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Etats parties : Pérou
Année d'approbation : Tous
Les statistiques sont données à titre indicatif

Demandes d'assistance approuvées : Pérou

ID Type d'assistance Année Montant
(en US$)
Titre du projet Bien du patrimoine mondial
3504 2024 4 999 Management of World Heritage Sites by subnational governments  
2987 2018 25 000 Preparation of the Tentative List of cultural, natural and mixed properties of Peru for inclusion in the World Heritage List.  
1790 Cultural / Preparatory 2005 30 000 Preparation of the Nomination of the Qhapaq Ñan/Main Andean Road to the World Heritage List. Preparatory Assistance for Peru/Bolivia Qhapaq Ñan, réseau de routes andin  
1548 Cultural / Emergency 2002 26 800 Archaeological site of Chavín (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Site archéologique de Chavin  
1512 Cultural / Emergency 2002 48 000 Emergency Assistance for the Historic Centre of Lima Centre historique de Lima  
1411 Cultural / Emergency 2001 75 000 Consolidation and restoration of the Cathedral of Arequipa Centre historique de la ville d’Arequipa  
1359 2001 5 000 Request for a stone specialist for the assessment of necessary restoration work on the stone sculpture Intihuatana, Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
1333 Cultural / Conservation 2000 15 000 Background studies and preparation of nomination dossier for the Historic Centre of Trujillo  
1283 Cultural / Conservation 2000 20 000 Preparation of a masterplan for the City of Cuzco (APPROVED IN 1997 BUT NOT IMPLEMENTED THEN) Ville de Cuzco  
1038 Cultural / Conservation 1998 50 000 Emergency measures at the Lines and Geoglyphes of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana, Peru Lignes et Géoglyphes au Nasca et Palpa  
1039 Cultural / Conservation 1998 8 700 Master Plan for Chan Chan Archaeological Zone Zone archéologique de Chan Chan  
890 Cultural / Emergency 1998 37 250 Emergency assistance - Chavin Archeological site, Peru Site archéologique de Chavin  
2501 Cultural / Conservation 1997 20 000 Historic Centre of Cuzco Ville de Cuzco  
2498 Cultural / Emergency 1997 50 000 Emergency assistance for the Archaeological Zone of Chan Chan Zone archéologique de Chan Chan  
2461 Cultural / Conservation 1997 20 000 Technical advice for the preparation of an Integral Plan for Chan Chan Archaeological Zone Zone archéologique de Chan Chan  
797 Cultural / Conservation 1995 20 000 ICCROM Pan-american Course on the Conservation and Management of Earthen Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (Chan Chan, Peru, 10 November-13 December 1996)  
716 Cultural / Conservation 1994 20 000 Regional and International Course on the Conservation of Earthen World Heritage Sites (Chan Chan, Peru, October 1995). Zone archéologique de Chan Chan  
675 Cultural / Preparatory 1994 4 000 Protection plan for the site of Chavin Site archéologique de Chavin  
672 Cultural / Conservation 1994 19 500 Financial contribution to pursue a conservation policy in the Historic Centre of Lima Centre historique de Lima  
674 Natural / Conservation 1993 20 000 Training and awareness-raising activities for Huascaran National Park Parc national de Huascarán  
673 Natural / Conservation 1993 20 000 Technical assistance for Manu National Park Parc national de Manú  
575 Cultural / Conservation 1992 19 325 Financial contribution for a training workshop on architectural conservation for Machu Picchu (February 1993) Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
2263 Natural / Conservation 1992 19 500 Organization of a training course for technicians, administrators and managers participating in the preparation of the Master Plan for Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
499 Natural / Conservation 1991 40 000 Preparation of a Master Plan for Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
551 Natural / Conservation 1991 3 000 Travel grant for one National Park Service staff to attend the 3rd World Conference on Heritage Interpretation (Hawaii, USA, 28 October-08 November 1991)  
549 Natural / Conservation 1991 5 190 One fellowship for a participant to attend a training course on Protected Area Management for Latin Americans (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 26 July-20 August 1991)  
548 Natural / Conservation 1991 20 000 Contribution to a Smithsonian/Peruvian training workshop on conservation of natural resources and management of wildlands in the Manu Biosphere Reserve (Manu, Peru, 4-31 August 1991) Parc national de Manú  
547 Natural / preparatory 1991 6 000 Additional costs for technical consultancy for the preparation of the Machu Picchu Master Plan Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
550 Natural / preparatory 1991 4 000 Additional cost for technical consultancy for the preparation of the Machu Picchu Master Plan Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
498 Cultural / Preparatory 1990 7 000 Elaboration of the extension of the nomination of San Francisco de Lima Centre historique de Lima  
500 Cultural / Conservation 1990 6 900 One fellowship to attend the inter-regional course in conservation of monuments and historical cities (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 1 March-15 December 1990)  
426 Cultural / Conservation 1989 15 000 Financial contribution to enable the participation of one specialist in a course on architecture in France  
431 1989 15 000 Preparation of a technical cooperation project for a Master Plan for the management of Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
430 Cultural / Conservation 1989 20 000 Contribution to conservation works on the convent of San Francisco, Lima Centre historique de Lima  
428 Natural / Conservation 1989 20 000 Elaboration of a Master Plan for the Management of Huascaran National Park Parc national de Huascarán  
427 Cultural / Conservation 1989 2 625 Financial contribution to enable the participation of a specialist in the pilot course on the preservation of earthen architecture heritage (Grenoble, France, 23 October-24 November 1989)  
364 Natural / Emergency 1988 20 000 Contribution to purchase of fire-fighting equipment and repairing damage due to fire at Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
363 Cultural / Preparatory 1988 7 500 Expert mission to prepare a technical assistance request for Chavin Site archéologique de Chavin  
365 Natural / Conservation 1988 20 000 Contribution to Smithsonian training programme in Manu National Park, July-August 1988 Parc national de Manú  
289 Cultural / Conservation 1987 7 500 Participation of one fellow in a course on mural paintings conservation  
311 Cultural / Conservation 1987 20 000 Consultancy and equipment for the safeguarding of Chan Chan Zone archéologique de Chan Chan  
287 Natural / Conservation 1986 5 300 Support for associated training activities for park wardens of Huascaran National Park Parc national de Huascarán  
290 1986 26 500 Financial support for the implementation of the management plan for Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
291 Natural / Conservation 1986 30 100 Financial support for the implementation of the management plan for Huascaran National Park Parc national de Huascarán  
288 1986 8 000 Support for associated training activities related to Machu Picchu Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu  
243 Cultural / Emergency 1986 25 000 Contribution to urgent consolidation work at Cuzco Ville de Cuzco  
244 Cultural / Conservation 1986 6 400 Financial contribution to enable a fellow to follow an international course on Architectural Conservation  
170 Natural / Conservation 1984 5 000 Study grant to attend the 17th international seminar on National Park and Protected Areas, USA, 07 August-07 September 1984  
2105 Cultural / Conservation 1984 3 000 Financial assistance to enable a specialist to attend the first World Cultural Parks Conference, Mesa Verde, USA, 16-21 September 1984  
2083 1982 4 800 Provision of one consultant to draw up an indicative list of properties which could be nominated for inscription in the World Heritage List  
Total : 50 demande(s) 931 889

Par montant approuvé

Plafonds budgétaires Nombre de demandes d'AI
Jusqu'à 5.000 USD 9
Entre 5.001 et 75.000 USD 41
Supérieur à 75.000 USD 0
Total 50

Par catégorie et type d'assistance

Catégorie Conservation Préparatoire Urgence Nombre de demandes d'AI
culture 18 4 6 28
nature 12 2 1 15
mixed 4 3 0 7
Total 34 9 7 50

Nombre de demandes approuvées et montant par types et par années du budget

L'année du budget peut être différente de l'année d'approbation.
Exemple: une demande X est approuvée en 1997 à 50% le budget de 1997 et à 50% sur le budget de 1998. Cette demande apparaitra donc 2 fois : 1 fois sur l'année du budget 1997 et 1 fois sur l'année du budget 1998

Année du budget Nombre de demandes approuvées sur l'année du budget Montant approuvé Préparatoire Conservation Urgence
1982 1 4 800 USD 4 800 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1984 2 8 000 USD 0 USD (0) 8 000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1986 2 31 400 USD 0 USD (0) 6 400 USD (1) 25 000 USD (1)
1987 6 97 400 USD 0 USD (0) 97 400 USD (6) 0 USD (0)
1988 3 47 500 USD 7 500 USD (1) 20 000 USD (1) 20 000 USD (1)
1989 5 72 625 USD 15 000 USD (1) 57 625 USD (4) 0 USD (0)
1990 2 13 900 USD 7 000 USD (1) 6 900 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1991 5 38 190 USD 10 000 USD (2) 28 190 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
1992 3 78 825 USD 0 USD (0) 78 825 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
1994 4 63 500 USD 4 000 USD (1) 59 500 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
1995 1 20 000 USD 0 USD (0) 20 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1996 1 20 000 USD 0 USD (0) 20 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1997 3 90 000 USD 0 USD (0) 40 000 USD (2) 50 000 USD (1)
1998 1 37 250 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 37 250 USD (1)
1999 2 58 700 USD 0 USD (0) 58 700 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2000 1 20 000 USD 0 USD (0) 20 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2001 3 95 000 USD 15 000 USD (1) 5 000 USD (1) 75 000 USD (1)
2002 2 74 800 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 74 800 USD (2)
2005 1 30 000 USD 30 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2018 2 25 000 USD 25 000 USD (2) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2024 2 4 999 USD 0 USD (0) 4 999 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
Total 52 931 889 USD 118 300 USD (11) 531 539 USD (34) 282 050 USD (7)

Nombre de demandes approuvées et montant par types et par années d'approbation

Dans ce tableau, chaque demande apparaît une seule fois

Année d'approbation Nombre de demandes approuvées Montant approuvé Préparatoire Conservation Urgence
1982 1 4 800 USD 4 800 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1984 2 8 000 USD 0 USD (0) 8 000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1986 6 101 300 USD 0 USD (0) 76 300 USD (5) 25 000 USD (1)
1987 2 27 500 USD 0 USD (0) 27 500 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1988 3 47 500 USD 7 500 USD (1) 20 000 USD (1) 20 000 USD (1)
1989 5 72 625 USD 15 000 USD (1) 57 625 USD (4) 0 USD (0)
1990 2 13 900 USD 7 000 USD (1) 6 900 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1991 6 78 190 USD 10 000 USD (2) 68 190 USD (4) 0 USD (0)
1992 2 38 825 USD 0 USD (0) 38 825 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1993 2 40 000 USD 0 USD (0) 40 000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1994 3 43 500 USD 4 000 USD (1) 39 500 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1995 1 20 000 USD 0 USD (0) 20 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1997 3 90 000 USD 0 USD (0) 40 000 USD (2) 50 000 USD (1)
1998 3 95 950 USD 0 USD (0) 58 700 USD (2) 37 250 USD (1)
2000 2 35 000 USD 15 000 USD (0) 20 000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2001 2 80 000 USD 0 USD (0) 5 000 USD (1) 75 000 USD (1)
2002 2 74 800 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 74 800 USD (2)
2005 1 30 000 USD 30 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2018 1 25 000 USD 25 000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2024 1 4 999 USD 0 USD (0) 4 999 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
Total 50 931 889 USD 118 300 USD (9) 531 539 USD (34) 282 050 USD (7)