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Décision 2 COM XI.(f).65
[Uniquement en anglais] Statement by the observer of the World Food Programme (WFP)

[Uniquement en anglais]

In his statement, the observer of the World Food Programme indicated that his Organization gave food assistance to social and economic development projects. He went on to describe the project undertaken by the Egyptian Government in co-operation with UNESCO and the World Food Programme for the preservation of the Philae temples, to which the WFP had made a substantial contribution in the form of food assistance as part- payment of wages for about 1,700 workers engaged in the restoration of the monuments. The project, in addition to its evident cultural value, would also provide an opportunity to develop the tourist industry in the area and help diversity the economic development of the Aswan region. In concluding, the observer of the World Food Programme referred to the success of the operation which, in that Organization, was known as "bread and stones".
