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Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.

208 Activités

Mid-sixteenth century painted Crucifixion group in wood, with the Virgin and St. John, from the Church of San Michele.Following its long and painstaking restoration, the remarkable Crucifixion group financed by the ...

Organisation / Secteur / Bureau leader : Comité Français pour la Sauvegarde de Venise Organisations connexes : Fondation Venise International

In a joint effort, the Comitato Italiano per Venezia secured funding for the restoration of the dozens of iron window and door frames in the ancient Artiglierie building in the Arsenale.In time for part of it to be ...

Dans le sestiere Castello, à l'entrée de la calle del Paradiso, ainsi nommée en raison des lumières qui l'éclairaient les soirs de fêtes, se trouve un élégant arc gothique couronné d'une flèche triangulaire et ...

The Comité français pour la sauvegarde de Venise often sponsors the restoration of Venetian monuments that have a French connection. This is the case of the Cappella Clary in the Church of San Trovaso, the burial ...

L'église actuelle fut construite dans la seconde moitié du XVIIème siècle par Giuseppe Benoni alors que la façade est l'oeuvre de Giuseppe Sardi. Décrite, ordonnée et financée par Antonio Barbaro dans son ...

Vers 1470, l’image d'une madone avec son enfant est installée dans une niche donnant sur la rue. Puis, des histoires de miracles circulent et la dévotion des Vénitiens augmente tant qu'on lui construit une chapelle ...

Collaborant cette fois avec le nouveau comité américain Venetian Heritage Inc., le Comité Italien a pu voir les travaux de restauration sur l'autel supérieur de l'Église San Rocco presque terminés ainsi que le début ...

The first stage of Venice in Peril’s (VIP) exciting venture into the conservation of historic housing in Venice also reached completion during the year. This Superintendency-led project brought together an ...

The Amici della Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo (with funding from the Fondazione Varzi) commissioned preliminary chemical analyses in the Cappella Sagredo, with frescoes by Tiepolo, in the Church of S. Francesco ...

The Comité français financed the restoration of Lorenzo Bregno's sixteenth-century funeral monument to Alvise Pasqualigo in the Church of the Frari in memory of Ms Solange Gaussen. In November and December the ...

Three and a half centuries of neglect and maltreatment were finally reversed in October 1999 with the completion of the comprehensive restoration of the Ancient Jewish Cemetery on the Lido, first established in ...

Save Venice Inc. brought three projects in the Church of San Francesco della Vigna to completion during the year. The Cappella Badoer-Giustinian was restored in memory of one of the founding fathers of the ...

Responding to the Superintendency’s urgent appeal for attention to the Cappella Emiliani, attached to the façade of the Church of San Michele, the Venice in Peril Fund financed preliminary diagnostic surveys and ...

Working on its own account, Venetian Heritage launched the preliminary phases of two projects during the year in preparation for the restoration of the frescoes in the sacristy of the Church of S. Salvador and of ...

During the year 1999, Save Venice Inc.passed from the planning to the execution phase of the restoration of the German Synagogue, but even after full-scale preparatory surveys and tests the Superintendency is ...

The Venice branch of Zonta Club International undertook to fund the restoration of Jacopo Bassano's famous painting of the "Nativity" in the Basilica of S. Giorgio Maggiore.  The Association of Private Committees ...

A 13th century sculpted marble angel and the archway supporting it in Calle Magno, Castello. This was a long-awaited inauguration financed by Pro Venezia Sweden and the Australian Committee for Venice. Working space ...

The decoration, carried out at the end of the 18th century for the wedding of Alvise Querini di Zuanne and Maria Teresa di Francesco, consists of stucco work in the pre-neoclassical style, with marmorino borders in ...

Le projet UNESCO comprend trois composantes principales :   installation d'un système de chauffage sous le sol et d'un nouveau sol de briques qui respecte le revêtement de sol original, et restauration d'une ...
