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Call for participants to “Managing World Heritage: People Nature Culture” course is now open

jeudi 16 mars 2023
access_time Lecture 0 min.
(10/07/2011) © Proyecto QÑ-Bolivia

Are you a heritage expert interested in learning more about World Heritage management in Latin America and the Caribbean? 

We are calling for applications to this online flagship foundational course.

Participants will learn how effective management can give heritage places a dynamic and mutually beneficial role in society today and long into the future, reflecting the vast array of people who care for, use, and enjoy them. Topics to be covered include  factors affecting heritage places, management systems, boundaries, buffer zone(s), and people-centred and rights-based approaches to heritage management.

The course will be held online from 19-21 and 24-26 April 2023 in Spanish. The course is adapted to different profiles of professionals working in heritage sites and in institutions in charge of the management of World Heritage Properties and/or other heritage places. This course focuses primarily on the Latin American and Caribbean region. However, interested applicants from other regions are welcome to apply.


Apply Before 31 Mar 2023.

Details are here in English : https://www.iccrom.org/courses/managing-world-heritage-people-nature-culture-pnc23-lac
And in Spanish : https://www.iccrom.org/es/courses/gesti%C3%B3n-del-patrimonio-mundial-personas-naturaleza-cultura-pnc23-lac

jeudi 16 mars 2023
access_time Lecture 0 min.