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7302 Décisions
124 Résolutions
Année (fin) : 2019close
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] Decision 7 EXT.COM/BUR 2.1  The Bureau of the World Heritage Committee,  Having examined the preparatory assistance request made by South Africa regarding the preparation of a nomination file for Richtersveld mixed heritage, as presented in Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/BUR.2; Decides to approve this preparatory assistance request for mixed heritage for US$ 20,000 under the 2004 budget.
[Uniquement en anglais] Decision: 7 EXT.COM/BUR 2.2 The World Heritage Bureau, Having examined the preparatory assistance request made by Sudan regarding the preparation of a nomination file for the property 'Island of Meroe, as presented in Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/BUR.2; Decides to approve this preparatory assistance request for cultural heritage for US$ 20,000 under the 2004 budget.
[Uniquement en anglais] Recommendation: 7 EXT.COM/BUR 2.3 The World Heritage Bureau, Having examined the technical cooperation assistance request made by India regarding an improved geographic information system (GIS) for Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), as presented in Documents WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 and WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 Add, Noting that in accordance with Decision 28 COM 10A, four requests for technical cooperation will be submitted to the Chairperson / Committee in 2005 for a total amount US$ 104,915; Considering that only an amount of US$ 160,000 is available for cultural ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Decision 7 EXT.COM/BUR 2.4 The Bureau of the World Heritage Committee, Having examined the technical cooperation assistance request made jointly by Mongolia and the Russian Federation regarding the elaboration of a Joint Mongolian-Russian Federation Site Management Plan for the Uvs Nuur Basin, as presented in Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/BUR.2, Decides to approve this technical cooperation assistance request for natural heritage for US$ 26,000 under the 2004 budget.
Le Comité du patrimoine mondial, 1.         Ayant examiné le document WHC-10/9 EXT.COM/4,  2.         Décide d'approuver la demande suivante :            Jordanie : Étude urgente de la stabilité de la roche dans le Siq de Petra, pour            un montant de 67 579 dollars EU, dans la catégorie "conservation & gestion".  
Sites : Petra
[Uniquement en anglais] The World Heritage Committee,   Having examined document WHC-10/9 EXT.COM/4, Decides to postpone the examination of the following request until a revised version is submitted:         Madagascar : Humid Forests of Atsinanana