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335 Décisions
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Année (fin) : 1982close
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[Uniquement en anglais] General agreement was expressed on the factors proposed for consideration in determining an order of priorities but some comments were made on the concepts of "educational value" and "socio-economic benefits". It was therefore proposed that this question be taken up in depth at a later session. In the meantime, the phrase "consequences from the social and economic points of view" was adopted.
[Uniquement en anglais] It was agreed that a draft text of the standard agreement would be prepared by the Secretariat and sent to members of the Committee well in advance of the second session.
Il a été décidé que seuls les Etats parties pourraient transmettre des demandes d'assistance en cas d'urgence, et seulement pour des biens inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial ou pour lesquels une demande d'inscription a déjà été faite. Si ces deux conditions sont réunies, le Secrétariat soumettra la demande au Président qui, après avoir consulté le Directeur général déterminera la nature et l'importance de l'assistance à fournir.
Le Comité a décidé qu'une telle assistance serait fournie à la demande des Etats parties dans ces deux cas*, conformément aux dispositons de l'article 21 (1) de la Convention et dans les limites du budget approuvé (voir par. 57 ci-après), sous la forme de services d'experts ou de matériel. Le Président sera chargé de fixer en consultation avec le Directeur Général la nature et l'importance de l'assistance préparatoire. * Ces cas sont mentionnés au paragraphe précédent : (i) en vue de la préparation des demandes d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et (ii) des demandes ...
Le Comité n'a pas fait de commentaires sur le texte du Règlement financier établi par le Secrétariat et dont l'Assemblée générale des Etats parties et le Conseil exécutif de l'Unesco avaient déjà pris note.
Le Comité a décidé de renvoyer à une session ultérieure les décisions relatives à l'établissement et à la publication de la liste du patrimoine mondial en péril et de la liste des biens pour lesquels une assistance internationale est fournie d'une part, ainsi qu'à la part que l'Etat bénéficiaire devra prendre dans chaque cas à l'exécution du projet.
Le Comité était saisi des propositions du Directeur général tendant à inviter les organisations ci-après à envoyer des observateurs aux sessions futures du Comité : Organisation des Nations Unies Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture Programme alimentaire mondial Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement Banque interaméricaine de développement Organisation arabe pour l'éducation, la culture et la science Conseil de l'Europe Organisation des Etats américains Organisation des ...
[Uniquement en anglais] At the last meeting of the Committee, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee presented his report which, after a statement on the philosophy underlying the Convention, set out the decisions taken by the Committee on the various questions raised in the main working document. He drew the attention of participants to Section IV of the document in which several recommendations addressed to States Parties were formulated. With a certain number of modifications, which are referred to in the appropriate section of this record, the report under the title of "Operational ...
[Uniquement en anglais] On the basis of resources available in the World Heritage Fund, the Secretariat proposed in document CC-77/CONF.001/6, a budget covering (i) the preparation of model nomination files, (ii) technical co-operation to States Parties in preparing their nominations and requests for assistance, and (iii) emergency assistance required before the next session of the Committee.
[Uniquement en anglais] Members found the sums available to be very modest indeed and some felt that additional funds might be required. It was decided that the Bureau should have authority to increase the budget provisions, if necessary in the light of requests received and of funds available. With this provision, the Committee unanimously adopted the proposed budget.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Scientific Director of the International Organization for the Protection of Works of Art presented the offer of collaboration of that Organization.
[Uniquement en anglais] While-some members encouraged the Committee to accept the proposed offer which had no financial implications, others were uncertain as to whether the objectives of that Organization were the same as those of the Convention, particularly since the work of the Organization in question appeared to relate to movable cultural objects. This led to an exchange of views on the difficulty of distinguishing clearly between movable and immovable cultural property.
[Uniquement en anglais] It was subsequently decided that the International Organization for the Protection of the Works of Art would be invited to attend future sessions of the Committee, in an observer capacity. However, a member of the Committee asked that it be noted that this decision was in no way to be interpreted as recognizing a special status for that Organization within the framework of the World Heritage Convention and that there was no commitment on the part of the Committee to grant a special status in the future.
[Uniquement en anglais] The representative of the Director-General introduced document CC-77/CONF.001/7 which, at this stage, was submitted to the Committee for information only. He explained that the offer included a house in Cairo and a capital fund of $240,000 from which the interest could be used to finance a number of fellowships in Egyptian archaeology; he pointed out that the administrative and practical problems involved in the upkeep of the house would make it difficult to accept that part of the donation.
[Uniquement en anglais] The representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt supplemented the information provided, giving further details on Professor Badawy's offer.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee expressed sincere thanks to Professor Badawy for his offer and authorized the Secretariat to study further the exact conditions of the offer and to report to it at its second session.
[Uniquement en anglais] The representative of the United States of America, on behalf of the Secretary of State invited the Committee to hold its next session in Washington. The Committee expressed its gratitude to the United States for this generous offer, which was accepted by acclamation. 
[Uniquement en anglais] It was decided that the exact dates of the next session, which would take place between 15 September and 31 October 1978, would be fixed by the Chairman, in consultation with the Government of the United States of America and the Director-General.
[Uniquement en anglais] It was further decided that the Bureau would meet in Paris on 8 and 9 June 1978. The Rome Centre, ICOMOS and IUCN would be invited to attend.
[Uniquement en anglais] At the last plenary meeting the Rapporteur presented an oral report in which he highlighted the main conclusions and decisions of the Committee. In concluding his report, he referred to one issue that had not been discussed during the session, namely Secretariat assistance to the Committee: in view of the volume and complexity of the administrative work involved both in the preparation of documentation for the sessions of the Committee and in implementing its decisions, which would be particularly heavy as from 1979, he suggested that Unesco should carefully ...