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Nordic Conference on WHE

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Gammelstad, Luleaa, Sweden
27-30 May 2000.

Students, teachers and World Heritage site managers met at a Nordic Conference on World Heritage Education in Gammelstad organized by the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO in collaboration with the local museum.

The objective of the meeting was to strengthen networking and exchange of knowledge between students, teachers and museum personnel involved in World Heritage preservation and promotion activities in the Nordic countries. All participating schools were located close to World Heritage sites and worked actively with the site managers, museum personnel and local institutions to present the site and its history. This kind of "community model" for heritage education seems to have given vital support to the many creative inputs, from students web-sites on World Heritage in Tanum (Sweden) to theatre plays about the Rock Drawings of Alta (Norway) and has even lead to the integration of World Heritage education into the curricula in one regional department in Sweden.

Date de début : samedi 27 mai 2000
Date de fin : mardi 30 mai 2000