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Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.

41 Activités
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Le suivi quotidien de l'état de conservation des sites patrimoniaux est assuré par les riverains, qui ont été formés au métier d'inspecteur du patrimoine par l'autorité de gestion. Ce système de suivi est un moyen ...

La conservation, au cœur de la Convention du patrimoine mondial L’article 4 de la Convention du patrimoine mondial porte sur la conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et indique que ...

Natural World Heritage sites face many challenges that threaten their existence. They represent a global heritage recognized as being of outstanding universal value, unique and irreplaceable. As the rate of global ...

Sankhu is a traditional Newar settlement located in the North East of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, and was inscribed on the tentative World Heritage List in 2008. The April and May 2015 earthquakes had a ...

In summer 2016, the Temple of Bel, among other important archaeological monuments of the World Heritage Site of Palmyra, was intentionally destroyed. An element of the structure of the Temple, the Portico, remained ...

Une nouvelle initiative vise à mettre en œuvre l'approche de la Recommandation de l'UNESCO de 2011 sur le paysage urbain historique dans les villes indiennes de Gwalior et Orchha. Le projet est né d'une ...

Le projet vise à aider le Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) à développer une stratégie pour le tourisme durable dans ce bien du patrimoine mondial, en donnant un rôle effectif aux communautés locales des ...

Zimbabwe has benefited from several initiatives in the field of Rock Art conservation. These initiatives mainly consisted of participation in training programmes with sub-regional scope that took place about a ...

The issue of the protection and management of properties of religious interest is increasingly prominent in contemporary conservation debates. In today’s interconnected world grappling with serious socio-economic ...

This project aims to fund the elaboration of a Risk Management Plan for the property Quebrada de Humahuaca by providing technical support to the State Party of Argentina and to provide specific training to the local ...

The Reactive Monitoring process established under the World Heritage Convention is one of the most comprehensive systems of monitoring ever developed under an international legal instrument in conservation. However, ...

UNESCO seeks to encourage the identification, protection, preservation and conservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. This is embodied in the ...

Dans le cadre d'une mise en œuvre efficace et active de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, la création d’un réseau international de gestionnaires de site du patrimoine mondial a pour objectif de renforcer la ...

Le but de ce projet est de financer des ateliers de formation au profit des gestionnaires du patrimoine mondial en Egypte en vue de leur permettre de maîtriser les techniques de réalisation des études d’impacts de ...

This project aims to strengthen the management capacity between the authorities responsible for cultural heritage management in Bolivia, and ensure the active participation of departmental, regional and local ...

Based on a strong appeal from national and local stakeholders, the 2030 Agenda adopted by the UN General Assembly integrated, for the first time, the role of culture, through cultural heritage and creativity, as an ...

UNESCO advocates the reaffirmation of identity, mutual respect, dialogue, and unity in diversity, solidarity and a positive interaction among the cultures of the world. This is valid for all areas, including for ...

Tentative Lists are inventories of sites forming part of the cultural and natural heritage of a State Party, which have a strong potential to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. These national inventories are ...

Article 4 of the World Heritage Convention refers to the conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and indicates that “Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring ...

Programme marin : Faits saillants de l'état de conservation © Le statut de patrimoine mondial signifie qu'un lieu est unique et irremplaçable. Mais cette reconnaissance s'accompagne de ...
