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5878 Décisions
76 Résolutions
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9. Le représentant du Bureau du Contrôleur financier a présenté le document CLT‑83/CONF.022/2 par lequel les comptes du Fonds ont été soumis à l’Assemblée générale, conformément au Règlement financier du Fonds du patrimoine mondial. Il a attiré l’attention sur les comptes pour l’exercice qui s’achevait le 31 décembre 1980, figurant à l’annexe I du document, ainsi que sur l’état intérimaire pour l’exercice triennal 1981-1983 arrêté au 31 juillet 1983, figurant à l’annexe II. L’Assemblée a été informée des contributions versées par plusieurs États parties depuis le 31 juillet 1983, à ...
12. Sur proposition du Président, l’Assemblée générale a décidé à l’unanimité de maintenir pour l’exercice 1984-1985 le montant des contributions devant être versées au Fonds du patrimoine mondial, qui conformément à l’article 16, paragraphe 1 de la Convention, s’élève à 1 % de la contribution des États parties au budget ordinaire de l’UNESCO.
17. Le Sous-Directeur général pour la culture a félicité les États élus au Comité. Il a souhaité que l’intérêt porté à la Convention par les États, qui avait été palpable durant la quatrième Assemblée générale, et notamment au vu du nombre de candidatures présentées pour l’élection du Comité, se traduise par la participation active de l’ensemble des États parties à la mise en œuvre de la Convention.
18. Avant de prononcer la clôture de la réunion, le Président a félicité le Secrétariat pour ses efforts en faveur de la mise en œuvre de la Convention. Il a espéré que le Secrétariat continuerait à recevoir, de la part de l’UNESCO comme du Fonds du patrimoine mondial, l’assistance nécessaire pour poursuivre les travaux accomplis. Pour conclure, il a annoncé que la 7e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial se tiendrait du 5 au 9 décembre 1983 à Florence, à la généreuse invitation des autorités italiennes.
[Uniquement en anglais] 14. The Bureau examined the deferred and new requests received from the States Parties to the Convention and made the following recommendations to the Committee. A. Technical Co-operation requests projects recommended for approval - Malta - Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (request n°130.1) The Bureau recommended that the Committee grant technical co-operation consisting of equipment and one month's consultant mission for a total amount of $9,000 to help with the preservation of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. - Malta - Ggantija and Valetta (request ...
[Uniquement en anglais] B. Technical cooperation requests deferred - Algeria - The Qal'ah of Beni Hammad (request n°102.1) The Algerian authorities had submitted a request for assistance in connection with the preservation of the above site. The Bureau was informed that a preparatory assistance consultant mission would take place in July 1981 in order to prepare a revised, detailed request for technical co-operation for this site, which will be submitted to the Bureau at its 6th session. - Algeria - Dey's Palace and Citadel Quarter of Setif (requests n°101.1 and 103.1) These ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Guinea - Mount Nimba (request n°155.1) The Guinean authorities had requested equipment amounting to $48.510 for a scientific research programme for Mount Nimba. However, the Bureau felt that priority should be given to protective measures and to the establishment of a management plan for this site. The Bureau therefore encouraged Guinea to re-formulate and to re-submit a request along these lines.
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to (a) Pakistan: Salaries for workmen and purchase of equipment for emergency restoration work at Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens at the cost of $44,000 and $12,000 respectively.
[Uniquement en anglais] 16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to: (b) Tunisia: Contribution of $95,000 for emergency restoration work at the Dar Haddad Palace in the Medina of Tunis.
La cinquième session du Comité du patrimoine mondial s'est tenue à Sydney, Australie du 26 au 30 octobre 1981, à l'aimable invitation du gouvernement australien.  Les États membres du Comité dont la liste suit étaient présents à la réunion: République fédérale d'Allemagne, Argentine, Australie, Brésil,  Bulgarie, Chypre, Egypte, États-Unis d'Amérique, France, Guinée, Irak, Italie, Jordanie, Jamahiriya arabe libyenne, Népal  Pakistan, Suisse et Tunisie.
[Uniquement en anglais] Representatives of the International Centre for Conservation in Rome (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.
[Uniquement en anglais] Observers from seven States Parties to the Convention not members of the Committee, namely Canada, Chile, India, Iran, Malta, Poland and Portugal also participated in the session, as well as observers from one intergovernmental organization, the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO) and two international non-governmental organizations, the International Council of Museums (ICOM); and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). The full list of participants will be found in Annex I to this report
[Uniquement en anglais] The meeting was formally opened by the Prime Minister of Australia, The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, who welcomed delegates and observers to his country. The Prime Minister referred to the concept of a World Heritage as a profound expression of co-operation between people and a willingness to share, and stated that the World Heritage Convention was an important milestone in the modern history of man's concern, not only for his environment, but also for his cultural roots and origins. The Prime Minister also spoke of the first nominations by Australia for the World ...
[Uniquement en anglais]  In reply, the representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. G. Bolla, thanked the Prime Minister for his welcome and expressed the profound gratitude of the participants for the kind invitation to hold the meeting in Sydney and for the generous hospitality of the Australian people. He also recalled the concern of Mr. Amadou Mahtar M'Bow, Director- General of Unesco, for the conservation of the cultural and the natural heritage and expressed the Director-General's appreciation for the active participation of Australia in all the activities of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Professor R. O. Slatyer (Australia) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation and he delivered a brief address.
[Uniquement en anglais] 7. The Committee adopted the agenda for the session. 8. A delegate suggested that two working groups be set up in order to examine a number of questions of principle relating to the implementation of the Convention, and, in particular, the procedures for the evaluation of nominated properties and the way to strike a better balance between the cultural heritage and the natural heritage. 9. The Chairman suggested that this proposal be examined by the Bureau as soon as it was established. It was subsequently decided to set up two working groups, one to study the ...
[Uniquement en anglais] At its fourth session (Paris, 1-5 September 1980), the Committee elected five Vice-Chairmen including the representatives of Ghana and Yugoslavia. However, at the Third General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, which met in Belgrade on 7 October 1980, Ghana and Yugoslavia, whose term of office was due to expire at the end of the 21st session of the General Conference, were not candidates for re-election to the Committee and thus ceased to be members. Therefore, in accordance with Rule 12.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee, these ...
[Uniquement en anglais] To avoid a repetition of this situation a number of proposals were put forward, in particular to amend the Rules of Procedure of the Committee. At the end of the debate, the Committee was of the opinion that Rule 12.1 of the Rules of Procedure should not be amended. It decided that henceforth, in the year when the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention is held, the ordinary session of the Committee should be held as soon as possible after the meeting of this Assembly.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee thereafter elected by acclamation the delegates of the following States members of the Committee as Vice-Chairmen: the Federal Republic of Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria, Guinea and Nepal. Mr Azedine Beschaouch (Tunisia) was re-elected Rapporteur by acclamation.