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88 Events
Year: 2013 close
16-19 December 2013
The Institut National du Patrimoine (INP), Republic of Tunisia, the World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb (Rabat) will hold a reflection meeting on the project of nomination of Sfax for potential inscription on the World Heritage List, thanks to the generous support of the Netherlands Funds-in-Trust for World Heritage. This meeting will bring together the national and ...
13 December 2013
On 13 December 2013, the "Reflection meeting on the implementation of the Recommendation  on the Historic Urban Landscape two years after its adoption (HUL+2)" took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Two years after the adoption of the Recommendation and two years before the submission of a report to the UNESCO General Conference (October 2015), the World Heritage Centre decided to hold a ...
12 December 2013
The Val de Loire World Heritage cultural landscape (France) is organizing a one-day workshop on Economy, Heritage and Landscape, to be held 12th  December 2013 in Tours.  The workshop will focus mainly on policies and politics, and assessing the economic, environmental and cultural current and future returns on investments in the economic, landscape and heritage ...
12 December 2013 - 13 January 2014
Within the framework of the 2012-2017 Action Plan for World Heritage in Africa and its Regional Capacity Building Programme, three unique internship opportunities are being offered from 1 March 2014 to 31 May 2014 in the following three international heritage organizations: The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), located in Midrand (South Africa) www.awhf.net/ The Centre for Heritage ...
10-11 December 2013
The 12th Expert Working Group Meeting on the Safeguarding of the Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan will take place from 10 to 11 December in Orvieto, Italy. Uniting national experts and representatives from Afghanistan, representatives of the donors governments of Italy and Japan, and international experts from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and ...
9-11 December 2013
The regional meeting on the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in the Arab States will be take place in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, from 9 to 11 December 2013. This meeting, organized by the World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb (RABAT), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Morocco will be held in the framework of the ...
8-13 December 2013
The World Heritage Media/Communication Training Workshop: Passing the Culture Message is for young people from European youth organizations, schools and institutions who have already participated in World Heritage Education Programme activities such as the World Heritage Volunteers and World Heritage Youth Forums. It will be held from 8 to 13 December 2013 in Weimar, Germany. The main aim is ...
4-6 December 2013
As part of the MOU signed in 2012, ICCROM in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of Korea is launching a new programme to discuss different themes related to conservation and management of heritage focusing on Asia. The first activity will be a Forum on Asian Buddhist Heritage: Conserving the Sacred to be held in Seoul, Korea form 4-6 December 2013. Buddhist ...
4-5 December 2013
The Sub-Regional Closing Meeting of the UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust project to provide “Support for Documentation Standards and Procedures of the Silk Roads World Heritage Serial Transnational Nomination in Central Asia” will bring together national experts and representatives of 5 Central Asian nations and China, international experts, and UNESCO staff in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, ...
28 November 2013
On Thursday 28 November 2013, Cairo University and the Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS) are organizing a “Conference on the Future of African World Heritage” in collaboration with the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) and support from the UNESCO Participation Programme. The one-day conference, which will take place at the Institute of African Research and ...
27-30 November 2013
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre and UNESCO Office in Apia, in cooperation with the Department of National Heritage, Culture and Arts of the Republic of Fiji, are organizing a Pacific World Heritage Workshop from 27 to 30 November 2013. This activity has been financed by the UNESCO/Australian Funds-in-Trust alongside the World Heritage Centre and the World Heritage Fund. The Workshop will ...
25-29 November 2013
“Revisiting Kathmandu” is an international symposium on the conservation of living urban heritage. It takes place in the context of a rapidly changing understanding of heritage as a concept that does not only include monuments any more, but complex urban spaces, where people live, work, worship and celebrate. As values and aspirations of society change, urban settlements must ...
25 November 2013 - 6 December 2013
UNESCO, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), ICCROM, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa (CHDA) and the Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF), has developed an Implementation programme to start addressing the priority areas identified in the periodic report. The programme consists of a number of activities, ...
24-26 November 2013
The second regional meeting of the Arab States’ Focal Points for World Heritage (cultural and natural), will be held in Manama, Bahrain from 24 to 26 November 2013. This meeting, organized by the World Heritage Centre in collaboration with the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH), will be held in the framework of the follow-up to Periodic Reporting in the Arab States and will ...
22 November 2013
On the occasion of the 19th Assembly of the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention , the Europe and North America unit of the World Heritage Centre organised on the 22 November 2013 a Mid-Cycle Review meeting to present the current status of the Second Cycle in Europe and North America. The results of the preliminary analysis of the Periodic Reporting exercise for the European ...
19-21 November 2013
The General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage will hold its 19th session on 19 to 21 November 2013 at UNESCO Headquarters. The General Assembly will be called upon to replace the outgoing members of the World Heritage Committee. The seats of the following States Parties will become available to be filled by the ...
14-15 November 2013
To what extent does the World Heritage status transform places? This international conference in Oslo 14-15 November 2013 aims to bring the research and management communities together for two fruitful days of dissemination and discussion. Since the 1990s World Heritage has been portrayed as a marker of transformation, from economic growth, increased tourism, regeneration to more intangible ...
11 November 2013
The Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) aims to advance biodiversity conservation globally by building the leadership capabilities of early-career conservation professionals working in places with limited capacity to address high-priority conservation issues. This partnership initiative, including BirdLife International, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, and ...
29-31 October 2013
In the framework of the implementation of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting in Europe and North America, the World Heritage National Focal Points for Periodic Reporting from the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe countries met in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 29 to 31 October 2013. The workshop included a practical training session on the use of the Periodic Reporting ...
22 October 2013
4th seminar of the UNESCO Chair "Culture, Tourism and Development” and the UNITWIN-UNESCO network "Culture, Tourism and Development”. Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / IREST - EIREST / Association des biens français du patrimoine mondial / ICOMOS France / World Heritage Centre / Convention France-UNESCO  This 4th seminar seeks to analyze the various modalities of reconciling interests ...
22-25 October 2013
From 22 to 25 October 2013, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) with the cooperation of the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) and the United Mexican States, and the National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA) will hold an international meeting entitled: UNESCO Conventions – An articulated vision ...
18-20 October 2013
UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre is organizing the 2nd Global World Heritage Marine Site Managers Conference that will take place in Ajaccio, France, from 18 to 20 October 2013 (by invitation only). This meeting aims at bringing together for the second time all managers from the 46 marine sites inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in view of sharing best management practices and success ...
15 October 2013 - 15 December 2013
A 7000€ grant for an art project will be awarded to a young person from the Mediterranean. To encourage greater appreciation of the cultures and art and crafts of the Mediterranean region among young people, the Marc de Montalembert Foundation provides grants for the implementation of projects related to cultures or art and crafts. Projects must be the expression of a ...
10 October 2013
Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Uncontrolled Development in a Globalised World. In the framework of a globalised world enhanced by the advent of new technologies and their common and simplified use in everyday life, many think of a future world as characterized by a homogeneity in its structure, organization and functioning. Nevertheless, others imagined a world dramatically ...
8 October 2013
War, neglect, ignorance, financial interests, lack of resources – these are many conditions that can jeopardize heritage. Organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Direction Generale des Patrimoines, the European and International Affairs Department (DAEI), the National Heritage Institute (INP), and the World Francophone Digital University, the 3rd edition ...
8-12 October 2013
In the framework of the UNESCO Capacity Building Project for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which aims to reinforce capacities for the conservation of World Heritage and the sustainable development of local communities, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the National Commission of Sao Tome and Principe have organized a national strategic workshop that is taking place from 8 to 12 ...
7-8 October 2013
Acclaimed as the ‘greatest route in the history of mankind’, the ancient Silk Road formed the first bridge between the East and the West and was an important vehicle for trade between the ancient empires of China, Central and Western Asia, the Indian sub-continent, and Rome. The Silk Road was more than just trade routes; it symbolized the multiple benefits arising from cultural ...
3-7 October 2013
Programme of the conference The major objective of this 2-day conference is to promote an understanding of the significance of the twentieth-century heritage, not only with its physical and visual attributes, but also with its historical, cultural and social dimensions. The conference also aims to examine the scope and the challenges of managing this recent heritage within the framework of ...
1 October 2013 - 31 January 2014
[in French only] Partenaire actif de l’UNESCO pour la valorisation des paysages et du patrimoine, la France a développé des outils originaux pour la promotion des paysages. Il y a 20 ans, la loi du 8 janvier 1993 dite « loi Paysage » qui vise à protéger et à mettre en valeur les paysages, qu’ils soient remarquables ou quotidiens, ...
1 October 2013
A round-table discussion dedicated to the astronomical heritage was organized by the Permanent Delegation of Chile to UNESCO, in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, at a Seminar held at UNESCO on 1 October 2013.  The main topics discussed within the framework of the Astronomy and World Heritage Thematic Initiative: Protection of astronomical sites within the framework of the ...
30 September 2013 - 4 October 2013
[in French only] L'exposition Lituanie dans un colis est une « chambre des merveilles » présente le patrimoine de Lituanie inscrit sur les Listes et le Registre des patrimoines de l’UNESCO. Dix boîtes cachent chacune différentes facettes d’une merveille de ce patrimoine : le centre historique de Vilnius (premier site de Lituanie ...
26-27 September 2013
The local world is increasingly viewing the landscape as an engine for its development and a way to boost the level of citizens’ self-esteem, identity and quality of life. The importance of the local world in managing the landscape is precisely one of the pillars of the Landscape’s new roadmap, “Catpaisatge2020: Country, Landscape, Future”. Today, we are facing a ...
26 September 2013 - 3 December 2013
This course is a full-time, one-year Masters, aimed at graduates of leadership potential with at least three to five years of experience relevant to biodiversity conservation. The unique feature of the course is its delivery by a collaboration between six University of Cambridge departments and nine leading conservation organisations based around Cambridge, and its focus on issues of ...
25-28 September 2013
The Conference focuses on the latest and often neglected chapter in the history of European conservation: the time after 1945 on both sides of the iron curtain. The conference papers will demonstrate the significance of this period for today’s heritage assets and for our understanding of history. The identity-giving role of monuments for specific groups of the population, religions and ...
23-28 September 2013
From 23 to 28 September 2013 ICOMOS Netherlands will be organising the conference ‘Protecting Deltas, Heritage Helps’ in Amsterdam. Examples from Venice, Amsterdam, Cambodia and many other places will show that heritage can be an inspiration for a sustainable future for delta cities and other areas facing water challenges. Highlights include • A keynote address from ...
23 September 2013 - 4 October 2013
This workshop, taught by leading experts in the field, is the fruit of a three-year programme between the International Heritage Conservancy (IHC), ICCROM, the Canadian Conservation Institute, the University of Kent and University College London- Qatar on how climate change affects cultural heritage. There is much talk about the change of climate and its drastic effects on our ...
18 September 2013 - 11 October 2013
UNESCO, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), ICCROM, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa (CHDA) and the Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF), has developed an Implementation programme to start addressing the priority areas identified in the periodic report. The programme consists of a number of activities, ...
17-18 September 2013
In the framework of the implementation of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting in Europe and North America, the National Focal Points for Periodic Reporting from the Mediterranean Europe sub-region met in Florence, Italy from 17 to 18 September 2013. The workshop included a practical training session on the use of the Periodic Reporting questionnaire, illustrating the online tools to ...
17-20 September 2013
Organized by the City of Seville as a contribution to the UNESCO Recommendation on historic urban landscapes, the purpose of the conference is to shed more light on concepts, instruments, tools and criteria of management of historic cities.The conference brings together diverse international specialists. Together they will address the important issue of the insertion of contemporary elements ...
17-19 September 2013
Organized by the City of Seville as a contribution to the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, the purpose of the conference is to shed more light on concepts, instruments, tools and criteria of management of historic cities. The conference brings together diverse international specialists. Together they will address the important issue of the insertion of contemporary ...
9-13 September 2013
The values and diversity of the Philippine people are revealed through this exhibit of five sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. Baroque churches, rice terrasses, the historic town of Vigan, the Puerto-Princesa National Park and Tubbataha Reefs symbolize the heritage, variety of landscapes and the biodiversity of this archipelago of more than 7,000 islands. Called Pamana ("heritage" in ...
7-21 September 2013
UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management: International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2013 Application deadline: 27 May 2013Applications should be E-mailed in Word or PDF Format to dmuchitc@st.ritsumei.ac.jp by May 20, 2013 (Japan Standard Time). Theme of 2013 International Training Course: Reducing ...
4-6 September 2013
A workshop on Geo Engineering for Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Role of Geo Engineering for Conservation of Word Heritage will be held in Paris on 4 and 6 September 2013. Geotechnical Engineering is one of the fundamental and important fields for conservation of Cultural Heritage. Additionally, conservation needs interdisciplinary approach from various fields such as geology, ...
3-5 September 2013
International World Heritage Expert Meeting on the mainstreaming of the methodological approach related to the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in the Operational Guidelines, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3-5 September 2013. Following Decision 36 COM 13.II of the World Heritage Committee (St Petersburg, 2012) and within the wider framework of the Revisions to the Operational ...
3-13 September 2013
The Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt Mines and the Historic Centre of Krakow are among the first twelve sites inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978. Poland currently has fourteen sites inscribed on the List, and has worked for decades at protecting not only these places, but other sites of outstanding universal value. This exhibition is dedicated to the contribution of ...
2-6 September 2013
Within the framework of the World Heritage Centre Thematic Programme, Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments (HEADS), the State Government of Puebla, the World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Office in Mexico have organized the International meeting of Experts "The First Peopling of the Americas and the World Heritage Convention" to be held at the Historic Centre of ...
29-30 August 2013
Within the framework of the World Heritage Committee’s Decision concerning the state of conservation of the World Heritage property Mount Athos (Decision 36COM7B.38, St. Petersburg, 2012) and the Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, in cooperation with the Mount Athos Holy Community and in coordination with the UNESCO World Heritage ...
28 August 2013 - 1 September 2013
This conference organized by the University of Olso, will be held in Oslo, Norway, 14-15 November 2013. Since the 1990s World Heritage has been portrayed as a marker of transformation, from economic growth, increased tourism, regeneration to more intangible aspects of local pride and global recognition. In the last five years research on the effects of World Heritage inscription has ...
15-30 July 2013
To promote quality research in the areas of Architecture, Planning and Design, the School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, publishes an international journal “SPANDREL”- Journal of SPA: New Dimensions in Research of Environments for Living. The Journal is intended as a medium of communication and discussion of contemporary issues in Architecture, Planning, Design and allied disciplines. ...
15-17 July 2013
UNESCO will present its actions for safeguarding Mali’s cultural heritage and endangered manuscripts in an exhibition booth at the Humanitarian Affairs Segment of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC-HAS) in Geneva, 15 to 17 July 2013. UNESCO will showcase activities carried out on the ground notably through an information kit, including the results of UNESCO’s ...
7 July 2013
This Master imparts the necessary competencies and skills in the conservation and promotion of World Heritage Sites as well as in the conceptualization of sustainable projects in the fields of natural and cultural heritage, creative industries, museums and tourism. The programme is divided into three learning cycles. The first cycle from October to December 2013 consists of distance learning ...
4 July 2013 - 25 August 2013
“Revisiting Kathmandu” is an international symposium on the conservation of living urban heritage. It takes place in the context of a rapidly changing understanding of heritage as a concept that does not only include monuments any more, but complex urban spaces, where people live, work, worship and celebrate. As values and aspirations of society change, urban settlements must ...
26-27 June 2013
On 26 and 27 June 2013, an international colloquium on African cultural policies will be held: cooperation, models and strategies at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (École des hautes études en sciences sociales -- EHESS) in Paris, France. This two-day event will be supported by the Labex C.A.P, the Department of European and ...
21 June 2013
On the occasion of the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, an information meeting  was held on the 2nd Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for Europe and North America. The meeting provided an opportunity to update the State Parties from Europe and North America on the progress of the implementation of the Second cycle of the Periodic Reporting, ...
20 June 2013
An informal meeting of Category 2 Centres related to World Heritage took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 20 June 2013, on the side of the 37th Session of the World Heritage Committee (17-27 June 2013). The meeting, chaired by Mr. Giovanni Boccardi (World Heritage Centre), had an informal character and was aimed to share information on recent developments with a view to strengthen ...
19 June 2013
In the framework  of the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, the World Heritage Centre in cooperation with the Advisory Body ICCROM held an informal information meeting to present the capacity-building strategy initiative for the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CESEE) region. The Steering Group on the sub-regional capacity-building ...
8-17 June 2013
The World Heritage Youth Forum has become an annual event held in conjunction with the session of World Heritage Committee. As part of the 37th session, an international youth forum is being organized by the State Party of Cambodia with the support of the ASEAN Foundation and the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia. Young representatives (aged 18 - 20 years) motivated to learn more about ...
27-29 May 2013
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb (Rabat) and the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Morocco, with the support of the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH), are organizing a meeting which will focus on the issue of preservation of the commonly called heritage of "architectural and urban modernities" in the Arab world. This meeting will bring ...
22-24 May 2013
The city of Lyon (France) and the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) will host a meeting on World Heritage cities and historic cities on 22-24 May 2013, for the 15th anniversary celebration of the inscription of the Historic Site of Lyons on the World Heritage List and the development of a management plan for this site. This meeting is organized by the city of Lyon (France) ...
22 May 2013
The session on “Heritage and resilience” will take place on the morning of 22 May as a ‘featured event’ at the next UN-ISDR Global Platform (Geneva, 19-23 May 2013). The Global Platform is the most important event gathering the world’s community in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and an important milestone in the consultations leading to the post-2015 development agenda. The ...
14-16 May 2013
The Seminar took place at two World Heritage properties, the Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent and at the Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad. Participants discussed ways to achieve a balance between requirements of religious communities and protection and management of the World Heritage properties of religious interest in order not only to maintain the ...
13-17 May 2013
The 2nd Caribbean Workshop on Disaster Risks Management will take place at “Old Havana and its fortifications” World Heritage site in Cuba from the 13th to the 17th of May 2013.     The workshop is organized by UNESCO Havana Office and the World Heritage Centre, in coordination with the National Council for Cultural Heritage of Cuba and the cooperation of ICOMOS ...
11-12 May 2013
World Migratory Bird Day was initiated in 2006 and is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting the need for the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. World Migratory Bird Day is jointly organized by the Secretariats of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory ...
6-18 May 2013
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa (CHDA) and the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe, is organising an Anglophone risk preparedness workshop for cultural heritage site managers, community members, and related professionals from all African countries, which will take place from 6 ...
2-4 May 2013
UNISCAPE and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette are jointly organizing the international conference "Landscape & Imagination. Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world", which will be held in Paris 2-4 May 2013. The aim of the conference is to discuss the contribution that education and training in landscape science can make ...
23-25 April 2013
A workshop on the application of the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, organized by the World Heritage Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Bahrain and funded by the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH), will bring together the stakeholders involved in the development of the city of Muharraq and a group of international experts on the themes which ...
1 April 2013 - 20 May 2013
UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management: International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2013 Theme of 2013 International Training Course: Reducing Disaster Risks through Mitigation The year's training programme will focus on policies and planning measures for mitigating risks to cultural heritage from multiple hazards such as ...
24-28 March 2013
The World Heritage Centre, the UNESCO Offices in Kingston and Havana in collaboration with the Antigua & Barbuda National Commission for UNESCO will organize the Caribbean Training Course in the Preparation of Nomination Dossiers, which will be held in St. Mary’s (Antigua & Barbuda) from 24 to 28 March 2013 within the framework of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust project "Capacity ...
21-23 March 2013
The Second Consultation Workshop on the Safeguarding of Nan Madol will be held in Ponhpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) by the Ponhpei State Government in cooperation with FSM National Government with UNESCO assistance. The workshop will provide an opportunity for national experts, traditional leaders and international experts to present progress in the Nan Madol safeguarding made ...
21-22 March 2013
How can one work together accessibility and protection of heritage while dealing with statutory and architectural requirements? How can one break down the barriers to accessibility in historic monuments and cultural sites in Europe? How can one accept that sites or monuments inscribed on the World Heritage List, that are supposed to be universal and bring cultures together, can be still ...
20 March 2013 - 2 April 2013
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa (CHDA) and the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe, is organising an Anglophone risk preparedness workshop for cultural heritage site managers, community members, and related professionals from all African countries, which will take place from 6 ...
19 March 2013
[in French only] Le 19 mars 2013, en marge de la 12ème Réunion du Partenariat pour les Forêts du Bassin du Congo (PFBC) à Douala, au Cameroun, l’UNESCO et ses partenaires organisent un événement pour promouvoir l’Initiative pour le Patrimoine Mondial Forestier du Bassin du Congo (CAWHFI) et le programme Conservation de ...
18-19 March 2013
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of the High Seas has risen on the international agenda over the past years. Despite considerable efforts by a multitude of international organizations, attempts toward conserving the most exceptional High Seas areas have not seen a major breakthrough. Perhaps part of the problem lies in ...
11-15 March 2013
Within the framework of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust project "Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of World Heritage Sites and Enhance Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)" the World Heritage Centre will organize a capacity-building workshop for Government officials and community representatives of Cook Islands, which will be held in ...
11-15 March 2013
Twenty experts from Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines will attend the 5-day training session  “Management of Caribbean cultural resources in a natural environment: Sites of Memory and participation of local communities” in Bridgetown, Barbados from 11 to 15 March 2013. It is organized by the UNESCO Offices in ...
10-13 March 2013
The World Heritage Marine Programme organised a working meeting from 10 to 13 March 2013 in Banc d’Arguin National Park (Mauritania). Mr. Aly Ould Mohamed Salem, the Director of Banc d’Arguin National Park welcomed amongst the participants Mr. Jens Enemark and Mr. Gerold Luerssen, representatives of the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands / Germany) to discuss a potential twinning ...
7-8 March 2013
In a world where cities are ever increasing in size and significance, how can urban archaeology, heritage and development be reconciled? This international conference on ‘The Conservation of Historic Urban Landscapes and Sustainable Development’ brings together heritage practitioners, urban planners, architects, cultural policy experts and archaeologists in order to explore this very ...
6-9 March 2013
At its 36th session (St Petersburg, 2012), the World Heritage Committee discussed a number of state of conservation reports where the question of ‘visual integrity’ and the ‘protection of important views’ came up. The authorities of India informed the World Heritage Committee that they would offer an international expert meeting to review this question. Therefore, the ...
5-19 March 2013
UN DESA, UNDP and UNESCO are leading the e-discussion on the theme of the ECOSOC session “Building the future we want with science, technology and innovation (STI) and culture”. The part concerning culture will take place between 5 and 19 March 2013, moderated jointly by the Millennium Development Goal Fund (MDG-Fund) and UNESCO as part of the 2013 Annual Ministerial Review ...
5-8 March 2013
The overall objective of the 3rd annual meeting of the C2 Institutes and Centres is to, through capacity building, collaboration and coordination of efforts, ensure contribution towards the objectives of UNESCO and the World Heritage Centre and regional relevance. The meeting will specifically build institutional capacity through focusing on Results Based Management as a practical tool for ...
4-7 March 2013
Within the framework of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust project "Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of World Heritage Sites and Enhance Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)" the World Heritage Centre will organize a capacity building workshop for Government officials and community representatives of Niue, which will be held in Alofi ...
25 February 2013 - 1 March 2013
Within the framework of the World Heritage Centre Thematic Programme, Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments (HEADS), the University of Tübingen and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre have organized the International meeting of Experts "Human Origin Sites in Eurasia and the World Heritage Convention" at the University of Tübingen, Germany from 25 February to ...
19 February 2013 - 30 June 2013
The National Museum of Cambodia, founded in 1920, possesses one of the world's greatest collections of Khmer artefacts. They include sculpture, ceramics and ethnographic objects from the prehistoric, pre-Angkorian, Angkorian and post-Angkorian periods. As an active member of the UNESCO/Japanese-Funds-in-Trust project “Revitalising World Heritage Site Museums in Cambodia, Laos and Viet ...
7 February 2013
British stage and screen star Clive Owen and French filmmaker and actor Jacques Perrin will lend their support to the safeguarding of marine World Heritage in an event in Paris on 7 February. The event will present a 10 year strategy to protect the Crown Jewels of the Ocean, supported by the Government of Flanders (Belgium), and the achievements of the innovative Tides of Time partnership ...
31 January 2013
On the occasion of the 37th session of  World Heritage Committee ( 17-27 June 2013), the World Heritage Centre, in cooperation with the Advisory Bodies, organized an Orientation session for Committee members. This session was held on Thursday, 31 January 2013, at the UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.