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8050 Décisions
146 Résolutions
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[Uniquement en anglais] At the invitation of the Chairman, the representative of the Director General presented the proposed expenditures for 1978-1979 (document CC-78/CONF.010/8) divided into five different Chapters. The first three chapters concerned what could be considered as purely operational activities - preparatory assistance, technical cooperation including training, and emergency assistance. The fourth chapter provided for programme support - IUCN and ICOMOS participation, and public information activities. The fifth and last chapter covered temporary assistance for the UNESCO ...
[Uniquement en anglais] In connection with the provisions made for training, the delegates of Canada and of the Federal Republic of Germany stressed the importance of the training of administrators and reference was made to the annual International Seminar for parks administrators organized by the School of Natural Resources in cooperation with the U.S. National Park Service at the University of Michigan. The representative of the Director General of UNESCO confirmed that fellowships for such a course could be granted, if requested by a State Party for one of its nationals.
[Uniquement en anglais] The delegate of Iraq stated the intention of the Regional Centre for Conservation of Cultural Property in the Arab States to submit for approval at the next session of the Committee a project for a course on the conservation of ancient buildings, to be organized in co-operation with the Committee.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee agreed with the proposal of the delegate of France that the provision for emergency assistance be increased from US $100,000 to US $150,000.
[Uniquement en anglais] The proposed expenditure for programme support , i.e. contracts with ICOMOS and IUCN and public information activities, as well as the funds allocated to temporary assistance for the UNESCO Secretariat, were supported by the delegates of Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Iran, Nigeria and the United States of America. The latter having suggested that a certain amount of flexibility be introduced for Chapters IV and V of the proposed expenditure, the Committee, at the proposal of the delegate of Canada, decided to provide for a contingency allocation ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Taking into account the total resources available in the World Heritage Fund which, as shown in document CC-78/CONF.010/INF.2, amounted to $555,695.25 as at 31 July 1978, the Committee adopted the following revised budget for the period September 1978/September 1979 :   Item of expenditure / Funds authorized   I. Preparatory Assistance Preparation of nominations to the World Heritage List and(or) preparation of requests and feasibility studies for technical cooperation projects (provision of experts, equipment or financial grants required for the work foreseen ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The delegate of the United States of America expressed his concern with the workload imposed on the Secretariat by the various activities carried out under the Convention. This concern was shared by all the other members of the Committee who at the same time stated their appreciation of the work already undertaken by the Secretariat. The Committee consequently requested the Chairman to write to the Director General informing him of the decision to grant temporary assistance from the World Heritage Fund for a one-year period and drawing his attention to the need for ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee authorized the Secretariat to amend the above-mentioned Operational Guidelines, adopted by the Committee at its first session, to bring them into line with the decisions taken at the second session.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee approved the draft text of its report to the General Conference of UNESCO at its 20th session, as set out in document CC-78/CONF.010/9, and authorized the Secretariat to complete this report with the decisions taken at its second session.
[Uniquement en anglais] In his statement, the observer of the World Food Programme indicated that his Organization gave food assistance to social and economic development projects. He went on to describe the project undertaken by the Egyptian Government in co-operation with UNESCO and the World Food Programme for the preservation of the Philae temples, to which the WFP had made a substantial contribution in the form of food assistance as part- payment of wages for about 1,700 workers engaged in the restoration of the monuments. The project, in addition to its evident cultural value, would ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The delegate of Egypt invited the Committee to hold its third session in Cairo in September 1979. This invitation was greatly appreciated by the Committee which accepted by acclamation the kind offer of the Egyptian Government.
[Uniquement en anglais] In closing the second session of the Committee, the Chairman thanked all those who had contributed to making the meeting possible and the deliberations successful.
Le Comité a élu M. Francesco Francioni (Italie), Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial, et M. Noël Fatal (Liban), Rapporteur. Le Bénin, l'Equateur, les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, le Japon et Maroc ont été élus Vice-Présidents.
 La deuxième Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel (1972) s'est réunie à Paris le 24 novembre 1978. Sur les 40 États parties à la Convention à la date du 24 novembre 1978 et disposant par conséquent du droit de vote, 34 étaient représentés : Algérie Italie Allemagne (Rép. Féd. d') Jordanie Argentine Maroc Australie Népal Bolivie Niger Brésil Nigeria Bulgarie Norvège - Canada Pakistan Chypre Panama Costa Rica Pologne Egypte République-Unie ...
7. L'Assemblée générale a ensuite adopté son règlement intérieur et a élu par acclamation M. Punisa A. Pavlovic comme Président, les représentants de l':Equateur et de la Norvège comme vice-présidents et M. Tidjani Namet (Niger) comme rapporteur.
8. L'Ordre du jour a été approuvé, à l'unanimité par l'Assemblée générale qui a consacré deux séances à l'élection de membres du Comité et à la détermination du montant de la contribution au Fonds du patrimoine mondial.
9. Vingt-et-un États parties étaient candidats pour l''élection au Comité du patrimoine mondial : Algérie, République fédérale d'Allemagne, Argentine, Brésil, Bulgarie, Canada, Costa Rica, Chypre, Ethiopie, France, Italie, Maroc, Népal, Pakistan, Panama, Pologne, -République-unie de Tanzanie, Sénégal, Soudan, Suisse et Zaïre.   10. Le Président a expliqué à l'Assemblée générale comment celle-ci devrait procéder à l'élection des membres du Comité. Etant donné l'accroissement du nombre des États ayant ratifié ou accepté la Convention, le nombre des membres du Comité serait porté de 15 à ...
17. L'Assemblée générale a ensuite examiné le point 7 de l'Ordre du jour et a décidé à l'unanimité que le montant de la contribution prévue à l'article 16, paragraphe 1, de la Convention serait fixé à 1% de la contribution des États parties au budget ordinaire de l'Organisation pour 1979-1980. En réponse à la question posée par un des délégués, le Sous-Directeur général adjoint (activités opérationnelles) du Secteur de la Culture et de la Communication a expliqué que les montants des contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial indiqués dans l'annexe du document CC-78/CONF.011/4 étaient ...
18. L’observateur du Guatemala a annoncé à l'Assemblée générale que son gouvernement avait décidé de ratifier la Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel et qu'il déposerait le jour même au Secrétariat deux demandes de proposition d'inscription relatives au Parc National de Tikal et à Antigua Guatemala.   19. Un délégué a souligné l'importance des travaux accomplis par le Comité et il a invité les délégations à prendre connaissance de deux documents fondamentaux pouvant servir de base à la suite qui sera donnée à l'action entreprise. Il s'agit du ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau decided to recommend that this site be entered on the two lists provided that the Committee agreed with a special procedure for the emergency inscription of properties on the World Heritage List. The Bureau decided that the technical cooperation request should be examined after the Committee had taken decisions on the above mentioned matters.