Lettre du Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial ... concernant le "Centre historique de Sighisoara" (Roumanie)
Suite à la décision du Président Roumain de mettre un terme au projet de construction du parc à thème "Draculaland" près du "Centre Historique de Sighisoara", classé site du patrimoine mondial.
6 February 2003 Excellency,
In my capacity as Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee I would like to applaud the decision to halt the proposed development of the themepark "Draculaland" at the World Heritage site of the "Historic Centre of Sighisoara" (Romania).
On behalf of the World Heritage Committee, I wish to express my appreciation for the commitment of your Government to protect this unique World Heritage property for future generations.
The World Heritage Committee at its last session in Budapest, Hungary in June 2002 had the opportunity to review the report of the international UNESCO mission to the site, which was carried out at the kind invitation of your authorities in March 2002. The World Heritage Committee fully endorsed the recommendations of the report and I am pleased that your authorities now decided to halt the themepark project in order to preserve the values of the World Heritage site.
Please be assured that the World Heritage Committee will continue to work with your Government to ensure the best implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Romania. In this regard, I would like to underline that the World Heritage Convention is based on international co-operation to ensure the protection of the sites of outstanding universal value. The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, as secretariat to the World Heritage Committee is at your disposal to assist your Government if it wishes to envisage conservation and sustainable development projects for the benefit of local people.
I would like to thank you very much for your most generous and visible support of the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Please be assured, Excellency, of my highest consideration.
Mr. Tamas Fejerdy
Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee
President of Romania
cc. Members of the World Heritage Committee
Advisory Bodies (ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM)
Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO
Romanian National Commission for UNESCO
Minister for Culture
Minister for Tourism
Minister for the Environment