To resolve the remaining scientific issues, such as those raised in the ISP report, the Committee asks ICSU to continue the work of the ISP (with the addition of any additional members) to assess, in co-operation with the supervising Scientist and IUCN, the Supervising Scientist's response to the ISP report. The report of the ISP's assessment should be submitted to the World Heritage Centre by 15 April 2000 for examination by the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee in 2000.
Décision 3 EXT.COM XI.4
[Uniquement en anglais] Decision of the Third Extraordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee concerning Kakadu National Park, Australia
[Uniquement en anglais]
Code de la Décision
Biens 1
Rapports sur l'état de conservation
1999 Parc national de Kakadu