How can I become a partner? Partnerships Partners Sponsorship
How can I contribute to the World Heritage Fund? How can I contribute to the World Heritage Fund? States Parties The World Heritage Fund Donate Donation
How can I obtain/use photos of World Heritage sites? How can I obtain/use photos of World Heritage sites? Photographs Photographer Picture License Right of use Copyright
How can I subscribe to the World Heritage Review? How can I subscribe to the World Heritage Review? Publications Review Subscribe
How can I volunteer at a World Heritage site? How can I volunteer at a World Heritage site? Work / Volunteer / Internship Volunteer
How can I work or do an internship at UNESCO's World Heritage Centre? How can I work or do an internship at UNESCO's World Heritage Centre? Work / Volunteer / Internship Work Internship Job
How is a site inscribed on the List? How is a site inscribed on the List? The World Heritage List Nomination Nomination process
How is the Fund used? How is the Fund used? States Parties The World Heritage Fund International Assistance
How long is the mandate of a Committee member? How long is the mandate of a Committee member? General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
How many Committee members are there? How many Committee members are there? States Parties General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
How many voting rounds are there? What happens when two States Parties obtain equal votes? How many voting rounds are there? What happens when two States Parties obtain equal votes? States Parties General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
How to apply for International assistance under the World Heritage Fund? How to apply for International assistance under the World Heritage Fund? International Assistance Assistance Internationale
I am a photographer; how can I propose my services to UNESCO, or sell my photos to UNESCO? I am a photographer; how can I propose my services to UNESCO, or sell my photos to UNESCO? Photographs Photographer Picture License Right of use Copyright
Is there a geographical distribution of Committee members? Is there a geographical distribution of Committee members? General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
Is there a special provision for States Parties which have never served as a member of the World Heritage Committee? Is there a special provision for States Parties which have never served as a member of the World Heritage Committee? General Assembly Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
Is there a special provision for States Parties with no properties on the World Heritage List? Is there a special provision for States Parties with no properties on the World Heritage List? States Parties General Assembly Committee Election Election of World Heritage Committee members
Je suis photographe, comment puis-je proposer mes services ou vendre mes photos à l’UNESCO ? I am a photographer; how can I propose my services to UNESCO, or sell my photos to UNESCO? Photographies Photo Photographe