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Tous les États parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial sont éligibles en principe. Mais ils doivent être à jour de leurs contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial.

Les individuels, les fondations, les OIGs et les ONGs ne sont pas éligibles pour soumettre des demandes d’assistance internationale au Fonds du patrimoine mondial.

Le Comité du patrimoine mondial compte sur les citoyens pour jouer un rôle actif dans la protection des biens du patrimoine mondial. Si vous avez la moindre inquiétude à propos d’un site inscrit, n’hésitez pas à contacter la Commission nationale du pays en charge de ce site. Pour voir les détails des contacts de cette Commission nationale, cliquer sur le nom du pays dans la liste des États parties .

Vous pouvez également contacter le Centre du patrimoine mondial.

Le Centre du patrimoine mondial noue continuellement de nouveaux partenariats afin d'assurer la conservation de la diversité naturelle et culturelle mondiale sur le long terme. Les partenaires comprennent les Etats parties, les Organisations consultatives, des Organisations non- et intergouvernementales, le Secteur privé, et les média. Cliquer ici pour connaître la liste de nos partenaires et leurs actions en faveur des projets.

En conformité avec l'Article 13.2 du Réglement intérieur de l'Assemblée générale, les membres du Comité du patrimoine mondial ne peuvent se représenter à l’élection qu’à l’issue d’un délai de 6 ans après l’expiration de leur mandat.

En conformité avec l'Article 13.2 du Réglement intérieur de l'Assemblée générale, les membres du Comité du patrimoine mondial ne peuvent se représenter à l’élection qu’à l’issue d’un délai de 6 ans après l’expiration de leur mandat.

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The List

KML layer including key information on the natural and mixed World Heritage sites that were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 7 August 2012.

There are 10 criteria for the nomination of World Heritage Sites. Click here to see them in detail.

In the interest of world heritage conservation, the World Heritage Centre and its partners have developed a series of programmes and are actively involved in the implementation of projects, workshops, seminars and training courses. Click here to find out more about some of the ongoing projects.

International Assistance requests for Conservation & Management Assistance or Preparatory Assistance must be submitted by 31 October each year.

Only International Assistance requests for US$5,000 or less (under any category) or for Emergency Assistance can be submitted any time during the year.

The UNESCO World Heritage Convention is a treaty that has become, over the past 40 years, the foremost international legal tool in support of the conservation of the world's cultural and natural heritage. Today, 191 countries (called States Parties) have ratified the Convention, making it an almost universally accepted set of principles and framework of action.

Learn more about the Convention.

Once a country signs the World Heritage Convention, and has sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, the resulting prestige often helps raise awareness among citizens and governments for heritage preservation. Greater awareness leads to a general rise in the level of the protection and conservation given to heritage properties. A country may also receive financial assistance and expert advice from the World Heritage Committee to support activities for the preservation of its sites.

Learn more about the benefits of ratifying the World Heritage Convention, including financial assistance.

Launched in 1994 at the grassroots level by the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, this Project gives young people a chance to voice their concerns and to become involved in the protection of the world’s natural and cultural heritage.

The World Heritage in Young Hands education kit includes student activities and photographs of World Heritage sites from all regions of the world. It is published in more than 39 languages. Click here to learn more about the education kit.

Discover Patrimonito.

As per Rule 13.1 of the Rules of procedure of the General Assembly, candidatures should be sent to the Secretariat at least six weeks prior to the opening of the General Assembly.

As per Rule 13.4, this list of candidatures shall be finalised 48 hours before the opening of the General Assembly. No other candidatures nor payments of compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund (for the purpose of presenting a candidature to the Committee) will be accepted in the 48-hour period prior to the opening of the General Assembly.

Candidatures should be sent to the following address:
The Director
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
7 place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP, France

As per article 16.5 of the Convention:

"Any State Party to the Convention which is in arrears with the payment of its compulsory or voluntary contribution for the current year and the calendar year immediately preceding it shall not be eligible as a Member of the World Heritage Committee, although this provision shall not apply to the first election."
International assistance requests for Conservation & Management assistance or Preparatory assistance, for more than US$5,000:

If the request is recommended for approval and is between US$5,001 and US$30,000, the approval takes place in February, maximum March, year N+1.
If the request is recommended for approval and is above US$30,000, the approval takes place in June/July, year N+1.

If the request is recommended for revision, 

If the request is recommended for approval and is between US$5,001 and US$30,000, the approval takes place in May, maximum June, year N+1.
If the request is recommended for approval and is above US$30,000, the approval takes place in June/July, year N+1.

International assistance requests for Emergency assistance, for more than US$5,000:

If the request is recommended for approval, the approval takes place within 2 weeks after its receipt by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee.

International assistance requests (any category) for US$5,000 or less:
If the request is recommended for approval, the approval takes place within a week.

The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage is an international agreement that was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972. It is based on the premise that certain places on Earth are of outstanding universal value and should therefore form part of the common heritage of humankind. The countries who ratify the Convention (States Parties) have become part of an international community, united in a common mission to identify and safeguard our world's most outstanding natural and cultural heritage. While fully respecting the national sovereignty, and without prejudice to property rights provided by national legislation, the States Parties recognize that the protection of the World Heritage is the duty of the international community as a whole.

World Heritage is the designation for places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. Places as diverse and unique as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Galápagos Islands in Ecuador, the Taj Mahal in India, the Grand Canyon in the USA, or the Acropolis in Greece are examples of the 1007 natural and cultural places inscribed on the World Heritage List to date.

Click here to learn more about World Heritage.

With regard to the number of candidatures presented by an electoral group, it is worth recalling Resolution 1 EXT.GA 3 on the revision of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (in 2014), by which the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention "reiterate[d] its strong request to States Parties and electoral groups to provide a sufficient number of candidates for each seat and each election to ensure a genuine choice at each election.”

Nevertheless, in the event that an electoral group presents fewer candidates than seats allocated to that group, the General Assembly should be informed at the beginning of the session, and before the elections begin, so that the General Assembly can take a decision on the seat(s) that will remain vacant: allocation within the open seats, allocation to another electoral group, etc. Indeed, Rule 14.1.e) of the Rules of Procedure stipulates that "[i]n case the above formula [note: formula describing the distribution of seats within electoral groups] cannot be practically applied, an exceptional arrangement may be made to accommodate such special circumstances." In any event, the remaining vacant seat(s) shall be filled at the same session and not at subsequent elections, the Committee being composed of 21 members.

Elections to replace outgoing Committee members take place during the General Assembly of States Parties, meeting every two years during the General Conference of UNESCO (Article 8.3 of the Convention).

For more information on the forthcoming elections see General Assembly.

The World Heritage Committee relies on citizens to play an active role in protecting World Heritage sites. If you have any concern about an existing site, do not hesitate to contact the National Commission of the country in charge of the site. To see the contact details of the National Commission, click on the name of the country in the list of States Parties. You may also contact the World Heritage Centre

If you have a suggestion for a World Heritage site, you may wish to send your proposal to the UNESCO National Commission in the country concerned. To see the contact details of the National Commission, click on the name of the country in the list of States Parties.
