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Call for Applications - International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) 2014

13-31 mars 2014
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The International Graduate School: Heritage Studies at Cottbus-Senftenberg University is offering under the direction of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies its third International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) under the title: "The Role of Participation, Empowerment and Sustainable Development in Heritage Studies and its Corresponding Disciplines"

The Summer Academy is organized under the patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (tbc). The ISAC is supported and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). 
Up to 15 scholarships can be offered to international students and junior researchers. The programme combines lectures, workshops, individual presentations, poster presentations, and thematic excursions. The aim of this year’s Summer Academy is to give young scholars and students comprehensive insights into research on the most relevant and innovative approaches to participation and empowerment in the context of heritage. The Summer Academy is targeted at international Master’s and Ph.D. students in Heritage Studies or related fields.

The Deadline for applications is Monday, 31 of March 2014.

Further information and details on how to apply can be found in the attached document. 
For more information about the Summer Academy please visit the website www.tu-cottbus.de/interkulturalitaet/summer-academy/ or contact Ms. Anca Claudia Prodan at the following e-mail address Anca.Prodan@tu-cottbus.de 

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jeudi 13 mars 2014
lundi 31 mars 2014

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