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Décision 1 COM VI.A(f).40
[Uniquement en anglais] Procedure and calendar for the submission of nominations

[Uniquement en anglais]

In order to present the Committee at its second session with a set of nominations that would be balanced by category and by geographical and cultural region, it was decided that the Bureau, meeting in June 1978, would review all the nominations received and decide which would be forwarded to the Committee. The following calendar would thus be followed:

November 1977: dispatch to States Parties of Director-General's letter, together with printed nomination form;

1 April 1978: receipt of nominations from States Parties;

April/May 1978: dossiers will be received and completed, if necessary, with the assistance of ICOMOS, IUCN and the Roma Centre; translation and reproduction of dossiers;

8 and 9 June 1978: meeting of the Bureau decide on which nominations would go forward to the Committee at its second session;

July 1978: dispatch of dossiers to members of the Committee;

September/October 1978: consideration of dossiers at the second session of the Committee.

Code de la Décision
1 COM VI.A(f).40
Inscriptions sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial, Méthodes et outils de travail